My wife is a big star

Chapter 295 Why


Tao Lin sat on the sofa with her legs crossed, her brows slightly furrowed, still thinking about something in her mind.

There was a sound from outside, which brought her back to her senses. With a click, the door opened and Zhang Fanzhi followed Xiaoqin in.

Tao Lin put her legs down, stood up and said, "Come back so soon?" She thought Zhang Fanzhi would not be able to come back until night.

The weather in Huahai was not that cold yet, and the temperature in the room was not low. Zhang Fanzhi took off his coat and said, "You said it was urgent."

Speaking of this, Tao Lin frowned again and said: "It's quite urgent. I told you on the phone that Liao Jinfeng's tone was not very nice. He probably wanted to force you to express your position. You can't escape this time and you have to do it in person." Go, otherwise we don’t know what trouble they will cause."

When a celebrity breaks up with his old employer, there will always be some problems. In fact, it is normal. If there are no problems, then he will not leave the company.

Just like Zhang Fanzhi, without these big and small problems, she would definitely continue to develop in Fanxing.

Zhang Fanzhi hasn't been to Fanxing for a long time. She has an unusual relationship with Sister Lin. Most things are handled by Sister Lin. It's obvious that she can't escape this time. She nodded and said, "Let's go tomorrow."

"I haven't decided what to say yet." Tao Lin felt a headache. In just a few months, the new year's contract would be over. It would be best if she could delay it.

But if you think about it carefully, the people at Fanxing are not stupid. They really can wait for you to wait until the end of the contract before asking?

Since the contract was only one year old, this matter has been mentioned many times. Not only Manager Qi, Director Liao, but also the boss of the company has also asked about it.

The delay in forcing Zhang Fanzhi to express his position until now is all because Zhang Fanzhi's popularity has skyrocketed, which has increased the company's tolerance.

Zhang Fanzhi said: "Let's talk directly tomorrow."

It’s now time to stop treating people like fools and it’s time to speak openly.

"I'm afraid Fanxing won't give up." Tao Lin rubbed her eyebrows.

Compared with the company, Zhang Fanzhi is the weakest party. If she agrees to join World Entertainment, then Fanxing does not need to offend such a media giant and make Zhang Fanzhi uncomfortable.

It's just that Zhang Fanzhi has no plans to sign a company for the time being, so he can't pretend to be a bully.

"There is nothing to give up." Zhang Fanzhi pursed his lips.

She feels that she is worthy of the company.

In the past six months, not many celebrities have been as crazy about taking on commercial roles as she is. Even if others are doing commercial roles, they won't be like her. This is quite a waste of popularity.

Many of Zhang Fanzhi's fans knew about this situation and felt very sorry for her. They scolded Fanxing countless times on Weibo.

But Zhang Fanzhi didn't complain. Except for some announcements that she was particularly unwilling to accept, she went to all the others. She felt that it was enough to be worthy of Fanxing.

Her contract has not been changed, and until now, it is still a rookie contract, which is a way of repaying the company's kindness in nurturing her debut.

"No matter what Liao Jinfeng says tomorrow, don't be too impulsive. I'll take care of it then." Tao Lin warned, Zhang Fanzhi was very casual about what he did, and he might slam the door and walk away if he did something wrong.

"Yes." Zhang Fanzhi nodded seriously.

Tao Lin looked at her, not sure whether she should believe it or not.

The next day.

Starry music.

Liao Jinfeng took a few photos and looked at them carefully and let out a breath.

The assistant from outside came in and said, "Director, Zhang Xiyun and Tao Lin are here. They are waiting outside."

Liao Jinfeng said, "Take them to the conference room. I'll be there in a moment."

"Okay director."

After the assistant left, Liao Jinfeng chuckled and shook his head.

He really didn't expect that there were people like Zhang Fanzhi in the circle. No matter how serious the artists they signed were, they would always find some dirty information.

But Zhang Fanzhi is really a weirdo. He usually doesn't socialize and talks to few people. He spends most of his time with his manager and assistant. He works hard during practice and has never fallen behind since his debut.

To say that she can find black spots, it may be because she talks less and can arrange a big name or something.

But looking at Zhang Fanzhi from his debut to now, he has appeared on many programs, and there has never been any rumors in this regard.

She has a serious work attitude. As long as the content of the program is within an acceptable range, Zhang Fanzhi will work hard to complete it. Even if she has a poor sense of variety and talks less, at least she is obedient and has never had any trouble with the program crew. You just arrange a show. Big names are untenable without evidence.

Liao Jinfeng sighed, luckily he had the handle, otherwise Zhang Fanzhi would really be the Moon Palace Fairy in the sky, and he would have floated away in a few months.

In the conference room, Zhang Fanzhi and Tao Lin were both there. The assistant director poured the tea and left.

Tao Lin murmured: "This Liao Jinfeng, what kind of airs is there? It's not like he didn't call in advance, but he actually asked us to wait. Is this deliberately trying to keep us dry?"

It was good to call them early in the morning as if to remind them. When they came over, Liao Jinfeng asked his assistant to bring them over. When he asked, it turned out that the director was busy.

After waiting for a long time, Tao Lin felt a little impatient and wanted to just pull Zhang Fanzhi and leave.

At this time, Liao Jinfeng suddenly opened the door and walked in.

His face, which looked to be in his thirties, was full of smiles, "Hey, Xiyun is such a rare visitor. I haven't been to the company for a long time. I was a little busy just now and kept you waiting for a long time."

Tao Lin secretly thought of hypocrisy. This guy looks decent, but when he opens his mouth, he can tell that he is not a good person.

