My wife is a big star

Chapter 376 Why did it suddenly become popular?

Taking into account the popularity of the show before and after the promotion, as well as the audience's word-of-mouth feedback after the show, everyone's hearts have calmed down from the initial anxiety, because they know that the ratings will definitely not be bad.

As long as the premiere ratings exceed 1.5, it is considered qualified. If it can reach 2, the program will definitely become a hit, and even have the ability to become a top hit.

The reason why "Talent Show" is so great is because it is a talent show, and the ratings will explode as the competition progresses. Although singers are also competing, this is the first of its kind and no one can guarantee it.

But as long as it can reach 2, it will be a big surprise for everyone!

However, now it has not only reached 2, but even reached an astonishing 2.581%!

This number, let alone other members of the program team, even Chen Ran, who was very confident in the program, was stunned for a moment.

Unlike others, he is completely optimistic about the potential of the singer. If the first broadcast is 2, it will definitely be a top hit if it works well. If investment in publicity is increased and operation continues, it may even become a phenomenon.

Now, the premiere ratings have reached 2.581%, which has exceeded Chen Ran's imagination.

There is absolutely no suspense about the hit, and it is even possible that the next issue will have a ratings of over 3. Needless to say, the top hits, what about the phenomenal?

It's possible, very possible!

This is why everyone in the program team was shocked!

"Okay, okay, 2.5% for the first broadcast, it's so high!"

Ma Wenlong was equally excited. He understood what the premiere ratings represented.

If the potential is enough, you can definitely try to hit the phenomenon level.

What is phenomenal?

At least it has to be a household name and everyone pays attention.

Previous programs, even "Talent Show", were barely interesting.

Now "I Am a Singer" has given him hope!

How long has it been since there was a phenomenal show?

Not only did they call South TV, but other satellite TVs as well. In recent years, there have not been many hit programs, let alone phenomenal ones.

Now "I Am a Singer" has such signs!

Zhao Peisheng's hands were shaking a little. At first, he felt that the investment in this program was too high, but now he felt that it would not be unacceptable to invest more.

It was not just them who were shocked, everyone at the TV station who knew the ratings was shocked.

Some newcomers to the TV station did not understand what the ratings represented and asked ignorantly: "Isn't it just 2.5%? It was almost the same when "Celebrity Detective" premiered last year, and everyone was not so excited at the time."

"Can this be the same? "Celebrity Detective" has been broadcast before and became a hit. It has a previous audience base, so the first broadcast ratings are high, but the potential is not great. In comparison, I Am a Singer is a new program , has no audience base, and relies entirely on pre-publicity, and the potential of this program is huge, let alone 2.5%, even if it is 2%, it is not comparable to "Celebrity Detective"."

"A phenomenal show, this show has the potential to become a phenomenon!"

"Phenomenal level?" After understanding this, the man was also surprised.

There was a bit of silence during the Tomato TV meeting.

Huang Yu didn't speak, and neither did anyone else.

It was actually the data on the ratings report that made them a bit unbelievable.

A brand new program, with a first-run ratings of 2.5%, was produced by Zhaonan Satellite TV. How could they accept it?

In fact, the ratings of their Tomato TV program last night were not bad, with a ratings of close to 2%. It seems that the data of the two programs is not too outrageous.

But this is not how it is calculated. Tomato TV’s programs are old programs. They used to be phenomenal, but now they are still hits. The audience base is very high. Now it has not broken 2, and the programs are considered to have declined.

When the first season of this show premiered that year, the ratings were only 1.8%. With ratings like this, it could become a phenomenon in the future. If you compare it, you will know how terrifying the current "I Am a Singer" is.

Huang Yu remained silent, feeling really uncomfortable.

It's a phenomenon. Although it's not there yet, it's already starting to appear from online discussions.

Some people will say that if you make your own program, if someone else is a phenomenon, it won’t affect you at all. But the market is here and it’s so big. If you are strong, there will be someone who is weak. The relationship between one and the other is ebb and flow.

Even though their program last night was able to maintain a ratings of 1.9%, the ratings for the next episode will definitely not rise.

The people at Zhaonan TV are not fools. Seeing a program with such potential, the following publicity and promotion will definitely be overwhelming. When the time comes, what else can they do to further squeeze the market.

Not to mention that it can return to the position of a hit, we still don’t know how much the ratings can increase next week under the pressure of "I Am a Singer".

"If I had known, I would have changed the show..." Huang Yu thought subconsciously.

What a loss.

This is their old show and the ratings have been very stable.

Now, I'm afraid it's not stable anymore!

"Does this show have such high ratings?"

"From the momentum after last night's broadcast, I knew that the ratings of this show must be high. I didn't expect it to be so exaggerated!"

