"What?" Qianxue stared blankly at her grandfather.

The golden flame rising from the grandfather's body.

Qian Daoliu sighed, "Everything that has happened has already happened. I know the whole story. Bibi Dong is a genius, but your father's methods to keep her are really dark, but no one thought that she would It will be launched after so many years of forbearance. At that time, you no longer have a father, and I don't want you to have no mother. After you become the god of angels, you must think clearly about how to face her. There is one thing I have to remind you.

If it is said that there is still one person on Douluo Continent who has the possibility of becoming a god, that is your mother. Her original heart has been swallowed by evil. Once the breakthrough is successful, the achievement will be the god of Rakshasa, the opposite of your angel god.

But you are her daughter, and deep down in her heart, she has always loved you. You have to take back the control of the Spirit Empire. It is up to you to decide what to do with Bibi Dong. Grandpa advises you not to embarrass her. If you and her can join forces, then sweeping the mainland is nothing more than a simple matter. "

"Did she kill my father, did she kill my father?" Qian Renxue stood there in a daze, even the weak feeling in her body disappeared as a powerful energy entered her body. And Qian Daoliu also smiled with satisfaction. Telling Qian Renxue this important news at this time had a purpose, of course. Only in this way would the granddaughter be distracted and not be too sad because of her own death.

"Child... son..., you... are the... grandpa's... pride,... always... always... must... resist... this last... one... pass,... ...achievement...the angel...the envoy..."

It wasn't until Qian Daoliu's voice became intermittent that Qian Renxue suddenly woke up. In front of her, Qian Daoliu's body had been gradually swallowed by the golden flame. The last thing she saw was grandpa's kind eyes.

"Master—Master—" Qian Renxue cried out in pain and struggled desperately. Suddenly, her hand was driven by the strange suction, and moved from the gem at the hilt to the hilt, with a loud humming sound. Suddenly, the long sword that was inserted in front of the angel statue was pulled out by her.

The golden light exploded in an instant, and the entire Temple of Angels turned into a dazzling golden light group, illuminating the night sky like the sun, illuminating everything around it, and swallowing Qian Renxuedi’s body.

In the Temple of Angels, all the patterns were burning with strong golden flames. Qian Renxue only felt that her body moved and her position had changed. The gray angel statue had now completely turned golden. hugged her body.

The next moment, Qian Renxue suddenly felt something melt into her body,

The diamond-shaped gemstone on her forehead shone with dazzling brilliance, and the huge energy fluctuations rose in the continuous explosions. In the violent roar, her heart was no longer able to care about the sadness. The shocking scene completely turned her eyes into gold. Even the soul has turned golden. Temporarily lost the ability to think.

Majestic voices sounded from all directions, and all the golden light completely solidified inside the Temple of Angels at this moment.

"Heaven - angel - descends - comes -."


How smart is Tang San. Make up your mind. The first thing he remembered was the last change in Sea God's expression. No question. Your own guess must be correct.

There must be some reason why Poseidon couldn't really reveal it to himself. Only then did he send himself directly into the inheritance.

As for this place. It should be a special area. It is specially used for the inheritance of the Sea God's slander. This was all Tang San could understand through his own perception.

around this circular platform. diagonally above. Eight small circular platforms floated. It seems to be about two meters in diameter. Centered on the platform where Tang San is located. Eight small platforms? Seagod said it before. I have to complete the inheritance of the Sea God. There are eight difficulties to pass. It seems. It should be related to these eight circular platforms.

Just as Tang San was thinking. suddenly. On the circular platform at his feet. Layers of golden light surged like waves. All rushed towards Tang San's body. Tang San only felt that his body was frozen by these energies in an instant. Totally unable to resist.

Suddenly, without any warning, a fiery feeling suddenly came from behind, and then, before Tang San could react, a strong tearing effect turned into severe pain, and Tang San's eyes went black.

It was as if the body had been slashed open. A harsh friction sounded from behind, and at this moment, although Tang San's mental power was sealed, his senses became extraordinarily sharp. However, the more acute the feeling, the more obvious the feeling of pain.

The severe pain was as if someone was cutting his back with serrated teeth. After the skin, muscles and meridians were cut, they were cutting the ribs on his back, and they were specifically targeting the gaps in the bones. With a click, it seemed that a bone was forcibly removed from Tang San's body.

Breaking the flesh, dismantling the bones, this kind of pain is magnified, and if it is replaced by someone else, I am afraid that it may be possible to die of pain. And even if it was Tang San, no matter how strong his willpower was, in this pain, every meridian in his body was spasming.

The unprecedented pain stimulated every nerve in his body to tremble violently.

At the same time, one of the eight small platforms around the circular platform Tang San landed on flew out and floated one meter in front of Tang San. Beautiful wavy golden patterns shone on the platform, but unfortunately, Tang San couldn't have the mood to appreciate it when he was in such pain.

A streak of golden light came from Tang San's back to the front, just landing on the small circular platform, without hitting, but floating about fifty centimeters above the small circular platform.

It was a rib. Tang San's ribs. Tang San felt nothing was wrong, it was his bones that were forcibly removed.

The pain repeated like a wave, and with another bang, Tang San only felt that his body softened as another rib was forcibly removed. The internal power of Xuan Tian Gong in the body was completely suppressed, unable to play an analgesic effect, one can imagine what Tang San was enduring at this time.

At this moment, the icy voice Tang San had heard before entering the Seagod Temple suddenly sounded, "The bondage will be released, if the disassembly of the spirit bone is blocked, the assessment will be forcibly interrupted, and the consequences of interruption of the assessment, the most serious one is obliteration. Leaving the center of the platform within two meters, you must not change the main body position of your spirit bone. Otherwise, it will be regarded as giving up inheritance."

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