My wife is a big star

Chapter 243 Satisfied

It has been nearly three months since the launch of "Talent Show". This unique talent show has left a deep impression on the audience.

Each unique talent and each unexpected performance can always make the audience exclaim and admire involuntarily.

And such a program, today ushered in the finals and came to an end.

The talents who advance to the finals will be guided by teachers specially invited by the column team to explore their talents and better showcase them on the stage of the finals.

Nowadays, the programs that talent shows want to perform are different from the original ones, becoming more exciting and professional.

Chen Ran and the others had considered in advance that the talents of these experts were like this. After they were displayed, they would not have the same shocking feeling as before, and their attractiveness would be greatly reduced.

With guidance, the performance can be made more enjoyable for the audience.

For example, the person who is very good at flexibility has learned to dance himself. Liang Wanyi specially coached him. In the finals, he danced the water snake dance that Leung Wanyi was famous for at the Spring Festival Gala. His flexible body was like water, and the audience was all excited when they saw the performance. Waves of exclamations.

Another example is the talent of sand painting, which is very scalable. The master used sand to tell a long story to the audience on the stage of the finals...

The final is all about showing off your talents.

After intense competition, the champion was selected, and the first place turned out to be Wang Hui, a young man who jumped on the machine.

His mechanical dance was superb, and his joints swung like a machine. On the stage of the finals, his performance was even more eye-catching, and the combination of music and dance was natural.

In the final voting stage, his votes defeated Huang Decai and became the overall champion of the first season of the talent show!

And Huang Decai won the runner-up.

This result must have surprised most of the audience before, but tonight's performance was so exciting, especially the champion's mechanical dance performance, that the audience watched with their mouths open the whole time. When Wang Hui performed, the discussion on Weibo The number surged, and then he won the championship. The controversy was not particularly big, and it felt natural.

As the dust of the championship settled, in Du Qing's singing, the first season of "Talent Show" came to a successful end!

Almost at the same time that the show ended, Weibo about the Talent Show finals went directly to the hot search. After watching the show, the audience naturally needed a place to vent their excitement and excitement. They all gathered on Weibo, crazy. Discussing tonight's final, with such popularity, it would be strange not to be a hot search.

Watching the show end, Chen Ran felt a strange feeling in his heart.

From the time he started making programs until now, except for "Da Mei Zhao Nan", which he was only lightly involved in, and which he watched helplessly finish, several other programs he is the main creator of are still being broadcast. Only the current "Da Mei Zhao Nan" "People Show" is from beginning to end.

When the program ended, he felt a little emotional in his heart, but not as deeply as now. From preparation to broadcast, the "Talent Show" had been a hustle and bustle for several months, and now that it had come to a successful end, he still felt a little bit reluctant to let it go.

Thinking back carefully about the time when he entered the TV station, Chen Ran also felt a little emotional. Starting from the public channel, the journey has been so smooth.

Needless to say, Director Zhang tried his best to help him when he was on the public channel. Even when he went to the entertainment channel, Director Zhang took the initiative to help. This gave him the opportunity to make "I Love to Remember Lyrics" and win the best plan in the station. And was able to successfully enter satellite TV.

If it weren't for Director Zhang's care, Chen Ran would probably still be waiting for an opportunity on the public channel. Even if he was full of ideas and frantically seized the opportunity to gain a position, he wouldn't have been able to climb so fast. Just going to the entertainment channel would have caused him to be its stuck.

In a place where seniority is highly valued, he doesn't want to take it slow. The journey along the way is full of thorns, and he doesn't know how many people he will have conflicts with.

Chen Ran secretly thought about Director Zhang's kindness and thought that he would buy a bottle of good wine to take there another day.

Just as the "Talent Show" is over, Director Zhang must have the same idea. Chen Ran is not a stupid person. He doesn't need Director Zhang to move around, but he has to learn to answer questions.

After thinking about it for a while, Chen Ran turned his attention to Weibo. The amount of discussion now is more than every previous issue. After all, it is the finals. According to TV series, it is the finale. The audience has been following it for so long. , why would he jump out and give a speech?

"With this popularity, how high will the ratings be?" Chen Ran was looking forward to it.

The following episodes of the program have been stable at around 3%. Occasionally, one episode suddenly increases, another episode drops, and it remains above this line.

And now it's the finals. With such a huge momentum, the ratings can't rise even a little bit.

Since it's the finale, Chen Ran also hopes that the ratings will soar. Even though "Talent Show" is doing well now, who would think that his results are too good?

Tonight's show is over and everyone is still looking forward to it.

Only one person was already happy in advance.

Du Qing actually doesn't pay much attention to TV ratings. He just knows that "Talent Show" is very popular. As for the ratings, that is what the program team cares about. He just looks at the Weibo popularity.

What makes him happy now is the results of his new song!

He has not released a new song for a long time, so he is very concerned about the data of the new song. Last night, "Chasing Dreams" was released, and he kept looking at the data until midnight.

Seeing that he ended up in eighth place last night, he was actually quite satisfied.

This is the first day. If the data is accumulated in the future, let alone eighth place, there is also a chance for second place.

He naturally knew that Zhang Xiyun was going to release a new album, but now, on the eve of the "Talent Show" finals, he couldn't miss it, so he had no choice but to go online to compete with Zhang Xiyun's new song, because he knew that the main theme of Zhang Xiyun's new album was also written by Chen Ran He didn't expect to be ranked first for the song, he just thought it would be good to be ranked second.

