My wife is a big star

Chapter 236 Apology

The Internet turmoil had a huge impact on the talent show, causing the ratings to freeze for one episode. The people in their program team felt a little depressed.

Things have become like this, no matter how depressed they are, there is nothing they can do. After Chen Ran and Director Ye gave everyone a few mouthfuls of chicken soup, everyone continued to work hard, trying their best to make the show a good one, and try their best to recover the losses this time.

"This time, Huang Decai was a blessing in disguise. He became much more popular online." Ye Yuanhua said, "Many people who had never watched the show before now know about him. He is even more famous than before."

Chen Ran shook his head and said: "The fame is great, but there are also many controversies. Many people still doubt him."

"There is nothing we can do about it. We have done what we should do. At least we have restored the situation. At least there are no longer any voices saying that our program was fake. He has become more famous, which is a consolation."

Ye Yuanhua sighed, he felt uncomfortable when his good cards became like this.

Chen Ran thought of Huang Decai's appearance and said: "This fame may not be what Huang Decai likes. Director Ye, find someone to talk to Huang Decai and enlighten him, otherwise it may affect his future competitions."

He had seen Huang Decai in the past few days and felt that his mental state was not as good as before. Although he didn't talk much before, he was not like he is now. Don't be affected by this matter. It would be a pity.

"I will pay attention to this. I didn't expect there to be someone as honest as him." Ye Yuanhua shook his head.

He has been doing shows for so many years and has seen a lot of all kinds of people, but this is the first one like Huang Decai.

Chen Ran did not let the topic continue to turn on Huang Decai, but instead talked about publicity.

Before this incident happened on the Internet, they only had to promote it step by step, and every time the latest episode came out, it would be trending. But now it is different, because the reputation has been affected, and they want to increase the ratings under this situation. Rate, it will definitely not work to continue to promote like this, we need to change our strategy.

With this turmoil, we need to be cautious when promoting. Nowadays, many people have no good impressions of talent shows, and they all adopt a cold-eyed observation attitude. At this juncture, we must not give people the impression that their programs are deliberately hyping up .

Lin Xiao is a reporter from China News Network. China News Network, whose full name is Zhongzhou Provincial News Network, is the official media of Zhongzhou Province.

Just yesterday morning, he got a task to interview a peasant singer from Zhongzhou Province.

When he heard that it was a peasant singer, Lin Xiao thought of Huang Decai, who had suffered online violence two days ago because of rumors. He also thought that he was participating in the show, so it couldn't be him.

However, the task assigned was contrary to what he thought. The task was to interview Huang Decai.

The reason is that although Huang Decai was born as a farmer and has never read a book, he is kind-hearted, loves life, and bravely pursues his dreams. This is in perfect line with the new style of farmers that the province is now promoting. Let him be interviewed because he wants to establish Huang Decai as a farmer. Become such a typical example.

Lin Xiao really didn't expect that Huang Decai was also from Zhongzhou Province. Although he had read about the incident online, he didn't watch the talent show, so he didn't know that Huang Decai was from his hometown.

He heard that Huang Decai was usually in Linshi, so he rushed over overnight.

To be honest, as a reporter, Lin Xiao has met a lot of people, but he really hasn't met many people as upright and simple as Huang Decai.

When watching it on the Internet, he had doubted whether Huang Decai was faking it. Even though it was explained in the statement, he still had doubts. It was not until he met Huang Decai that he put down all his thoughts.

This is indeed an honest and honest person.

Not only is he quiet and honest, but Lin Xiao has met many people and has a good way of judging people based on their movements, demeanor and other details.

Lin Xiao prepared the questions required for the interview in advance.

They are official media, which is naturally different from those self-media. They have their own goals and bottom lines. The questions are not of the tricky type. Most of the topics they talk about are about Huang Decai himself.

For example, family income, or dreams, or asking people why they came to participate in "Talent Show". As for the storm that just happened, Lin Xiao didn't mention a word.

Huang Decai was silent for a while, then raised his head to answer Lin Xiao's question.

"How did you come up with the idea of ​​learning to sing?"

“When I was a kid, I heard other people singing, so I sang along.”


During the chat, he felt that this fellow was a very pure person, not as complicated as he thought online.

