My Whole Family Are Villain

Chapter 29: Early love?

Without a day's points, Subei's ranking in the "Red Guest Contest" fell directly from fourth to 137. +++ Cartino Novel Network

Although she comforted herself and told herself that no matter how much she ranked, she could be promoted smoothly in the first round, but watching the "Jiangshan" that she finally laid down was like this, Subei was not very comfortable.

After dinner, Subei went back to his room directly (touching Mo) and started the game.

This time, Su Bei dared not take it lightly anymore, and almost every level took 100% of the energy to deal with it.

When he saw the [upper limit notice] again, Subei was relieved and the whole person relaxed.

48 points, perfect!

At the same time, Su Xiaobao also nestled in Su Bei's (bed chuang) and played another game.

Looking at the rainbow farts of Liu Kai in the game group, Su Xiaobao flashed a disgust in his eyes and sent a [white-eyed] expression pack without giving face.

Su Xiaobao looked up at Su Bei: "Are you playing games?"

"It's not a game, it's a game, a cybersecurity game." Subey explained.

After all, Su Bei looked at Su Xiaobao shiningly: "Su Xiaobao ~"

Su Xiaobao: "Why (gan)?"

Subei: "Will you write my homework for today?"

Su Xiaobao: "... Are you over?"

"Hand hurts," Su Bei said with a pitiful look.

It didn't count how long it took Subai to crack all the levels today, but she felt she should break the record.

"And I have to practice piano later," said Su Bei and pointed a finger towards Su Xiaobao again: "Just a day."

Su Xiaobao: "..."

In the mobile phone group, several messages from Liu Kai were sent again.

[Liu Kai: It ’s so cool today. Let ’s start another game? 】

[Chen Zi'an: ok, let them burst tonight! 】

[Su Xiaobao: Not coming. 】

[Du Yiming: Ha? You do n’t come at 8? 】

[Su Xiaobao: Homework. 】

[Liu Kai: Who did you deceive? Did n’t you finish your homework at school? He also took advantage of the physical education class to steal a few big questions.

[Su Xiaobao :. 】

Throwing away his mobile phone, Su Xiaobao pulled out his homework from Su Bei's schoolbag and began to write his homework.

In front of the computer, Su Bei looked at the messages sent by [Yang Shuai] and [vvvv].

[Foreign handsome]: God, where are you?

[Vvvv]: Dear, do you know if you have n’t done a day, the forum has exploded! Go and see.

Subei opened the forum.

Sure enough, because [q] 's points ranking suddenly fell to more than one hundred, the entire forum exploded.

[Angel fights baby]: lying trough! q Actually Waterloo!

[Counterweights]: You can donate to those in need if you do n’t have to use your eyes. Did n’t you see that the total points of q and the previous day did not change?

[Mr. Share]: It really has n’t changed. At the level of q god, no matter how Waterloo ca n’t be 0 points, did q **** not do the task the day before?

[Beta with Rocket]: It should be. I did not see q in the video review.

[Black Bamboo]: Q God did not do the task? I wiped it, would n’t it be an accident?

[Old Salted Fish]: Does God want to retire? !


The thousands of buildings in the back have basically been distorted into "What happened to God q?", "Why should q retire?", "Q accident!"

[Q]: I ’m fine, thank you for your concern. I went back to my hometown yesterday, and I have no chance to go online.

[Lying trough, the q **** deity appeared in the discussion board! ! ! 】

[Actually because there is something to do not do the task! Big brother is big brother! Emboldened. 】


The content of the topics in the discussion area began to be enriched because of the appearance of [q]. Some people gave [q] a rainbow fart, some asked her for tactics, and some people directly started the second round of the game "Begging to fly".

After a brief glance, Su Bei quit the forum.

Personally, Xu Yangyang sent her a private message.

[Foreign handsome]: q **** you are not going to retire it would be great!

[Foreign handsome]: Q god, did you have a very important thing to be busy yesterday?

[Q]: Yes, we go to our hometown to transfer the school registration.

At that end, looking at the message [q] sent to himself, Xu Yangyang widened his eyes: Such a short sentence, the amount of information seems a bit large ...

[Foreign handsome]: Hey, as long as q **** you continue to play ~ I am still waiting for you to fly me.

Xu Yangyang came here obscurely [team application].

