My wife is a big star

Chapter 209 Still unfinished

The ratings of "The Zhou Zhou Show" have always been stable. This program has made Zhou Zhou a success, and his fame is greater than the program itself.

After introducing the various title sponsors and sponsors in a serious manner, Zhou Zhou returned to his original style, with a slightly exaggerated expression and a forceful tone. Everything told everyone that although I, Zhou Zhou, am not in "The Zhou Zhou Show", But it still tastes the same.

After a brief introduction to the program, Zhou Zhou extended his hand and said: "Believe in dreams, believe in miracles. I am Zhou Zhou, and I will witness the miracles with you all!"

The show started and four dream observers came on stage to perform.

Du Qing kicked off the show with a high-pitched song called "I Believe".

"I didn't expect this song to be sung by Du Qing. It has been played on the school loudspeaker every day for the past two days. I heard it so passionately!"

"This song is so difficult to sing, but Du Qing is so stable live. He is truly a veteran and capable singer!"

The audience's emotions were aroused by this song, and their expectations for the show were raised a lot.

All four observers came out. The names of the guests had been exposed on Weibo before, but not everyone uses Weibo. Many viewers only found out about the guest candidates today.

"Why are the guests selected by Zhaonan TV all a bit weird?"

Many people have this question in their minds.

Nowadays, prime-time programs on Fridays and Saturdays are all about celebrities. In the first episode of "The Stars Are Coming" alone, three popular stars were invited. Needless to say, Rainbow TV also has a luxurious star lineup.

And what the hell is Zhaonan Satellite TV? Sun Qiao and Jia Teng are familiar to the public. Liang Wanyi is the least famous, and Du Qing has not released a song for a long time. The overall popularity of the four guests on "Talent Show" is not as good as other programs. Could it be that Zhaonan Satellite TV is short of money and can't afford to hire popular celebrities, so it can only recruit these old stars to make up the money?

Many people in the industry are also paying attention to "Talent Show". Originally, there was no need to pay so much attention to a talent show, but Zhaonan Satellite TV promoted it so hard that people had to pay attention.

Zhaonan Satellite TV is very large, and it is also top among satellite TV. With "Talent Show" being so strongly promoted by them, the program is definitely not bad.

But just seeing the guests, these colleagues were a little disappointed. The big production that was promised would only invite such guests?

Is all the budget used for promotion?

But this shouldn’t be the case. An established satellite TV like Zhaonan TV would not make such a mistake.

Everyone watched the show with suspicion in their hearts, and the pace of "Talent Show" was not slow. After the Dream Observer came in, he introduced each competition area and said that the show was still in auditions, and then Officially invite the contestants to perform.

The rules are very simple. Each instructor has two buttons in his hand, one means pass and one means fail. If he receives three fails before the performance is completed, he will be stopped from performing and will be eliminated directly. Otherwise, he will be eliminated. The performance was successfully completed and promoted successfully.

Among the four dream observers, there will definitely be a 2-2 tie. At this time, the talent performing the show can continue the show normally. After the show is over, the audience will vote to decide whether the talent will stay or go.

This voting method is refreshing to the audience. It has never been seen in previous talent shows. It seems quite fresh.

The first talent to perform is about to take the stage.

The scene turned and Zhou Zhou was talking to a man holding a doll.

"Are you feeling nervous today?" Zhou Zhou said and handed the microphone to the other person's mouth.

As a result, the master didn't say anything. He shook the doll in his hand a few times and made a sound: "No, I'm not nervous. I'm an omnipotent elf. I'm used to seeing big scenes and I'm not nervous at all. Wuwuwuwu... …”

The master's mouth didn't move, but the doll's mouth moved. Where did the sound come from?

Zhou Zhou tilted his head, looked at the camera with an exaggerated expression, and pointed at the doll, "This little thing can actually talk!"

The doll grinned and shook its head, shouting: "I'm not a thing, I'm an omnipotent elf!"

Zhou Zhou laughed, stretched out his hand and said, "Come on, little elf, give me a high five and wish you good luck!"

"Oh, thank you, Teacher Zhou Zhou, but you have to be gentle. The little elf can't bear your slap. Well, my hands smell like Teacher Zhou Zhou, so I won't have to take a shower for a year." The doll put his hands on his hips. Shaking.

The master walked onto the stage with his doll. Behind him, Zhou Zhou looked at the camera with a confused look on his face and said to the audience: "This elf must be a human elf, because it can flatter you!"

The audience in front of the TV suddenly became interested. Can the doll talk? How did you do it?

Moreover, this talent is indeed not outstanding in appearance. He is already in his thirties or forties. How can he still appear on TV and participate in a talent show?

Soon, everyone was shocked by this expert.

He was performing ventriloquism!

It's not just simple talking, but it has some cross talk show elements in it. What's even more surprising is that this ventriloquism can also be imitated. I learned a short section of Zhou Zhou's hosting of "The Zhou Zhou Show", which caused a scene on the scene. Exclaimed, it is really lifelike.

Even Zhou Zhou was dumbfounded. He looked at the camera, then at the stands, and said, "I feel like I'm fake, it's the real Zhou Zhou! Oh, I'm the omnipotent elf, Zhou Zhou .”

The master on stage also wanted to imitate Du Qing in singing "I Believe", but he got stuck after singing a few lines. He very deliberately flattered Du Qing a few times. Zhou Zhou exaggeratedly smiled and said: "I can see it, this little elf It’s flattery that turns into a spirit!”

