My wife is a big star

Chapter 214 Accept it or not?

"It's a little fierce."

Chen Ran was a little surprised when he saw the Weibo comments about the talent show.


A lot more than the first issue.

Although I knew that due to the publicity of the show, the audience would definitely grow in the second episode, but it was still a bit unexpected.

For example, the official Weibo of "Talent Show" posted before the show started. After the show ended, the number of comments increased rapidly, and now there are thousands.

"Second place should be stable." Chen Ran made an estimate in his mind.

It is certain that the ratings will increase greatly due to this kind of popularity, but he has no idea how much it can increase.

However, with this kind of popularity, it is definitely impossible to surpass "The Star Is Here", and it still needs to be popular.

The next day.

Chen Ran arrived at the TV station, worked hard all morning, and finally got the ratings report.

The ratings for "Got Talent" predictably took a hit.

From 1.581% in the previous issue, it jumped directly to 1.984%, and the ratings were extremely close to breaking 2.

This kind of increase shocked everyone in the column team.

Everyone thought that a jump of 1.7 or 1.8 would be enough, but suddenly it came close to breaking 2, which was a bit scary.

Although after the program funds increased, they expanded publicity regardless of the cost, but the effect was a bit too great.

Chen Ran was also a little surprised. The score was higher than he expected. This was not only the effect of publicity, but also the quality of the program itself.

Judging from the detailed report, the stickiness of the program is terrifyingly high. Even during commercial breaks, you cannot see a significant decline in the ratings curve.

There is no doubt that the ratings of 1.984% are no longer the third, but the second in the time period.

The ratings for this episode of "Our Lives" not only did not increase, but actually dropped.

The market during this time period is so big, and the audience of "Talent Show" did not appear out of thin air. It directly eroded part of the share of "Our Lives".

The No. 1 "Star Is Coming" is indeed as stable as an old dog. The ratings of this episode also remained above 2, and there was a considerable increase.

They invited the male and female protagonists of "My Youth". Since the movie is currently popular, many fans will definitely watch these two actors when they appear on the show.

Whether they are fans of the movie or fans of themselves, they all want to see how these two perform on the show. The increase in ratings is certain.

"Our increase is a bit exaggerated. If we can maintain it, won't we be able to dethrone "Here Comes the Star" in the next issue and become the number one in its time period?"

Yao Jingfeng took a deep breath and felt a little excited.

This is a talent show.

How long ago was it before the last talent show with a ratings of over 2?

They did a talent show with Director Ye last year. When the ratings were at their best, they were only around 1.4. Normally they hover around 1. Compared with the current grandeur of "Talent Show", it's desolate.

Zhao Peisheng was also surprised. He knew from the last episode that the program had great potential, but he did not expect that in just the second episode, the ratings would reach around 2.

Even if there is a reason to increase publicity, it still feels a bit exaggerated.

It could be said to be a popular show before, but now it seems that it is definitely a hit!

This is only the case for the second issue, but what about the third and fourth issues?

What about the semi-finals and finals?

Is it possible that the ratings will break 3?

Zhao Peisheng was a little excited.

Not to mention him, Ma Wenlong couldn't control his expression. Jian Zhicheng informed him again that he must do a good job in the program and there must be no problems.

Huang Yu was quite satisfied when he saw that the ratings of "Here Comes the Star" had increased a lot.

The program model has been stabilized. As long as we can continue to capture hot spots and keep up with publicity, we will definitely be able to maintain a ratings of above 2.

In the past, this kind of ratings can be said to be firmly ranked first, and there is no worry about being surpassed by other programs, unless there is some blockbuster program, but in the current situation, none of the blockbuster programs are in this time period. , never met together.

Just when Huang Yu was thinking about it, his eyes dropped and he saw the ratings of "Talent Show". His eyes trembled and his eyeballs bulged.

He stared at it and saw that "Talent Show" did indeed have a ratings of 1.984%, which was absolutely correct.

What the hell, the ratings were less than 1.6 last week, why are they suddenly breaking 2? Is this a rocket?

Didn't you say that this is a talent show? How come it still has such high ratings?

Others were confused.

After Huang Yu carefully looked through the information and trends of "Talent Show" for the past week, he took a deep breath and felt that something was seriously wrong. He wanted to show off in front of Ma Wenlong before, but now it seems that he didn't go. It's a little too early to be happy.

According to the current data of "Talent Show", it is possible that he will suddenly surpass them in the next period. If he were to ridicule and then perform a two-level reversal, his face would be swollen.

Huang Yu now has to be thankful that he is not an impulsive person.

"Is this show so strong?"

Huang Yu looked at the data and couldn't figure it out.

You talk about promotion, their "Star Is Coming" was even more over-promoted. It was already caught up in the popularity of "My Youth", and with the male and female protagonists having their own traffic, the increase in ratings was not as exaggerated as that of "Talent Show" .

With the growth rate of "Talent Show", won't they be surpassed in the next issue?

"Is it because of the content?" Huang Yu frowned. He had seen the introduction several times and knew that "Talent Show" is a talent show. Can this kind of program burst out with such a huge amount of energy?

Because he didn't take "Talent Show" seriously, he didn't watch the show last week, and he didn't pay much attention to it this week. Now he is really scared.

Now is not the time to go watch it. The key is that their program’s first place may not be guaranteed. “Here Comes the Star” is not recorded live. Next week’s program has been prepared and the trailer has been released. Temporary Change the program?