[Q]: Rest assured, sure.

Xu Yangyang: Ah, q God promised to take him to fly! So happy! What kind of fairy luck is he?

[Q]: No more, I ’m going to practice piano, and I ’ll talk tomorrow.

Xu Yangyang: Q God still plays piano?

A lot of information is connected, and vaguely makes Xu Yangyang's mind come up with a comparison, but he is denied by himself before it is formed.


When Mr. Qin returned at night, it was almost 10 o'clock.

There was no light on the first floor, and Mr. Qin (gangan) did not stay here, and went directly to the second floor.

At this time a string of light and pleasant piano sounds came to Mr. Qin's ears.

It was the direction of the piano room that Fu Bo temporarily vacated for Subei.

Mr. Qin's steps upstairs paused a little, and there seemed to be a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Chen De had told him before that Su Bei was very talented in piano, but Qin Shao didn't care about it, but did not expect that this girl was really talented.

The song that Su Bei is playing at the moment is called "Moonlight", the technical difficulty is not too high, but it is only relative to the master, which is not easy for beginners.

Subei was able to pop the entire song without error. Although some places are still a bit rusty, it was enough surprises.

Counting today, it seems that Su Bei has only taken piano lessons for 10 days?

Mr. Qin calculated that there was a slight smile in the corner of his mouth (gougou), with a certain amount of pride in his expression that he did not even realize.

The next second, Mr. Qin raised his hand to look at the time, and suddenly frowned slightly.

——I do n’t feel (sleep Shui) at 10:30?

Putting down the files in his hand, Mr. Qin walked steadily towards the piano room.

In the piano room, the girl wore a white (colored) (sleeping Shui) skirt and sat in front of the piano. The slender and dexterous fingers bounced on the black and white piano keys, and the sound of a clean spring piano flowed out.

Looking at this scene, Mr. Qin's hand on the door handle paused slightly, and if he wanted Su Bei to go to sleep (Shui), he was temporarily stuck in his throat.

Su Bei did not notice Mr. Qin at the door.

"Moonlight" is a song that Subai chose to participate in the "opening performance". It is not too difficult, but the performance is very good.

The piano teacher came to take Su Bei with each section to familiarize himself with one of the lessons. However, after the teacher left, Su Bei would go through the whole song again.

When it hit a certain section, Subey suddenly stopped.

It seems something is wrong.

Subei frowned, and bounced again where he had played wrong.

Subei: It's still a bit strange.

In such a short paragraph, Subai tried several times over and over again, but it was not as good as she expected.

At this moment, Qin Shao's voice suddenly came: "No?"

Upon hearing the sound, Su Bei was shocked and turned his head to see Qin Shao's moment. Su Bei was instinctively startled.


After finishing it, does Mr. Qin have to let her go (Shui Shui) with a serious look like several times before?

Su Bei secretly said.

But he found that the expression on Qin Shao's face did not seem serious at the moment.

"Just at that stage, try to slow down the rhythm again." Qin Shao said.

Subei: "..." Are you sure?

Looking at the girl's smart eyes and their doubts, Qin suddenly chuckled.

The next second, Mr. Qin (gangan) walked over and sat down next to Subei.

Mr. Qin put his hands on the keys and played the same section that Su Bei just played, but it felt completely different from when Su Bei played.

correct! That's how it feels.

Su Bei opened his eyes and looked at Qin Shao beside him, his eyes flashing incredible.

It was not because Qin Shao played this part correctly, but she was surprised to find that Mr. Qin actually played the piano!

The novel only said that this villain is very powerful, even more powerful than the male lead Song Yancheng in the early stage, but he has never said that Mr. Qin has this talent.

Qin Shao: "What do you want is this effect?"

Subei nodded.

Qin Shao: "Try it."

"it is good."

Su Bei responded, lowered his eyes, thought about it a bit, and played that segment again according to the rhythm Qin Shao played just this time. The connection becomes smart and smooth.

Mr. Qin also joined in with another voice.

The lightness and calmness of the sound blend with each other, which adds a bit of serenity (color) to the original tune.


Forbe heard the voice downstairs before, and said in secret that it was Mr. who came back. Originally, he wanted to ask Mr. what he needed. As a result, he found him upstairs from the first floor, only to find that Qin went to the piano room.

