My wife is a big star

Chapter 368 Too Young

Lin Fan sat there, holding the chopsticks without moving, as if he was hesitant to speak.

Chen Ran chewed the food slowly, and after swallowing it, he said: "What kind of expression are you looking at? If I ask you to treat me to a meal, it won't be so painful, right?"

"What's going on? I won't feel any pain if I treat you to ten meals."

Lin Fan thought for a while, "Teacher Chen, you have talked with Zhang Xiyun for such a long time, have you met the parents?"

Yes, he used to be called Chen Ran. Ever since he was called Teacher Chen in a program group, he has never changed his name.

Chen Ran was used to this title and didn't bother with it. He asked curiously: "Why are you gossiping about me all of a sudden?"

"Why is this gossip? I just want to ask and learn from my experience."

Lin Fan blushed when he talked about it. He was thirty years old after all, but he still had to learn from Chen Ran, a twenty-five-year-old.

Many of these years have been spent on dogs.

"What lessons do you want to learn from me?" Chen Ran was confused.

Lin Fan said: "Let's talk, just talk."

"Are you going to take Xiaoqin to meet your parents?" Chen Ran tried to figure out something, and when he asked, Lin Fan laughed and thought he had guessed it right. He shook his head and said, "There's no way, I met Zhizhi. You are a parent, but your experience is not suitable for you.”

Lin Fan's eyes lit up and he said: "Let's talk about it. They are all similar but have some differences. It's good to have a reference."

He had already taken Xiaoqin home, but Xiaoqin got along a little weird with her parents. He wanted to improve their relationship, but was afraid of backfiring, so he wanted to ask Chen Ran.

Chen Ran said with a smile: "What are the similarities? The difference is overwhelming. Before I met Zhizhi, I knew Uncle Zhang. Zhizhi and I were introduced by her father, which is different from you."

Lin Fan was stunned. He had heard that Zhang Xiyun and Teacher Chen knew each other on a blind date before. He didn't believe it and thought it was just spread on the Internet. Now that Chen Ran said it, he was a little surprised.

People can find big stars on blind dates, but his previous blind dates were all about monsters and monsters.

Chen Ran's father-in-law is really good. The daughter of such a big star has no worries about getting married, so why did she let someone go on a blind date? Although it was not a loss to find Teacher Chen, it felt too weird.

But this was not the answer Lin Fan wanted, and he said, "I want to ask how is the relationship between Zhang Xiyun and your parents?"

"It's good. It's been good since we met. My parents moved to the city a few days ago. I can't leave because Zhizhi picked them up." Chen Ran said seriously.

Lin Fan's expression paused. Just now, Chen Ran said that the difference was overwhelming, but now he realized that Chen Ran was really different from him.

His father Lin Jun is okay, but his mother probably has some opinions on Xiaoqin, and Lin Fan is a little helpless now.

He wanted Xiaoqin to go back with him more often to improve the relationship, but Xiaoqin was obviously very resistant and felt awkward going there. He also didn't want Xiaoqin to be unhappy, so it was quite awkward to be caught in the middle.

Chen Ran saw that Lin Fan's face was quite troubled, but he could only do nothing to help.

Before Zhizhi met her parents, she already knew that Zhizhi was a celebrity and had even made videos.

Chen Junhai and his wife were very satisfied with Chen Ran finding such a beautiful wife. In addition, Zhang Fanzhi also deliberately learned cooking skills in order to meet his future parents-in-law. He even came to the meeting regardless of work during the two meetings. She behaved very well-educated and gentle. Demure.

This is like having a fairy fall from the sky as a daughter-in-law. She has a good personality and is beautiful. What else could Chen Ran's parents be dissatisfied with.

Seeing Lin Fan's troubled look at this time, Chen Ran felt that he and Zhizhi were really going smoothly and had not encountered such embarrassing things as Lin Fan.

Let's just say that Lin Fan has managed the relationship between Xiaoqin and his parents now. There is still a hurdle to overcome in the future. After all, he is eight years older than Xiaoqin. How will Xiaoqin's parents react when they find out?

This is still unknown.

Chen Ran has no worries about this. The red line held by his father-in-law can be leveraged!

Chen Ran felt comfortable about this. What's the point of ups and downs in life? It's better to have everything go smoothly.

Director Ma has watched "I Am a Singer" and is naturally very satisfied with the content.

He has watched a lot of singing programs, most of which were fan clubs, concerts, or simply a place for singers to promote new songs, and the ratings were generally not good.

After talent shows became popular back then, singing talent shows flourished for a while, but due to excessive consumption, they have long since declined.

Similar to Mango TV's "The Voice of Heaven", it is the best-performing singing program in recent times, and its ratings performance is only barely acceptable.

"I Am a Singer" is different from all the singing programs that Ma Wenlong has watched before. It incorporates reality shows, coupled with professional equipment and teams, and exaggerated choreography, it completely refreshes Ma Wenlong's understanding of singing programs.