The audience laughed out loud at Zhou Zhou's remarks and were also surprised, can ventriloquism be used like this?

The program was unanimously approved and advanced to the next round!

"This show is quite interesting."

"It turned out to be ventriloquism. I thought I saw someone talking about ventriloquism before. Does ventriloquism count as ventriloquism?"

"Flattery is so funny!"

The audience in front of the TV was intrigued by this program and wanted to see what the next talent on stage would do.

The second master came on stage and presented a yoga performance.

It is not yoga in the ordinary sense. The whole person is soft and boneless. From a small circle, get in and out. Put a ball behind your back, and people can circle around the ball and roll up smoothly.

"Oh my God!"

Liang Wanyi covered her mouth with her hands, looking shocked.

There is no doubt that the program was approved unanimously.

The third master who came on stage performed a steel plate beating with his bare hands.

It was this show that caused Sun Qiao and the master to have a dispute. After some discussion, the three celebrity observers pressed the "fail" button at the same time. As a result, the master refused to go on and said that his performance would definitely shock people because He has real skills.

After saying a few words reluctantly, Sun Qiao was the first to be dissatisfied. He walked up directly, pulled out the steel plate from the opponent's prop position, and then slapped it down. He could also directly deform the steel plate!

"Our program welcomes talents with dreams, but we do not advocate opportunism. It's okay to say it's magic, but you have to say it's real skill..."

This master will definitely not be able to advance, but Sun Qiao's straightforward character will be firmly remembered by the audience.

If the steel plate he hit was real, his bones would be broken if he slapped her on it.

After a commercial, the third talent came on stage.

His specialty is singing.

"Teacher Du, this is your major!" Jia Teng said.

Du Qing smiled: "The talent of singing is too popular. It must be surprising that you can take singing as your forte and still reach this point."

The master is a dark, fat man. After he introduced himself on stage, he said: "The song I want to perform is "The Silent Ending"."

The four celebrity observers were stunned. This is a love song sung by a man and a woman, and the female voice has a very high pitch. Is his special talent a high note?

The three celebrity observers all looked at Du Qing. High notes were his specialty. Du Qing sat up straight, intending to see how capable he was.

"How can one person perform a love song duet between a man and a woman?" Zhou Zhou looked at the camera with confusion on his face.

The performance on stage began.

When Xiao Hei Fatty sings, he is indeed very focused, and his voice is powerful and deep, but his singing skills and emotions are only average. He can often be seen on music talent shows, so it's not a specialty, right?

Several dream observers discussed with each other. Sun Qiao shook his head and directly pressed the button to reject it. This kind of singing is really not considered an expert.

Liang Wanyi hesitated and wanted to reach out and press it. She saw that Du Qing next to her didn't respond, so she decided to wait first.

Even the audience felt that the singing voice was average, and it would be unfair to others if everyone could be considered an expert.

Just when everyone was thinking this, the song reached the chorus, which was the female voice part. The little black fat man took a breath, and then opened his mouth, and was immediately shocked.

Du Qing's face trembled with fright, Liang Wanyi's eyes widened, and Sun Qiao stood up directly. Jia Teng was about to press down but failed, but was also startled and quickly took his hand back.

What Little Hei Fatty sang just now was a deep male voice, and everyone thought that his female voice was also singing in the same way. Who knew that what came out of his thick, black mouth was actually a deep and high-spirited female voice!

Close your eyes and you can feel a beautiful girl singing affectionately to you. Then you open your eyes and look at the fat little black girl who is singing.

How disappointed the male voice was just now, how shocked it is now.

And my voice is really high!

"Oh my god, he is actually a woman, and he shook hands with me just now?" The screen turned to Zhou Zhou, who was obviously startled, with a look of surprise on his face.

Such an ethereal fairy voice was sung by a fat little black man. The contrast was a bit too great!

The quality of this episode of "Talent Show" is very high.

Every program has its own uniqueness, and even the ones that are eliminated have their own highlights.

There are many highlights in "Talent Show", including the performance of the talent itself, Zhou Zhou's occasional comments from the side, the interaction of the four dream observers, and the various experiences and experiences of the talent himself in the pursuit of his dream. story.

Not only does it make the audience feel fresh and exciting, but it is also occasionally mixed with some emotions.

After the show ended, the audience in front of the TV was still satisfied.

Why is this talent show completely different from the ones I watched before? !

Thanks for the 10,000-coin reward from the Pocket Boss who wants Doraemon. Thank you very much.

Thank you for the 10,000-coin reward from my free nickname, thank you very much.

Thanks to Mr. Aping for his 3,000-coin reward, I am unknown_The boss’s 2,000-coin reward, the Snoozy Niu boss’s 1,000-coin reward, Mr. Muyang’s 500-coin reward, Jingzhongtianjingjingjing A 500-coin reward from the boss, a 500-coin reward from the nvnvnvmvmvm boss, a 100-coin reward from the Lightning 2015 boss, a 100-coin reward from the boss who drove a carriage and raised a certain wolf, and a 100-coin reward from the Xingmu Luo boss Reward, the 100-coin reward from the twister boss, the 100-coin reward from the passerby Yang Fei, and the 100-coin reward from the pillow boss who was really dozing off. Thanks for the support guys.

There will be more later.

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