My wife is a big star

Chapter 103 Zhang Chongning

Chen Ran didn't explain to his sister, so he couldn't tell the truth directly.

Things like feelings are quite private, and even parents can't talk about them sometimes.

Chen Yao did not ask further questions. According to her understanding, it was either because of Zhang Xiyun's current job or because the relationship between the two was unstable.

Apart from that, she couldn't think of anything else.

In fact, I understand. After all, Zhang Xiyun is a singer. Ruyi's mother also said just now that she is busy working outside and has no time to go home even during the Chinese New Year. It is too unstable.

What Chen Yao couldn't figure out was that her brother Chen Ran was a more pragmatic person. How could he fall in love with Zhang Xiyun because of a blind date?

Zhang Xiyun is so busy that he doesn't even have time to go home for the New Year. Where does he find the time to cultivate relationships?

You can’t date online, right?

Chen Yao didn't think about it in the end, but Chen Ran's slightly entangled look was similar to people in love in TV dramas.

She has two roommates, and after finding a boyfriend, she would behave like this from time to time, which seemed quite sour.

Chen Yao went to whisper with Zhang Ruyi, while Chen Ran discussed the program with Director Zhang.

Director Zhang can't make many suggestions for programs on satellite TV channels. He has never been to satellite TV. Although he is now the director of the program department, he is responsible for public channels. He can only explain concepts to Chen Ran. When it comes to details, he thinks Just can't keep up.

So much of the time it was Chen Ran who did the talking, occasionally nodding his head to express some opinions.

Chen Yao stayed here with Zhang Ruyi at night, while Chen Ran wanted to go back. He noticed that Uncle Zhang was in a bad mood, so he declined Uncle Zhang's offer to send him back and went out to take a taxi.

Aunt Yun had tidied up the kitchen, and when she opened the door, she smelled the smell of cigarette smoke.

She walked over with a frown on her face and saw her husband's back looking a little depressed. He was staring blankly at the black-screen TV. The cigarette between her two fingers was almost finished. She walked over and asked, "Chongning, what's wrong with you?"

Director Zhang came back to his senses, put the cigarette butt in his hand into the cup with water, and then said: "I feel a little uncomfortable."

"What's wrong with you?" Aunt Yun sat down next to her.

Director Zhang said: "Suddenly I felt a little emotional. You said that this guy Chen Ran, when I first met him, just joined the TV station, I can help and look after him. In the blink of an eye, he has achieved results, and immediately Maybe go to satellite TV."

"Isn't this a good thing? You are usually thinking about how to make Chen Ran go further, but now that he has a chance, you are filled with emotion." Aunt Yun didn't understand.

"I just feel uncomfortable." Director Zhang muttered: "If he goes to the entertainment channel, I can turn off the program for him and give him some advice."

"But just now, he and I were chatting about satellite TV programs, and I couldn't get a word in."

"When he goes to the satellite TV channel, I really won't be able to help him."

Director Zhang fell silent after speaking.

Aunt Yun didn't know what to say. Her husband treated Chen Ran as his nephew or son-in-law, but he treated him completely as his own son.

I watched Chen Ran go from an intern to an entertainment channel to now working in a satellite TV channel.

It's like watching a child grow up step by step, and in the end you can't get involved in work and life.

When Zhang Fanzhi went to be a singer, Director Zhang also felt like this.

Chen Yao rushed home the next morning.

Chen Ran was not at Zhang's house. Even though Zhang Ruyi was there, she felt awkward and hurried back not long after getting up.

She only called Chen Ran after she arrived.

Chen Ran knew his sister's temper and was not surprised.

Chen Yao is a bit like him in high school, thin-skinned and a bit introverted.

Once she really starts working, things will be much better.

Chen Ran's face was also developed when he was working part-time in college, and now as time goes by, it has improved to a higher level.

Sitting in front of the computer, Chen Ran listed his thoughts.

After he went back last night, he thought for a long time and finally came up with a final decision. What he lacks now is time to write it out.

Lin Fan saw Chen Ran planning and asked curiously: "Are you planning a new program for satellite TV?"

Chen Ran shook his head: "No, it's from the Metropolis Channel."

Lin Fan was stunned: "City Channel? Are you mistaken? Why did you write a plan for the City Channel?!"

He has been in the entertainment channel for several years, but he has always regarded the urban channel as a competitor.

Now because of "I Love Memorizing Lyrics" and "Challenge the Microphone", the entertainment channel has distanced itself from the urban channel and has become the only one under the satellite TV channel.

It hasn't been long yet, why is Chen Ran going to write programs for the metropolitan channel?

"You are not making extra money, are you?" Lin Fan said suspiciously: "You are too careless. If you go back to do this, what will you do if others see you here?"

Chen Ran said funnyly: "You have too many ideas. This information was given to me by the director. How can I earn extra money? It was the other party who asked the director to ask us to do a show. In the end, everyone was busy and the task was assigned to me. "

When Lin Fan heard this, he knew that he was overthinking it, but he felt a toothache from what Chen Ran said. Everyone was busy, and Chen Ran should be the busiest.

He estimated that people from the urban channel were interested in Chen Ran's plan and wanted him by name, otherwise the director would not be allowed to come to the meeting.

"It's almost Chinese New Year, why do the urban channels still have programs?" Lin Fan muttered.

Chen Ran said: "They will be revamping the program after the year, so they need some new programs. I guess they have a lot of work and they are too busy to find us."

Lin Fan said angrily: "Well, people are looking for you just because they are looking for you. Why are you making so many excuses?"

Chen Ran smiled and said, "Aren't I afraid that you will be sad?"

Lin Fan is speechless. I feel even sadder when you act like this!

Director Office.

Chen Ran knocked on the door.

Wait for the director's reply before going in.

"Director, the program has been written." Chen Ran handed over the document.

Yang Qijun was a little surprised and took the document, "Is it so fast?"

There were still two days before the annual leave. He thought that Chen Ran would wait until the last two days to hand in the plan, but it was much faster than expected.

However, thinking about the original "I Love Memorizing Lyrics", Chen Ran also wrote it in a few days, and "Challenge the Microphone" was even more exaggerated. Chen Ran explained that he had thought about similar gameplay, but it was amazing to fill in the details in one morning.

Compared to now, two or three days later, it doesn't seem so incomprehensible.

"You sit down first." Yang Qijun motioned for Chen Ran to sit down and then started to open the documents.

He was looking forward to Chen Ran's planning.

Chen Ran is no more experienced than others, and his way of thinking is always refreshing.

For example, "Challenge the Microphone", no one would have thought that he would create such a program based on "I Love Memorizing Lyrics".

Looking carefully, Yang Qijun raised his eyebrows slightly.


This is the name of the program. He chewed it for a while but didn't understand what type of program it was.

Thank you to Boss Lu Xia for your 100-coin reward, thank you to Boss 2006 for your 100-coin reward, thank you to Boss Fang Fang for your 100-coin reward, thank you, Boss Hui Design, for your 100-coin reward, thank you for Glitz, A 100-coin reward from Mr. Luoshen.

Thanks for the support guys.

There will be another update later, but the status is not very good. I don’t know when it will be written.

Staying up late is harmful to your body and your life is at stake. I'll just stay up alone. Everyone will watch it tomorrow.

Finally, please vote for recommendations. .

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