My wife is a big star

Chapter 462 The boy who scattered wealth

The new episode of The King of Comedy airs.

No surprises, still number one.

Mango TV seemed to be discouraged last week. It put a lot of publicity into it, but it didn’t even struggle.

After Rainbow TV's reputation continued to ferment, its ratings increased again, exceeding 3%.

It’s a hit.

The increase was not comparable to that of the previous episode, and even the ratings curve did not improve at the end and remained stable, but the program still broke 3 after all.

"It actually broke 3 in this period. I thought there would be two more periods."

"With such a good reputation, it's not surprising that it can improve. Rainbow TV also has spring."

"Chen Ran's company does not belong to Rainbow TV, it is just a cooperative relationship. I am afraid other TV stations will compete to cooperate with him."

"Except Zhaonan TV."

"I don't know what Zhaonan TV is thinking..."

"What do you think? We have Dulong City now."

"However, Rainbow TV's life is really easy. As long as they are willing to spend money, Chen Ran will definitely choose them for future programs. On the contrary, Kyoto TV will decline if it leaves Dulong City?"


There is constant discussion in the industry.

Even many TV stations outside the top five are interested in Chen Ran and his company.

But with their current size, can they handle Chen Ran TV’s programs?

Rumor has it that the contract between Chen Ran Company and Rainbow TV is for advertising revenue sharing. How much advertising revenue do these satellite TV stations get?

I'm afraid there may not even be a title.

No matter how cool Rainbow TV is, it is still one of the top five. Its program ratings are around 1 all year round, and there are even programs that break 2. It has potential.

It is said that Rainbow TV is difficult. In fact, what is even more difficult is that these low-level satellite TVs want to become big but cannot afford the money, but they do not have the ability to go all out. It would be good if they can gradually improve their talents, but the talent They all ran towards Wu Da.

Rainbow TV was in a state of joy for a long time today.

Have you never heard the word "hot hit" on many of their TV stations?

I didn’t expect it to happen today!

He punched Zhao Nan and kicked Mango. Not only did he win the first place, he even became a hit.

All Rainbow TV employees were flushed with excitement.

The only regret is that the program was not produced by their TV station. Although I was happy, I felt that a lot was missing.

But no matter what, this result is always the result of their TV station!

Tang Ming didn't think so much, he just focused on being happy.

I don't agree with the views of other people on the TV station. Who says that the program is not produced by their TV station?

Not only did they provide money, they also provided people.

Those two producers who went to Huahai are not considered human beings?

Tang Ming first made a few calls, and then asked his assistant to book a flight for him: "Huahai, today, the sooner the better."

"Director Tang is really a money-splitting boy."

When Li Jingxian heard that Tang Ming was coming, she immediately said happily.

Every time people come here, they give a bonus to their production team. This time it’s a hit, and I heard there’s a big red envelope.

There must be a lot of money, and the people in the program team are screaming with joy, and they are more motivated.

Especially now that the show is a hit, everyone is even more excited.

Chen Ran was amused by what she said, "If Director Tang hears this and loses the bonus, you will be the sinner of our program team, and we will have to ask for the bonus from you."

Li Jingxian said hurriedly: "It won't be enough for me even if you sell it."

Her family background is quite good, and her salary is not bad. She is considered a little rich woman in the eyes of others, but she has to give bonuses to so many people, so forget it.

"Okay, Director Tang is here today. Let's have a rest in the afternoon. Everyone is happy that the show is a hit. It can be treated as a celebration banquet." Chen Ran asked Li Jingxian to continue.

During this period of time, everyone is working on the show tightly, hoping that it will be a hit, and no one wants to have an accident at this time.

Now that the goal is achieved, you can relax a little, otherwise if you continue working like this, the quality may be affected.

Li Jingxian hurriedly went to inform, so the good news naturally had to be delivered quickly.

After she left, Chen Ran sat in front of the computer and thought.

It’s also time to think about new programs to fill the gap during the New Year period.

You can't just put on a show and then give everyone a break after it's over. That would make him happy but not others.

You can't be too busy, but you can't be too idle either. Your income is still linked to your job. If you really want to be a salty fish, wouldn't he be good at the TV station before?

Everyone who jumps out has their own ideas, and he doesn't want to disappoint anyone.

In fact, what Li Jingxian said was not too bad. Director Tang is somewhat similar to the money-spreading boy. His face is red and everyone smiles when he sees him. Everyone is happy to see his happy face.

After drinking and eating, everyone went to have a good rest to dispel the fatigue from this period of time. Chen Ran set a goal for everyone that the ratings of the show would be stable at above 3 for the rest of the year. The goal was quite difficult, and no one dared to relax. .

After everyone left, Director Tang returned to the hotel and said, "Thank you for your hard work, Teacher Chen!"

Nowadays, many people call him Director Chen, or Mr. Chen, or Mr. Chen, who used to know him from Zhaonan TV.

Tang Ming has been calling Chen Ran this way since he met Chen Ran, and he has no plans to change it now.

"The director is too polite. Making a show is my job, so there's nothing hard about it." Chen Ran shook his head and smiled.

