My wife is a big star

Chapter 397 I have nothing to ask for without you

There is definitely no shortage of money in life. Even if Chen Ran doesn't do shows, he can still support his parents.

But people are not just for living, spiritual needs are very important.

Chen Ran has also seriously considered his parents' job search. He is not a technician with a senior professional title, so what can he do now?

Director Zhang proposed opening a convenience store, which is indeed a good idea.

It doesn't matter if you can make some money or not, it's just to pass the time.

After returning from the Zhang family, when Chen Ran mentioned this matter, the two elders were stunned.

"My uncle said that his relatives own this business and the business is pretty good. Parents, you can give it a try," Chen Ran said.

"Convenience store..." Chen Junhai hesitated a little.

The key point is that this will cost a lot of money. They have money in their hands, which was given to them by Chen Ran. At first, Chen Ran said that he would give half to his family and keep half for himself. But after the first few months, Chen Ran sent it home. The money was getting more and more, so the two of them just asked Chen Ran not to send it and keep it themselves.

He was even afraid that Chen Ran would continue to send money home, so he went to change his card.

Chen Junhai and his wife have saved this money and plan to keep it for future use. If they want to open a convenience store, how much will it cost?

What if we lose?

The son often works overtime, and the couple feels distressed when they see it. This is his hard-earned money, and if he really loses it, they will be heartbroken.

When Chen Junhai set up the factory, he was quite enthusiastic. However, after the factory closed down and his family suffered, he became much more cautious about the risk of losing money.

According to his own words, this is because he is afraid of poverty.

"Dad, it's hard to find a job now. You are all this age. There is really no need to find a job. Just like what my uncle said, opening a convenience store is not bad. It's not a big one and you can't lose much if you lose." Chen Then continue to persuade.

Chen Junhai and his wife looked at each other, somewhat moved.

In the past few days, they were not at home every day. They went out for a walk. They found that they were blind and didn't know what they could do.

"Your mother and I will think about it first."

Chen Junhai said.

Song Hui also nodded, how could he be so hasty.

Chen Ran was not surprised to see that his parents wanted to consider it, but he felt a little more at ease. It seemed that the two elders were tempted, and he would ask Uncle Zhang to help find out when the time comes.

He didn't expect that the discussion would take quite a long time.

For several days in a row, the two elders still hadn't thought about it clearly. Chen Ran could only put this matter behind him for the time being. As long as his parents didn't want to go to work for the time being, it would be fine.

The program is already halfway through, and the momentum is getting bigger and bigger.

Basically, every issue will have many hotly searched terms.

The program team didn't buy it themselves, but it was purely based on the popularity.

"I Am a Singer" has always had a very good reputation. Other programs will have some problems in the middle. The most talked about competition program is the shady scene.

But no one really said much about this show. The notary was really good at playing the card back then, and in the eyes of many people there was no need to cheat.

The performance of key singers is judged on the spot. If someone performs abnormally, your program team cannot force a high score.

This kind of thing of treating the audience as fools has not been done in "I Am a Singer" so far, so it is natural that it has a good reputation.

"This momentum is really geared towards recording."

"The current growth has slowed down a lot, and there is still a long way to go to surpass Superstar."

"Not necessarily. Don't forget that this program is a competition program. During the finals, the ratings will explode."

"If Superstar is really broken, Mango TV will probably be scolded."

"Who says it's not the case? After "Superstar" back then, with the diversification of entertainment, the ratings were not as high as before. I thought it would be difficult for any program to break through in the future, but who knew that "I Am a Singer" would appear. "

"That's fine. It proves that it's not the market that's bad, but the program that's bad!"

Many people are discussing the show privately.

The sluggish market does have a big factor, but "I Am a Singer" proves that as long as the show is good, there is no need to worry about losing the audience.

But if the singer's final really breaks the record, it will probably be her swan song, right?

Everyone is looking forward to it and wants to see the final issue arrive.

In the past two weeks, the promotion of "I Am a Singer" has obviously intensified.

This was Sima Zhao's intention and everyone knew it, and Zhaonan Satellite TV obviously wanted to record it.

"Do they want to break the record?" People from Mango TV suddenly felt pressured.

How could a record that was originally thought to be the ceiling of entertainment programs become unstable?

Everyone knew that "I Am a Singer" would be a hit, but no one knew that this show would become such a hit. They were about to break records that they had not been able to touch for many years.

The key is that the people at Mango TV can't do anything about it now. The record is just there and can only be left to others to impact.

After all, it is a record that was created before and cannot be changed.

The highest ratings record for an entertainment program is an honor that has always belonged to Mango TV.

But now it seems that not only is the number one spot in the annual ratings about to be snatched away, but the record can't even be kept, so what's the point of playing around with it?

At least Guan Guozhong didn't want to watch the record being broken. If he let it go and lost the record, he wouldn't be able to figure it out.

