My wife is a big star

Chapter 406 Posthumous Affairs

"Ask for leave? But the program..."

Zhao Peisheng frowned slightly. He understood Chen Ran's mood. Even when he got the news, he was unhappy.

He is like this, so you can imagine how Chen Ran, the person involved, feels.

But "I Am a Singer" hasn't finished broadcasting yet, and it's still a critical period. How can he approve Chen Ran's request for leave at this time?

Even if he is willing, the superiors will not agree to it. There is no way to explain this.

"I will rest only after arrangements have been made, and I also have Director Ye, so the show will not be delayed. I just need to tell the director in advance." Chen Ran said.

"Chen Ran, I know you are in a bad mood, but "I Am a Singer" is still yours after all. It is a critical period now. If there is any problem, we will talk about it after this period of time." Zhao Peisheng reassured.

Chen Ran nodded, "Don't worry, director, I made "I Am a Singer" all by myself, and I definitely don't want to mess it up at the last moment."

Zhao Peisheng is a little more stable, but he still understands Chen Ran. He is a person with a strong sense of responsibility. Chen Ran put in the most effort in "I Am a Singer", so naturally he doesn't want to see problems with the show.

"Don't think too much about "Talent Show". In fact, it's not bad to have a Friday slot. With your ability, it's not difficult to make a hit." Zhao Peisheng comforted.

"The director was joking. I hope it's easy, but Zhaonan TV has only had a few hit shows for so many years."

"It's not others who can do it, but you are Chen Ran. I believe in you."

Chen Ran didn't speak, just shook his head.

Zhao Peisheng also knew that it was uncomfortable to bring up this topic, so he did not continue and nodded: "Since you have plans, after the show is over, take a break and think about the new show. I hope you can make one by then." A program comparable to "I Am a Singer"."

He emphasized the words "the show is over" and didn't want Chen Ran to rest now.

Anyway, it was only a few days, and Chen Ran could afford to wait.

Just as Zhao Peisheng thought, "I Am a Singer" is a program he personally created, and it is also a show with emotions. It is a classic recreated from the earth. He does not want the program to end in an anticlimactic manner.

Now that I have made the decision, I will do a good job in the final stage of "I Am a Singer", at least there will be no regrets.

"Did Chen Ran ask for leave?" Ma Wenlong was not surprised when he received Zhao Peisheng's report. He asked, "What was his expression like at that time?"

Zhao Peisheng said: "It's okay, I just said I wanted to rest for a while."

"Where's the show?"

"It will be after the show is over."

Ma Wenlong was slightly relieved when he heard this.

It seems that Chen Ran still has feelings for the show. Although he is in a bad mood, he is not irrational.

He told Zhao Peisheng, "You should keep an eye on him and enlighten Chen Ran. After the incident, if he wants to rest, let him rest for a while. No one will be in a good mood if this matter is spread out."

Zhao Peisheng asked: "Director, I don't understand this matter. What did the director say?"

After the annual meeting, the station director expressed his dissatisfaction with Liang Yuan in front of them, and also agreed to let Chen Ran compete for the position of program director. How did it end up like this now? Zhao Peisheng never thought about it.

Ma Wenlong thought of his conversation with Fang Yongnian yesterday and said in a low voice: "It's all settled. What else can the director say? He just wants to keep Chen Ran and give it to the director of the program department to give him more power, and I will try my best to support all the requirements of his new show."

Zhao Peisheng frowned and said, "No matter how powerful this director is, can he still be more powerful than the director?"

Ma Wenlong glanced at Zhao Peisheng, wondering if this guy was flattering him, but he was right, after all, he was just the director.

In the final analysis, it was because of the "Talent Show" incident that they were so grievances.

Too greedy.

Chen Ran might not care that he didn't become a director, but he also won the "Talent Show" at the same time, which was really a bit much.

But he is a channel director, supervising the content of the channel. He can't resist this kind of arrangement from above.

"What happened..." Zhao Peisheng didn't know what to say.

Ma Wenlong couldn't even get a word in, let alone a director who was running errands.

In the next two days, Chen Ran worked as usual.

There was no change in his expression, as if nothing happened.

But Lin Fan, who was familiar with Chen Ran, felt something was wrong.

"Teacher Chen, have you been in a bad mood these past two days?" Lin Fan asked.

Chen Ran was a little surprised, "How did you tell?"

Lin Fan said: "You usually explain things more often than you do now, and you frown more often than before..."

"Why can't I be thinking about the show if I'm in a bad mood?"

"That's definitely not the case. When you were thinking about the program, you were more attentive than now, and your expressions were wiser. There would always be some expressions of sudden enlightenment..."

Although the word wisdom sounds unpleasant, the wisdom of this world is truly wisdom and has no other meaning.

Chen Ran was a little surprised, he didn't even notice this himself.

Lin Fan is so detailed?

But how could such a detailed person find a girlfriend at the age of thirty, and even make Xiaoqin angry often?

"You can see that, it's nothing, just a trivial matter." Chen Ran didn't want to tell Lin Fan.

Anyway, when the notice comes out, he will naturally know why there is no need to make people feel unhappy now.

Chen Ran said: "From now on, you will work with Director Ye and his team to create programs. Director Ye is quite good. If you have any ideas, you can discuss them with him."

