My wife is a big star

Chapter 417 Hospitalized again

"Our satellite TV attaches great importance to you and shows the best sincerity. As long as you choose to join us, the remuneration contract will definitely be signed according to the best level. We can also guarantee that you will never have such a problem with Zhaonan Satellite TV. , no matter what decision we make, we will respect your ideas..."

Liu Dazhou spoke very sincerely.

He knows Chen Ran's ability. If Tomato TV wants to get rid of the second-ranked TV station and improve its competitiveness, it must win over Chen Ran to join.

Chen Ran talked to Liu Dazhou, asked some tentative questions, and finally said that he wanted to take a break for a while. If he wanted to work, he would seriously consider Tomato TV.

Liu Dazhou thought that Chen Ran was waiting for a price and repeatedly promised that Tomato TV would give him the best treatment.

But Chen Ran remained unmoved.

Chen Ran said with a smile: "I have been busy doing shows in the past two years and have no time to spend with my family. I plan to take a rest first. I hope you can understand."

In the end, Liu Dazhou could only forcefully smile and go out. Thinking of what Chen Ran asked just now, his expression was a little strange.

He went out and immediately called Huang Yu and told him what had just happened. He finally said, "I don't know if he is waiting for a price or if he has other ideas."

Huang Yu frowned. Chen Ran actually asked about the separation of production and broadcasting. Was it because of the reform of Zhaonan Satellite TV?

He thought for a while and said: "Don't come back yet, observe him, and ask him to talk more."

After hanging up the phone, Huang Yu rubbed the center of his eyebrows. Was Chen Ran bitten by a snake once and afraid of well ropes for ten years?

No matter what, Chen Ran must fight for it.

Chen Ran has just left Zhaonan TV and will definitely not go back. The conditions at Kyoto TV are not very good, so the only choices are them and Mango TV.

This is the scene Huang Yu least wants to see.

After Liu Dazhou left, Chen Ran sat in the cafe and was slightly distracted. He didn't expect that someone would come to poach him in person.

And it’s not just one family.

Just now, Mango TV also called, and someone also came over to see him in person, planning to have an interview in person.

But judging from the conversation with Tomato TV just now, what everyone can accept is that their own creative team is in control, and other links are outsourced. The overall separation of production and broadcasting is not considered at all.

Even Tomato TV, which is a little relaxed, is like this, not to mention Mango TV, which has always been very strict about self-control. This TV station is very powerful, and the separation of TV series production and broadcasting has been completed long ago. However, most of Mango TV's TV series are invested by themselves, and they are their own movies. The company is involved in the production.

Occasionally, if there is a TV series that has the potential to be a hit, we will invest in it in advance. If people don’t need to invest, they will buy it at a high price.

Neither Tomato TV nor Zhaonan TV can compare with Mango TV. This is one of the reasons why they have always been able to secure the No. 1 satellite TV spot.

Not long after, people from Mango TV also came. Chen Ran made an appointment with the person and chatted for a long time, and finally sent the person away with the same excuse.

People at Mango TV were confused. What the hell? Director Chen is only twenty-five years old, right?

At this age, when you are working hard, why would you still think about spending time with your family?

If you are in your thirties, married and have a family, this idea is normal, but in your twenties, most people his age are still working hard, just for a chance to get ahead.

Is this because he is too powerful and is aging prematurely?

The conversation with people from Mango TV was similar. People thought he was worried about the situation at Zhaonan TV, so he bluntly said that these problems would never occur.

But why is Chen Ran worried about this? He still hopes that they will implement the separation of production and broadcasting.

Chen Ran rubbed his eyebrows and felt a little difficult.

But there are not many simple things in the world.

Gotta try it.

In the past two days, Chen Ran met with people from several TV stations.

Not only people from the four major TV stations, but also several TV stations who want to get ahead.

When it comes to the conditions offered, Mango TV is the best, Tomato TV is second, and the most sincere one is Rainbow TV.

Director Tang Ming came over in person and made several appointments with Chen Ran.

To be honest, if it weren't for the firmness of his thoughts, Chen Ran might have been moved by Tang Ming's sincerity.

Is Liu Dazhou's sincerity enough?

But compared to Tang Ming, it was still a lot worse!

To be honest, Rainbow TV was not in Chen Ran's consideration, and the treatment was relatively average.

Rainbow TV's ratings seem to be fifth, which is quite good. It is much better than other satellite TVs that have no sense of presence, but it is still far behind Kyoto TV, which is fourth.

As for the three satellite TV stations in the first echelon, it is even more incomparable.

With little money, average treatment, and a slightly inferior platform, Chen Ran naturally didn't make a choice.

But Tang Ming's sincerity really showed. The director came over in person and even promised that as long as Chen Ran performed well in his first show, he would immediately recommend Chen Ran to win the position of deputy director.

But now Chen Ran was determined and finally declined Tang Ming.

When Tang Ming left, he sighed in his heart.

Sure enough, if the platform is not good, no matter how sincere you are, it will be useless. Platforms like Mango TV and Tomato TV are the producers’ first choice.

"What does this Chen Ran want to do?"

