My Whole Family Are Villain

Chapter 32: Like what!

Although Mr. Qin's phone number was lying in their address book when Fu Bo gave them his mobile phone, Su Bei never called or texted the other party. +++ Mobile phone reading visit

So, when he saw the message from [Mr. Qin], Su Bei almost didn't react for a moment.

So, Mr. Qin has not left yet?

There was a smile in Su Bei's eyes, and Qin Shao's phone was dialed according to the message.

Subei: "Dad?"

Qin Shao: "The show is over?"

Subei: "Well."

Qin Shao: "I'm in the car, and the car is still parked in the parking lot at the school gate."

After hearing this, Su Bei froze for a moment, and probably understood what Mr. Qin meant.

"Then dad, wait a little bit, and I and the little BMW went over."


At the entrance of the school, Mr. Qin's eyes turned to the window, and he saw Su Bei trotting towards this side, and at the same time, behind him was Su Xiaobao, who was carrying her things.

Mr. Qin was originally full of coldness and deep face, and suddenly softened a little.

Even with the driver in the front row who felt that Mr. seemed unhappy, he also sighed with relief.

"Dad?" Su Bei walked to the window and saw Qin Shao roll off the window.

Mr. Qin briefly said two words: "Get in the car and go home."

Su Bei froze.

Already accustomed to the characters in the novel about Qin Shao's cold and stern villain, Su Bei did not find it strange that Mr. Qin was stiff at the moment.

If I go home now ...

Su Beimian (lu) is embarrassed.

"Daddy, go back first, there will be some activities in the school later." Subai explained.

The school celebration of Weiming Middle School will last for one day. After the performance, there will be classes and social activities.

Wen Yan, Mr. Qin frowned slightly, Shen Shen asked, "Now?"

Subei nodded: "Well, it will start soon."

Qin Shao: "What time is it?"

"8 o'clock", and Su Bei added another sentence: "It's in the school, and if it's okay, we'll go back earlier."

"Get in the car first and change the clothes for me!" Mr. Qin said suddenly with a black face, and also brought a bit of sternness in his tone that rarely blew out in front of Su Bei.

At the moment, Su Bei was still wearing the costumes of the last dance of their class. It was too late to wear Su Xiaobao's school uniform, but xia was wearing a pair of denim shorts and (showing) two big white legs.

Qin Shao will not be blamed.

——A girl, dressed like this, what do you think! Still planning to go to school like this and continue to mix until night?

Moreover, because Su Xiaobao's school uniform is much longer than Subei's, wearing it like this, if you don't look carefully, it looks like it's not worn underneath.

Although Su Bei was shocked by Mr. Qin's sudden sternness, he heard the other party's words and jumped into the car obediently, rolled down the partition, and changed his costume.

Outside the car, the father and son stood side by side.

Su Xiaobao suddenly frowned, whispering: "The girls are all wearing this way now, are you too old fashioned?"

After hearing this, Qin Shao glanced at Su Xiaobao and pressed (Xing Xing) to ask: "Do you think Xiaobei wears like this?"

Su Xiaobao: "..."

not good.

But Qin Shao was so fierce just now, Su Bei, he was very upset.

Su Bei, who changed clothes, got out of the car and moved to Mr. Qin's side again.


Qin Shao lowered his head to look at Su Bei. At the moment, Su Bei has changed into the school uniform [successfully reduced the phenomenon of 80 premature love on campus]. Upon seeing this, the tight expression on Mr. Qin's face finally relaxed.

Qin Shao: "Want to participate?"

"Uh huh." Su Bei's head nodded like a chick pecked rice.

When they were in Hongxing County No. 3 Middle School, there were not so many activities in the school. Even if they organized any activities among the students, they would not call her and Su Xiaobao.

Looking at Su Bei's twinkling eyes filled with "expectations", Mr. Qin felt a headache.

In the end, Mr. Qin was relieved and only (qiang qiang) tuned in: "Go home after the event is over. Call me if you have anything."

As for the Xie family's little rabbit, when he investigates clearly, he will go back and talk about it.

"Okay", Subei had a smile on his face: "Thank you Dad, goodbye ~"

After all, Su Xiaobao, who pulled up with a smile on his side and ran back to school, did not notice that this scene happened to be photographed into the mobile phone by a classmate who was not far away from leaving early.

Looking at the figures of the two children who had disappeared at the school gate, Mr. Qin sighed infrequently, and then he got on the bus, instructing the driver to go to the company, while leaving two cars to continue waiting at the school gate.

In the car, Qin Shao turned over the phone album.

There are more than 20 photos that he took when he was in the synagogue: there were Su Bei who went to the stage to salute, some were in the process of playing the piano, and some were at the curtain call.

Qin Shao picked a few photos from them and sent them clearly to his circle of friends.

