My Weird Life

Vol 2 Chapter 444: The confrontation between heroes (2/2)

   Chapter 444 The confrontation between heroes (22)


   From the other side, he passed through the air silently, and the red thread that hanged Nagisako on the spot suddenly loosened,

   The terrifying corpse of the long ship fell to the ground, and the corpse that had been eroded by the strange rhyme began to decay rapidly.

   The rancid odor disperses in bursts,

   pierced the hearts of Nagafune and Bizen Ryogoku samurai.

   The spider woman entrenched in the sky above this forest also turned into blood and smoke and dissipated at this time.

  The warriors of the Inoue family who were hanged in the air and had not yet been eaten by the shikigami fell from the air one by one. Although it was difficult to get up from the ground for a while and a half, they finally recovered their lives.

   "There are ghost warriors in the Inoue family!"

   "Oi Samurai!"

   Nagfune and Bizen's samurai group roared in horror.

   There were also people who felt near-death because of being eroded by the strange rhyme, and fell to the ground violently vomiting.

   Hikaru, who was hanged on the spot by a red rope, made all the enemy samurai panic.


   Someone quietly left the battlefield.

As the first samurai fled, there were second, third, and more and more samurai escaping. The battlefield began to be filled with samurai groups from both countries, who were chasing the escaped samurai everywhere. The Inoue family samurai who slashed!

   Haruko made a handprint with her right hand,

  The thread that passed through the void, its true color was black, but turned red because it was stained with blood suddenly shrank,

   coiled around her wrist.

   The black rope drips blood,

   A bronze Buddha is worn on the rope.

  The back of the Buddha statue is engraved with a mysterious symbol.

  Bronze Buddha firmly locked the black rope into the buttonhole, so that the rhythm of this stern black rope was completely suppressed. When it was coiling around Haruko's wrist, it was difficult to emit even the slightest!

   This sly, has been controlled by Su Wu before,

   Like the ghost baby, it is suppressed by the ghost, and it is called 'curse killing the ghost'.

   At present, he uses his own "intent" to cooperate with the secret mantra of the Secret Treasure Domain, and the "Soul Collection Rice" of the Kitchen King Sect to completely suppress this sly trick.

   makes it turn into a string at ordinary times, which can be wrapped around a person's wrist,

   A part of itself is always contained by the soul-collecting rice in the bronze Buddha, and the secret mantra blessed on the bronze Buddha can protect the soul-collecting rice in it, so that it will not fail in the continuous impact of the strange rhythm.


   Whenever someone unraveled the corresponding secret mantra that Su Wu cast on the bronze Buddha,

  'Curse Killer' will suddenly 'revive', attacking and killing a target designated by this person.

   And once the person has restrained the secret mantra, the 'curse killing monster' will become an ordinary string again.

  This method can only trap the 'curse and kill monster' for a while,

   But it allows people to use its terrifying abilities within a month or two without accommodating this terrifying creature!

   Curse Killer turns into a string, and rewinds it around Haruko's wrist,

   Haruko breathed a sigh of relief.

   look inside the battlefield,

   Everywhere there are enemy samurai who surrendered to their own samurai.

   She felt contented inside.

   This is the first time that he has led his samurai to battle, so he should be doing okay, right?

   The two treasures that Abu-kun handed over to him were really helpful at a critical time. No wonder he was not worried about his crusade against Bizen—these two treasures were really powerful, and their presence was enough to turn the tide of the battle!

  The war ended without even using the 'Thunder Pool'!

  Haruko's palm pressed the handle of the only remaining knife on his waist, the 'Lei Chi', and his eyes suddenly stopped in a certain direction when he looked around.

   At this time, the sky is slightly bright,

   Even though the deep forest where her eyes were focused was rather dim, it was not as dark as before.

   I can already see the scene in the deep forest a little—

  A dark horse passed through the deep forest, and the girl in black charged straight into the battlefield.

   Some of the samurai who fled in all directions huddled together without thinking, blocking her way.

   She lightly pulled out the sword from the waist and slashed forward with one blow. The samurai who had no time to escape died on the spot, and more people screamed to get out of the way, allowing the black woman's horse to rush into the battlefield.

   Headed straight towards Haruko!

   "Beyond your own power!"

   "Kill that woman!"

   "Stop her!"

   The Inoue family warriors who were crowded around Haruko saw this, they screamed angrily, rushed forward on their horses, and surrounded the woman in black who drove the horse straight!

   The woman in black galloped all the way, getting closer and closer to Haruko.

   Haruko can already see her face.

   A very beautiful woman,

   Even if there is no expression on her face, it makes people reluctant to look away from her face.

   She saw the warriors gathered around,

   He didn't even raise his eyebrows, just held up the dagger in his hand.

   Haruko had an ominous premonition in her heart, and she stopped the warriors who were wandering around Ping Lingzi, gradually shrinking the encirclement: "All come back! How can you not declare war without knowing the intention of others?"

  The war just now has quickly established Haruko's prestige in the hearts of the samurai.

  The warriors immediately dispersed and retreated after hearing the words.

   Across a distance of more than ten feet, Haruko said to Ping Lingzi, who also slowed down slightly: "Who is your Excellency? What is your purpose?"

  Ping Lingko looked at Inoue Haruko, who was wearing a large scarlet armor, surrounded by the warriors, and then looked down at the Tianxie ghost hanging by the side of the saddle.

