My wife is a big star

Chapter 14 Come out

In fact, cold medicine does not work all the time.

The next day, Chen Ran still had a headache. It was slightly better than yesterday, but it was limited.

When Director Zhang saw him today, his attitude was completely different from yesterday.

"Why haven't you recovered from your cold? How about I ask Aunt Yun to make soup for you later?" Director Zhang was very caring about Chen Ran.

Chen Ran said hurriedly: "No, don't bother Aunt Yun. It's normal to catch a cold. It'll be fine in two days."

Director Zhang smiled and said: "No matter how polite you are, we are all a family."

Chen Ran laughed dryly, don't say it's a lie, even if it's true, it's not that big of a deal, we just got together.

He said: "Aunt Yun also has to go to work, and she doesn't have enough time."

Director Zhang nodded, "Okay, don't go out with your colleagues at noon. I will take you to a herbal restaurant. It tastes very good and can replenish your health."

When he separated from Director Zhang, Chen Ran let out a breath.

Director Zhang directly regarded him as his son-in-law, which made him feel even more stressed.

"I'm afraid that the greater Uncle Zhang's expectations, the greater his disappointment." Chen Ran muttered in his heart.

Now he was overjoyed. If he knew that he and Zhang Fanzhi were fake, the gap would be...

"We're on a pirate ship." Chen Ran sighed.

I have no choice but to tell Zhang Fanzhi, if you want to act, act professionally.

Just be happy if you can.

Column group meeting.

Because they are all news programs, everything that was prepared some time ago can be used, and the progress is very fast.

Now everyone is thinking about news gathering and editing.

"The program devotes a large space to people's livelihood news, but where does the news come from? There is not so much people's livelihood news, which is a problem." Liu Bing raised the question.

There are many sources of news, but those news do not conform to Chen Ran's plan.

Chen Ran wrote the theme of people's livelihood news, close to life and reaching out to the people.

There is a difference between the two.

Moreover, news is timely and news that takes too long will not work.

"Publish a news hotline and advertise more." Someone suggested.

Others also said: "It can only be this way."

"But we have released a news hotline before, but there were not many people calling, and we couldn't support the content needed for a program." Liu Bing shook his head slightly.

When you say this, everyone is in trouble.

After all, the police mediate everything big or small, and it's over after that. There's no need to broadcast a segment on the news, right?

Chen Ran was also thinking about this issue.

News hotlines that people don’t call, where do they get their material from…

Chen Ran thought for a while and said: "People are not very enthusiastic about calling the news hotline, so we will find ways to mobilize their enthusiasm."

As soon as Chen Ran spoke, everyone looked over.

Liu Bing asked: "How do you say it?"

Chen Ran said: "People don't call the news hotline, probably because it is not a decent thing to be in the news. Let's change the publicity method, replace the news hotline with a people's livelihood hotline, and focus on helping people solve their difficulties and mediate disputes."

"But it doesn't make any difference..." Liu Bing frowned. He had never thought of fighting before. If you change the slogan, they won't fight.

"There is a difference, but it may not be obvious in the early stage." Chen Ran's nose felt itchy and he rubbed it before continuing: "Actually, the best way to mobilize people's enthusiasm is to give everyone a motivation... "

"Motivation?" Everyone looked at me.

"Our people's livelihood hotline can set up a call reward. If you find news or difficulties around you, reporters will interview and solve them. The news will be featured on TV. Those who provide news clues can receive cash rewards ranging from 500 to 2,000."

Chen Ran expressed his thoughts.

The people in the column team were stunned. They really had never thought of this method.


Isn't this a bit too realistic?

But don’t say it yet, this idea is really possible.

Money always motivates people. Calling the hotline can not only solve troubles, but also get cash rewards, which can indeed become the motivation to call the people's livelihood hotline.

"Director Liu just said that changing the slogan makes no difference, but here, there will be a difference. The bonus is set up to mobilize people's enthusiasm and to make them remember the people's livelihood hotline."

"If our program is broadcast and combined with monetary rewards, it can deepen the impression that people call the people's livelihood hotline when they encounter difficulties."

Chen Ran talked eloquently.

Everyone was thoughtful.

After thinking about it carefully, the news hotline is indeed not as direct as the people's livelihood hotline.

If you add monetary rewards, it seems possible.

Liu Bing nodded first: "This is a good idea."

Chen Ran added: "When promoting the program, we should not stick to TV channels. We should invest more in the early stage. Repeated advertisements on radio stations, and people's livelihood hotlines should be posted on both sides of street lamp poles and both sides of the road. Anyway, we should put people's livelihood hotlines on them. Difficulty, the idea of ​​calling the people's livelihood hotline was forced into the past..."

He said it simply and crudely. Everyone was a veteran of the show and immediately understood what he meant.

"Do you have any other ideas?" Liu Bing asked.

Everyone shook their heads.

"Chen Ran's idea is very good."

"The people's livelihood hotline is good."


If everyone agrees, then things will be simple.

Now the program needs to be promoted in advance. When the people's livelihood hotline is called, it will take a lot of time for reporters to collect and compile the news.

This program is not an entertainment program. It does not require a stage or special recording. What it requires is news.

After this matter is resolved, there will be other things to discuss, such as commenting on hot news, discussing interactive topics, etc...

Chen Ran was busy until noon. He had an unbearable headache and took two painkillers to feel better.

While eating, Director Zhang took Chen Ran to a herbal restaurant.

He was indeed right, this restaurant tastes very good.

I had a great time eating with Director Zhang, everything was piping hot, and Chen Ran was sweating from the food.

When I left, I felt a lot more relaxed, at least my nose was fresh.

"Your health is really bad. Once you're done with your work, go to Duojian to keep fit. Don't let your body collapse at such a young age." Director Zhang said earnestly.

Chen Ran nodded.

Uncle Zhang doesn't need to tell him about this. He knows that his current body is much worse than in his previous life. He basically has the physique of a homebody and gets sick easily.

I went into the hospital just after time travel. After being discharged from the hospital, I have been busy and have no time to exercise. I need to take some time to practice.


He didn't know whether it was the medicinal diet that Director Zhang took him to take that was effective, or whether the painkillers took effect. Anyway, Chen Ran felt that his head didn't hurt that much.

Needless to say, I have to work overtime again tonight.

Chen Ran's phone suddenly rang.

He stopped what he was doing, glanced at his phone, and was stunned.

He sniffed, picked up the phone and said, "Hey, what do you want from me?"

"Come out." The voice was clear and cold.

"Ah?" Chen Ran was stunned.

He held his cell phone and stood at the window to look down.

There stood a tall figure with waist-length hair and a mask on her face.

Who else is it if it’s not Zhang Fanzhi...

I'm busy preparing things for the New Year, so the update time is uncertain.

But there will be no less than two updates a day.

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