My wife is a big star

Chapter 404: Killing the donkey

According to common sense, general programs will not change people easily. After all, everyone has different ideas. Even if it is the same plan, the feeling of the program will be different.

It is possible that the ratings of the same program will not change if someone changes the program. For the sake of profit, the ratings will basically not change.

"Talent Show" was planned by Chen Ran. He came up with the idea, and the show was also produced by him and Ye Yuanhua's team. The results of the first season were so good, and now the second season is being prepared, but he was suddenly asked to take a break?

Chen Ran really didn't understand this operation.

Chen Ran frowned and asked: "I was the one who worked on the first season of the Talent Show. I was the creative planner. Now I have people prepare the show. I also asked for permission at the beginning. Why don't you let me take care of it now?"

Ma Wenlong paused for a moment and said: "The station has other arrangements for you. Everyone knows your ability and can be a major leader in the station. The station plans to let you do the next Friday position. Letting you rest will also give you time. Prepare."

Chen Ran spent a lot of energy trying to secure the slot for "I Am a Singer" on Friday. If it was before, he would naturally be happy, but is this necessary now?

Chen Ran shook his head and said: "I don't need to rest, and I don't have the energy to do another Friday show. Director, just tell me how to arrange it in the talent show. When the show was prepared before, it was approved by the show. Why? Sudden change of heart.”

Ma Wenlong breathed a sigh of relief, not wanting to let Chen Ran agree just like that. Can someone who can produce such popular programs be a fool?

He thought for a while and then said: "About the production company, the results have come out now. Qiao Yangsheng is the director of the program department of the production company, you are the director of the program department, and Ye Yuanhua is the deputy director...

It's just a preliminary discussion now. There may be changes, but basically it's not big. It will be activated after "I Am a Singer" ends. "

Chen Ran didn't have much expression on his face when he heard the news. He had been mentally prepared for this result when Liang Yuan talked to him before.

In fact, at his age, it is already very good to be the director. Not seeing an old man like Ye Yuanhua, he is only the deputy director?

But you have to look at the results.

With his performance, not to mention his peers, among all the men, women, old and young, how many people can compare with him?

Chen Ran said straight to the point: "Director, I don't want to care about the position. I just want to know the arrangements for the talent show on the stage."

Ma Wenlong hesitated a little, "Qiao Yangsheng will take over the show."

Hearing this sentence, Chen Ran frowned deeply. In the end, it was Liang Yuan and Qiao Yangsheng who were causing trouble behind the scenes?

The performance of Qiao Yangsheng's new program was also mediocre. Although it was stitched together, it did not touch the line of becoming a hit. Moreover, it was suppressed so hard by "I Am a Singer" at the same time that it did not make much noise.

Since he can't produce a program with good results himself, why not just use a ready-made one?

So the idea came to "Talent Show".

Chen Ran stared at Ma Wenlong and asked, "Director, this is against the rules!"

"I know." Ma Wenlong sighed: "But this is the arrangement of the station."

After a moment of silence, Ma Wenlong continued: "Actually, this is still good for you. This is only a Saturday slot. You have more room to play in the Friday slot. Continuing to do the old show is a bit overkill."

"Talent is overkill?" Chen Ran laughed angrily: "The Talent Show is not a small show, it is a hit show that I made with my own hands. When will the hits be no longer ranked?"

"On Friday, you can do better." Ma Wenlong said a little far-fetched.

"Director, I am not a chicken that can only lay eggs. Who can guarantee that every program I do will be popular? No one can guarantee it, not even me!" Chen Ran said flatly: "The Talent Show is a program I do. , from planning to execution, I made it step by step, and now I have to hand it over just because of a word from the stage, let alone hand it over to Qiao Yangsheng, I can't agree to this!"

Chen Ran had never thought Qiao Yangsheng was so disgusting. He couldn't give birth to a child, so he went to rob someone else's?

Even when the Sunday slot was robbed, he was not as disgusted as now. He gave Chen Ran a Friday slot as compensation, but did Chen Ran need such compensation?

"I just became the director of the program department, and I started grabbing programs before I officially took office. Now it's just "Talent Show", will the next step be "I Am a Singer"? Director, what do you think I can do with this?" New show?" Chen Ran asked, staring at Ma Wenlong.

This sentence left Ma Wenlong speechless.

In fact, he was aggrieved, but what could he say now about the arrangements in the station?

Ma Wenlong breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Chen Ran, I don't want to either, but this is the arrangement of the station. You should rest for now and calm down. I will try my best to help you."

Chen Ran was silent for a moment and suddenly asked, "Director, is this considered killing the donkey?"

Seeing that Ma Wenlong remained silent, Chen Ran shook his head and left the office directly, his expression not very good-looking.

Ma Wenlong stared at the door in confusion. He really didn't know why he had to complicate such a simple thing.

He strongly recommended Chen Ran to be the director of the program department of the production company, but not only failed, but he also got such a result, which he could not accept no matter what.

He also went to the station manager about this matter. The station manager had seen the results of "I Am a Singer" and said he was optimistic about Chen Ran. How could it be like this?

