My wife is a big star

Chapter 34 It’s not shameful to lose to Chen Ran

"Lin Fan?"

Chen Ran was slightly stunned when he heard the name.

Apart from competing for the position of chief planner of the new program, the two had no interaction with each other, and Chen Ran had never met him.

Now I came to the entertainment channel to meet this competitor.

Lin Fan came here to introduce himself. What did he want to do?

The people next to him also looked over curiously. After all, if such a good opportunity was robbed, they might become angry, but that's not necessarily the case.

At least they were not resentful, but they were definitely not in the mood to introduce themselves to someone who had a gap.

However, to their surprise, after Lin Fan finished the introduction, he extended his thumb and said, "I saw your plan, and I am convinced that you lost!"

Chen Ran didn't understand what he meant. Did he come here just to admit defeat?

Not only Chen Ran, but others also didn't understand.

Everyone could see Lin Fan's face yesterday. It was basically dark all the time and he was in an extremely bad mood.

Why did it just change today?

Chen Ran came back to his senses and said with a smile: "I also have many shortcomings. You are a senior. Please give me your advice in the future."

Seeing Chen Ran's attitude, Lin Fan felt a lot better for some reason. He smiled bitterly and said: "Senior, I'm just a little older and have no skills at all. I'm also in the column group of the new program, so I work under you. I just want to ask for your advice."

Chen Ran really didn't know that Lin Fan would also join the new column group.

It's not surprising if you think about it carefully. Since he will compete for the chief planner, he means that he is not busy at work now. If there is a new show, he can naturally follow it.

Lin Fan and Chen Ran were talking here, and they were basically just compliments.

Others looked weird, thinking that Lin Fan was here to be weird, but his attitude and tone were normal.

This is a bit hard to understand. Are you really thinking about it?

When Lin Fan left, Chen Ran didn't even understand what he meant.

Are you here to build a good relationship sincerely, or are you just playing scheming?

No matter what, it doesn't matter to him. In the end, ability speaks for itself, and doing a good job is better than anything else.

Lin Fan left, feeling relieved.

Last night, his father Lin Jun talked to him a lot, probably about the failure of this competition.

His mood is indeed very gloomy. He has so many advantages and yet he still loses so completely. Doesn't it prove that after all he has done in the past few years, he is just a waste?

I even had the idea of ​​changing my career.

Lin Jun knew what he was thinking and comforted him for a long time.

"You only see that you lost, but you don't think about how you lost. How many program planners like Chen Ran have you seen so far that can be used to establish projects?"

What Lin Jun meant was that he couldn't write out this plan, let alone him. If it was limited to one person, even Yang Qijun wouldn't be able to write out such a meticulous and complete plan.

It is easy for one person's thinking to have limitations. It is okay to propose an idea, but when it comes to perfecting the idea, what one person makes will not be so perfect. It will often be crooked, which requires everyone to negotiate.

It's so rare for a person like Chen Ran to write such a complete story.

Finally, Lin Jun called Yang Qijun and asked for a planning document to show Lin Fan.

It wasn't until Lin Fan saw the planning documents that Lin Fan's mentality changed.

It’s not that he is too bad, but that Chen Ran’s writing is so good!

He couldn't believe that Chen Ran was only twenty-three years old.

Just like Lin Jun said, it is not a competition of the same level.

After seeing the plan, his anger became relieved.

There is no shame in losing to such a plan!

Lin Fan was even very curious about how Chen Ran came up with such a plan, and that led to the scene where he took the initiative to say hello today. He was not trying to compete with each other, but was really curious.

During the morning meeting, Director Liu Xianlong asked Chen Ran to introduce himself.

The people below applauded.

Chen Ran was chosen as the planner for the new program. Everyone in the program department knew about it and was not surprised at all.

Although many people were surprised by Chen Ran's good looks and youth, his abilities were affirmed by his superiors, so they had nothing to say.

The program was directly used for project establishment and has been submitted for program review. No one else dared to even think about it. Chen Ran did it. Naturally, no one objected to him being the chief planner.

At this point, Chen Ran has officially transferred to the entertainment channel and settled here.

The column team has gathered the creative team together in the past two days. The chief director Wu Jin is a middle-aged man with a middle-parted comb and thick white beard. He looks more artistic.

The people from the column team gathered together, and the chief director Wu Jin clapped his hands and asked everyone to come over, and then said: "Everyone, come here and welcome the chief planner Chen Ran!"

Chen Ran smiled and said: "Hello everyone, I am Chen Ran. From today on, I will serve as the chief planner of the column group. I hope to work hard with everyone to create a good program."

They all talk in cliches.

Approval for the show will take another day or two, but they can start preparations.

Because the current program needs to be pushed down, the sooner the program is allowed, the better.

Chen Ran started working in the afternoon the day he joined.

There is a lot of preparation work to be done in the early stage of the show. Chen Ran discussed the planned content with the people in the column team.

He is the chief planner of the show. Although Wu Jin is the director, there are many things he doesn't understand about the show.

Everyone in the planning document column team knew that they had read it countless times when Chen Ran was not here.

Now that Chen Ran, the chief planner, has come over, everyone is in high spirits and discussing the details together.

"Fortunately, I was prepared last night."

Chen Ran muttered in his heart.

This is not the first time he has faced this kind of battle. After all, he is also the chief planner of "Zhaonan Focus".

But that show doesn’t have so many details, they just have a general direction.

Everyone has a lot of questions. If Chen Ran hadn't been prepared last night, he would probably get stuck when facing everyone's questions today, which would be embarrassing.

"I Love to Remember Lyrics" is a variety show that also involves KTV and the like. According to Chen Ran's plan, the lead singer needs to be selected in the early stage.

Making a show is not about guessing, every step must be discussed clearly.

Everyone prepares together in several departments and analyzes it clearly, so that each department can clearly understand its own work.

"Director Wu, you can start preparing for the lead singer selection now. You can contact several singing software with high traffic to give time to select a singer with good conditions."

Finally, Chen Ran highlighted one sentence.

The lead singer is an important part of "I Love to Remember Lyrics". Choosing a few good lead singers can add a lot of color to the show.

Chen Ran singled it out and said that Director Wu Jin naturally paid attention to it, "I will have someone contact me after the meeting. I will ask musicians for help during the selection and strive to be the best."

On Chen Ran's first day at the entertainment channel, there was no adjustment period or anything and he integrated directly into the work.

I am a little busy, but I feel quite fulfilled.

I didn’t feel ostracized in the workplace, but I felt a little over-enthusiastic.

The people in the entertainment channel are relatively younger than the public channels, and the atmosphere is more active.

When he got off work, Chen Ran felt pretty good.

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