When he walked to the door of Qinfang and looked inside, Fu Bo had to swallow the words he had greeted Mr. Qin.

In the room, the scene of the father and daughter sitting side by side and playing the piano together is too harmonious, so harmonious that people can't bear to bother.

Looking at the picture in front of him, Fu Bo smiled, turned quietly away, and left with a look of relief.

——Last night he was still on the sidelines reminding Mr. to try to understand more of the two children and cultivate feelings with them. Isn't this the case today?

In the piano room, the song ended.

Subei's expression was a bit stunned, and he was also unsurprisingly surprised.

The teacher Duan has not yet taught that Su Bei is playing according to her understanding. There are indeed some places in the middle that are not right. Unexpectedly, after playing Qin Shao again, those few questions were sorted out in this way.

Seemingly aware of the girl's eyes, Mr. Qin lowered his head slightly and saw Su Beizheng staring at himself at the moment, with a big smile on his face, and his eyes were full of surprises.

Seen by his daughter in this way, an indescribable sense of satisfaction suddenly hit my heart.

Mr. Qin smiled and raised his hand to pat lightly on Su Bei's head.

"Go (sleep Shui) to sleep."

"Good." Subei nodded cleverly.

When he walked to the room, Su Bei's head came out of the room and stopped Qin Shao: "Dad."

Qin Shao: "En?"

"good night!"


Thinking of the "cultivating feelings" mentioned by Fu Bo before, the next day, Mr. Qin was rarely available, and he sent Su Bei and Su Xiao Bao to the school.

In the car, Su Bei was holding his mobile phone and brushing the latest point data on the "Red Passenger Contest".

[Q] 's latest record came out, squeezing back from the 137th (strong qiang) to the top 100.

This is not the point, the point is that yesterday ’s [q] results refreshed all the records since the start of the game: a total of 12 safety levels, [q] only took 47 minutes to break through, and the time to separate each level is also for all participants. The shortest, but also got a full score.

[Q] This name has once again exploded the contest forum.

[My God, q God this is the rumor of breaking the game with strength! 】

[Your uncle is still your uncle, your **** is always your god. 】

[Sorry, "q" is now with me, it is an adjective. 】

[In the second round, I ’ll follow the gods! 】

[Vvvv: Go to the edge, q baby is my own, do n’t want to grab any of you. 】

Looking at the [vvvv] message in the forum that was sour, Su Bei suddenly felt itchy and wanted to hit someone.

More than this, Su Bei has never been in charge of the public open mailbox. There are more than a dozen new emails at once: there are some summer camps invited to Su Bei, some management plans to invite her to participate, and they are also asked for Resume of ...

If you don't know that the "Red Guest Contest" is a regular game, Su Bei would have thought that her information was sold as a small advertisement.

Subei opened the dialog with [vvvv].

[Q]: Early, are you there?

[Vvvv]: Alas, mom, this is the first time Darling has taken the initiative to find me. What do you think of me?

Subei: ...

Again, because of the strange way the other party spoke, there was a chill.

[Q]: I want to ask you a question.

After Su Bei just finished saying this, there was no more text. [Vvvv] He was almost waiting for him to scratch his head. A thousand times of suspicion [q] was disgusted by him.


The fact is that Su Bei just wanted to explain the problem to [vvvv], and the result was spotted by Mr. Qin in the front row.

Looking through the rearview mirror, looking at Su Bei who is holding his mobile phone in the back row and looking attentively, Mr. Qin frowned.

"Don't play mobile phones in the car." Mr. Qin reminded.

After hearing that, Su Bei also obediently put away the phone and sat in the back row.

Su Xiaobao on the side looked at Su Bei, who was a clever moment, pursed his lips, and secretly whispered in his heart: Qin Shao was right.


Coming to the classroom, without the supervision of Mr. Qin, Su Bei finally took the phone out of his pocket.

Looking at the "99" unread message prompt next to [vvvv] 's head, Su Bei's expression was black, and she tried very hard to control her urge to [delete a friend].

[Vvvv]: What the **** is going on? !


[Vvvv]: Brother, hero, dad, I beg you, do n’t play with me, you say it! Otherwise I'm going crazy!

[Q]: Sorry, just not convenient.

Subei sent the screenshot of the email he had received to [vvvv].

