My wife is a big star

Chapter 167 Chen Ran is a big treasure

Zhang Fanzhi is very popular now, but his appeal is far behind that of first-line singers.

What's more, the companies where these two first-line singers work are both big companies, and their promotional resources are much better than Fanxing's.

Fame can’t be matched, promotion can’t be matched, how on earth can it be surpassed?

Chen Ran looked at it for a long time before he understood what was going on.

The promotion of "Painting" was indeed not as good as that of the two top-tier singers. Although Fanxing worked hard to promote it, he just wanted to stabilize the third place and never thought of surpassing the second place.

But there is a saying that unintentional planting of willows creates shade.

Tao Lin sent Zhang Fanzhi a singing practice video on Weibo. In it, Zhang Fanzhi was wearing a black dress and sitting in front of the piano playing and singing "Painting".

The video did not arouse much response on Weibo. It was no different from the daily videos that were occasionally updated. Fans liked and commented on the video and praised it.

The turning point came after fans uploaded the video to the short video platform, and Zhang Fanzhi's singing practice video suddenly became popular.

It's not really a big deal for a celebrity's video to become popular, but the song "Painting" is nice and sweet. After hearing it, many Internet celebrities began to use "Painting" to record short videos.

Then their video went viral.

Online short videos are a place where following trends is very serious. Most Internet celebrities will imitate whatever they see is popular. Anyway, they should first gain popularity before talking about it.

Then I also used "Painting" to record short videos...

Because of the push characteristics of the short video platform, the song "Painting" was like a virus. It spread everywhere in a short time. The entire short video platform could hear the song, and it quickly spread to other video platforms.

This speed is the same as "The Rest of Life" which suddenly became popular on the platform some time ago, leaving many people feeling baffled. When did such a song appear again?

But it’s true that the song is good, and the singer’s name is quite familiar. It’s Zhang Xiyun. Then no one asked how it became popular. After hearing the song, most people quickly opened Huaxia Music and chose to pay. .

As a result, the sales and number of reviews of "Painting" increased rapidly, and the new song chart data increased dramatically. In a short period of time, the data doubled and surpassed the popular first-line singer Xu Zhi, successfully occupying the second position on the new song chart.

And now the data is still growing at a high speed, and it will definitely take the first place before being removed from the list.

"This..." Chen Ran blinked. He really didn't expect this to be the reason.

The song is a good song, but whether it becomes popular or not depends on fate. It took more than two years for Deng Ziqi's song to become popular on Earth. At first, it was not popular in the industry. Only her fans knew about it and regarded it as a treasure song.

Then it also became popular on short videos, and then it became popular all over the Internet.

This kind of thing is uncertain and no one can predict it. Sometimes even if you deliberately promote it on a short video platform, it won't have such an effect. You can't force it.

For Chen Ran, this is a double blessing.

His show has topped the time slot, and Zhang Fanzhi’s new song is about to top the new song chart. This is all good news.

Chen Ran first sent a message to Zhang Fanzhi, and then dialed the number when he knew she was resting.

In fact, you can also chat by sending WeChat messages, but how can I put it, when you are expecting someone to reply to a message, you don’t want to wait any longer. What’s more, you can still hear the other party’s voice when you dial the phone, so the natural choice is to make a phone call.

Zhang Fanzhi is like this, and Chen Ran is like this too.

"I heard that your show is popular?" Zhang Fanzhi asked first after answering the phone.

"Uncle Zhang told you?" Chen Ran said in shock.

Zhang Fanzhi paused and then hummed. In fact, she hadn't spoken to her family for a few days.

Chen Ran smiled and said: "It's not a hit, it's just that the ratings are much better, but your song is now popular all over the Internet and is about to top the new song chart. How do you feel?"

"I don't feel anything." Zhang Fanzhi said, "This is not just my song, it's also yours."

"How can you say this? You sang the song." Chen Ran laughed.

Zhang Fanzhi said slowly: "You wrote the song and I sang it."

Chen Ran smiled and said, "Well, I wrote it for you."

Zhang Fanzhi was stunned for a moment before he understood what Chen Ran meant. He pursed his lips slightly and said nothing.

Chen Ran said: "I'm going home in two days."