The two chatted alone for a while and mentioned the new show.

Chen Ran understood Tang Ming's mood. The recording of the program was already halfway through. On the one hand, he really wanted to know if there were any plans for a new program. On the other hand, he was afraid that Chen Ran would not cooperate with Rainbow TV.

Especially now that the show is a hit, Chen Ran's reputation will definitely skyrocket, and other TV stations will not sit idly by.

Chen Ran smiled and said: "I have been thinking about a new show recently. If I have an idea, I will definitely contact Director Tang as soon as possible."

Tang Ming was a little relieved. In order to reassure Chen Ran and prevent other TV stations from taking away new programs at high prices, he even said: "Teacher Chen, please rest assured that the conditions of our TV station will not be worse than other TV stations."

Chen Ran naturally understood this. Rainbow Satellite TV really made a lot of profits for the sake of ratings. In fact, for them, they made a little less money, but they could still make a lot more money than the programs produced by their own TV station.


Production Center.

A man sat in the office, looking at the ratings report.

"The King of Comedy is a hit..." Du Longcheng muttered.

Although judging from the ratings curve of the previous issue, this one has a high chance of breaking 3, at this moment he still felt a little uncomfortable.

A 25-year-old young man has made three hits so far, plus a record-breaking phenomenon, and the limelight is far greater than him.

The key comedy king is still at Rainbow TV.

How long did it take for him to make his first hit when he went to Kyoto TV? Almost two years!

The program is so good that you can really do whatever you want, it doesn’t matter which TV station it is on.

"Chen Ran." Du Longcheng chewed on the name and thought of "Happy Challenge" again. This program is indeed a bit difficult to do.

But difficulty doesn't mean it's impossible. Chen Ran can do it well, but he can't even follow a gourd?

He is not like Qiao Yangsheng, who plays a good hand of cards to pieces.

Zhaonan TV has three goals when Dulongcheng is coming: to make "Happy Challenge" a success and help Zhaonan TV win the No. 1 satellite TV spot; and then to produce the second season of "I Am a Singer" to break Chen Ran's creation in the previous season. record, finally stabilizing Zhaonan Satellite TV as the first satellite TV!

These three goals cannot be achieved at Kyoto Satellite TV. Only Zhaonan Satellite TV has hope.

While he was thinking, someone came in from outside and said, "Director, Director Qiao asked you to come over. There are things about the program that need to be discussed."

Du Longcheng waved his hand and asked people to leave first. He looked at the information first and then slowly got up.

If the director were Chen Ran, he would not neglect the other party even if he was young. But for someone like Qiao Yangsheng, who can even make problems at the start of a god-level show like "Talent Show", he does not think that the other party deserves his respect.

He is very realistic and relies on his achievements to speak for himself.

Within two days, news came out that Zhaonan TV was preparing a new program.

New show, "The Power of Dreams."

The producer is Du Longcheng, and Qiao Yangsheng just has a dispensable position and has no right to intervene in the production.

Judging from the schedule, the program is currently being prepared and is probably scheduled for Friday.

"Dulongcheng is a bit fast. We just joined the TV station and made such a big noise."

"He did the Happy Challenge, and now he has the power of dreams. He just comes up and carries the banner!"

"Zhaonan Satellite TV is really spending a lot of money if it wants to be the No. 1 Satellite TV."

"The Power of Dreams, is this a popular program abroad? Is Zhaonan TV going the same old way again?"

"I guess I bought the copyright. If I want First Satellite TV, I will naturally choose the safest way. This is much better than making a new show."

"If Chen Ran is still on Zhaonan TV, there is no need to worry now..."

"I guess the people at Zhaonan TV regret it the same way..."


Hearing these comments, Mango TV was a little stressed, and they also suppressed their big moves without saying a word.

The most miserable one is probably Kyoto TV. The people taken away by Dulongcheng are all the elites of their TV station. This wave of vitality has been severely damaged, and I don’t know when it will recover. Seeing the news about Dulongcheng’s new program, I hate it so much that I can’t help it.

Chen Ran's attitude is quite calm. No matter what new show you have, it has nothing to do with him now.

He actually wanted to see how Dulongcheng did the "Happy Challenge".

If Chen Ran came to this show by himself, he would definitely rack his brains to think of new things for the audience to watch, and the ratings might be even higher.

If it's Dulongcheng and the others, everyone has different ideas and finds that it's not easy to do. The safest way is probably to follow the previous season.

If Dulongcheng were not as conceited as Qiao Yangsheng, it would most likely repeat the production process of the previous season.

While Chen Ran was busy thinking about the new program, he received a call from Xie Kun.

Chen Ran hesitated when he saw the number.

I really don’t want to accept this.

Director Xie, who was as prolific as a sow, called him. What else could he do besides asking him to write songs?

ps: Today, today is deflated corn.

The code is super slow, I'm not sure I can update it three times, I'm really sorry.

_§:з))) ∠)_

Thank you to the leader of the alliance, Gong Yuweng, for the 70,000-coin reward. Thank you to the leader of the alliance.

The corn felt deflated, soft and deflated like a punctured ball.

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