As for the other two photos of Su Bei's class in modern dance, Mr. Qin looked at him, his eyes dimmed, put away his mobile phone, and permanently "snow" the two photos in his mobile phone album.


Back to school, Su Bei remembered one thing.

Su Xiaobao: "What's wrong with you?"

Subei: "I forgot something."

She just forgot to ask Mr. Qin if she saw her performance-I don't know why, for this, Su Bei really cares about it.

At this moment, Su Bei's mobile phone suddenly shook twice.

It ’s from Mr. Qin: The performance is good.

Su Xiaobao, who didn't know the truth, said: "Forgot what?"

"It's nothing." Subei shook his head and smiled secretly, holding his mobile phone. The light tea (colored) eyes overflowed with joy and joy.

Conveniently, Su Bei also replaced the words [Mr. Qin] that Fu Bo had helped her with [Dad].

At this time, Mr. Qin sent another message: Don't play too late.


When Su Bei and Su Xiaobao returned to the class, the draw of their class had been drawn, and then Su Bei heard a "bad news" from Dong Wenqi at the same table-their classmates were class 2.

Beside him, looking at Su Bei's calm face and some small expectations, Dong Wenqi was speechless: "Are you not worried or nervous at all?"

"What are you nervous about?" Su Bei surprised.

"Class 2! Wait!" Dong Wenqi's voice stopped and looked at Su Bei seriously: "You don't know Song Xinyi is the second class yet?"

Although I was able to see the school grass this time with the 2nd class, but thinking of Su Bei and Song Xinyi's "enmity and resentment", Dong Wenqi suddenly felt that Ye Xiaocao's face was not so sweet.

First, the school flowers voted, and then in the forum, the two people were compared to each other. Today, the two people perform the same piano on the stage ...

Think about if you really let the two face to face ...

—No, she did n’t dare to think about that picture.

Subei: "..."

She did not know that Song Xinyi was in class 2.

The lottery of 40 or 50 classes in the whole school can make her and the baby girl in the novel's host, what kind of devil ape is this?

Doing a good job of psychological construction, Su Bei shook Dong Wenqi's arm and blinked: "I'm afraid, she can't peel me off in the face of so many people?"

"Don't you plan to mix it up with other people's fan base before? Take your courage back then."

Dong Wenqi: "Not the same."

And the gang of shrimp and soldiers will force her to be without counsel, but when she meets her deity, she is also really timid.

Su Bei comforted Dong Wenqi again: "I'm not afraid or afraid, let's talk about it, it's also me who tears it. You can hide away and protect yourself."


It is impossible to tear.

At least, regardless of winning or losing, Goddess Song is a gentle and lovely girl in everyone's eyes, and will not go into conflict with others.

The two classes got together.

Dong Wenqi pulled La Subei: "Subei, did you see that? That's Song Xinyi."

Needless to say, Dong Beiqi, Su Bei has recognized Song Xinyi through the photos of the previous school flower selection, and this state of being star-studded on the walk, it is difficult for others except Song Xinyi.

"The one next to Song Xinyi is the school grass, Ye Chen Ye Shao!" Dong Wenqi's voice was full of excitement.

Ye Chen? A little familiar. Isn't it just Fan Waili, Song Xinyi's fiance?

Su Bei looked at the man—another existence whose value was second only to her family Xiaobao.

"Why is Ye Chen the school grass, Xie Minxuan is not?" Su Bei is curious, the two people's face value is actually the same.

Dong Wenqi: "Well ..." Can she say that because Xie Shen's temper is so bad, (sexuality) is not as good as Ye Shao?


Even the school teachers knew the "struggle" between the two goddesses, not to mention the people in both classes. At this time, watching Song Xinyi appeared, everyone's expressions changed and became a little splendid.

At this time, Song Xinyi walked generously to Su Bei, with a friendly smile on her face.

"I heard before that a beautiful little girl was transferred from our school, and finally I saw myself. It's really beautiful."

"By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. I'm Song Xinyi from the second class. I participated in the school flower selection with you before. I'm glad to meet you, Su Bei."

Song Xinyi's words and expression on her face are full of kindness and kindness, as if she is really praising Subei's beauty, and she does not care about the voting result.

Song Xinyi's move immediately aroused the goodwill of the people around him, especially those of Song Xinyi's followers were even more confused.

Take a look. The reason why the goddess Song can become the goddess of the whole school, there are so many fans on the Internet, but not only because of the high value, Song Xinyi's atmosphere, kindness and hard work, this is why they like her!

In contrast, Subai, cut! One vase.

Only one person looked at Song Xinyi's direction and sneered and spit out a word: "false."

"Holiday?" Su Xiaobao glanced at Xie Minxuan and asked.

"It's not a holiday, it's just that this person is very annoying." Xie Minxuan said lazily, his eyes swept over Ye • licking dog • chen, and then he took it back.

