My wife is a big star

Chapter 439 Feeling comfortable

"These netizens, Jia Teng and others can directly find jokes in it."

Chen Ran has watched the show several times and has long lost the novelty of the audience. Instead, he enjoys watching the audience's comments.

He knew the show would be reviewed well, but he didn't expect it to be so good.

The only pity is that the heat is not high enough.

It's a lot worse than other popular shows.

If it were in the other five majors, the popularity of the program would not stop there.

But this is Rainbow TV, which is naturally a bit cool, and the current popularity is pretty good.

"Let's see what the ratings are like tomorrow."

Chen Ran closed Weibo and didn't feel too nervous.

This is not the first time he has done a show, it has already been broadcast, so there is no point in being nervous about what is going to happen next.

The requirements are not high. It’s my first program, and it’s still on Rainbow TV. As long as I don’t lose money, I’ll be satisfied.

He wasn't the only one watching the show.

The entire "King of Comedy" team is paying attention.

Their team switched jobs from Zhaonan Satellite TV. This is the first program their team has produced. If the ratings are not good, their company may not be able to bear such a blow.

The person who is under the greatest pressure is not Chen Ran or anyone else, but Ye Yuanhua.

Not only did he change jobs, but he also took the entire team to do so. If the show loses money, how can he have the face to meet these old friends in the future.

Everyone trusts him and Chen Ran so much, so he has to be responsible for others.

I just hope that the first show released by their company will have a better start.

Just like Chen Ran's idea, there is basically no need to think about becoming a blockbuster. As long as the program can ensure that the program does not lose money, that is enough.


Director Zhang is at Chen Ran's home.

He knew that Chen Ran's show was about to be broadcast, so he came here specifically to watch it with Chen Junhai.

After the show was over, he patted his thigh and said, "This show is interesting!"

Chen Junhai smiled and said: "That one called Zhao Shan, her sketches are really interesting."

The two of them have been having fun since the beginning of the show just now.

Director Zhang sighed: "How do you think our Chen Ran's head is so long? How can he think of so many programs?"

His words about our family made Chen Junhai a little stunned.

This is obviously a family!

Chen Junhai said: "Thanks to Lao Zhang for your care at the TV station, otherwise Chen Ran would not be where he is today."

Director Zhang hurriedly waved his hand: "No, you have to be a good student and a good teacher. I don't have any credit for Chen Ran to be so good. I can't teach him his ability."

"You're so polite. If it weren't for you, Chen Ran would still be a small editor and director, and he wouldn't be as successful as he is now."


Next to her, Song Hui listened to the shameless business bragging between the two, and didn't know what to say, so she could only turn a blind eye.

"Lao Zhang, what do you think of the performance of this program?" Chen Junhai finally asked the question he had been holding back for a long time.

My son started a production company, which was considered a business start-up. He was always worried, what if he lost money?

Director Zhang thought for a while and said, "I can't say for sure, but it shouldn't be bad. You should know Chen Ran's ability. You just watched the show. We all liked it, which proves that the show is very good."

It's a bit too much for Director Zhang. After all, he is only the director of the local channel and the program is only broadcast. How does he know? He can only speak from his own perception, Wen Yiheng Chen Junhai.

"Old Chen, don't think too much. Chen Ran's abilities are here, and there will be no problems with the show." Director Zhang comforted him.

Chen Junhai nodded and said, "I have to say, I think Chen Ran's show is really good."

"I think it's good too." Director Zhang nodded with deep approval.

Chen Junhai felt a little more at ease. Professionals like Lao Zhang were optimistic about it, and it would definitely not be too bad. He felt relieved and said, "Lao Zhang, how about we get married?"

Director Zhang hurriedly waved his hands and said: "No, no, no, no, quit."

"Ah?" Chen Junhai was stunned: "Have you really quit?"

He heard Director Zhang say it two days ago and he thought it was because Yang Yun was here, but he never thought that he really wouldn't drink this time.

"Ahem, I'm not feeling well lately, so I won't drink for now." Director Zhang coughed dryly.

"You need to pay more attention to your health. You have to be careful at ordinary times. It's good to go to the hospital for a physical examination occasionally." Chen Junhai nodded with deep understanding. As you get older, you are prone to getting sick, so you need to be careful.

Director Zhang smiled awkwardly.

Poor health is an excuse. The key is that he was a little scared to speak after drinking last time.

He is a person who knows how to introspect himself. It's okay to drink occasionally, but if he finds that he can't control his mouth after drinking, it's better not to drink.

It's okay to have a drink at home, but it's not a good thing to say the wrong thing outside.

In the studio, Xiaoqin hugged her belly and laughed non-stop.

Tao Lin next to her also had a stiff face, but Zhang Fanzhi remained the same.

"No, this show is too interesting."

Tao Lin also smiled and said: "Just this show has made all my savings worth it."

Zhang Fanzhi, who was sitting next to her, glanced at her. Tao Lin quickly realized that these words were unlucky and said quickly: "I mean the show is great. I have a good eye for investment. The show will definitely be a hit!"