But it was useless to go to the station director. Fang Yongnian bluntly said that there was nothing he could do.

Ma Wenlong didn't understand what was wrong with it, but it was just too much to not let Chen Ran be the director, but also to win the talent show.

In the end, Fang Yongnian’s plan was to let Chen Ran do another Friday slot and increase his revenue share. It seemed like the compensation was pretty good.

But all the programs produced have been taken down, so what’s the point?

Ma Wenlong naturally knows how much energy it takes to make a popular show. The hard work he put in ended up being someone else's, which would make anyone else feel uncomfortable.

In fact, the discussion had been going on for a long time. Ma Wenlong knew that speaking out would definitely have an impact on Chen Ran, so he kept it in and waited until the recording of "I Am a Singer" was finished before speaking out.

During this period of time, he couldn't sleep peacefully. He was thinking about how to solve the problem satisfactorily, but his superiors made such a decision. Wanting to solve the problem satisfactorily was just a dream.

Moreover, the situation this time is completely different from the last Sunday show. One is the schedule, and the other is a mature program that has been produced. It would be really strange if Chen Ran could endure this.

Thinking of Chen Ran's expression when he left just now, Ma Wenlong also felt a little nervous.

The position given to Chen Ran on the station was the director of the program department. To be honest, this position was indeed not low, and Chen Ran didn't seem to care about the position, but the key was that the program was taken.

Just like Chen Ran said, if the show I created is taken away by others, now it is a talent show, will the next one be I am a singer? In such an environment, who would have the heart to create a new show?

Ma Wenlong felt deeply that this would not work, and immediately stood up to discuss with the director.

He occasionally thinks about his own future, but he always puts the interests of the station first. If a talent like Chen Ran is really to be cold-hearted, who will do a good job in the future?

This is also the reason why he has been resisting Liang Yuan's intervention in the program. It is not to fight for power, but he really doesn't want the TV station to become what it is now.

Chen Ran didn't know what Director Ma was thinking, but his good mood disappeared in an instant after he went to the office.

Just like what he said, after finishing "I Am a Singer", he immediately informed him that "Talent Show" was given to someone else. What is the difference between this and killing the donkey?

By giving him a Friday slot as compensation, is this really treating him like a donkey?

He rubbed his brows and held a breath in his heart.

At the beginning, he also thought that he didn't care about the production company, and it didn't matter what position he was in. He could just do his three programs with peace of mind. But now, he even wanted to take away the program, which directly touched Chen Ran's bottom line.

"What's wrong?"

Lin Fan saw that Chen Ran looked wrong and asked quickly.

But Chen Ran didn't answer, just waved his hand and went straight into the office.

Lin Fan was confused, and after thinking about it, he felt that it shouldn't be about the show, otherwise Chen Ran wouldn't hold it in.

"You're not going to quarrel with your girlfriend, are you?" He muttered to himself, planning to ask Xiaoqin secretly later.

Chen Ran sat on the chair, frowning deeply.

The feeling of relief that the dust had settled on the show was completely gone, and instead I felt sulky.

Since it was the director who came to inform him, he must have made plans a long time ago. It is basically impossible for the station to change his mind by this time. The matter has become a foregone conclusion. What can Chen Ran do?

This was the first time he felt this powerless.

When he was working on a show, he could make all the changes in the show team, but at this point, he couldn't stop the show from being taken away. Who would be comfortable with this?

"Liang Yuan, Qiao Yangsheng..."

Chen Ran recited these two names to calm himself down.

As for the station director, he didn't have much hope. The best producer at the beginning of the year was awarded to Qiao Yangsheng. The station director personally presented the award, so what else could he hope for?

Chen Ran has always just wanted to run a show safely and securely, thinking that this phenomenon, with two hits, could be a stable show for a few years.

Who would have thought that the director would suddenly give him a 'surprise'.

While Chen Ran was lost in thought, the phone rang. It was Zhang Fanzhi who called.

Chen Ran took a long breath and tried to put all his emotions behind before answering the phone.

I don’t want to bring my emotions about work to Sister Zhizhi.

"Are you off work?"

Chen Ran said: "Well, I'll be down right away."

Zhang Fanzhi paused for a moment on the other end of the phone, feeling that Chen Ran's tone was a bit strange.

After hanging up the phone, Chen Ran rubbed his face, went out to say hello to Lin Fan and the others, and then hurried outside.

Xiaoqin followed, but she didn't want to be a light bulb, but stayed to find Lin Fan.

When Zhang Fanzhi came here recently, he brought her with him.

Xiaoqin got out of the car and Chen Ran got into the passenger seat. He didn't show anything on his face and said with a smile: "Are you going to eat out today?"

Zhang Fanzhi stared at Chen Ran carefully for a while, opened his mouth, but in the end did not ask anything, just said: "Go home to eat, my mother made turtle soup."

"It's good. I haven't eaten the food cooked by my aunt for a long time." Chen Ran smiled.

Zhang Fanzhi frowned, and Chen Ran smiled a little deliberately today.

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