My wife is a big star

Chapter 126 Zhou Zhou

On the urban channel, Zhou Zhou just finished his work.

In order to maintain the style, he also participated in the copywriting of his program, which is a lot of work.

Sitting on the chair, Zhou Zhou sighed for no reason, mainly because he thought of the time when he was on satellite TV.

The previous "Music Frontline" was once brilliant, but later on, people's way of obtaining entertainment information became the Internet, and the ratings of his program began to decline.

When I reached my lowest point five years ago, I was cut off by Taiwan.

It stands to reason that his hosting style and qualifications would not prevent him from being able to survive in satellite TV, but it didn't take long for times to change.

Uncle-type hosts like him suddenly became less popular. The station held a host competition and selected some handsome and beautiful young people. Their skills were no worse than him, and their appearance was better.

The program was stopped and no new ones could be found, so in the end we had to go to the metropolitan channel.

In recent years, due to his humorous style, his programs have also attracted some regular viewers, and even if they are placed on urban channels, they are considered mid-range.

"That's it, maybe?" Zhou Zhou touched his smooth forehead and lamented that time is not forgiving, and his hairline began to rub up.

At this age, I probably have no chance to go to satellite TV.

Sometimes when he sees colleagues who are doing well in satellite TV, he feels a little melancholy.

At this time, Zhou Zhou saw the director's assistant coming over and whispered: "Teacher Zhou Zhou, the director asked you to come over."

"The director is looking for me?" Zhou Zhou didn't understand.

Isn't it the director who always comes to talk about anything? There is nothing illegal in his program, so why did he alert the director?

After thinking for a long time without a clue, Zhou Zhou felt a little uneasy.

He usually seems to be a very optimistic person, and he may seem careless in the eyes of others, but on the inside he tends to overthink.

For example, right now, I wonder if something went wrong while I was recording the show, and the director had to personally teach me a lesson?

After following the assistant to the director's office, Zhou Zhou opened the door and entered.

The director was sitting there. When he saw him coming in, he asked him to sit down first.

Zhou Zhou asked anxiously: "Director, do you have a problem with me? Is it because there is something wrong with the program?"

The director smiled and said: "Don't be nervous first, it's none of your show's business."

Even if there was something wrong with the show, Zhou Zhou would not be asked to come over. The director would have to be trained first.

In Zhou Zhou's puzzled eyes, the director said: "It's a good thing to have you come. Just now, the director of the program department of the satellite TV channel contacted me and said that he wanted you to host the late-night program on Thursday. I asked you to come. Yes Wanted to see what you thought."

"Ah?" Zhou Zhou didn't react for a while, and then said in surprise: "Satellite TV? Director, could this be a mistake?"

He couldn't believe it. Although he had thought about returning to Satellite TV, he just thought about how he could still have the chance to go back to Metropolis Channel, which he came to after being unable to stay at Satellite TV.

The director shook his head and said: "That's right, I'm asking for you. I've seen this program plan, and it was submitted to the satellite TV through my hands. Being the host of this program is the easiest to succeed. Although the program is a new type, it is a bit risky. But the opportunities are great. Personally, I think the show is quite suitable for you, but whether you go or not depends on your choice!"

Zhou Zhou came to his senses and realized that the director would not lie to him, nor was he so boring. Therefore, there was really a satellite TV program calling for him!

He suppressed the excitement in his heart and nodded heavily: "Director, I want to give it a try."

The director was not surprised. Zhou Zhou came from the satellite TV channel. Now that he has such an opportunity, it is normal for him to want to go back.

"You can go to the satellite TV, but you can't stop the programs on our urban channel." the director ordered.

Zhou Zhou's program has obvious personal characteristics, and the copywriting is also customized according to himself. It is a bit like the "Light Lecture" on the entertainment channel. If Zhou Zhou stopped doing it, the entire flavor of the program would change.

This program has good ratings and has a lot of regular viewers. It would be impossible to cancel it.

When Zhou Zhou came out of the central office, he always felt like he was in a dream, in a trance, not real at all.

the next morning.

Zhou Zhou contacted director Wu Tao and then went to the program team.

Director Wu Tao gave him the copy and asked him to write it down and give it a try.

Zhou Zhou was a little excited when he saw the copywriting. It was very consistent with his style. His usual copywriting was also written in this direction. It was more mature and thoughtful than him.

The show is indeed a small show, similar to his "Music Frontline" back then, but the idea is quite good and Zhou Zhou is very satisfied.

The only pity is that the show is on late night on Thursday, so it was a bit uncomfortable to meet that magical cute baby.

But it’s great to be able to return to satellite TV. It doesn’t matter how big or small the show is, I finally have a chance!

Knowing that Director Wu Tao was interviewing Zhou Zhou, Chen Ran also came over.

Zhou Zhou has good skills. He memorized many lines in a short time and performed them on the spot.

Chen Ran looked at Zhou Zhou talking eloquently with his shiny forehead, and felt that there was a bit of flavor, but it was still not enough.

He discussed it with Director Wu Tao, and then Director Wu Tao said to Zhou Zhou: "Your expression is a little nervous. Relax a little. Make your movements and expressions bigger, but don't go too far. You have to make people feel that you are genuine, not Exaggerated."

After Zhou Zhou heard this, he thought about it carefully, then nodded and said, "Director, I understand."

After finishing speaking, I adjusted my mood slightly and started again immediately.

Chen Ran stared at him. Both his tone and body language were just right. It really felt like that.

Not to mention Chen Ran, Director Wu Tao was so excited that he nodded, gave Chen Ran a thumbs up and said, "The person you chose is really good at it!"

This is almost integrated with the copywriting, and coupled with Zhou Zhou's expressions and movements, the effect is very good.

After the selection was made, their program also had to be named. After some discussion, the final name of the program was decided as "Zhou Zhou Show".

Very simple and unpretentious, without so many bells and whistles.

This made Zhou Zhou stunned for a long time looking at these three words. He never thought that a program on the satellite TV channel would be named after his own name.

Even if the show is only a late-night show and may have poor ratings, it is already very satisfying for him!

"Director Wu, thank you!" Zhou Zhou expressed gratitude to Director Wu Tao.

Director Wu shook his head and said: "Don't thank me. If Chen Ran hadn't chosen you, I would hardly remember you. If you want to thank, just thank Chen Ran and have a good communication with him. He will be the one to lead the copywriting in the future." People are responsible.”

The program is finalized and preparations for recording will begin in the next two days.

There are not many requirements for the stage, just the scenery and the like, which is not troublesome. It only took a few days to prepare everything.

Now we just need to wait for Zhou Zhou to get familiar with it, go to the rehearsal to get a feel for the stage, and then we can start preparing for recording.

While Chen Ran was busy, he received news from Zhang Fanzhi.

She has come back!

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