My Wife Has Been Blackened

Chapter 333 I Make You Regret

Captain Yan actually didn’t want to come to the mental hospital.

He has a shadow over this kind of place.

If it weren't for his little sister Jing Tian wandering in front of him, holding a small handkerchief and crying, and his old father looking at him coldly with a frown, he would probably die without wanting to come.

In the past, the superiors asked him to come to the mental hospital to recruit someone. He didn't have a name, and everyone in the hospital called him Yijie.

At that time, the girl didn't like to talk much. She always looked aloof and would not listen to anyone. She did whatever she wanted without any sense of right and wrong. Being difficult to control and possessing powerful abilities attracted the attention of the higher-ups. Several departments tried to persuade them, but they refused to enter.

In the end, this job fell on him. He didn't want to recall what he went through, but it was definitely something he would remember forever.

Speaking of which, that girl is so powerful that she would listen to a little girl.

What is it called Yan...Yan...

Just when Captain Yan felt that he had grasped some important information, he heard a patient passing by. He stopped and called out: "Yan." Zhou Yanci waved his hand and left.

Captain Yan...

At this moment, his brain felt like it had been hacked, and he looked at Zhou Yanci with wide eyes.

"Do you still remember the first time we met?" Captain Yan suddenly asked.

Zhou Yanci glanced at him: "The plane crashed, and everyone refused to testify against me. You coerced me into telling the truth, and you also wanted to trick me into entering the National Security Bureau..."

Captain Yan looked a little embarrassed.

"No! Did you enter a mental hospital when you were thirteen or fourteen? It was this old hospital in Qingshan, right? At that time, you looked short, yellow, and thin, with side-cut bangs. You didn't like to smile, and your eyes were very cold... ..." Captain Yan remembered it as he spoke.

After all, seven or eight years have passed, and he can hardly remember what it was like back then.

He was still young at that time, and he received an order from his superiors to persuade a girl with strong mind and ability to join the National Security Bureau. When he came out of the hospital parking garage, he met a little girl...

Standing at the foot of a wall, the sunlight from above shone down. In summer, the sunlight was very harsh, but she remained motionless.

At that time, I didn't know why I suddenly felt soft-hearted and wanted to pull her to the shade.

Unexpectedly, the child's eyes, which were closed and basking in the sun, suddenly opened, and the coldness of that moment almost froze him.

Those eyes are full of vicissitudes of life, and there is a coolness in the black and white eyes that the world cannot understand, which is penetrating and makes people feel pity.

"The sun is very hot, be careful to damage your brain." He spoke softly in a rare moment.

The little girl looked yellow and thin, and she was still wearing her own clothes. It could be seen that she had only been admitted to the hospital for a few days, and there was no hospital gown for her.

Because it was too thin, it didn’t fit and had to be re-made.

There was no fluctuation in the little girl's eyes, and she just said calmly: "How good can my brain be if I can come here?"

The broken jar made him feel heartbroken for a moment.

"The sun, the sun...the long-lost sun is more dangerous than invisible..." She murmured, her face was a bit sickly white, and she looked like she hadn't seen the sun all year round. Captain Yan mustered up the courage to gently pull He touched her, only to find that her whole body was cold, as if she had no warmth at all.

"Brother Yan, I brought you all the chicken wings in the hospital. Knowing you like it, I asked all the patients to donate them." A tall girl was holding a dinner plate piled with chicken wings. .

The girl's face was full of bright and dazzling smiles, and her eyebrows were curved, making her look like a young and beautiful girl.

He knelt down and fed the little girl named Yan Lao with a gentle look on his face.

He peeled off the chicken bones, fed the meat to her mouth, and even thoughtfully prepared soup. Take two bites and feed a little soup, which is careful and warm.

Then he walked away, no longer disturbing the warmth in the hospital.

When I saw Sister Yi again, it was the original dean who called her to the reception room.

Captain Yan looked at her, her face was cold, her eyes were full of wisdom and cunning, it seemed that no one could guess what she was thinking. Sit there quietly, if you don't say anything, she can stay there all day and all night without moving at all.

It was obviously noon in the summer, but it made him feel cold all over.

If he had doubts about her before coming, he believed her the moment he entered the room. I'm afraid her abilities are far more than what everyone sees.

In the end, he was carried out of the hospital anyway.

He also knew that the yellow and thin little girl he met when he entered the hospital was her reverse scale.

He didn't tell anyone, just let them keep the last warmth.


He really didn't expect that child was Yanyan, Yanyan! !

During this time, he also knew about Yan Yan's stay in the mental hospital, but he never thought that she was Ni Lin who was protected by his first sister. He knew before that Yanyan and Sister Yi were acquainted, but he never knew that in the beginning, she was not that powerful and omnipotent.

If it weren't for the sudden recollection, he might have forgotten that they had met a long time ago.

"In the hospital, in the original hospital, do you remember? You were only so tall at that time, and you were still a yellow-haired girl." Captain Yan was a little surprised.

Zhou Yanci looked at him, tilting his head to think a few times, but it didn't seem to have the slightest impact.

"I didn't have much ability to think independently before I was twelve years old. I slowly returned to normal after I was twelve years old. When you saw me, your brain was probably not very flexible, right? I went to the hospital at thirteen because of my brain problems. Starting to recover, the Zhou family is slowly losing control." Zhou Yanci said.

Captain Yan paused for a moment, he had never known that she was like this at that time. She had no ability to think independently!

"It's like something is covering up my heart and brain. I obviously can't understand things that I should understand. It's not until I'm twelve years old that my brain can function flexibly." Otherwise, how could the Zhou family have controlled her for so many years?

"It seems...there are some differences from normal people. Well, I'm not saying you were abnormal, but you were too young, too thin, and too cold at the time. It was very distressing to look at..." Captain Yan was no longer surprised. , the tone was a little hesitant.

"Don't look at me with a pitiful look. You should sympathize with the Zhou family. Their family was ruined and the whole family died..." Zhou Yanci sneered, not feeling sorry for his past at all.

The biggest difference between the strong and the weak is that the weak are always recalling the past, constantly reminding themselves to tell others how miserable they have been. Instead, he became the laughing stock of others.

A strong person can always refresh your cognition, making you unable to remember the weak scene when she was once. When you think of her, it is her strong skills and resolute means.

"I know what you want to ask. I have a clear conscience for the death of the Zhou family." He admitted without hesitation that he had attacked the Zhou family.

As for the Zhou family's adoptive mother and son, haha...literally.

It’s better if they don’t come for us, but if they come for us, we will avenge our old and new grudges together!

I'll make you regret living!

Wave, see you tomorrow...

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