   She frowned slightly,

   There was a hint of anger on his face,

   looked up at Inoue Haruko, and said, "My name is Hirako, because I have an old relationship with Inoue Candle, I wonder what kind of heroic Inoue Patriarch he has been looking after?

   It is not mediocre to be able to make friends with someone as heroic as Toshiro Inoue,

   I came here to have a look! "

   This set of rhetoric, your lady seems to have typed it many times.

   said it fluently at the moment.

   "Ping Lingzi?!"

   "Daughter of the Ping family!"

   "Why is she here? Could it be that she is the main general behind the enemy samurai?"

  Beside Haruko, Takeda Nobuo and Yayoi whispered.

   She didn't care about the other party's name at all, let alone the status of the other party as a 'Ping's noble daughter'. The first thing she noticed was that the other party mentioned that she was old with 'Inoue Candleshao'.

  Candle Photo...Does Abu-kun have any friendship with this woman?

   Did you meet her on the way to Heianjing?

  What a rare beauty…

   "I never heard Abu-kun mention your name,

   Is Your Excellency Abu-kun's new friend on this trip? ” Haruko straightened her face, there seemed to be no ripples in her eyes, and spoke to Ping Lingzi aloud.

  Hirako heard what Haruko said,

  I don't know why, but my inner anger is even stronger.

   She picked up the scabbard and slapped the head of the evil spirit who was grinning at her, without taking her eyes away from Haruko Inoue, she continued to say expressionlessly: "Your guess is good.

   I and Inoue Toshizari have indeed had an intersection recently,

   worked with him to retreat and cure the 'Rashomon's trick'.

  Speaking of which, if the non-family has collected some information about him, I have never heard your name from his mouth.

   Your Excellency has the same surname as him. Could it be that the two of you are brother and sister? "

  You and he are brother and sister!

   Haruko retorted angrily in her heart.

   is not revealed on the surface.

   The samurai around her were all silent, and at this time they were carefully observing her and the Heike girl opposite her.

   Even Takeda Nobuno and Yayoi stopped talking.

   The eyes of the two retainers became subtle.

   "Abu-kun saved me when my family was in danger, and then took the surname 'Inoue' for himself.

   We are not related by blood.

   Your Excellency, don't get me wrong. Haruko shook his head, "Speaking of which, your family is an aristocratic family, with allies and retainers all over the world, and the information that can be collected about Abu-kun,

   Must be far more than me.

   Then, do you know where Abu Jun is now? "

  Every time Haruko called out "Abu-kun", Ping Lingzi accumulated an extra point of anger in her chest.

   Although the other party's tone is normal,

   She felt that the other party seemed to be deliberately talking about the name 'Abu Jun' in her ear!

   But this time, the other party's question also stopped her.

   Now no one knows where the Genji sword team is,

   Since we don't know where the dagger team is, the trace of Inoue Toshizhao is also unknown.

  Hirai Reiko suspected that he was approaching Kyoto at this time.

   However, this is just her guess, not real information.

   She shook her head and replied honestly to Haruko: "I don't know where he is now."

   "He just sent a paper crane message-

   told me that he had already been to Genji, Kyoto.

   Just don't know his current trend, if he can know, it would be great. Haruko raised her head slightly, and in the crane cage hanging on the side of the horse's saddle, a white paper crane was parked.

  Ping Lingzi saw the paper crane,

   She frowned deeply.

   The Genji and the Tuyumen family had a close relationship,

   And the Tsuchimikado family and the Inoue family have an unknown grudge.

   Inoue Tozuzhao goes to Genji, and is very likely to meet the Onmyoji of the Tuyumen family - maybe he will fall into the trap of the Tuyumen family, and he will be persuaded by the Tuyumen family to persuade Genji, in turn, strangling Inoue Tozuzhao!

   He actually arrived at Genji's main house at this time? !

   Gotta find a way...

  Many thoughts swirled in Ping Lingzi's heart.

   She took a deep breath, looked up at Haruko Inoue, who was wearing a large scarlet armor, and said, "The method that your Excellency used to kill Hikaru Nagafune before—must be the use of terrifying power, right?"


  When Abu-kun leaves home, leave this thing and let me use it for self-defense. ” Haruko replied fluently, and raised the black and red cord around her wrist.

   "Since that's the case, why don't you and I learn from each other?

   I am also a ghost warrior,

   Just haven't met a decent opponent yet.

  Although Your Excellency is not a hero like Inoue Candlelight in my imagination, but since you can control the harshness, you are not a mediocre person - you dare to fight against me? "Ping Lingzi looked at Inoue Haruko.

   Four eyes are facing each other,

  Inoue Haruko responded with a loud voice: "I also want to see what kind of clever means your Excellency, who can work with Abu-kun to fight against the Rashomon trick!"

  Ping Reiko jumped off the dark horse, facing Haruko Inoue who was on the horse, holding a sword and standing still.

   Haruko Inoue saw this, he also turned over and dismounted, took off his helmet, put on a large bright red armor, and walked slowly towards Ping Lingzi.

   She slowly drew out her waist and struck the knife,

  The blade is as bright as lightning.

   "This is a semi-polar upper sword cast by Abu Jun,

   Give to me.

   The name is Thunder Pond. "

   Haruko spoke softly.

  Ping Lingzi fit in and slashed over!

   (end of this chapter)

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