My wife is a big star

Chapter 420 The King of Comedy

The event just ended.

Zhang Fanzhi and Tao Lin talked to the organizers and rushed to Linshi with Xiaoqin.

"Your fans are so passionate."

Tao Lin said, thinking about the cheers of Wang Xinyu fans at the last concert, and felt a little itchy in her heart.

Wang Xinyu's company is so smart that they decided to give her a concert when "I Am a Singer" reached the second episode.

Even though Wang Xinyu is young and not well-known before, she has released quite a few songs, some written by herself and some composed by others. She has several albums, and she is not afraid of not singing at the concert.

"Xiyun, do you think we should also prepare a concert?" Tao Lin finally proposed.

Zhang Fanzhi was wearing a knee-length skirt and high-heeled shoes under her fair calves. She was walking with no idea what she was thinking. She was a little careless. When she heard Tao Lin talking about the concert, she frowned slightly and said, "It's too troublesome."

From preparation, promotion to final performance, it takes a lot of time.

She felt the atmosphere at Wang Xinyu's concert last time, and she really wanted to hold one. With her current reputation, it was impossible to have a scene without fans. The only thing that hindered her idea was trouble.

The corners of Tao Lin's mouth moved, which was a bit too lazy.

With someone as famous as Zhang Fanzhi, who wouldn’t hold a concert?

Moreover, to hold a concert, you don’t need to go and call people one by one. The performance company will help, and she, Tao Lin, can also arrange the other things properly. As for Zhang Fanzhi, she can just go up and sing by the neck.

However, Zhang Fanzhi would definitely not be happy to see Zhang Fanzhi acting like a fish. Speaking of it, Zhang Fanzhi wanted to start a studio for the freedom, and he is quite busy now.

‘After this period of time is busy, I’ll mention it again when she takes a break. ’

In fact, Tao Lin couldn't be more satisfied with the current situation. There is no company to take care of it, and everything is arranged by herself. Although Zhang Fanzhi has fewer activities than before at Fanxing, they earn more money.

In addition, there is face.

Now that Zhang Fanzhihong is like this, those colleagues who were ready to see her jokes in the past are bulging their eyes in envy. Tao Lin is not a generous person in the first place, so she can't help feeling relieved.

It is said that people are fighting for their breath in life, and she was fighting for this breath.

Tao Lin suddenly said: "By the way, "Celebrity Detective" wants to invite you to the last episode."

"From Zhaonan TV?" Zhang Fanzhi frowned slightly, shook his head and said, "I don't want to go."

"That's not necessary. Teacher Chen's resignation from Zhaonan TV is a normal resignation..." Tao Lin wanted to persuade.

After all, the ratings of this show are not bad now, and the advertising fee is not low. She can't be on the show if it is not created by Teacher Chen, right?

Seeing Zhang Fanzhi's indifferent look, Tao Lin did not continue to persuade him.

This is just like when Chen Ran refused Fanxing's invitation. It's no wonder that these two became a couple. One seems gentle and the other is cold, but in fact they are both equally stubborn at heart.

Speaking of Chen Ran, Tao Lin was a little curious, wondering where Chen Ran would go after leaving Zhaonan TV.

You should go to Mango TV, or Tomato TV is not bad either.

She originally wanted to ask Zhang Fanzhi, but after thinking about it, this was Teacher Chen's matter. It was a private matter and it was difficult to ask. Anyway, she would know it soon.

Even though Chen Ran was discussing the name of the company with Zhang Fanzhi and Xiaoqin, Xiaoqin was very tight-lipped. Not to mention Tao Lin, even Lin Fan hadn't mentioned it yet.

Zhang Fanzhi is one of those people who won't tell Tao Lin anything without asking her, so Tao Lin still doesn't know about the production company.

Chen Ran is a person with strong execution ability. The company has made preparations and has begun to think about new programs.

If you want to impress these TV stations, a good program is very important.

The reputation is there. If Director Ye really brings out other people, their core team of "I Am a Singer" will also be a very good gimmick.

It would definitely be a bit unrealistic to make a big production like "I Am a Singer" right off the bat. Unless they are making the second season of "I Am a Singer", they won't be trusted by the TV station.

After all, it is a new model. Even if these satellite TV stations are interesting, they just want to test the waters. It is impossible for people to spend too much money.

That would require less investment and less risky programming.