But today, after the finals of "Talent Show" were broadcast, he was given a big surprise.

The new song that had just climbed to the seventh place on the new song list has suddenly experienced a sudden surge in data. Up to now, "Talent Show" has only ended for an hour, and "Chasing Dreams" has already entered the top five, and every time the data is refreshed, the number has increased significantly. increase.

This data increase actually keeps up with the pace of Zhang Xiyun's album "Slowly Falling in Love with You".

"This effect is a bit too powerful." Du Qing couldn't help but take a breath. He had promoted his songs on shows before, but never was he so exaggerated.

People in the stars naturally noticed this sudden rise of the song.

After Qi Lianfeng got to know it a little bit, the corners of his eyebrows jumped up. Oh my god, it's a song written by Chen Ran again. Zhang Fanzhi's hit song was written by Chen Ran. Now this song suddenly appears. Isn't this a joke?

He was originally worried that this song would reach the top of the new song chart, but he was relieved after learning that even if it took advantage of the popularity of "Talent Show", the song's increase was about the same as Zhang Fanzhi's new song, so it should not be able to catch up.

But just as a precaution, Qi Lianfeng still ordered to give Zhang Fanzhi more publicity resources. No matter who wrote the song, Zhang Fanzhi's new album's main song must be the first among new songs, so as to drive the sales of the entire album.

"This guy..." Thinking of Chen Ran, Qi Lianfeng had a headache and was extremely angry, but there was nothing he could do.

"When did Teacher Chen write such a song for people again?"

Tao Lin couldn't help but turn around and ask while listening to "Chasing Dreams".

This song is so good, and anyone who can listen to it will feel excited. After she heard it on the talent show, she quickly downloaded it, and the song is still on a loop to this day.

Zhang Fanzhi glanced at her and said, "I don't know."

Tao Lin didn't believe it. Zhang Fanzhi must have known that the two of them called each other every day. Wouldn't they discuss this kind of thing?

Looking through the data carefully, Tao Lin frowned slightly. The results were a bit worrying. Will she suddenly break out and catch up with Zhang Fanzhi's new song?

She thought about it for a while and said: "This song seems to be gaining momentum because of "Talent Show". No, I have to contact you and ask the company to continue to increase publicity. This new song cannot be surpassed at number one."

Zhang Fanzhi watched her busy and muttered to himself, "You are worried about being surpassed, so you still go and listen?"

Tao Lin rolled her eyes, "Teacher Chen, this song is well written, and Du Qing also sings it beautifully. If it can really surpass you, it won't be less than my share of sales, and when I listened to the song in advance, I didn't expect this. No, no, this song can’t be better than yours, it’s impossible.”

No first-tier singer has released a new song recently, and Zhang Fanzhi's reputation as a top second-tier singer is unrivaled here. How could Tao Lin know that Du Qing would make such a big splash with the help of "Talent Show".

She was also thinking in her heart, as expected of Chen Ran, she never knew when she could write a song and be so good at it. It would be a pity for such a talent not to debut.

Zhang Fanzhi didn't have as many thoughts as she did. He talked to Tao Lin casually, thinking that now that Chen Ran's show was finished, he didn't know what he was thinking.

She took out her cell phone, but after looking at Tao Lin who was chattering away, she gave up the idea of ​​making a call, pressed her fingers on it gently, and sent a message.

The next day.

Chen Ran arrived at the TV station.

Don't worry, "Talent Show" is over now, but there is still something to do.

The first thing is about the talent tour. This is written in the promotion in advance, and it must be expressed in some way. Regardless of whether the media says they are just a waste of money or they are just a waste of money, there must be a show-off.

The TV station does not have the energy to do this kind of thing. This kind of nationwide tour must be left to professionals, who will call Southern TV to authorize it to some performance organizations.

Everyone is not very active in doing things today. The finals were broadcast last night and today is when the ratings are released. They are all waiting. Who has the time to go to work?

This thing can't be rushed. It wasn't until almost noon that the ratings report for last night's final came out.

Chen Ran looked at the newly released ratings report with satisfaction in his eyes.

The finals of the talent show ended with a ratings of 3.84%!

This rating is really amazing!

Of the recent shows, no matter what time slot it is, I can’t find one that can compete.

The only regret is that I almost broke 4.

Thanks to book friend 20200429065503251 for his 1,000-coin reward, Mr. Tianya Lizhu 8168 for his 1,000-coin reward, Mr. Nirvana for his 1,000-coin reward, Mr. Leng Miyi for his 500-coin reward, Giselle The 500-coin reward from the Spring Boss, the 200-coin reward from Street Movie丨灬, the 200-coin reward from Lianjieqing, the 100-coin reward from Fatty Poster, and the 100-coin reward from Boss Beta. 100-coin reward, 100-coin reward from the passerby Yang Fei, 100-coin reward from the Jungle Survival Rules boss, 100-coin reward from the daily nerd boss, 100-coin reward from the boss 20180314000108999, hsclaker The boss’s 100-coin reward, the boss Lu Mingming’s 100-coin reward, the boss Yehen丷’s 100-coin reward, and the boss A Pig Who Loves Reading’s 100-coin reward. Thank you for your support.

There will be another update later.

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