My wife is a big star

Chapter 250 He doesn’t care

Chen Ran is just a programmer and doesn't care much about this aspect.

However, the leadership transfer still has some impact. Whether it is significant or not is another matter.

When he was preparing for the finals of the talent show last time, the director told him to do well in the finals. Deputy Director Jian was not only optimistic about the show, but also very optimistic about him. If he had any requests, he would try his best to help.

It's good now, the deputy director will be transferred in a blink of an eye.

He thought about what Yao Jingfeng said about something happening on stage. Could this be what he was talking about? It shouldn't be possible, and I haven't seen any changes in the policy...

Chen Ran listened to the discussion among his colleagues for a while and then stopped paying attention. It was just a normal job transfer. No one knew the new leader yet and there was nothing to discuss.

He actually thought about what Director Zhao told him when he asked for leave, asking him to watch some popular programs on the stage. This matter was not explained clearly, but it was probably related to the new programs.

I have been busy with house matters these past two days and have no time to research. I just sorted out the information on a few programs, which I can take a look at now.

Zhaonan Satellite TV has been in business for so many years and has several hit programs. Some of them have been abandoned after a long period of time due to lack of ratings. There are also two programs that have one season every year.

Needless to say, "Celebrity Detective" has just ended, and there is also a celebrity confrontation program "Happy Challenge".

Speaking of this show, it is quite old. It has been broadcast for five seasons, and the sixth season is coming next. Now, because the content of the program cannot keep up, the ratings have begun to decline.

The first season was a hit, but now, the ratings are around 10%, and even if it invites a lot of celebrities, it can't be saved.

"The director doesn't want me to do this show, right?"

Chen Ran looked at it and murmured in his heart, this was for the next Saturday issue, so there seemed to be no problem in letting Chen Ran do it.

But it has always been done by the old team, so why not plug him in as a normal planner?

It's not that Chen Ran is bragging, but the results of the current talent show are obviously inconsistent with common sense.

The momentum of the talent show gradually passed.

Sales of Zhang Fanzhi's new album are on the album sales list, and "Slowly Falling in Love with You" is also jumping up on the best-selling singles list.

Du Qing's new song originally took advantage of the promotion of the talent show. In the early stage, it almost caught up with Zhang Fanzhi in popularity. However, as Fanxing increased its promotion, it lacked stamina and the gap widened, especially in the sales list. Although it has risen steadily, it is not as good as the upward jump of "Slowly Falling in Love with You".

"I don't know if "Slowly Falling in Love with You" can reach the top of the list..."

Tao Lin looked at the data and muttered.

Judging from the current trend, there should be no hope.

The lyrics and melody of this song are not as pleasing as "Later" and "Painting", and are more suitable for listening slowly.

What's more, the first two topped the list not only because of their songs, but "Painting" because of its sudden popularity across the Internet, and "Later" complemented "My Youth".

Now "Slowly Falling In Love with You" does not have such publicity and relies entirely on Zhang Fanzhi's own fame. The possibility of reaching the top of the new song chart is too slim.

It was impossible to reach the top, but it was definitely possible to get into the top ten. Tao Lin was already satisfied.

One album, two songs topped the best-seller list, and several songs were in the top ten. Not many veteran singers can achieve such results.

At this time, Zhang Fanzhi was sitting in front of the piano. He frowned and thought for a long time. He played a few times and sang along with two lines. He felt dissatisfied, so he changed it again before writing it down in his notebook.

Looking at the music sheet in front of her, she breathed a sigh of relief. Just now, she had finished writing the lyrics.

Seeing Tao Lin come in, Zhang Fanzhi paused for a moment and then said, "The song Fanxing wants is ready."

Tao Lin's eyes lit up, "Already healed? So soon?"

"Okay, here it is." Zhang Fanzhi nodded and took out the music sheet.

Tao Lin took a look, but she didn't doubt why the music sheet was in Zhang Fanzhi's hands. She knew that Chen Ran's way of writing songs was unique enough, and it allowed the two of them to write songs even though they were separated from each other.