Of course, no matter how small the investment is, it is still relative. After all, it is a program aimed at satellite TV viewers, so it is not acceptable if it is too shabby.

"The investment is smaller..."

Many programs were recalled in his mind and he thought about many programs.

There are not many programs that want to have both a small investment and guaranteed ratings.

Making a variety show is not like making a movie. It is possible to make a small profit with a small-budget movie, but it is difficult to do a variety show.

After the release of "I Am a Singer", the stage design, which is like a transcendent era, stimulated other satellite TV stations. Now the investment on the stage accounts for a lot of money, and the overall investment in the program has increased a lot. After all the expenses are calculated, it is not possible. Indispensable.

Chen Ran still used the elimination method to write down all the programs he could think of, and then considered them one by one.

At this time, he unexpectedly received a call from Lin Fan.

This guy didn't go to "Talent Show" and was very busy recently. He occasionally chatted with Chen Ran on WeChat.

But I didn’t send a WeChat message today, so I called directly, “I heard that you started your own company?”

Chen Ran was stunned, "Didn't I tell you?"

"Look through the records, did you say anything?" Lin Fan said angrily.

"No, I thought you knew!"

Chen Ran really forgot about this.

Lin Fan often communicated with Chen Ran about Zhaonan TV, and he was quite familiar with Director Ye. Chen Ran assumed that Director Ye had already told him, but Director Ye was very tight-lipped and didn't mention a word.

If Xiaoqin hadn't accidentally spilled the beans while chatting with Xiaoqin today, he would still have been kept in the dark.

After Chen Ran explained the matter, Lin Fan was surprised at first, and then said hesitantly: "After you saw Director Ye last time, Director Ye resigned. Could it be that Director Ye resigned to go to your place?"

Chen Ran said: "Director Ye plans to join the company, but his resignation is not because of me."

There is no need to deny this. They all resigned from Zhaonan Satellite TV normally, and they are not shameful.

Lin Fan was silent again for a while, and then asked after a while: "Are you lacking people at your place?"

Chen Ran was slightly startled. Why did he plan to come over now? He wanted Lin Fan to consider it. Lin Fan was different from him. After all, he had worked at Zhaonan TV for so many years and his father was still the director of the TV station. The cost of leaving would be quite high.

But his voice was quite firm when he spoke, and this heavy trust made him a little unable to speak.

Chen Ran thought for a moment and said: "There is definitely a shortage of people, but it has not been decided yet. We will wait and see when it is decided."

Lin Fan said directly: "Okay, then I will come to join you."

He didn't even think about it and just said it.

Chen Ran blinked and didn't say much. He thought to himself that there was a high probability that he would not fail. If he really didn't want a TV station, the worst he could do would be to become an online variety show. Nowadays, online variety shows belong to the blue ocean market, and video websites don't even have this awareness. .

If it can be done, I won’t be afraid of not being able to support a team.

In the past few days, Chen Ran went to Ye Yuanhua with the program.

"New show?" Ye Yuanhua didn't expect Chen Ran to be so quick.

When he opened the file, everyone was stunned when they saw the title. They looked up at Chen Ran, saw Chen Ran stretched out his hand and made a "please" gesture, and continued reading.

It took a long time to look at it. It took a long time before his eyes left the document.

"Director Ye, how are you?" Chen Ran asked.

He hasn't finished writing the program yet. He came here to discuss it with Ye Yuanhua, and now he wants to hear Ye Yuanhua's opinion.

Ye Yuanhua thought for a moment, then opened it and looked at it before asking: "Teacher Chen, can you tell me the source of your creativity?"

"Director Ye, what do you think of the current pace of life?" Chen Ran asked instead without answering.

Ye Yuanhua thought for a while and said: "Fast, tight, high pressure."

"Before I came up with this program, I studied the Spring Festival Gala in recent years and also looked at the recent movie box office. Among the previous Spring Festival Galas, the most popular ones are language programs, cross talk and sketches. The box office of comedy movies in recent years The ceiling has been raised again and again. In this fast-paced social environment, people find it difficult to relieve stress, so the demand for comedy will increase." Chen Ran said the draft he had prepared.

Based on people's needs for happiness and relaxation, is it possible to create a program like this that specializes in comedy and allows the audience to relax?

Chen Ran's previous "Happy Challenge" was focused on being relaxed and fun from the beginning to the end. From the setting of the game sessions to the script interaction of the guests, the use of every joke was to make the audience relaxed and happy. .