Some people said before that Huang Decai was arranged by the program team. Lin Xiao used to believe this statement, but it was only now that he completely changed his mind.

If this is all an act, it would be really scary.

A peasant singer can sing well, but his acting skills are also incredible?

This is obviously impossible!

Huang Decai has not read many books...

This only proves that Huang Decai has always revealed his true feelings during interviews.

This interview took a long time. Lin Xiao came here in the morning and it was almost afternoon when he left.

Before leaving, Lin Xiao looked at this fellow, stretched out his hand to shake his hand, and said, "Come on."

When Chen Ran heard what the staff said, he didn't pay much attention. Director Ye heard that it was an official media and agreed, as long as it wasn't the rhythmic self-media.

Although I don’t know why the people from China News Network asked Huang Decai to interview him, this is not a bad thing. On the contrary, it is good for Huang Decai. This clearly shows that Huang Decai is fine, otherwise the official media would not be alarmed.

Their column team will not over-consume Huang Decai, so this matter has not been exposed. Now that China News Network has come to interview him, the news will definitely be released by then, so we will watch it then.

Neither Chen Ran nor Director Ye paid much attention to this matter and continued busy promoting the show.

In a blink of an eye, it’s time for a new episode to air.

After the past few days of publicity, the popularity of the talent show has picked up a bit. Although it is also mixed with some strange voices, there is no way to avoid it.

Last week's turmoil had such an impact that many people still don't believe in the program and Huang Decai.

The reason why Huang Decai is so eye-catching is not only his own strength, but also because he was forwarded by a well-known official media last time. If he wants to change this situation, and another big official media endorses it, many people will naturally be convinced.

This reminded Chen Ran of China News Network, which came to visit two days ago.

Unfortunately, although China News Network is a provincial-level media, it is not good at operating the Internet. It does not have many fans and cannot cause much trouble.

Just when Chen Ran was thinking this in his head, he suddenly heard Director Ye scream in surprise.

"What's wrong, Director Ye?" Chen Ran raised his head and asked.

Ye Yuanhua said in surprise: "Look at our show's Weibo, what's going on? Suddenly many people came down below, all apologizing to Huang Decai and our show."

Chen Ran took a look and was equally surprised. I'm sorry, this row is really neat.

It's strange, where do so many netizens come from? This matter has already happened, why do they suddenly come over to apologize?

Thinking of China News Network, which came for an interview two days ago, Chen Ran's expression moved slightly, but it felt impossible. How could a media like China News Network have such great appeal?

Look at the rows of people on Weibo. There are hundreds of comments alone, and the number is still growing.

The total active fans of China News Network are not as many as here!

After Chen Ran and Director Ye looked carefully for a long time, they realized what was going on...

China News Network interviewed Huang Decai this time because it wanted to first establish an image and find a model in the process of promoting the new spirit and new style of farmers in China.

Huang Decai is not only farming, he is also thinking about a future and is famous for participating in singing competitions. This is not typical.

Before the interview, China News Network investigated Huang Decai's affairs and confirmed that his character was excellent before letting Lin Xiao come over for the interview.

Originally, with the energy of China News Network, there was no way that so many netizens could come over to apologize.

The key is that the Weibo they posted was forwarded by the official Weibo of Social Observation, which is an official media and a big V with more than 8 million fans.

There are also words on it: "Don't defeat kindness with rumors, and let jealousy destroy your dreams..."

With the endorsement of two official media, those netizens who doubted "Talent Show" and Huang Decai finally believed it. Later, it was also because of social observation that "should I say sorry?" That's why directors Chen Ran and Ye Yuanhua posted on Weibo This scene is seen below.

The popularity of this incident, which had already cooled down, gradually began to rise because of this Weibo post.

The next episode of the talent show is about to be broadcast, and it has become a hot search again.

With the current popularity, the program may reach a turning point, and the ratings will definitely increase!

Thanks to the boss on the 18th floor of the academy for the 10,000-coin reward, thank you very much!

Thanks to the 500-coin reward from Xiruo Qingqing, the 500-coin reward from ohyeah2008, the 500-coin reward from Yilu Feiyu, the 500-coin reward from Book Friends 20191223113209923, and the 500-coin reward from Mr. Book Friends 20191223113209923. A 100-coin reward from the book friend 20191001082125520.

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