Guan Guozhong was a little confused.

The treatment offered by Mango TV is guaranteed to be the best among all satellite TVs, but Chen Ran still didn't agree.

Apart from them, Chen Ran could only choose Tomato TV, but Tomato TV was obviously rejected.

Is it true that he needs to take some rest as he said?

The ownership of such a talent does make them a little worried.

Although Chen Ran is only one person, his record is too brilliant. Tomato and Mango, no matter which TV station he joins, will make the opponent feel more oppressive.

Mango TV wants Chen Ran to join. As long as he can make a hit, he can stabilize the situation and keep the first TV station.

Tomato TV wants to go further and get rid of the difficulties it has been in, and it will put a lot of pressure on Mango TV.

Because not only this year's First Satellite TV may not be guaranteed, next year will also be in danger.

Guan Guozhong couldn't figure out Chen Ran's thoughts. The treatment they could offer exceeded the standards of the industry, and it was impossible for Tomato TV to be higher than them.

What is Chen Ran hesitating about?

Not only Mango and Tomato Satellite TV have the same question, but Ma Wenlong of Zhaonan Satellite TV is also paying attention.

The last thing he wanted was for Chen Ran to join Mango TV, or even Tomato TV, for fear that Chen Ran would stop them from recruiting South TV to get the first satellite TV.

But Chen Ran's delay in making a decision made his heart hang in the air, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

During this period, Ye Yuanhua and Qiao Yangsheng had some conflicts again. Ye Yuanhua was hospitalized again. This time it was not just him who was hospitalized, but also several core members of the Talent Show creative team.

These are Ye Yuanhua's old friends. He knows why without asking. He also has a headache about this matter. He said that Qiao Yangsheng is in charge of program production, but if such a problem arises, it is impossible for him to really ignore it.

Qiao Yangsheng is really a bachelor. After persuading him to no avail, he is now planning to find the team from "Challenge the Big Star" to take over the talent show. Ma Wenlong cannot possibly watch him do this. How could the entire creative team be temporarily replaced?

Qiao Yangsheng said that it was just a talent show, and it didn't have to be just these people, so he really planned to replace it.

In the past two days, there have been internal and external troubles, and Ma Wenlong's hair has turned much whiter.

After suppressing his emotions for the time being, Ma Wenlong planned to go to the hospital to persuade Ye Yuanhua at night.

After all, he was a director, so Director Ye would give him some face.

In the hospital, Ye Yuanhua saw Ma Wenlong coming over, sat up and said hello.

Ma Wenlong really couldn't tell if he was just faking it, so he could only try to persuade her carefully: "Director Ye, you are making things very difficult for me. You are an old man in the station. You should know that the overall situation is the most important thing. The program is about to be produced. It's okay to make such a fuss." It doesn’t look good.”

"Director, it's not that I'm unreasonable. He, Qiao Yangsheng, is great, so he does it by himself. I'm free, but I'm not a member of the "Talent Show" program team now. You can't force me to do things just because I'm the director, right? Right? I just refused, and he started talking weirdly. Back then, what was Qiao Yangsheng? He was just a piece of shit. He didn’t dare to say a word on stage. Now, he has someone to back him up. He wants to If you have the ability, just do it yourself. You have come to me every now and then to come up with an attitude. But now, Director of Situation, you have also seen it. Isn't this just disgusting?" Ye Yuanhua was a little excited: "This is really not my fault. There were so many people in the conference room, and it was obvious to everyone who was causing trouble!"

"Yes, yes, yes, Director Ye, please calm down first." Seeing that he was in a bad mood, Ma Wenlong quickly comforted him, "I will respond to the situation in the station, but you have to persuade the others and let them go back to work first. We can't delay it. Got the show, right?"

Ye Yuanhua shook his head and said: "This has nothing to do with me. I'm not from the program team. How can I control other people? If they are sick, I can't make them recover with just one word."

Ma Wenlong thought to himself, you really have this ability.

Before he could speak, he saw Ye Yuanhua again and said, "Anyway, Qiao Yangsheng has the ability. If he wants to replace everyone, he will do it. It's just a talent show. Anyone can do it without him!"

In the following words, he was retelling Qiao Yangsheng's roar that day.

Ma Wenlong tried to persuade her for a long time but couldn't do anything, and suddenly felt tired.

He sighed and saw that it was late, so he was ready to leave first, planning to wait for Director Ye to calm down before coming back.

There are huge problems with this reform. From the beginning of the reform, conflicts have never stopped.

That's not right, it's Liang Yuan who has a big problem.

I don’t know what kind of monster he is. Ever since he came to Taili, he has been in trouble.

Otherwise, why would Qiao Yang have so many problems if he couldn't succeed?

Ma Wenlong thought of the station director, and now the station director felt a little regretful. He also found out something about it. Liang Yuan had a lot of connections at the top. He helped the station director a little, and the station director might be able to leave.

But that is also when there are no problems in Taiwan.

Who can say clearly about this situation now?

Ma Wenlong walked out of the hospital full of worry. When he just left the hospital, he saw a familiar figure walking in.

He paused, his expression paused, "Chen Ran?"

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