The key point is that the configuration of the male and female protagonists of "My Youth" is already very high. Who can you find if you go higher? Even if it is pulled over, there is no guarantee that the ratings will be higher than this episode, and it cannot stop "Talent Show".

Huang Yu had a headache and increased publicity, but there was no other way.

He will watch the show and want to know what kind of quality "Talent Show" can sustain such a huge increase. If the next episode doesn't collapse, it will definitely be another show of Zhaonan TV besides "Star Detective" Hot item.

As for now, let’s have a meeting.

The sudden jump in the ratings of "Talent Show" has indeed attracted the attention of insiders.

No one was optimistic about this kind of talent show in the early stage, but the ratings for the first broadcast were not bad, which was beyond their expectation. Who knew that the ratings for the second episode would increase so much.

They can definitely think of things that Huang Yu can think of. If this program becomes a hit, then Zhaonan TV will become a double hit at the same time, and other TV stations will be uncomfortable.

"This program is really good. It is an audition, but it is not. And the most important thing is the content. The various talents are eye-catching and the audience is amazed. And the dream-chasing experience of each talent is quite In each story, in addition to surprise and touching, these elements are blended together, and the ratings of this show will definitely exceed this."

"I didn't expect that Zhaonan Satellite TV's slogan of producing original programs was really successful. The prototype of "Talent Show" cannot be found abroad."

"Tomato TV will definitely not be able to withstand it. Even if it can block it in the next episode, there will be another episode. This kind of talent show, as time goes by, the ratings will get higher and higher."

Everyone in the industry is professional. They will analyze "Talent Show" for a while and directly analyze the program's prospects and selling points clearly. In the "Talent Show" model, as long as there are no accidents, the column team will not commit suicide. , judging from the quality and pace of these two issues, it is certain that it will become a hit.

The program was studied, and the creative team was naturally noticed. Needless to say, Ye Yuanhua, everyone knew that Zhaonan TV had such a person, but it was the host Zhou Zhou, who attracted more attention because he also hosted the "Zhou Zhou Show" Some.

"Hey, the chief planner of "Talent Show" seems to be the former chief planner of "Zhou Zhouxiu". His name is Chen Ran. No wonder the names of the programs are similar..."

No one noticed when such a person appeared on Zhaonan TV.

Everyone in the industry knows who has some skills, and they have worked through it step by step. Over time, everyone will know how much skill they have.

This Chen Ran is very unfamiliar. He seems to have just appeared this year?

After a little investigation, everyone was surprised. He was very young. He had just turned twenty-four. Age was not the key, but his resume was a little scary. He had only been working at Zhaonan TV Station for a little over a year, and he had been working as an intern until now. , did several popular programs from local channels, and was promoted to satellite TV.

After arriving at satellite TV, he tried out a low-cost program "Zhou Zhou Show" and directly turned the low-cost program into the time slot champion, and then immediately took over the Saturday prime time slot.

Is this resume a bit too dreamy? !

Many people have focused their attention on Chen Ran. They have seen some clues. Old people like Ye Yuanhua cannot produce such a program. The key point is probably this Chen Ran.

At this time, Chen Ran didn't know that he was noticed by people in the industry.

This is not surprising. Although there are so many TV stations, there are only a few people on a few popular TV stations. They know each other well. They will occasionally meet at award ceremonies. If a new name suddenly pops up, others will definitely pay attention.

At this time, he was on his way to Zhang's house.

Today I heard that the ratings of "Talent Show" have soared. Director Zhang happily called Chen Ran and asked him to remember to go home for dinner.

Chen Ran clearly captured the hesitant meaning in those words. When he thought about it carefully, Uncle Zhang hadn't drank for a while.

This time Chen Ran didn't go empty-handed, but bought a bottle of good wine to take with him. He could just open it and drink it when he went there. Otherwise, when Uncle Zhang asked for a drink, he would inevitably get a few looks from Aunt Yun.

When they arrived at Zhang's house, Director Zhang looked at what Chen Ran was holding and said with a smile on his face, "Hey, I asked you to come over for dinner. What are you doing here with the wine? I've been giving up for a long time."

Aunt Yun glanced at him and said, "Yes, your uncle hasn't had a drink for a long time. I'll take this wine and put it away first."

"Hey, no, Chen Ran is happy today. Since he brought wine, we can't let him down. I'll make an exception and have a drink, just one or two." Director Zhang quickly took the wine.

"Virtue." Aunt Yun muttered in a low voice, ignoring her husband, and turned around and went into the kitchen to serve the food.

Director Zhang chuckled and winked at Chen Ran.

While the uncle and nephew were drinking, Chen Ran's WeChat video played.

Director Zhang asked: "Is it Zhizhi?"

Chen Ran shook his head in embarrassment. It was not Zhang Fanzhi, but the video played at home.

He hesitated slightly and looked at Director Zhang and Aunt Yun.

Will you accept this?

ps: It’s considered a 10,000-word update... Although 3,000 words are supplementary updates... but after rounding, it can barely be counted as 10,000 words...

Gee, it would be great if corn could stay in this state every day.

Corn shamelessly asks for recommendations and monthly passes.

Thank you guys.

Thanks to the 2,000-coin reward from the endless sorrow boss, the 100-coin reward from the pig boss who loves reading, and the 100-coin reward from the bright bb boss.

Thank you all for your support.

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