Just the jokes from "Happy Challenge" and the occasional skit-like performance with comedy stars can make the audience laugh, and some even say their stomachs hurt from laughing.

The clips of "Happy Challenge" that are promoted more on major websites are basically funny clips, and the number of views remains high.

Ye Yuanhua listened carefully to Chen Ran's explanation, a little thoughtful. After he got to know the program quite well, he said hesitantly: "But there is no similar program on the market..."

"Director Ye, was there anything of the same type before "I Am a Singer"?" Chen Ran asked with a smile.

There was quite a bit of confidence in his words.

In addition to market research, programs of the same type are also performing very well on Earth.

If you want to say phenomenal, it will definitely not reach it, but a popular program can certainly do it, and it can even become a hit if it performs well.

Their company is small and can't produce big programs for the time being. They don't expect this program to be an immediate hit. They just hope that it can help them gain a foothold and at least make the TV station realize that this model is feasible.

Ye Yuanhua was silent for a while and watched the program carefully again.

If he were still on the TV station, he would definitely be the first to raise his hand for the program. In addition to the interesting program, the more important thing is that Chen Ran's program has an interesting concept.

But what is a bit realistic is that they are just a new company, and they have to contact TV stations in an unprecedented way. If they use such a new program to negotiate with people, will the TV stations be able to let go?

Chen Ran knew what Ye Yuanhua was thinking, but he had to try. In fact, the program's framework was somewhat similar to "I Am a Singer", except that one was a singer, while this one was focused on comedy.

If it were done by their original cast, it would be a gimmick.

Ye Yuanhua was still thinking. After a moment, he looked up and saw Chen Ran smiling slightly. He said, "Let's think about it again."

That's what he said, but when Chen Ran heard his words, he knew that Director Ye had agreed.

The idea of ​​the program comes from the comedy reality show "Happy Comedian" on Earth, and then incorporates some elements from this world and changes some mechanisms to get its current prototype.

Chen Ran did not use the name of the show "Happy Comedian", but named it after the title of the final winner, "King of Comedy".

As for how to persuade those comedians to participate in the show, it was not that troublesome for Chen Ran. It should have been his job as a producer.

He discussed with Ye Yuanhua for a long time, and after asking many questions and discussing various details, their company's first program was decided.

Next, Chen Ran had to perfect the plan first, and then consider how to negotiate with the TV station.

During this period, several TV stations did not give up on him and kept calling him. However, Tang Ming from Rainbow TV invited him several times but was declined by Chen Ran and then returned.

This person was very sincere, but Chen Ran was so determined that he didn't even consider other TV stations, let alone Rainbow TV.

The one that invites him most frequently now is Tomato TV.

Not to mention that they have not been able to surpass Mango TV, their position as the second best TV show in the world is now in jeopardy, and the demand for talents is very high, so they have never given up on Chen Ran.

Chen Ran ignored these and temporarily retreated to write and plan. He had to write the program first before talking about it.

Today Zhang Fanzhi came back and Chen Ran went to the airport, but he didn't pick her up because she was recognized after getting off the plane.

She is a very popular star now. Fans can't help but be excited when they see her. And because of her appearance, many fans are quite fanatical. They rush up first to take photos and sign autographs. Xiaoqin and Sister Lin keep guarding her and keep retreating. To no avail, airport security finally came out and asked them to leave through the back door.

Chen Ran knew that they were leaving in advance by car, so he smiled angrily. He didn't expect that he would be lonely waiting.

Finally, Chen Ran and Zhang Fanzhi met at the couple's restaurant where she last had her birthday.

She changed her clothes. She wore a short-sleeved T-shirt on her upper body, leg-locking sweatpants underneath, and sneakers on her feet. She looked quite casual and popular. If it weren't for the sunglasses and mask on her face, this outfit would have been thrown away. You won't be found among the crowd.

Oh, maybe her cool and cold temperament is quite eye-catching.

Chen Ran walked over and said, "Didn't I tell you that I would pick you up at the studio?"

He was also worried that Zhang Fanzhi hadn't changed his clothes, which would be troublesome if he was recognized again.

Zhang Fanzhi glanced at him and said, "I didn't eat anything on the way. I'm hungry."

Chen Ran was slightly stunned. Not long before she got on the plane, the two of them had just spoken and were eating at that time.