Because there are too many shady stories in talent show programs, similar competition programs will be speculated on the Internet, which will have a great negative impact on the program.

But Chen Ran was creative and added a notary to the program to supervise the whole process.

Not only can it ensure the credibility of the program, it is even a very clever marketing tool.

This kind of detail makes Ma Wenlong a little breathtaking.

He couldn't say whether the show would be popular or not. It would depend on the audience's acceptance of the show. But with the shocking sound quality, the powerful singing skills of these singers, and the gorgeous stage, the ratings would not be bad.

Thinking of what he mentioned to Chen Ran at noon, he hesitated for a while and came to the director's office.

Station director Fang Yongnian saw him and asked, "What's going on?"

"Director, isn't the production company's program department in need of a person in charge? I recommend Chen Ran to take over!" Ma Wenlong did not hesitate.

He originally wanted to wait until the show started to see the results before mentioning it, but the frequency of meetings has been a bit high recently. If he really wanted to confirm it in advance, it would be useless for him to mention it again.

Fang Yongnian stared at Ma Wenlong for a long time, frowned and said, "What do you think?"

"Chen Ran is a talent." Ma Wenlong said seriously.

Fang Yongnian shook his head, "He is too young. It has only been two years since he joined the TV station."

"But the results he has achieved in the past two years cannot be matched by others in ten years!"

With two hits a year, coupled with memorizing lyrics, Zhaonan Focus has made greater contributions than many others.

Based on Chen Ran's ability, he is definitely capable of being a responsible person.

However, when promoting people in Taiwan, it is not just based on ability, ability is only one factor.

"Director, Chen Ran has made two hits now. If nothing else happens, the new show will definitely be a hit. Talents like this must be kept." Ma Wenlong said.

"Talents who produce programs are not necessarily suitable for management. Suitable talents should be in suitable positions. If he had been in the station for ten years, I would strongly recommend him, but he is too young." Fang Yongnian said: "Such a person must stay. When the contract is negotiated, if the conditions are relaxed and transferred to the highest grade, the station will naturally not treat him badly."

Seeing that Ma Wenlong was still hesitating, Fang Yongnian said: "I will mention it when the discussion is held at the meeting, and we will discuss it then."

Even though the station manager had come to this point, Ma Wenlong had nothing to say. He was quite satisfied with the result. Chen Ran's achievements were obvious to all. As long as they were discussed, there would be a chance. As for success or failure, this was not something he could interfere with.

When Fang Yongnian saw him leaving, he frowned, took a deep breath and thought for a long time, and finally shook his head slightly and said, "It's difficult."

He didn't consider Chen Ran as a candidate for the program department because he was too young.

Chen Ran was able to achieve his current position as a producer at the age of twenty-five because of his ability. If he wants to move up, it is not a matter of ability, there are many factors that need to be considered.

There is something in the system, he is just so complicated.

You can say that when it comes to making programs, you should do things based on your ability. Everyone’s interests are to make good programs, and the interests of the TV station are the fundamental thing. But when it comes to management, it’s really different.

Chen Ran knows nothing about these. For him, making a good show now is more important than anything else.

After several fine cuts, the current version of the program finally satisfied him.

May Day is getting closer and closer, and now is the time to start promoting it.

Many media have previously reported on Zhaonan Satellite TV’s new May Day program.

There were still people paying attention at the beginning, but after all, the time was far apart, and because it was a singing program, it just faded away after a long time, without any popularity at all.

Some time ago, before recording, some news was released to warm up.

This kind of gradual exposure like unveiling can most arouse the interest of netizens and audiences, so not much content was revealed in the early stage. In addition to singing programs, news about professional singer competitions was also revealed.

Many people were actually confused and didn't understand what it meant, and small-scale discussions formed.

At first, the audience on the Internet was not optimistic about this program. It was not until later that someone revealed that the program team was the original team of "Talent Show" and the producer was the producer of the previous season of "Happy Challenge". This aroused the concern of many people. interest.

"Didn't the original cast of Got Talent do a show called 'Strictly Come Dancing'? That show was not interesting. What new show could they come up with?"

"It's different. I've seen a comparison between 'Strictly Come Dancing' and 'Got Talent'. It's not really the original cast. There's also a core character missing."

"Is this the producer now?"

"It's him. After leaving the "Talent Show" team, he took over "Happy Challenge". Because of his joining, he revamped this old program. As everyone has seen, the program is very interesting. I checked it and it seems The previous "Zhou Zhouxiu" was also produced by him."

"This person is quite interesting. There are too few breaking news on the show. Please pay attention and take a look."

Amid the expectations of these netizens, the program released some news again, this time revealing some program rules.

The professional singer competition is exactly as some netizens speculated. Professional singers are invited to compete on the stage to compete for the title of king of singers.

Many people were stunned when they saw this news.

"How can this compare to a professional singer being invited to compete?"

Sorry, the next chapter will be a little late too.

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