My wife is a big star

Chapter 437: Low-key launch

Li Yicheng's eyes were full of sincerity.

"Teacher Li, you're welcome..." Chen Ran waved his hand, he was still not used to this look.

And the songs are not given away directly, you have to pay for them.

Chen Ran is now famous, and if you want to get a song from him, the price is not low.

It was impossible for Li Yicheng to take advantage of Chen Ran, because the prices were going higher.

Despite the high price, Li Yicheng is now famous and will be back after one more commercial performance.

Good songs are hard to come by, but when you find the one you like, and it is tailor-made for him, no matter how expensive the price is, it is suitable.

Tian Yifang wanted to say something next to her, but since she was assigned to Li Yicheng by the company, aside from her business ability, at least she had good eyesight.

Li Yicheng was discussing the price of a song he was optimistic about. At this time, she wanted to talk about the price next to him, which made people evil but not good.

After the negotiations were settled, Tian Yifang took out the prepared contract. Chen Ran looked at it for a moment and signed it without any objections.

He looked at the time and said: "I still have things to do on the show, so I have to leave first. The reception was not good this time. I will have a long chat with Mr. Li when I am free later."

Li Yicheng said: "It's wasting Teacher Chen's time."

"What the hell." Chen Ran shook his head and smiled, said goodbye to Li Yicheng, nodded to Tian Yifang, and then left.

Seeing Chen Ran walk out and disappear at the door, Tian Yifang asked: "Teacher Li, you agreed too readily, the price is a bit high. And you just looked at the song and made a decision. Isn't it too hasty?" "

Li Yicheng didn't say anything, still staring at the music sheet. It took him a long time before he came back to his senses and said, "The price is not high."

"Isn't this high? This is the price of a gold medal songwriter!" Tian Yifang emphasized.

Li Yicheng looked at her and said, "Who do you think Mr. Chen is? The songs he writes are no worse than those people!"

Tian Yifang choked a little. She really didn't know enough about Chen Ran. Most of them were made up in recent times, and she didn't have an intuitive understanding of Chen Ran's achievements in the music world.

"Almost all of Mr. Chen's songs have been on the best-selling list. Several of the songs he wrote for his girlfriend have been on the top of the best-selling list. That means he doesn't regard songwriting as his main job. Otherwise, who would not in the music industry? Do you know him?" Li Yicheng looked at the music sheet in his hand and said: "And not to mention Teacher Chen's achievements, this song "Ordinary Road" is better than the one written by the gold medal composer!"

What they wrote was not only the music, but also the lyrics.

Seeing that Li Yicheng was about to fall into a distracted state of reading the music sheet again, Tian Yifang quickly proposed to leave first because he had to catch a performance in the afternoon.

While in the car, Tian Yifang suddenly asked: "Teacher Li, do you think it is possible for Chen Ran to enter the entertainment industry?"

Li Yicheng was slightly stunned, shook his head and said, "It's impossible."

"Why? His conditions are so good..." Tian Yifang frowned.

He writes good songs and is handsome. He was born for the entertainment industry.

It has strength and looks, and if it is run properly, the future is limitless.

Li Yicheng said: "Teacher Chen is not young anymore. If he were standing in front of the stage, he would never be able to wait until now."

"What a pity." Tian Yifang sighed. This was not the answer she wanted.

If Chen Ran wanted to enter the entertainment industry, she would sign someone immediately.

It's so boring to be behind the scenes, no one knows him, it's so glamorous to be a star.

I don’t know how many people want to be stars, but they remain unknown because their conditions are not suitable.

For someone like Chen Ran who didn't want to go when the conditions were right, Tian Yifang besides sighing that it was a pity, really felt that he was giving away a gift from heaven.

Before Li Yicheng left, he probably felt that his gratitude just now was not enough, so he called Chen Ran again and said that if the program needed it in the future, he would definitely come if notified.

He can participate in even today's comedy shows.

Chen Ran didn't know what to say about this. Li Yicheng's starting point must be good. Being able to invite him to a small program would definitely bring a lot of glory to Li Yicheng.

The key point is that their show "King of Comedy" is not suitable. If they have a singer to perform a comedy, wouldn't it make everyone embarrassed together?

In the evening, Chen Ran had a video chat with Sister Zhizhi.

The two haven't seen each other for a few days.

Zhang Fanzhi was wearing a white T-shirt with a big cartoon pattern on his chest. He was originally a cute character, but because he was a bit full, the cartoon character was a little deformed.

Sister Zhizhi's style is quite good-looking, with some hair floating in front of her forehead, adding a bit of messy beauty. Coupled with her exquisite appearance, Chen Ran felt his throat move even in the video.

Although he was dressed very refreshingly, Chen Ran felt a little hot.

Chen Ran was too busy to think about it and looked at her sitting in front of the piano with a pen next to her. He asked, "Writing a song?"

Zhang Fanzhi was also looking at Chen Ran carefully. He paused when he heard the question, turned the camera to the side, and denied: "No, I am practicing the piano."

But Chen Ran's eyes were a bit thief, and just now, he could clearly see the contents of the lyrics book.

I really don’t write songs.

The whole book is filled with his name.

I miss him a little bit.