Xiaoqin next to her said curiously: "Sister Xiyun, why don't you laugh? The show is obviously so interesting."

From beginning to end, Zhang Fanzhi did not laugh out loud. She and Sister Lin were laughing so hard.

When three people are together, the other two keep laughing, and one person next to them calms down, it will make the two laughing people look stupid.

Zhang Fanzhi frowned and asked, "Is it funny?"

The corner of Xiaoqin's mouth twitched, and then she remembered that Sister Xiyun had a very funny smile.

To her, these are just trivial matters.

The more she thought about it, the more awkward she felt. When the two of them laughed like this just now, in Sister Xiyun's eyes, would they be just like two monkeys?

Seeing that Sister Lin was still smiling, Xiaoqin thought it would be better not to say what she wanted to say. If she did say it, she would offend two people.

"I feel that Teacher Chen's show is definitely going to be popular and even better than the talent show." Xiaoqin said.

Tao Lin asked strangely: "Do you still watch the talent show?"

Xiaoqin reacted and hesitated: "I liked it very much last year. I want to see if there are any changes this year, but it's ugly and not as interesting as last year."

Tao Lin nodded and said, "Of course. Teacher Chen and his team made it last year. This year they have changed people. How can we still make that taste?"

As she said this, she watched the ending of The King of Comedy on TV, thinking that the show produced by Teacher Chen would definitely not be bad.

Zhang Fanzhi said nothing, but he didn't know what he was thinking.

Tang Ming was not in the mood to watch the show tonight, and he couldn't laugh at this time.

There are many programs like "The King of Comedy" that the station has invested in, but this is the first time he has been so nervous.

He looked at the feedback data from time to time and felt a little uneasy.

The ratings of the program are good. If they strengthen cooperation with Chen Ran in the future, Rainbow TV may rise.

When he cooperated with Chen Ran against all odds, many people were dissatisfied with him. However, due to his strong background, no one could do anything about him.

In fact, Tang Ming does not want to be a dictator, but if Rainbow TV wants to rise, it must seize every opportunity.

And Chen Ran is this opportunity.

He is worried about the performance of the program, not because he wants to slap those who don't like the program in the face, but because he wants to see the opportunity for Rainbow TV to rise from this program.

There was no need for great results, as long as he could avoid losing money and maintain a bond with Chen Ran. He firmly believed that Chen Ran was a person who could create miracles.

Early next morning.

Tang Ming arrived at the TV station early in the morning.

Can't sleep.

He had always been a good sleeper and had some insomnia, but he woke up so early this morning that he felt a little depressed early in the morning.

The TV station was at such a turning point, and he felt really uneasy.

Only when the ratings come out, will he feel at ease.

"Don't worry, Director. Judging from the feedback last night, the positive ratings are higher than any of our programs, and the ratings should be very good." The assistant said something beside him.

Because the program was held on Friday, the investment in publicity was very high. Judging from the popularity and praise rate, it was slightly better than previous programs.

In fact, what limits the popularity is the type of program and the lack of popular stars. The only one who can be said to have high exposure is Jia Teng.

If it were a different program type, the popularity might be even better than this.

Tang Ming reluctantly nodded when he heard the assistant's comfort. He didn't want to say a word now, he just wanted to wait quietly for the ratings report to come out.

The assistant fell silent upon seeing this and quietly left the office.

The wait was the longest, especially for Tang Ming who was full of anxiety.

He almost held the second hand as he passed by, wishing he could get into his watch and make the time go faster.

Near noon, the ratings report finally came out!

Tang Ming opened the report almost immediately.

The first place is a program that Mango TV has broadcast for several episodes, ranking first with a ratings of 2.518%.

Followed by Tomato TV, the program also reached 2.364%.

The competition between these two companies is fierce.

The third and fourth places are Zhaonan Satellite TV and Kyoto Satellite TV respectively.

The former is around 1.8% and the latter is 1.7%.

Occasionally it will be lower in one period, but generally it is not bad.

Looking down from above, Tang Ming was not surprised at all but didn't see Rainbow Satellite TV. It would be strange if he saw it!

Tang Ming's heart skipped a beat when he saw Kyoto TV's ratings.

Fifth place, Rainbow TV's "The King of Comedy", 1.351%.


The moment Tang Ming saw this number, he exhaled from his throat and lay down on the chair.

So comfortable!

The ratings are not high and cannot be compared with other satellite TV stations.

The most important thing is that with this ratings, the show is destined not to lose money!

If it can reach 1.8, it will be able to obtain the highest requirement for signing a contract with the title brand.

Not only will you not lose money, you can even make a fortune.

The first broadcast was 1.3, will it not reach 1.8 in the future?

Tang Ming didn’t believe this evil!

Even if he doesn't believe in the show, he still believes in Chen Ran!

PS: I caught a cold due to the cold wind, my head and heels feel like lead, and my whole body aches.

It was quite painful to write.

Corn went to bed first.

The big guys who have monthly votes just cast their votes, and there are nearly 8,000 subscriptions. If everyone casts one vote, the corn will go to heaven.

Thanks, thanks.

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