Su Xiaobao raised his eyebrows, and the people next to Liu Kai had started to talk to him about the 20 things that Song Xinyi thought was smart about confessing to Xie Minxuan.

And here, watching Song Xinyi, Su Bei's eyes moved slightly.

This is the first time she has seen Song Xinyi herself. It really feels like the description in the novel, a pure, beautiful, gentle and kind "national girl".

Regardless of whether this description is true or not, because of the description in the novel, Su Bei can't have any affection for the girl in front of her.

Su Bei smiled politely and strangely towards Song Xinyi and said, "Hello."

Both the heroes and heroines in the novel or their daughters are dangerous for their villain.

Keeping this in mind, Su Bei does not want to have too many intersections with Song Xinyi.

It's just that, although it doesn't seem to intend to do so with Subei's well, it doesn't violate the river.


After starting the game, Song Xinyi was drawn to represent the second class to play first.

After looking around in the crowd, Song Xinyi finally clicked on Subei's name and looked at Subei at the same time. The tone was still friendly and said: "Subei, this game is very interesting, let's play together."

After hearing that, Su Bei also glanced at the game description.

This is a conjunction game. Each pre-prepared question board has a lot of vertical and horizontal spaces, and defines a type of answer, such as: poetry, historical character names, English words, chemical equations and so on. Participants need to fill in a space bar according to the number of frames of each bar and the content on the intersecting spaces, and then switch to the other group.

This kind of game is like some of the conjunctions that Subai had done in a magazine before, but it is more complicated.

Before Su Bei opened his mouth, Song Xinyi suddenly said, "Yeah, I haven't asked you, have you never played this before ..."

Subei: "..."

Song Xinyi: "In fact, it is very simple, as long as we use the knowledge we usually learn."

Hearing Song Xinyi's words, Dong Wenqi beside Su Bei shouted in his heart: simple fart!

This kind of game, like the God-like characters like Xie Shen, can still do it. For them, the learning scum is simply more than "testing a mathematics book in English, and requiring you to answer questions in the form of classical Chinese." Terrible!

Song Xinyi is certainly not afraid of her good performance, but what can Su Bei do? The other party made it clear that he wanted Subei to be ashamed!

Dong Wenqi secretly grabbed Su Bei's hand, anxious.

At this time, I saw that Song Xinyi had taken the initiative to go to the game table and said to Su Bei: "Our class and I will join Ye Chen first. You can also choose a person in your class to team up with you."

Upon hearing this, Subei nodded.

Su Bei first looked at Song Wenqi, who was already irresistible next to her eyes, silently withdrew her gaze, and decided to pull Su Subao, so she could do lazy questions.

Before Su Bei called, Su Xiaobao had consciously walked towards the game table.

However, before Su Xiaobao stood still, a man squeezed beside Su Bei.

Seeing Xie Minxuan squeezed over, Su Xiaobao looked cold.

"Only two people can come, because I am a girl, so Su Bei must also be there, and the other partner must choose one of them." Song Xinyi pointed to Su Xiaobao and Xie Minxuan and said to Su Bei .

The other hand under the table was already held tightly.

Why, Xubei said nothing, Xie Minxuan came out!

"Don't Xuan dislike this kind of game?" Song Xinyi said with a smile, seemingly at random.

She did n’t want Xie Minxuan to participate, not only because seeing these two people standing together would make her feel uncomfortable. More importantly, Xie Minxuan had a good grade, although he would n’t have participated in this game before, but these questions were for him. It should be easy.

"Which stupid do you hear that I don't like?" Xie Minxuan sneered and went back. He looked at Su Xiaobao and issued three consecutive questions: "Have you ever played this game? Do you know the rules?" Lost but humiliated our class. "

Su Xiaobao also glanced coldly at Xie Minxuan and sneered: "If I remember correctly in the last exam, I seem to be one point higher than you."

Ye Chen across the table also looked at Xie Minxuan, a playmate of his own childhood, but unfortunately, Xie Minxuan was busy with Su Xiaobao "tack-on-the-head" at this moment, and completely ignored the people who met.

Looking at the situation at this table, the people around couldn't help but whisper.

"My mother, the two goddesses, as well as the school grass, Xie Shen and Su Shao, what kind of fairy board is this?"

"What kind of game is more, the face of this table is enough for me to lick!"

"What did Su Shao say just now? What is one point higher than Xie Shen? After Su Shao transferred to school, it seems that he hasn't passed the test yet, or is he playing basketball? Wrong, last time he played, it seemed that Su Shao was 2 points higher Xie Shen That's right ... "

"Suo Shao don't come down, let Xie Shen, you can be a cheerleader beside you!"

"Xie Shen don't come back, let Su Shao's strength protector, you can also be a referee beside you!"


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