My Weird Life

Vol 3 Chapter 974: Void Dan (22)

  Chapter 974 Xu Dan (22)

   "Tales and talismans are used as the key, and the gods and gods and demons of the Lushan Shenpu Temple are the gods in the key..."

   "The place where the calamity power runs is where the meridian is located..."

   "Using the charm of the great way, the breath of dharma, and the charm of sympathy between heaven and man as the 'bait', the tribulation power is accumulated in the key orifices, and the meridians of the whole body are circulated to gather the 'bait' in the abdomen."

   "Using firewood as the furnace fire for refining pills, using the Eight Consciousness Heart King as the real water for washing and refining pills, water and fire are combined, and the truth is turned to the virtual, and the 'virtual pill' is first refined."

   "From now on, if the 'Three Cleansing Intestines' can be accommodated, then the Sanqing Intestines will be used as the 'Pill Stove', and the virtual pills will be introduced into the Pill Stove to refine the fakes into real ones."

  Su Wu has already comprehended the method of "Golden Elixir of Myriad Tribulations" and constructed the method of "combining the tribulation force outside the body with the body itself". Now, he will further refine each step and evolve various steps for refining the illusory elixir.

  Taoism has experienced thousands of years of development. As for the Quanzhen Sect in the Southern Song Dynasty, it has fully participated in the research and developed various effective golden elixir methods.

  Among them, the highest method, Zhongzu Chang Jing had mentioned it to Su Wu, and it was called 'Nine Turns Golden Pill'.

  Today, Su Wu didn’t have the chance to get in touch with the golden elixir method of the Quanzhen Sect in the Southern Song Dynasty. Fortunately, he had comprehended his own unique golden elixir method from "Xingming Guizhi", and he was able to officially start the practice of inner alchemy.

  Outside the window, it was dawn.

  The sun is rising.

  The first ray of sunlight in the morning came in from the window, and sprinkled on Su Wu who was sitting cross-legged by the bed, making his whole body golden.

  His eyes seemed to be open or closed, and his hands were naturally placed on his knees. Suddenly, bright red rays of light rose from behind, and a talisman with a strong charm, and even manifested the phantom of a **** in the void, swirled behind him!

   Li Heihu followed Yang Daquan to recite the "Nuo Shen Wen Zuo Ke" mantra in the middle of the night. Although he ate a golden elixir, he was a young man without practice, and he had already fallen into a deep sleep at this time.

  It’s Yang Daquan, and I don’t need sleep in my current state.

  He stood by the pillow, looking at the back of that handsome boy through Li Heihu's figure. Seeing the handsome young man sitting by the bed for a long time without any movement, when his concentration gradually lost consciousness, a series of scarlet talismans rushed out from behind the handsome young man, startling Yang Daquan!

  Yang Daquan looked at those talismans with strong "spiritual breath", and his eyes were shocked for a moment: "Dao Dao Dao Dao Dao, Dao Sect is so real!"

  The clay puppet made a fuss and screamed on the spot.

  Su Wu ignored the movement from the clay figurine behind him.

  His thoughts turned, and behind him, the Taoist talismans soaked in the charm of the Lushan Theogony in the Lushan Theogony, instantly formed a different form of "The Great Temple Swallows the Sun and the Moon".

   A series of talismans were deeply integrated into the flesh and blood of Su Wu's whole body, and condensed into key points in the flesh and blood of his whole body!

  Su Wu's body keeps coming out with different phases!

  The complexion around her body quickly turned pale, and human faces emerged from the skin!

  Yuanhuang's skin protects his skin membrane, so that his skin membrane tightly locks the flesh and blood around him, so that he will not be torn apart by the force emitted when the talismans are embedded in the flesh and blood around him!

  Yang Daquan saw that there were different faces floating around Su Wu. When he saw those faces for the first time, he could feel different feelings every time he saw them, but when he looked at them for the second time, he lost the impression of all the faces in his heart—he looked even more shocked, lowered his head, and thought a lot: "This, this is also the fairy clothes?

  The fairy clothes of the little master are not comparable to his fairy clothes at all!

   This kind of fairy clothes—why is it somewhat similar to my 'Yuanhuang fairy clothes'? "

  When Yang Daquan's thoughts were spinning, Su Wu had already ordered the 'Yuanhuang skin' to imprison the flesh and blood all over his body, so that the flesh and blood all over his body tightly 'hugged' the talismans embedded in his body!

   Those talismans, which were almost like temple gods, exuded the charm of the Dao, soaked his flesh and blood, and brought him severe pain!

  His complexion became paler, and the sweat on his forehead was frozen by the Yuanhuang skin covering his whole body!

  His eyes were slightly red, under the bed, **** shadows spread out, covering the floor of this room, one after another **** shadows 'attached' to his body, leading from his hands, feet, and back of his neck into the whole body—

   The pale Yuanhuang skin trembled!

  Pain is written on every face of Yuanhuang!

  Su Wu kept his face straight, endured the pain of Jieli opening up the meridians in his body, maintained a clear mind, and guided Jieli to coil around his body, connecting all the acupoints, forming large and small circles in his body.

   Gather the key points!

   Get through the meridians!

  Jieli guides the charm of the Dao, hooks Su Wu's remaining dharma nature, and the sympathetic charm of heaven and man resident in himself, all gathered in the abdomen.

