My wife is a big star

Chapter 121 There’s nothing you can do if you don’t want to give in

Chen Ran was in a very good mood these two days and brought a bottle of water to Lin Fan.

Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, then pulled Chen Ran and asked, "No, you go to the private kitchen to eat every day?"

Chen Ran said in confusion: "Why should I go to the private kitchen to eat if I have nothing to do?"

Although that place tastes good, it's in a remote location and expensive. And no matter how good the food is, who would eat there every day?

What's more, Zhang Fanzhi is not here, so he can't go alone.

Lin Fan said depressedly: "You didn't go to eat, why are you bringing me water every day?"

Chen Ran immediately smiled and said: "I'm in a good mood and you're not happy to bring you water? That's fine, I can drink it for myself."

"No, I'm just asking, I'm not unhappy." Lin Fan chuckled.

Chen Ran was a little confused. How did this guy think outside the box?

Regarding the news that Chen Ran is going to the satellite TV channel, not many people in the program team know about it.

But based on Lin Fan's performance during this period, everyone has some speculation.

Chen Ran had always had to follow the show in person, but now Lin Fan was asked to do it. Based on their understanding of Chen Ran, he was by no means a person who would be perfunctory at work.

However, they were not sure before the news came down, let alone asked.

Lin Fan also understood what Chen Ran meant by this arrangement. He didn't say anything, but he was a little moved in his heart.

He didn't know if he could catch up with Chen Ran, but he had to work hard, at least not to let memorizing lyrics and challenging the microphone cause problems in his hands.

There is also good news from Chen Yao.

With the large-scale spread of "The Rest of My Life" on the Internet, in just these two days, it has entered the top ten of the free list. The number of comments has reached 60,000 to 70,000, and more people have played and liked it.

A song that was released in a low-key manner with almost no promotion was pushed by Zhang Fanzhi on Weibo and became so popular!

For many people, the song became popular all of a sudden, and they just didn’t pay attention. How come this song is everywhere?

However, in the Internet age, people have long been accustomed to such sudden explosions.

Chen Yao also called Chen Ran and said that Huaxia Music recommended that she change the song to be paid, or that VIPs could listen to it, which would bring her a lot of profits.

With the trend of this song, there is definitely no chance that no one will pay.

After discussing with Chen Ran, she refused.

If it were in the past when her family was still in debt, she would have chosen to charge without hesitation.

Now that her family is better off and the money she owes has been paid off, she has enough money to spend singing at the bar, so there is no need to charge.

What's more, it's still free now, and if it changes to paid after it becomes popular, I don't know how it will be scolded by fans.

Chen Yao didn't want to be a singer, so she didn't care about reputation, but she didn't want to be scolded either.

A few more days passed.

Lin Fan followed and did two programs, and then the news came down to the satellite TV channel.

When the news came out, many people were surprised.

Those who were gearing up to compete for the show were even more confused after being stopped.

what happened? deal? So suddenly?

No, how long has it been since it was officially confirmed to be a late-night show?

During this period of time, they were just getting ready, so why did it suddenly come to an agreement that this was an unofficial decision?

They can't figure it out!

A late night stall that many big names look down on, but it is a great opportunity for them.

It suddenly disappeared, who felt so sad!

Some people originally wanted to ask the director, but before they went, they thought of Wang Mingyi and planned to come over and ask around.

This old planner also wants to participate in the competition. Now that the show has been robbed, what does he think?

Wang Mingyi's face is indeed not very good-looking, but he has received the news a long time ago and has been heartbroken for several days, so his face will not change now.

It is certain that I feel depressed. After working hard for a few days, it is like trying to draw water from a bamboo basket, which will make everyone feel sad.

He was always a little unconvinced. What was original? He worked so hard to write it. Isn't that an original program?

I was even a little angry, feeling that if I didn’t win the award at the annual meeting, maybe it was because I liked the so-called original program.

No matter what they think, they can't change Taili's decision now.

The first day was the news from the director, and the next day was the official announcement from the station.

The chief planner and director are all completely determined.

They all know the chief director Wu Tao, he is an old man in their program department.

What people are concerned about is the chief planner Chen Ran!

This is a name that is both familiar and unfamiliar at the same time.

It's familiar because Chen Ran just took away the Best Planning Award from Wang Mingyi a few years ago. But it's unfamiliar because Chen Ran doesn't work for satellite TV, but for the entertainment channel!

"It's him!"

Several plans were a bit unexpected.

Since the annual meeting, Chen Ran has become somewhat famous on the TV station. They all know that Chen Ran is doing two programs on the entertainment channel. How come he still has time to come to their satellite TV channel?

But I think it makes sense despite being in a different place. Regardless of the few programs on hand, as long as there is an opportunity, I will definitely come to the satellite TV.

During the meeting, Director Zhao Peisheng felt that he also knew that they had many questions in their minds, so he explained carefully what he had told Wang Mingyi last time.

Someone retorted: "Director, we are also producing original programs. We haven't watched ours yet, so why are we sure it will be Chen Ran's?"

Zhao Peisheng glanced at the speaker and said, "It was written a few days ago, and we discussed it for several days before finalizing it. Where are your programs these days?"

The man muttered: "Fast doesn't mean good."

Zhao Peisheng said: "The program falls into the hands of the director first, and then several of our department directors meet to discuss it. Do you think that we who have been doing programs for so many years don't even have the most basic judgment to judge the good from the bad? Not coming out?"

The planner's face suddenly turned ugly, and he waved his hands quickly and said, "I'm sorry, director, I didn't mean that. I just promised fair competition, but we don't even have a chance to submit the program. I'm really unwilling."

Zhao Peisheng didn't mean to hold on to the person. He was working under his hand, so he knew the basics. He said: "I know you are not willing to accept it, but the plan is indeed very good. If you have this little time to think about it, you might as well do it." Improve yourself and wait for the next opportunity!"

Everyone was silent, including Wang Mingyi, who lowered his head.

"Love Liankan" was finished. Because he wanted to create a new show, he didn't team up with other programs. Now that the show is gone, even if big productions have no hope of competing, what show should we compete with?

Wang Mingyi was unwilling and very confused.

Once the notice was official, it basically spread throughout the entire TV station.

For those who don't care, it's just a late night show with nothing worth paying attention to.

But people who knew Chen Ran were very surprised.

After winning the best plan, I got a ticket to go to satellite TV.

But now it’s just the beginning of the new year and you’re already going to satellite TV?

This action is a bit too fast!

Thanks to Xiao Yangliu and the boss for the 11,000-coin reward, thank you very much!

Thanks to the boss Runyu Lucia for the 2000-coin reward, the boss KiKi0806 for the 2000-coin reward, the cat boss who doesn’t know how to program for the 1000-coin reward, the regular boss for the 1000-coin reward, and the red raisin boss The 500-coin reward from the boss, the 100-coin reward from the boss of Piao Miao Nian Land, the 100-coin reward from the boss who wanders around the world, the 100-coin reward from the boss Wangzaiya, but the 100-coin reward from the lonely boss Coin reward, 100-coin reward from Mr. Shanyou Qinghuan, 100-coin reward from Mr. Zheng Shaoyu, 100-coin reward from Mr. Book Friends 20170105100442962, 100-coin reward from Mr. Zeng Woxilou, looks like The 100-coin reward from Taishuai's troubled boss and the 100-coin reward from Qin Guxiao's boss. How could he miss the 100-coin reward from the boss? Thank you all for your support.

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