Almost as soon as the ratings report came out, many people in the industry were surprised.

During the previous promotion, many people were very optimistic about this show, but who would have thought that it would be so exaggerated? This is completely phenomenal!

"Is it possible that Zhaonan TV will unseat Mango TV this year? How does it feel to be the leader?"

Many people are looking at Mango TV. If "I Am a Singer" really reaches the phenomenon level, plus the three popular programs "Talent Show", "Celebrity Detective" and "Happy Challenge", Mango TV will win Why fight with someone?

Guan Guozhong was really a little confused. He scratched his head and couldn't figure out why Zhaonan TV would have such a program.

Before the show started, his mentality was to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, but now he was fine. As soon as he sat down, one tiger suddenly jumped up and slapped the other to death, and roared and pointed at them with its sharp teeth. Come over here, who can still sit still?

Tigers have to eat people!

Don’t lose the first place!

Guan Guozhong thought to himself that if he lost the first place, he would have no way to explain.

Mango TV is convening a meeting with all its strength and must come up with countermeasures.

The first defense battle must be fought as a war!

"This Chen Ran, I knew he was a hidden dragon." Tang Ming shook his head.

Everyone was focusing on the show, but his eyes passed through the show and fell on Chen Ran, who was behind the scenes.

During the "Talent Show", he realized that Chen Ran was not simple, and wanted to recruit people over at that time, but unfortunately he failed.

But now that Qianlong has taken off, Zhaonan Satellite TV may treat Chen Ran as a treasure, so what chance does he have?

Unlike the silent Huang Yu and the nervous Guan Guozhong, Tang Ming has no pressure and is very open-minded. Anyway, they are at the bottom of several mainstream satellite TV stations. If someone releases a phenomenal program, it will not have any impact on them. Too big.

What he has to consider now is how to increase the overall ratings. It is already at the bottom anyway, so he might as well do it boldly.

Tang Ming is a person with no shortage of adventurous spirit. As long as he has a reliable plan that can increase the ratings, he is not stingy about trying.

The show is popular, and ratings are a result, but now it is more reflected in audience feedback.

After a night's delay, the program was uploaded to a website affiliated with Zhaonan Satellite TV. After watching it, many netizens began to spontaneously edit singing clips and upload them to major websites.

This kind of stage lighting that seems to transcend the era, coupled with the excellent singing ability, attracted many people to watch and like in a short period of time.

On many websites and forums, the topic has gradually begun to focus on the program "I Am a Singer". Its reputation and popularity have completely overshadowed all programs in the same issue.

In such a crazy discussion, the seven singers who debuted are also the focus of discussion.

They are on fire!

Very, very popular.

As a former first-line singer, Li Yicheng has not enjoyed such high attention for a long time.

Even though he was very popular back then, it still felt a bit abrupt and unaccustomed.

This feeling is just like the scene when his first album suddenly became popular all over the country after the release of his first album. Even his current mood is somewhat similar to that of back then.

When she was at her peak, the little diva Jin Yuqi was hidden due to conflicts with her company, which caused her to die prematurely. Now she is back on the stage and has made a perfect comeback on the stage of "I Am a Singer".

The current fame and attention even make her feel higher than before.

If nothing else, she only knew that there was nothing wrong with participating in this show.

Now her popularity is weak. As for whether she can stabilize it, it depends on whether she can seize the opportunity.

Among the several guests, the ones who actually gained the most were not Jin Yuqi and Li Yicheng.

But Zhang Xiyun.

She was extremely popular at the beginning of last year. She did not release a new album for a year, which indeed caused her popularity to drop a bit, but it did not fall to the bottom. She has a stronger foundation than other singers.

Some time ago, after she won the Best Female Vocalist award, someone criticized her singing skills for a while. She never responded. Although the impact was not big, many fans actually felt aggrieved.

But after this show, there is no longer such doubt. Her fans even took out all the screenshots that criticized her for her poor singing skills some time ago, and criticized Aite one by one on Weibo.

Every time this kind of moment comes, Weibo is always filled with laughter.

"A program has only aired its first episode. How could this happen?"

Qi Lianfeng was dumbfounded. He was still waiting here for Zhang Xiyun to attack because of the program. By then, the studio would not be able to sustain itself. If Fanxing took action and had a good talk with her, he might be able to bring her back.

But who knew that the show not only failed to make her popular, but also made her popular and soared into the sky.

In the past, Zhang Xiyun was a top second-tier star. Now with such popularity and popularity, wouldn't it mean that she should directly hit the first-tier star?

Qi Lianfeng still hasn't figured it out yet. Why is this fucking singing show so popular all of a sudden?

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