After some discussion, a decision was finally made.

Just grab the ratings.

There is only so much market share, one is increasing and the other is decreasing, and historical records cannot be affected. However, as long as they can divert the audience of "I Am a Singer" so that the program's ratings cannot reach such a high level, they can still do it.

Guan Guozhong even regrets that he would have released the hit show if he had known it earlier. If the hit show was diverted, "I Am a Singer" would not be so scary.

But it's now, there's no point in regretting, the important thing is now.

Guan Guozhong immediately made a strategy and directly invited popular traffic idols and other popular idols to seize the hot spots and reorganize the program. The cost can be less controlled, all in order to snipe "I Am a Singer".

Looking at Tomato TV, which ranked second in the ratings report, Guan Guozhong felt a little uncomfortable. Tomato TV was also withering, and the ratings of its new programs could not even reach the blockbuster level, creating the lowest rating in the history of the program.

If Tomato TV resists and competes for ratings from "I Am a Singer", and they can achieve a hit, how can "I Am a Singer" hit records?

But they don't do it. They do regular programs and regular promotions. They don't show any reluctance at all. How can they stand still when a hit show is being done like this?

If Huang Yu wanted to know Guan Guozhong's thoughts, he would definitely tell him with a wry smile, I don't want to just sit there and do nothing, but there is no other way.

When faced with a rival like "I Am a Singer", although their program has not reached the point of instant success, it has not even seen the most basic increase. Since its launch, it has occasionally increased a little, but then immediately fell back. It wants to reach 3 and become a hit. Is it still enough to dream?

The ratings of a few tenths are a gap, and there is nothing we can do about it.

As for publicity, they have done a lot of publicity. They have improved a bit, but it is too limited.

Efforts and gains are not proportional at all.

This is no fighting spirit at all.

As for sniping "I Am a Singer" to prevent Zhaonan TV from breaking the record, Huang Yu has never thought about it.

Although I am unhappy that "I Am a Singer" has performed so well and grabbed so much market share, the record is not theirs, so it is Mango TV that should be anxious.

This is just right. Let Zhaonan Satellite TV try to force Mango Satellite TV to do something. If the two sides have programs that are tit for tat, then they can have a chance to fish in troubled waters.

Otherwise, given the current popularity of these two satellite TV stations, their chances of Tomato TV going up are really slim.

Unless they can also produce a program like "I Am a Singer".

But is it possible?

Their Tomato TV station doesn’t have Chen Ran, so it’s just a peach if they want to produce such a program.

Zhang Fanzhi's new song "Glimmer" dropped to a high position after being listed on the new song chart, and successfully entered the top ten of the best-selling list. Judging from the sales volume in the past two weeks, it will definitely reach the top!

The sales volume of "Meet" is higher than that of the previous one, and it is also on the best-seller list.

Moreover, this song was paired with a short animation "Coincidence" by the audience and posted on the video website. Its popularity is also rising, and its lasting power will definitely be much better than "Glimmer".

Amid such momentum, Zhang Fanzhi’s third single from the album was also released online.

This song was also written by Zhang Fanzhi and is called "First Half".

In the single introduction, I only wrote one sentence, my first half.

I refer to Zhang Fanzhi, and the first half refers to her life of more than 20 years.

This is also the name of this album.

At first Chen Ran only asked Zhang Fanzhi to write three songs, and he prepared seven, but in the end Zhang Fanzhi wrote another one.

So the entire album is composed of four songs by Zhang Fanzhi and six by Chen Ran.

In addition to "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky", there are also songs such as "Meet" and "Thieves of Time". Chen Ran also moved Li Ronghao's "Mom and Dad" because he felt something about his parents.

There is also a song "Countdown".

This song is not the most special in the album, but it is the one that Zhang Fanzhi sings the most.

The last line, 'With you, I have nothing to ask for', the corners of her mouth would turn up slightly every time she sang.

For the time being, only three songs will be released. According to Tao Lin's promotion plan, she must take advantage of the popularity of "I Am a Singer".

Put the songs that are suitable for the charts first, and then one song every week. When waiting for the finals of "I Am a Singer", you can directly put the remaining songs that are not suitable for the charts online, so that you can perfectly save a song. Spend a lot of money on publicity, and the results will be great.

In fact, this is also the case. Now the third song is still ranked No. 1 among new songs.

This is largely due to the popularity of "I Am a Singer", but the excellence of the song cannot be ignored.

Three new songs from this album topped the charts, and they performed well on the best-selling charts, so their popularity is definitely high.

By the time the album is launched and Zhang Fanzhi's reputation has stabilized, he will become a popular first-line singer.

I have a headache. I accidentally wrote the wrong chapter number. I originally wanted to change it, but I clicked it and sent it directly. This is chapter three hundred and ninety-four. I can’t change it until the editor goes to work tomorrow. I’m sorry.

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