My wife is a big star

Chapter 234 Public Opinion

It is said that Internet memory only lasts seven days. After seven days, no matter how high the popularity is, it will fade away and be covered up by new topics.

Huang Decai's incident has only been raging for two days, and it is at its peak. Many people are waiting for the official response from "Talent Show".

Now it is not only Huang Decai's matter, but also the program. Zhaonan Satellite TV will definitely come out to explain.

"I really don't want to believe that Huang Decai, who seems so honest and honest, and has amazing singing skills, was deliberately arranged by the program team."

"When I think about the cunning and scheming behind that honest face, I feel sick all over. The sympathy and regret I felt for him some time ago turned into nausea."

"Is it true that all of "Talent Show" is arranged by the director? Everyone's experiences are planned by the director and he personally writes the required scripts?"

"If there is no explanation, I will never watch this show again!"


These are the most liked comments on Zhaonan TV's Weibo promoting "Talent Show", and they are all highly praised.

Not only on Weibo, but also on many video platforms, as long as there is content about "Talent Show", there are people there who are criticizing the show.

Judging from these people, there are indeed many people waiting for Zhaonan Satellite TV to come forward and explain how much they liked the program before, but now how difficult it is to accept it.

People from other satellite TV stations were also watching. Seeing that there was no movement from Zhaonan TV, they couldn't help but wonder, what time has it been? It stands to reason that they should come forward. Even if Huang Decai's character is really ruined, the reputation of the talent show will not be good. If it falls, we need to explain it. We cannot let public opinion ferment like this, and we need to stop the loss in time.

They were all wondering what kind of medicine was sold in the gourd of Zhaonan TV.

After the staff who had gone out came back, Chen Ran and the others watched the interview video and some records before starting to write the copy.

I will definitely work overtime tonight. I carefully considered and checked every word, leaving no loopholes. Director Ye and the others also edited the interview video.

It has only been two days since the matter was exposed by some media. Not only has the heat not passed, but it has reached its peak.

When this kind of public criticism is at its strongest, you must be cautious if you want to clarify. Not only must there be no loopholes, but at least it must be believed by most people.

Even if it is a bank transfer record, people who don't believe it will say it is a fraud. This cannot be prevented, but the clarification is not for such people, but for those who are willing to believe it.

When public opinion has reached this point, you will definitely not be so effective if you only have evidence. When Chen Ran wrote the copy, after much thought, he finally started with Huang Decai himself.

After the evidence is finished, the whole article will focus on things. A kind person cannot be destroyed because of jealousy, greed and moral kidnapping.

After writing the manuscript, I discussed it with Director Ye for a long time before I felt satisfied.

By the time everything was done, it was almost dawn.

"Send it now?"

Director Ye Yuanhua asked.

Chen Ran looked at the time and saw that it was past five o'clock. He shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter if it's earlier or later at this time. Those self-media people are sleeping soundly now. Let them sleep more. Let's post at nine o'clock."

Ye Yuanhua found it funny. At this time, you still care about whether the self-media people are sleeping well. It is so early now, even if it is posted, it will not ferment until noon. There is not much difference if it is earlier or later. You can still take a look and consider it. Be more thoughtful.


Tao Lin and Zhang Fanzhi were on their way to the company a long time ago.

Xiaoqin drove over. After the two got in the car, she yawned.

Tao Lin frowned and said, "Did you sleep well last night?"

Xiaoqin's open mouth suddenly paused, and after a moment she closed it forcefully. She shook her head and said, "No, no, sleep well, Sister Lin."

Tao Lin saw that her hair was a little dry and her energy was a little depressed, so she couldn't believe it, "Xiaoqin, have you had anything happened recently? If something happens at home, you can tell me and I will give you a few days off."

Xiaoqin's head shook like a rattle, "I'm really fine, I just have a little insomnia. I'll be fine in two days."

Seeing her bulging eyes and continuing to drive, Tao Lin didn't say much. She sat next to Zhang Fanzhi and flipped through her phone. When she saw the news about "Talent Show", she flipped through it carefully and asked Zhang Fanzhi: " Xiyun, did Mr. Chen and the others arrange the plot in advance for the "Talent Show" and did the talent follow the script?"

She is considered a fan of "Talent Show". She will definitely follow it whenever she has time. Even if she doesn't have time, she will make up for it online the next day. She feels very uncomfortable when there are problems with the show.

Zhang Fanzhi didn't answer, but just gave Tao Lin a strange look, as if he didn't know why she was asked this question.

Tao Lin curled her lips. She didn't expect Zhang Fanzhi to act at this time. She didn't believe that Zhang Fanzhi, who was in constant contact with Chen Ran, wouldn't know about this.

"If this matter is not handled properly, it will have a great impact on "Talent Show". I don't know why I haven't responded yet."

"great influence?"

"That's for sure. If the news is true and the show has problems with its reputation, its ratings will plummet and it will be infamy."

Zhang Fanzhi frowned slightly. This was not a small problem that Chen Ran mentioned the day before yesterday. She took her phone and flipped through the news without letting go of her brows.

When Zhang Fanzhi and the others arrived at Fanxing, Fang Yizhou got his wish and saw the song.