Zhang Fanzhi said calmly: "Hello, director."

"The company is your home. When you come back, it's like going home. Come back and visit more often when you have time." Liao Jinfeng said.

Zhang Fanzhi: "I've been taking on a lot of commercial performances recently, so I'm very busy."

"It's been a lot of hard work for you during this period. You must be famous and the company is running, so you can get so many commercial invitations. The company has also been trying its best to get variety show announcements for you. It's a bit busy, but for your future It's very beneficial." Liao Jinfeng said: "The company fully supports talents like you, Xiyun, because we hope you can expand your popularity and take your reputation to the next level."

Zhang Fanzhi glanced at Liao Jinfeng but said nothing.

Tao Lin sneered from the side. The company's recent approach can be called full support. If it was really rights support, it would be to contact the musicians and pick up other song resources to pave the way for Zhang Fanzhi.

Keep asking Zhang Fanzhi to perform in commercials, what kind of support is this?

She was not interested in hearing Liao Jinfeng's hypocrisy anymore and said straight to the point: "Director Liao, I wonder why you asked me to call Xiyun to come to the company?"

Liao Jinfeng glanced at Tao Lin, his brows furrowed slightly, and he thought to himself that you are really a white-eyed wolf. The company pays you a salary, but your butt is already crooked to the edge of the sky.

He said with a habitual fake smile: "Xiyun's contract will expire at the beginning of the year. From now to the beginning of the year, there are only four months. I asked Xiyun to come this time because I want to talk about the contract."

"I know that Xiyun has some misunderstandings about the company, but as long as you know that the company must be thinking about your future, as the saying goes, the past is like the wind, it will be blown away, so don't take it seriously. Xiyun's current contract is still a newcomer's contract, and the contract It is good for the company, but unfair to Xiyun. I can make the decision. As long as Xiyun changes his contract, it will definitely be the highest-level contract in the company."

Liao Jinfeng's words are very interesting. No matter what the situation is, he just wants to let people know that the company is doing this for your own good.

Tao Lin felt a little tempted to laugh when she heard these words. If the company was doing Zhang Fanzhi's good, it would not have taken the initiative to suppress her in the first place.

As for the contract, when "Original Dream" was gaining momentum, why didn't you raise the issue and say it was unfair to Zhang Fanzhi?

This guy is really not a good person. From the moment he walked in until now, he has been talking about cheating and not telling the truth.

Zhang Fanzhi listened to Liao Jinfeng's words with an expressionless face, and then slowly said: "I haven't thought about the contract yet. I want to wait until the contract is over to talk about it."

Liao Jinfeng: "You don't have to wait for the contract to end. You can negotiate now. As long as the negotiation is completed, the remaining few months will be based on the new contract."

But Zhang Fanzhi still shook his head.

Liao Jinfeng looked a little worried and asked: "Xiyun, the company is very sincere this time, you should think about it carefully."

Zhang Fanzhi: "I have considered it and will not renew the contract for the time being."

This was a direct show of her cards.

Liao Jinfeng said: "Is it because of what happened last year? Last year, the company did not think carefully and treated Lin Hanyun a little too favorably. But you should know that the company only had so many resources, and it was only enough to promote one Lin Hanyun at that time. The company can apologize for this, and I will definitely compensate you, but it would be a bit irrational to say that you are not renewing the contract because of this."

"I just want to rest for a while, no other reason." Zhang Fanzhi said lightly.

Liao Jinfeng felt a little angry when he saw Zhang Fanzhi acting so helpless. He wanted to rest for a while. This was a lie!

A top second-tier singer, if you work harder, you will become a first-tier singer. With such popularity at its peak, Zhang Fanzhi said he wanted to take a rest. Is this possible?

Her popularity is not accumulated over the years. If she does not maintain the exposure of her songs, her popularity will fall very quickly. Would Zhang Xiyun be such a stupid person?

No need to think about it, she must want to change jobs to other companies!

Liao Jinfeng suppressed his anger and said: "The company has spent a lot of energy on you, worked hard to train you, and given you a lot of resources. You are where you are today, all because of the company. Now you are famous and your wings are strong. Is this how you repay the company?"

Tao Lin on the side immediately interrupted, "Director Liao, you are wrong to say that. It is true that the company has trained Xiyun, but the money Xiyun has made for the company in the past two years is enough to repay the company, right? There is also a contract The question is, have you seen any second-tier stars using a rookie contract?"

Liao Jinfeng ignored Tao Lin, stared at Zhang Fanzhi with squinted eyes and said, "Zhang Xiyun, let me ask you now, do you really not want to renew your contract with the company?"

Zhang Fanzhi didn't care about Liao Jinfeng's angry tone and nodded slightly.

"Okay, that's really good." Liao Jinfeng vomited and said, "I originally said that I would have a good talk with you. The company is kind to you, and you should remember it. I didn't expect that you are also a white-eyed wolf. , Zhang Xiyun, I will tell you clearly right now, you can’t do it if you don’t sign this contract.”

Tao Lin asked: "Why does Xiyun want to sign a contract? If she doesn't sign a contract, how can you force her?"

"I'm not forcing Zhang Xiyun, but Zhang Xiyun is forcing the company!" Liao Jinfeng snorted and threw a few photos out of his hand, "As for why, see if these are enough?"

Thanks to book friend 20190503225225793 for his 1,000-coin reward, Mr. A Pig Who Loves Reading for his 100-coin reward, Mr. Lu Mingming for his 100-coin reward, and Mr. Sakuralt for his 100-coin reward. Thank you for your support. .

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