Chen Ran smiled and said, "I miss you too."

Zhang Fanzhi didn't say anything, and she didn't admit that she missed Chen Ran.

"I'll probably be back the day after tomorrow in the afternoon. Do you have any arrangements then?" Chen Ran asked.

When Zhang Fanzhi heard this, his brows jumped slightly, his eyes seemed to light up a little, and he said, "I haven't been active these days, so I need to rest."

Chen Ran felt a little funny when he saw that her eyes clearly lit up, but she pretended not to care.

It is true that the ancients said that a country is easy to change but its nature is hard to change.

He and Zhang Fanzhi have known each other for such a long time, and they have been in love for a long time.

Needless to say, the degree of intimacy is just short of the last step.

But her character is still the same as before, not much has changed.

Her personality has not changed, but her feelings have. Occasionally when the two of them look at each other, although her eyes don't fluctuate much, the light in them can make Chen Ran melt into them.

People who don't know her well will find her difficult to get along with, and even withdrawn to some extent.

But Chen Ran knew that she just had a good face, could not hide her face, and had a stubborn temper.

But she is not the kind of person who refuses to accept reason without any sense of proportion.

Sometimes he takes the initiative, holding hands and kissing, which feels even more enthusiastic than Chen Ran's.

That's good.

Chen Ran felt that he was the only one who knew Zhizhi's temper, and it was enough to understand her.

In the world of two people, there is no need for other people to understand her.

The promotion of "Talent Show" attracted most of the attention.

This kind of publicity is particularly crazy. I'm afraid it's because they don't want to accept the facts of the first issue and want to use publicity to make a turnaround in the second issue.

Mango TV also followed suit. Originally, their program on Saturday was intended to attack "Talent Show" and try to reduce the other party's market share. Now that they see that the tiger is about to fall, there is no way they can let go of this opportunity. .

Tomato TV is working hard on Friday, hoping to win the Friday championship at this time and give Mango TV a backstab.

These three satellite TV stations are very attractive in terms of promotions and program gimmicks. In addition, they are willing to spend money, attracting most of the audience's attention.

In this atmosphere, Rainbow TV's "The King of Comedy" ushered in its premiere day.

There is very little movement on Zhang Fanzhi’s Weibo, but just today he suddenly posted a Weibo.

There is no unnecessary content, it is just a reprint of Rainbow TV’s Weibo about the promotional video for “The King of Comedy” and a comment saying “good-looking”.

Zhang Fanzhi is very popular now. Fans rushed over immediately when they saw her posting on Weibo. After seeing the content on Weibo, they immediately had questions in their heads.

"What the hell? I thought Xiyun released a new song to promote it. What the hell is this repost on Weibo?"

"The King of Comedy? Xiyun is going to be on this show?"

"No way, there are all comedies here. They are all professional comedians. Xiyun is not even an actor..."

"Xiyun plays a comedy? Isn't this a joke?"

Many fans were confused. It wasn't until they saw the word "good looking" in her review that they began to complain crazily.

"The show hasn't even started yet, how do you know it's good?"

"Xiyun just lost money. Is this money being paid for advertising?"

Many people have speculated.

A fan named "Nao Nao doesn't like to make trouble" suddenly said: "What a waste of money. The main creative team of this show is the team of "I am a singer". The producers of the "I am a singer" team are called Chen Ran and Xiyun. My boyfriend’s name is Chen Ran, you taste it, you taste it carefully!”

When the fans saw these words, they immediately understood, good guy, it turns out that he was not just throwing away money, but was here to advertise for his boyfriend!

Everyone turned their attention to this 'noisy person who doesn't like to make trouble'.

"666, we can also find out that Ning is the legendary great detective, right?"

"Awesome, I never care about the production team when watching a show. If it's good, I'll watch it. If it's not, I won't watch it."

'I don't like to make trouble' replied: "Don't do it 6. As a writer, careful observation and bold imagination are my strengths. My next book will be a detective novel. If you are interested, you can follow it. ."

“6666, it’s even advertised!”

"If nothing else, you must watch this show. Since it is done by Xiyun's boyfriend, it must not be too bad."

"I won't watch anymore. He stole my goddess, and I don't want to contribute ratings to him. Maybe his grades are too bad and the goddess breaks up with him. Don't I have a chance?"

"Who will wake him up?"

"I've been getting angry these days, I'll do it!"

"Do you still have a chance? Have you eaten too much fungi? It's hopeless. Get some black people to come and carry it away!"

Naturally, Chen Ran also saw Zhang Fanzhi's promotion of his program. He scrolled through Weibo and looked at the comments from netizens and couldn't help but laugh.

I don’t know how many people will see it, but the promotion effect is not bad.

He sent "Thank you Sister Zhizhi for the friendly promotion".

As a result, Zhang Fanzhi replied, ‘I also have investments. ’

Chen Ran chuckled. If you really care about investment, how can you remain indifferent!

Friday night.

The first comedy competition reality show "The King of Comedy" was launched on Rainbow TV in a low-key manner.

Not many people in the industry pay attention.

Everyone’s eyes are on the talent show.

ps: Please give me a monthly ticket.

Thanks corn. ORz

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