From this point alone, the two of them are a good match.


This is the song title.

Tao Lin couldn't tell what the melody was like, and she didn't have the ability to sing music.

Judging from the lyrics, they are pretty good. Teacher Chen is indeed amazing at writing this kind of woman in love so vividly.

"What do you think?" Zhang Fanzhi asked.

"A song?" Tao Lin glanced at Zhang Fanzhi and said matter-of-factly: "Teacher Chen, from the time he started writing songs to now, is there anything bad?"

She listened to so many of Chen Ran's songs and had no doubts about Chen Ran's creative ability.

"Yes." Zhang Fanzhi responded, but did not look at Tao Lin. He pressed his fingers gently on the piano.

Tao Lin looked at the song sheet carefully, with regret on her face, "I really don't want to give it to the company. The songs written by Teacher Chen are all excellent. It's a pity to give them to them. If you sing it yourself, the sales will definitely be good."

Zhang Fanzhi was playing when he suddenly paused and said calmly: "Give it to the company, as agreed in advance."

"Yes, it was agreed in advance." Tao Lin nodded, "I'm just saying it. In fact, you have just released a new album, so there is no need to release new songs immediately. You can only give them an advantage."


"Why don't you call now and I'll discuss the price with Teacher Chen. This is for the company, so he must not suffer a loss."

"No, Chen Ran said the normal price is fine."

"That's not possible. You don't know how valuable Teacher Chen's songs are now."

"He doesn't care."

"Yes, if he cared, he wouldn't have refused when Manager Qi contacted him." Tao Lin was convinced.

But after saying that, I felt something was wrong. Normally, even if Chen Ran didn't care, Zhang Fanzhi would argue for him, as if he would suffer a big loss if he spent less money.

Why don’t you care about the price today?

Being stared at by Tao Lin, Zhang Fanzhi frowned and said, "Chen Ran said that the quality of the songs is average, so there is no need to trick people."

"The song is average?" Tao Lin looked at it carefully. She thought the song was pretty good, and Chen Ran's song, could it be an average song?

Could it be that I wrote it casually because I knew it was for the stars?

Seeing that Tao Lin was in a state of confusion, Zhang Fanzhi's face became inexplicably relaxed.

"Huh? What? The song has been written?"

Qi Lianfeng was surprised when he received the call.

"Okay, bring the music sheet over and we'll discuss the price."

After Qi Lianfeng finished speaking, he hung up the phone, still a little unconvinced.

This time, he asked Chen Ran to write a song through Tao Lin and others. He didn't have much hope, but he didn't expect it to happen.

I miss Chen Ran's song every day, but there is no sound every time. Although I curse in my heart, I still want to. Now it suddenly happened. He is still not used to it, but in fact, he still wants to curse.

This time is finally good news. In the past, I would get hemorrhoids from anger every time, but this time I feel better.

After a while, Tao Lin came over with the music sheet and showed it to the musicians on the side.

"This song seems pretty good..."

The musician thought for a moment and nodded.

"This was written by Teacher Chen, can it be bad?" Tao Lin rolled her eyes.

The musician was a little unconvinced, but after thinking about the songs written by Chen Ran, there were still three songs on the charts, and he lost confidence and kept silent.

"Will it be popular?" Qi Lianfeng is concerned about this issue. He is not too concerned about the quality of the song. Whether it is popular or not is the key.

The musician was stunned by this question.

Whether a song can be popular or not depends on many factors. Composition is a matter of time, and lyrics are also related. It doesn’t just have to be a good song. There are also commercial factors, which need to cater to the current public’s aesthetics. These are the prerequisites, and there are others behind it, including the singer, the promotion of the song in the future, and some luck. Just ask them directly if they can become popular. Who can guarantee this?

Seeing Qi Lianfeng's frown, the musician said vaguely: "It should be no problem. Chen Ran wrote several songs in the past that have become popular, and this one will be no different."