He felt warm in his heart and said with a smile: "What a coincidence, I was busy doing a show today and didn't have time to eat. Let's eat first. You have been very busy during this period and you seem to have lost some weight."

Zhang Fanzhi said nothing. She had been running outside these days and had no time to exercise. Not only did she not lose weight, she gained two pounds.

She just gets fat easily, and she must have both diet and exercise, otherwise she will gain weight. Although she will reach a bottleneck when she reaches more than 100 kilograms and will not gain weight so easily, the weight is still quite difficult for her to accept.

"Have you finished writing the program?" Zhang Fanzhi asked.

Chen Ran nodded: "There's still a little to go, I'll have to get busy once I've finished writing."

Zhang Fanzhi's nose twitched slightly. If Chen Ran was going to be busy, she would be busy too. How could she go around in circles and not spend much time together?

When he finished eating, Chen Ran felt that Zhang Fanzhi might not be in a good mood.

"What's wrong?" Chen Ran asked.

Zhang Fanzhi shook his head, "It's okay."

When a girl says it's okay, don't take it as nothing. Chen Ran noticed that she was in a strange mood, so naturally he wouldn't just ignore it.

He recalled that when they first met, Zhang Fanzhi's eyes and movements had a long-lost excitement in them. It seemed that she started to change after she asked about the program.

Chen Ran asked: "Are you worried that we will see less each other after I become busy?"

Zhang Fanzhi looked at Chen Ran and pursed his lips, then sighed after a while.

Chen Ran squeezed her hand, stared into her eyes and said, "Don't worry, at most we will see less of this show. When the next show starts, we will have more time."

Zhang Fanzhi didn't seem to understand what Chen Ran meant. She frowned slightly. Seeing Chen Ran's serious look, she looked away and said oh.

It seemed calm, but the tone was different from before, and it seemed a little more relaxed inside.

"Have you thought about it?"

Lin Jun asked his son.

After all, he had worked in a TV station for so many years and now that he was doing well at a satellite TV station, he really couldn't figure out why his son could make up his mind to resign.

Zhaonan Satellite TV has very strict management of personnel who leave. Unless they are talented people like Chen Ran, the probability of being hired back is very low.

Lin Fan just followed one program on Zhaonan Satellite TV. Although he was a phenomenon, his qualifications were too low and he did not belong to this kind of talent.

Lin Fan nodded and said: "Think about it, I originally followed Chen Ran, and I have more opportunities with him."

"Just follow your own ideas. As a thirty-year-old, you have to be responsible for your own choices."

Lin Jun shook his head, thinking in his heart, who would have known that Chen Ran didn't want to join the TV station, but planned to start his own company to produce programs.

There is a model of separation of production and broadcasting abroad, but it is not popular in China. Can this road be adopted?

If this road can be found, it may lead to considerable changes.

He looked at his son again. In the past, he thought he knew his son's temper very well and might be able to work in a TV station for the rest of his life. However, after meeting Chen Ran, he was affected a lot.

Now I have quit my job to work on a show with Chen Ran. I don’t know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing.

After Lin Fan left, Lin Jun was still a little melancholy. In the past, Lin Fan's path was arranged by him. From today on, Lin Fan will take the path of his own choice.

Because he was an only child, the couple loved Lin Fan excessively and wanted to arrange everything for him. Now, he felt like his son had grown up.

Watching his son's relationship settle down and his career becoming more independent, he felt a little emotional.

Compared with Ye Yuanhua's resignation, which was widely known by everyone on the TV station, only a few people knew about Lin Fan's resignation.

He is just a newcomer who has just joined Satellite TV, and not many people care about him.

Only Ma Wenlong frowned when he received the message from the Human Resources Department, "Another one is gone."

What Director Ma is talking about is not the employees who have resigned, but the main creative staff of "I Am a Singer".

Chen Ran, Ye Yuanhua, and Lin Fan, three of them left at once. If next year's "I Am a Singer" undergoes a major change, will it still be able to maintain its original flavor?

Director Ma doesn't know yet, but Lin Fan is actually just getting started.

I went out today and came back a little late.

I can only update one chapter, but it has a lot of words.

More than five thousand words.

Approximately two updates.

Forgive me, gentlemen.

Another PY book.

The author writes serious medical articles, but he is arrogant at heart

I often read about driving with windows welded in the book, I think you should check it out.

"Professional Pharmacist"

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