   A raging fire was ignited on the Kitchen God tablets, and a stream of fire poured into the abdomen.

  In the brow chakra, the mind energy is also rolling down at the same time, the water and fire are in harmony, the dragon and the tiger are fighting each other, circling in Su Wu's abdomen, as if two hands are constantly turning, forming a nearly transparent 'ball'!

  After traveling through the big and small heavens, Jieli began to circulate in Suwu by itself.

  Su Wu let out a long breath and relaxed—

  At this moment, a **** arm suddenly 'grown' out from behind his shoulder!

  That arm gushed out a strong Lushan Avenue pattern rhyme, and following the flow of the Dao pattern rhyme, the arm grabbed Yang Daquan who was standing dumbfounded by the pillow behind Su Wu!

  Yang Daquan watched that arm grabbing him, and all the thoughts of resistance in his mind seemed to be pinched by that hand!

  Even Li Heihu, who was sleeping, felt uncontrollable when the arm passed over his head. He woke up from the dream on the spot, and pieces of iron feather coir raincoats were draped around him—


  The power of robbery connected instantly, forming a chain, wrapping around the blood-red arm, and dragging it back to Su Wu's shoulder!

   It disappeared behind Su Wu's shoulder!

   "What happened..." Li Heihu's eyes were blank, and the fairy clothes that appeared on his body disappeared one after another.

  Yang Daquan, who was guarding by his pillow, now had a crying voice, looked at Su Wu who turned his head with an apologetic expression, and said repeatedly: "Really! The little old man did nothing wrong, right?

  The little old man has followed you two, but there is no disagreement in the slightest!

  You can't just kill the little old man!

  That hand is only one blink away, and it is only one blink away from strangling me..."

  Su Wu looked even more ashamed.

  He had just formally practiced the 'Golden Elixir of Myriad Tribulations' method. After the practice was completed, his ability to control the 'Houtu Bloodline' was stronger, and he attracted more power from the Houtu Bloodline.

  But when he was mentally and mentally exhausted, he slightly relaxed his control over Houtu's bloodline—almost a catastrophic result, strangling Yang Daquan and Li Heihu to death.

   Li Heihu's fairy clothes may not be able to stop the power of Houtu's bloodline...

  Hei Hu was startled awake, and he didn't know what had happened. Hearing what Yang Daquan said, he turned his head to look at Su Wu again.

   Then I heard Su Wu say: "Something went wrong in my cultivation just now.

   There will be no more mistakes or omissions in the future.

   It's not that I want to kill you, don't worry...

  These charms are given to you as compensation.

  Huzi, this is your share..."

   While talking, Su Wu took out some talismans and gave them to Yang Daquan and Li Heihu. After thinking for a while, he took out two mahogany swords and distributed them to the two. After all, he almost made a big mistake just now, and some talismans were not enough to make up for his mistake.

  Yang Daquan caught those spells and the mahogany sword that looked extraordinary at first sight, and listened to Su Wu's words, and knew that Su Wu's attitude was sincere.

  After all, the little old man didn’t really suffer any injuries…”

  The old man obviously wanted to accept the gift from Su Wu, but he still exchanged some polite words with Su Wu.

  Su Wu forced his subordinates to chat with Li Heihu about what happened earlier.

  Li Heihu was only awakened for a moment. Even though he heard Su Wu explain the dangers of the past, he didn't feel the truth in his heart. Only the spell and the wooden sword in front of him made him feel the truth.

  The sky is bright today, and grandma got up and started to boil water in a pot.

  Su Wu and Li Heihu also put on their clothes and got up.

  Grandma was sitting behind the stove in the woodshed, and when she saw Su Wu and Li Heihu walking into the woodshed, her eyes fell on Su Wu, and she said with a smile in her eyes: "What are you doing so early?

   Go back to sleep for a while, and wait for grandma to cook the porridge before calling you. "

  After a few words with Su Wu, she turned to look at Li Heihu again: "Huzi, go and chop the pile of firewood outside the door, and move it into the house."

  Heihu scratched his head, agreed, and went out to work.

  Grandma beckoned to Su Wu, asked him to sit beside her, touched his head, and took out a sweet potato with blackened skin from the firewood stove with tongs: "You eat most of it, save some for the tiger."

  She looked at Su Wu with loving eyes. Su Wu lowered his head, but he didn't have the courage to look at his grandma. He just nodded in agreement and broke the sweet potato into two pieces.

  The roasted red sweet potato flesh exudes the sweet aroma of caramel. Su Wu sniffed the aroma, lowered his head and ate bite by bite. After eating the sweet potato skins in his stomach, he raised his head and said to his grandma, "Grandma, I will be filial to you."


  The smile on grandma's face bloomed like a flower.

  She hugged Su Wu in her arms, feeling as sweet as eating honey: "To have Zhuzi, grandma's death is worth it...Grandma knows that Zhuzi is a good boy...

  A good boy who is as filial as your mother! "

  Grandma wiped her tears.

  Su Wu was silent for a while, then spoke out slowly, and asked grandma: "Grandma, why did my mother disappear?

  I heard from others that she was killed by a group of stonemasons who were driving piles..."

  Hearing his question, grandma straightened his body, looked at his face, and said with a smile in tears: "Your mother suffered from a serious illness, and it hasn't been cured...she is gone...

  Who told you that she was killed by a mason who drove a pile?

   Is it a tiger? "

  (end of this chapter)

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