Qi Lianfeng thought the same thing. The songs Chen Ran had written for Zhang Fanzhi were very good. Not only were they highly rated, but the key was that they were popular. You can't just ruin your own brand, right?

Then it’s time to negotiate the price.

Qi Lianfeng also felt that Tao Lin was strange. The price was obviously lower than usual, which was different from before.

"We have been negotiating with Teacher Chen for a long time, and it's just a favor." Tao Lin opened her mouth.

Qi Lianfeng didn't fully believe it. It wasn't like he didn't know Zhang Fanzhi's attitude towards Fanxing. How could he still fight for Fanxing's interests?

He had done this in his dreams, but it was broad daylight and he hadn't slept yet.

Anyway, now the song is available, and these musicians promise that it won’t be too bad.

If this song can help promote a new person, it will definitely be a good thing for Fanxing. Judging from Zhang Xiyun's previous attitude, he probably has no intention of continuing with Fanxing.

With her current momentum, her songs don't rely on the stars, and she really can't pose any threat. If she can introduce someone, it won't be so uncomfortable if Zhang Fanzhi is really gone.

Tao Lin returned to the apartment and complained to Zhang Fanzhi: "It's really irritating. What kind of attitude does this Qi Lianfeng have? He was so kind to me a few days ago, but when he got the song, his face changed. His face was drawn, as if he was attending a funeral." "

Zhang Fanzhi was doing yoga slowly and leisurely. He just said "Oh" when she complained, and then asked casually: "What did the song company say?"

"What can I say? How can they be dissatisfied with Teacher Chen's song? It is probably to promote a new talent. I heard that the company has a good talent, and this song must be prepared for her."

Zhang Fanzhi breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this, and then said: "Let them go."

"I have been working in the company for six years, and I feel bad when I see them like this, but these people are short-sighted and do disgusting things. I feel that it is only a matter of time before Fanxing becomes like this..." Tao Lin sighed.

If it hadn't happened to her and Zhang Fanzhi, she wouldn't have been so touched. During that time, she was so disgusted that she even thought about quitting this job. Anyway, after all these years, it was quite tiring.

Speaking of this, Tao Lin asked Zhang Fanzhi, "Xiyun, the contract is about to expire, what are your plans? Companies have contacted me one after another in the past few days..."

Zhang Fanzhi paused slightly, "Say more."

PS: The book review area is holding a star promotion event for Zhang Fanzhi’s character. Those who are interested can go and support Sister Zhizhi.

I'm ashamed that I haven't read the book review section. I would like to thank the operation officer for his ignorance and the entire operation team. Thank you.

Thank you to the leader for the 10,000-coin reward for becoming a regular official and watching the genuine boss. Thank you very much.

Thanks to the boss for the 10,000-coin reward after being beaten by his wife. I am very grateful.

Thank you to the book friend 20200320153026485 for the 6600-coin reward, the scholar-informed boss for the 1333-coin reward, the cigarette, boss for the 1000-coin reward, the book friend 150522144223441 for the 500-coin reward, I want to cry but there are no tears, man The 500-coin reward from the boss Midnight Chopper Hand, the 700-coin reward from the boss Jiujing, the 500-coin reward from the boss Chenxiaoyuan, and the 300-coin reward from the boss Muyi Wenwu 12138 Rewards, boss MARCUSSSS’s 500-coin reward, boss Chenguang Dusk’s 200-coin reward, boss dengnio’s 200-coin reward, boss Fever Meow’s 100-coin reward, and boss Fragrance After the Rain’s 100-coin reward Reward, 100-coin reward from the boss of roadad, 100-coin reward from the boss of Qingfeng Xu Lai La La La, 100-coin reward from the boss of 359833.qdcn, 100-coin reward from the boss who sings and robs the bank, book Friend 20170604130550859 gave me a reward of 100 coins. Thank you for your support.

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