[Vvvv]: This ...

In just three words, there was disappointment between the lines.

[Vvvv]: This is not just those headhunters or those companies who look at your data well, I want to recruit and buy horses, I also received a lot.

[Vvvv]: Pictures

[Vvvv]: Wait, this is nothing new. Would n’t it be your first time to participate in this type of competition?

[Q]: For the first time.

[Vvvv]: lying trough! The q **** of the Megatron list is actually a cute new, ha ha ha.

[Vvvv]: Rest assured, v brother I will take you well.

[Q]: Speak human.

[Vvvv]: Let me tell you something like this. The competition is not the final prize, but the popularity, opportunities and resources brought by the competition. In the same way, many companies will also stare at the performance of the contestants at this time. If you stand out during the game, then there will be many companies like you. Of course, everything was unstable in the early stage. Even if the companies are optimistic about you, they will stay on the sidelines first, and will not expressly ask you to enter their company ...

After knowing that Subei is a newcomer, [vvvv] rarely speaks normal human language once.

It's just that these don't seem to be of much use to Subei. What she wants is the last 300,000.


At the other end of the classroom, Xu Yangyang is also brushing the latest data from the "Red Guest Contest".

Looking at Xu Yangyang holding the phone silly, Liu Kai in the back could not help but give him a foot: "I said old Xu, you were confessed by the goddess this early?"

"Superficial", Xu Yangyang gave Liu Kai a white glance, and said: "I'm looking at the latest record of my q god, you don't know, how powerful my q **** is."

Xu Yangyang opened the conversation box, and Liu Kai and others heard it from the beginning to the end.

Du Yiming: "That [q] is still a matter for others, and you are happy at the end of a crane."

"You don't understand, the second round is a cooperative match, the q **** will take me to fly!"

Everyone did not believe it.

"Do you think too much, or the q **** can't think of it? Must you take you a third-rate player?"

Xu Yangyang: "Really, Q God said that it would take me that day, and it was really me who added it first, why don't you believe it?"

Everyone: I still don't believe it.

"Old Xu, let's calm down and think about it. The God of God is so good? Is that how you are? Why did people pick you out of 10,000 or 10,000 people? And have to take you to fly?"

Xu Yangyang: "..."

This is also his puzzled.


On the other side, the company.

At the moment, Mr. Qin is sitting at his desk, frowning.

Seeing this, Chen De couldn't help but ask, "Sir, is there anything tricky?"

After Chen De asked this question, he found that his face (color) seemed darker.

Chen De waited for a long time before he heard Mr. Qin ask: "Do children now have Internet addiction?"

After hearing this, Chen De was taken aback, thinking about it, and said: "Internet addiction should not be too much, but nowadays children are indeed more prone to addiction to the Internet."

"What are you playing with?" Mr. Qin asked again.

Chen De: "Games, Weibo, small videos, and some kids like to chase stars."

After finishing talking, seeing Mr. Qin frowning slightly, Chen De felt a little thought in his heart, as if thinking of something.

"Sir is talking about Xiaobao and Beckham?"

Mr. Qin did not speak, but the expression on his face had proved Chen De guessed right.

"Sir, Xiaobao and Xiaobei are actually very sensible, and their grades are very good. The children occasionally go online and some entertainment is normal ..."

Chen De was comforting Mr. Qin, but after listening to the other party, he asked, "Apart from the above, what else?"

It is said that Chen De-mian (dew) is difficult (color): "This ... seems to be those, and of course there are others."

"Like online dating?"

"Online dating ?!" Chen De was startled.

Online dating is a big deal! How old is Xiaobei Xiaobao.


In the office, before Mr. Qin and Chen De discussed a result, they were interrupted by the assistant's knock on the door.

"Mr. Qin, the Lin Family Young Director is here."

Lin Shaochi came over today without drawing sponsorship or talking about the project with Mr. Qin. Instead, he sent an invitation letter--the 80th birthday of the old Lin family.

Lin's grandfather used to be a personal thing, even now, he still has a reputation in the circle.

If it wasn't because of a serious illness at the beginning, the only son and daughter-in-law had an accident again, Lin family, I am afraid that it would not be necessary for the Qin's now. ,, g9g1d, website and fastest update no anti-theft no anti-theft. error report. seek books to find books. chat with book friends

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