"Slowly falling in love with you?" Fang Yizhou read out softly, looked at the lyrics carefully, and after a while hummed the melody again.

After a while, he relaxed his brows. This song, both in terms of music and lyrics, is a masterpiece. Not to mention the melody, the line at the beginning and end of the lyrics, "Books always write about the evening when I am overjoyed," has that kind of feeling. The lingering artistic conception.

This song alone is of higher quality than the ones he prepared for Zhang Fanzhi, and it is more than enough to be the title track.

Because the album released this time also includes the singles released by Zhang Fanzhi before, including two hit singles that topped the best-selling list, so the new album does not need to have every song of high quality to explode, as long as there is one song to stand out. It's enough to be the main one on the list.

Being able to make it to the capital is the main goal, that is a god.

Looking at the lyrics and music carefully, if Fang Yizhou hadn't lost face, he would have really wanted to get Tao Lin's phone number and get to know Chen Ran. Among other things, their producers have a wide network of people. If you want to produce an album for a singer, you have to ask musicians for help. How can you do it if you don't have a wide network of people? Chen Ran's exquisite songs were released one after another, and he wanted to know them too.

It's a pity that I don't want to be disturbed. It's a bit embarrassing to call and be rejected when I really want to call.

The song "Slowly Falling in Love with You" is of great significance to Zhang Fanzhi. As long as she sees the lyrics, her mind will be full of images of holding a guitar and singing softly. She also has her own ideas about the song. She heard that Fang Yizhou plans to arrange the music himself. Just had a casual chat with Fang Yizhou.

Fang Yizhou is not the kind of bossy person. When making songs, he will also chat with the singers and carefully consider suggestions.

After discussing the song production, Zhang Fanzhi was about to ask Tao Lin and Xiaoqin to leave when Tao Lin's phone dinged. She took it out and saw that it was a push message.

I unlocked my phone and was surprised when I saw the news content.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Fanzhi asked. It was rare to see Tao Lin making such a fuss.

Tao Lin said while watching the news: "Zhaonan Satellite TV posted on Weibo, and "Talent Show" came out to clarify. The recent online rumors about Talent Huang Decai were not true after investigation by the program team. The following are the investigation results and Explanation of events…”

"It turns out that Huang Decai has already donated money and donated all the money..."

"Tsk, these people are really greedy. They think Huang Decai has made money and want to lie on him and suck his blood..."

"There are also bank transfer records. It turns out that the program team didn't respond. Are they looking for these evidences?"

"Good deeds should be treated kindly, don't let good people's hearts grow cold..."

Tao Lin read out the content on Weibo bit by bit, from beginning to end. After reading it, she shook her head and said: "These villagers are so hateful. How come there is such a thing? They make up rumors out of jealousy. They don't know this era." , will rumors not only ruin your reputation, but even be enough to kill people? I really feel that it is not worth it for Huang Decai. I donated all the bonuses I earned from singing and was questioned, and now I am still being slandered by rumors..."

Zhang Fanzhi listened quietly to Tao Lin's words. She also knew the whole story. Now that the "Talent Show" program team has made such a well-founded clarification, she should be able to get through this, right?

Thinking of this, Zhang Fanzhi's frown relaxed slightly.

After nine o'clock, Zhaonan TV's official Weibo posted a clarification on Weibo.

The popularity of Huang Decai and "Talent Show" has been high these days. Many self-media have been keeping an eye on it, intending to get first-hand responses to report on it. When they saw the clarification being issued, they immediately wrote an article and forwarded it. .

"This is a big melon. I didn't expect things to turn around."

"The people at Zhaonan TV are really conscientious. Weibo must have prepared it in advance, but they didn't post it until work. They are really considerate of us self-media people."


Those who are staring at Weibo are not only these self-media, but also more melon-eating netizens.

After reading the full text on Weibo from the beginning, most people were surprised.

They can imagine that there will be action in "Talent Show", so they will definitely clarify it, and they also want to know what the "Talent Show" will say.

Who knew that the content of the reversal was completely unexpected. Huang Decai had no character that could be created. From the beginning to the end, he was an honest and kind-hearted person.

The content that seemed to be solid before turned out to be caused by the villagers' jealousy and greed. In addition, the media who originally interviewed wanted to make a big deal, so they edited and arranged the content, which became the fuse that detonated public opinion.

Many people have noticed something in the article. Regarding donations, Huang Decai only took 50,000 yuan as a bonus. No matter how hard the family was, he didn't keep any money, so he donated it all. Zhaonan Satellite TV also had the intention to go to the bank to check Huang Decai's transfer records, so that everything could be put in front of everyone.

The truth is revealed, but it is difficult for many people to accept it. Their endless abuse and resistance on the Internet in the past two days have been controlled by others, and instead they have slandered and hurt a truly kind person?

Thanks to Mr. Weaselwolf Ben for the 10,000 coin reward, thank you very much!

Thanks to the boss Jing Nuan Shan Qing for the 1,000-coin reward, the book friend 20170517175201698 for the 1,000-coin reward, the boss Indigo Square for the 500-coin reward, the boss Cang Yiwei for the 500-coin reward, and the veteran driver Beta. A 100-coin reward from wycc_A, a 100-coin reward from a picky eater and book-hunting woodworm.

Thank you all for your support.

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