"Jia Shi?" Zhang Fanzhi asked.

"Well, I haven't seen my parents for a long time. Let's go see them." Chen Ran said.

Zhang Fanzhi didn't speak for a while. Chen Ran heard her breathing and seemed to be hesitating for something. After a while, he heard Zhang Fanzhi say, "Say hello to me."

Her voice was a little soft, and Chen Ran thought he heard it wrong and asked, "What?"

Zhang Fanzhi said calmly: "It's nothing."

Her tone made Chen Ran sure that he heard correctly just now, and he immediately smiled and said, "I just heard it."

"You heard wrong." Zhang Fanzhi said stiffly, and Chen Ran could imagine her stern face.

He asked again: "Then I won't ask you any questions?"

Zhang Fanzhi remained silent this time, neither denying nor confirming.

Chen Ran smiled and didn't know what was going on with him. Anyway, when he saw Zhang Fanzhi being serious, he wanted to tease him.

Zhang Fanzhi kept a straight face and remained silent despite Chen Ran's words, but after a while, she still answered.

With a click, the door suddenly opened.

Zhang Fanzhi paused for a moment when he saw Tao Lin coming in. He was about to take his hand back, but stopped abruptly and spoke as if nothing had happened.

Over there, Chen Ran heard that something was wrong, realized that Tao Lin might be nearby, said a few words casually, and then hung up the phone.

Seeing Zhang Fanzhi put away his cell phone, Tao Lin asked, "Chen Ran?"

Zhang Fanzhi nodded slightly: "He called to ask about the new song."

"Is it because I saw an increase in sales of new songs that I asked?" Tao Lin asked.

Zhang Fanzhi nodded again.

Tao Lin felt funny when she saw her serious look. I'll give you an excuse and you just climb up the pole. How can I get down?

Tao Lin didn't mention Chen Ran again. During this period, she avoided mentioning Chen Ran. If she had left it alone before, she would have tried to reason with Zhang Fanzhi, but now she has completely let it go. Sometimes she even feels that Zhang Fanzhi and Chen Ran seem to be a good match. .

In terms of appearance, both of them are good-looking. In terms of talent, one is good at writing songs and the other is good at singing. There is nothing wrong with them together.

Tao Lin didn't want to be a bad person. In the past, she was afraid of affecting Zhang Fanzhi's future. But now this thought has become much lighter, and she seems to be letting things go.

Speaking of the new song, Tao Lin said: "Xiyun, if your new song reaches the top of the charts, the company will definitely have ideas about Chen Ran. What will you do then?"

She just recently learned that Chen Ran wrote a song "The Rest of My Life" for Chen Yao, and it became popular all over the Internet some time ago. With the addition of "Painting", two consecutive popular songs, Fanxing will definitely not be able to calm down.

Zhang Fanzhi said: "If they want to look for it, let them look for it."

Tao Lin frowned and said, "What if Chen Ran writes a song for them?"

"This is Chen Ran's matter." Zhang Fanzhi said matter-of-factly.

Tao Lin choked a little. Thinking about it carefully, this is really the truth.

If Chen Ran really wanted to write to Fanxing, she couldn't stop him.

Zhang Fanzhi probably could, but her attitude was here, no matter what, after all, Chen Ran really wanted to write a song for the company, which would do no harm to Chen Ran. In addition to making money, she could also gain fame, so how could Zhang Fanzhi stop her.

After these two weeks of back and forth, Zhou Zhouxiu has become very popular on Weibo. As the host of "Zhou Zhouxiu", Zhou Zhou's popularity has increased and his fans have increased.

Now that there are commercial performances coming from outside, after discussing with the column team, he can occasionally accept some commercial performances without delaying the recording of the program.

Zhou Zhou is the host, and he gets a dead salary for signing the contract with the column. If he uses his current popularity to make some money, they have no reason to stop him.

Chen Ran is a very cautious person. The host of "Zhou Zhou Show" is very important. It can be said that it is not only the copywriting that makes the show great, but the host is also the most important part. Knowing that Zhou Zhou was going to take on a commercial role, he went out of his way to talk to Zhou Zhou. For a long time.