Lin Fan was slightly stunned and said oh, a little confused about what Chen Ran meant. To say such a sentence properly was like explaining what happened behind his back.

Lin Fan sighed again in his mind, thinking this was a bit unlucky.

Chen Ran had been so helpful to him, so it was a bit immoral to put it down and say bad things about him later.

"How are you and Xiaoqin doing lately?" Chen Ran asked smoothly.

Lin Fan felt a little depressed when he said this, "It's still like that. A few days ago, Xiaoqin went home for dinner again. When she was rushing to help put away the bowls, she accidentally dropped one on the ground. My mother was quite dissatisfied."

This is a bit uncomfortable. My girlfriend and my mother can't get along. This is probably the most difficult thing for men.

After marriage, if the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law don't get along, it will be even more difficult.

Chen Ran shook his head. Every family has its own sutras that are difficult to recite. This is quite normal.

He can't help emotionally, but he can still help Lin Fan in his career. Say hello to Director Ye when the time comes. Lin Fan is not bad at it. After the show, everyone can see it. In the future, he will do shows with Director Ye, which is more or less. take care of.

The promotion of "I Am a Singer" has become increasingly fierce, and Zhaonan Satellite TV is determined to break the record.

Mango TV is also not to be outdone. The promotion of the latest program has been hotly searched. It occasionally releases some misleading promotional clips, such as popular idols and popular actors making eye contact. I know it is fake, but it is attractive. Fans went over to watch.

The program's ratings are far behind "I Am a Singer", but its publicity is not bad at all.

This caused many viewers who saw the program promotion to be confused. We were not in the industry, and no one had been paying attention to the ratings. They were shocked by the overwhelming publicity. When did such a popular program suddenly appear? Already?

This kind of publicity is indeed very effective, at least it does not make "I Am a Singer" more popular than before.

Ye Yuanhua frowned and said, "Mango TV's propaganda is really a bit troublesome."

This kind of sniping intensity is simply harmful to others and not beneficial to oneself. Don't you think of money as money these days?

It's really a bit crazy to lose like this!

"Let's just watch the show and tell the story." Chen Ran said calmly.

There must be an impact, after all, the popularity has been divided, and Mango TV's programs were not very popular before, but if they are suddenly promoted like this, they will attract a lot of viewers to watch them.

There is no way to stop this.

However, for the last episode of "I Am a Singer", many viewers are full of expectations. If Mango TV's program is not satisfactory, they will eventually come back.

He also understands what Mango TV is doing.

In view of the current environmental issues, it is becoming more and more difficult to break records. There has been one show "I Am a Singer" in the past few years. Will there be another one in the future?

Maybe, but it’s very difficult!

If the record is maintained, this honor may belong to Mango TV in the future.

Ye Yuanhua could only sigh and pray that the program's ratings would be unexpected.

time flies.

It's Friday already in a blink of an eye.

The publicity for both shows has reached its peak.

In view of the popularity of "I Am a Singer", you can see discussions about the finals everywhere on the Internet.

Mango TV’s promotion is only on Weibo and some video websites.

"I Am a Singer", which can be regarded as a phenomenon-level program, has been discussed in all aspects. From Weibo to some niche private forums, many people are speculating and looking forward to it.

This kind of enthusiasm cannot be bought with money.

Everyone is waiting for the final to be broadcast tonight.

Lin Fan was lying on the sofa, reading the news boredly.

Xiaoqin and Zhang Xiyun went to shoot the MV. They had been there for a few days, and he had no place to go. He was at home after get off work.

This used to feel fine, after all, I was at home most of the time.

But I've been busy dating lately, so it's a bit uncomfortable to just stay at home.

I always think of Xiaoqin's angry look, and the sound of her squeaking when I go out on a date.

At this time, his father Lin Jun came back.

He frowned and looked a little bad.

Lin Fan stood up and asked, "Dad, what's wrong?"

Lin Jun saw his son and asked, "Do you know about the reform of your channel?"

"I know, we were going to change it before, but later we were afraid it would affect our program, so we postponed it."

Lin Jun said: "Now the results are out."

Lin Fan looked slightly stunned, and then asked quickly: "I heard that Chen Ran was recommended as the director of the production company's program department. How is it?"

Lin Jun shook his head, "It's not him, it's Qiao Yangsheng."

"Qiao Yangsheng? How is this possible! How can Qiao Yangsheng compare to Chen Ran?" Lin Fan was slightly surprised.

Qiao Yangsheng and Chen Ran are not just slightly different in ability. Apart from being older than Chen Ran, how else can they compare to Chen Ran?

"It's not just about ability, the factors are a bit complicated." Lin Jun said: "And I also heard the news that Qiao Yangsheng will also take over the program "Talent Show"."

"What? Isn't this Chen Ran's show? It has already been decided before, and Chen Ran asked Li Jingxian to do the preliminary preparations, why would he change people?" Lin Fan couldn't believe it.

Lin Jun didn't say anything, everyone could tell there was something wrong.

Lin Fan knew that his father would not tell lies, and he suddenly thought of what Chen Ran said to him a few days ago. At that time, he was still laughing at Chen Ran as if he was explaining what happened after his death.

He seemed to understand something and opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

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