Whether it is an advertisement or a commercial performance, you must be cautious and don’t get carried away because of the money in front of you. Personality is the foundation of Zhou Zhou’s foundation. If something goes wrong and the personality collapses, it will not only affect Zhou Zhou himself, but also the whole society. To the whole Zhou Zhouxiu.

Logically speaking, Zhou Zhou was older than Chen Ran, so these words were a bit strange for him to say, but Zhou Zhou did not have any dissatisfaction and listened carefully, saying that he would be cautious.

Zhou Zhou once climbed to the top and fell into the underestimation, but now he cherishes it all over again. If it weren't for this mentality, he would have been attracted by some program invitations some time ago.

He listened to Chen Ran's words and remembered them in his heart. Despite his young age, he was steady and mature in his words and deeds, and he was very thoughtful. The entire column group admired Chen Ran.

At this age, they think they can't achieve such results while maintaining humility, seriousness and hard work.

Chen Ran hasn't floated yet, how can he be qualified to float?

After recording the latest episode of the program, Chen Ran felt a little dizzy from the busy schedule.

After he finished all his work, he asked for leave from his director and planned to go home.

Wang Mingyi is watching the program copywriting, so there is no need for him to keep an eye on it. What’s more, it’s very convenient to work now. When the copywriting is written, he can read it at home.

If anyone else asked for leave, Zhao Peisheng would definitely complain, but when he saw that it was Chen Ran, Director Zhao immediately approved it.

Special talents receive special treatment.

At this time when Chen Ran returned home, Zhang Fanzhi's new song finally took advantage of the popularity on the Internet and topped the new song list.

The reason why it took some time was because Tan Yunqi's popularity was really strong. When people saw Zhang Fanzhi's momentum, they immediately stepped up publicity and called on fans to list. It took two days to be surpassed.

At this point, Zhang Fanzhi’s new song has completed the achievement of more than two first-line singers reaching the top!

The people at Fanxing Company were all crazy with joy. When they saw the two first-line singers, they completely gave up the fight for the top spot of their new song. How could they have known that Zhang Fanzhi had such good luck.

And reaching the top of the new song chart is not the end, it is just the beginning.

Zhang Fanzhi is now in the top 30 on the best-selling list, and his sales have soared crazily this week. When the best-selling list is refreshed on Monday, there will definitely be an unstoppable surge.

"This Chen Ran is a treasure, a big treasure!" Qi Lianfeng held his hands and walked around the office, mumbling incessantly, thinking of a solution.

Thanks to the alliance leader for the 10,000-coin reward from the boss who came to patrol the mountains. Thanks to the 10,000-coin reward from the boss who became a regular official and watched the genuine version. Thank you very much!

Thanks for the 2,000-coin reward from the boss who met you at the school gate after school, the 1,000-coin reward from the boss, “Big Brother, Don’t Play Me,” the 2,000-coin reward from the “Farewell Confession” boss, the 1,000-coin reward from the book friend 20200327014529099, Yuki A 1,000-coin reward for the boss who doesn’t like him, a 500-coin reward for the boss in Jingzhongtianjingjingjing, a 500-coin reward for the boss who has been secretly in love for six years, and someone else’s 500-coin reward for his name, Lost Midsummer Boss Ye’s 500-coin reward, Boss Lingxi Laodou’s 500-coin reward, her uncle and her second uncle both received a 500-coin reward, Liuyun Kaixin’s 500-coin reward, Xiu The 500-coin reward from the boss Xiuxiuxianxian, the 100-coin reward from the underage and Xiaozhou boss, the 500-coin reward from the shameless and lecherous boss, the 100-coin reward from the book friend 20190713200238157 boss, the name is really cool The 100-coin reward from the hard-to-get boss, the 100-coin reward from the White Bone Pagoda boss, the 100-coin reward from the Monsong boss, the 100-coin reward from the Siyu boss, and the 100-coin reward from the Lemony Rabbit boss. Reward, the 100-coin reward from the boss Tamu Hui, the 100-coin reward from the boss who wants Doraemon's Pocket, and the 100-coin reward from the boss who has already entered the world. Thank you all for your support!

This is the third update.

Corn continues to write the fourth update.

It will probably be very late.

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