My wife is a big star

Chapter 500 This show is interesting

"Chen Ran, can our show be popular?"

Lin Fan asked hesitantly when he saw no one around.

Chen Ran glanced at him, "Why do you ask that?"

"If I am well prepared, I will definitely have confidence in the program, but the time is different now." Lin Fan sighed. He knew that Chen Ran wanted to invite Southern TV to compete in the ring, but he also felt that Chen Ran was a little impulsive this time. .

"There are risks, but risks are directly proportional to opportunities." Chen Ran said, and Lin Fan said that Chen Ran had naturally considered it, whether it was publicity or the "Power of Dreams" program factors, he had considered them all, but Still did it.

Calling him impulsive is indeed a bit impulsive. After all, he is a young man, but he cannot be impulsive at the expense of the company's interests.

In his assessment, the opportunities are greater than the risks.

The type of this program is destined to be difficult for it to become a hit. It is not the same as "The King of Comedy" or "Happy Challenge". Because the rhythm is slower, it does not have an advantage in publicity. This requires sword walking. Off the beaten path.

Lin Fan didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, but he could also see Chen Ran's confidence in the program.

In fact, he didn't quite understand where Chen Ran's confidence came from.

Lin Fan did not continue to ask. The show will be broadcast tonight. Whether the show is good or bad, we will know everything tomorrow by looking at the ratings.

At this time, "Our Good Time" officially started broadcasting.

A clip of Gu Wanwan was played on the TV.

The show she participated in before did not have such a segment. Gu Wanwan's fans couldn't help being amused when they watched the conversation between her and the staff about age.

Then came Zhang Xiyun. As many people said, the show alone made Zhang Xiyun very comfortable to watch with his good looks.

Compared with others, her appearance seemed dull and not so lively. The way she asked and answered people felt a bit awkward. The cameraman said next to her, "Why does it feel like I am taking notes?" , these words made many viewers laugh, and they couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Zhang Xiyun fell asleep on the way, and when she woke up all the way, there was a moment of confusion in her eyes. After opening the car window, her slightly messy hair was blown by the wind. This scene made many viewers stunned.

Someone took advantage of "The Power of Dreams" and turned around when he was bored. When he saw this scene, he was stunned. Now he really can't go back.

"This appearance is invincible."

"I just said, no matter whether the content of this show is good or bad, just looking at Xiyun's appearance can make it back."

"But Xiyun talks so little, how do you get along with other people?"

"Actually, the show is quite clever. Don't worry about your appearance."

In fact, this short car conversation simply and crudely exposed the personalities of several guests to the audience.

Gu Wanwan is friendly, Wang Ziyu is naughty and cheerful, Tang Han is sunny, Fang Bo is sophisticated, and Zhang Fanzhi is cool, the audience understands them clearly within a period of time.

The show is said to be slow-paced, but it does not mean that the audience will slowly get to know each person. The character is first thrown out, and the follow-up is to make supplements on this basis.

When Zhang Fanzhi got off the car, the audience was stunned when they saw the scenery of Daoxiang Village.

"Where did the show crew find this place? Isn't it so beautiful?"

"It really looks like a painting."

"Where on earth is there such a beautiful village?"


Many viewers were a little excited at that time, and searched everywhere on the Internet to find the location of this place, but it had just started broadcasting, and no one came out to say anything.

Then when Wang Ziyu got out of the car and saw Zhang Xiyun as if he was standing in the light, the comments on the Internet exploded again.

But some people also have doubts, "Is this Zhang Xiyun positioned as a vase in the show, only caring about beauty?"

"I don't think it's possible. She's not a silly and sweet person. She sings..."

"With her character, I really can't imagine how she would interact with other guests. She can't be forced to be on this show just because of her boyfriend, right?"

"Since you know that Xiyun's boyfriend is a program producer, you should know about his professional abilities. If it is as you said, Xiyun will definitely lose his reputation. How could Teacher Chen do this?"


Many people are questioning Zhang Fanzhi, simply because the character she showed in the show is a bit difficult to get along with others.

But there are only a few people who question it. In fact, for most people, just seeing this appearance, it seems to be nothing even if it is a vase.

I don’t know how many people want to be vases but can’t.

Those who are questioning are right. If Zhang Fanzhi has always been a vase character, his reputation will definitely lose. You can be beautiful for a while, but you can't just rely on your face all the time.

After all, it is a variety show, and it has to be interesting and have everyone interacting, so that the audience can like it.

Soon everyone knew that Zhang Xiyun was really not a flower vase. The program team’s ingenious link design brought her closer to Wang Ziyu Gu Wanwan. She still spoke very little, but it was obvious that she didn’t mean what she said. This kind of The contrast made the audience a little aware of Zhang Xiyun's character.

"This show is interesting."

"Fang Bo has such a high emotional intelligence. Every time Wang Ziyu caused an embarrassing situation, he stepped in to resolve it. He is just like an old father."

"Tang Han is also very interesting. I have only seen him singing and dancing before. Many people said that he is more girly, but I did not expect him to be a warm and sunny young man."

"Tang Han is not considered a teenager anymore, right? He seems to be almost thirty."

"A man will remain a boy until he dies. Is there a problem?"


The focus of this type of program is on the guests, which not only highlights the guests' personalities, but also ensures the fun of every interaction point.

This is also the difficulty of this type.

For example, "The King of Comedy" relies entirely on the performance of the guests. The program team just manages the programming and promotion, and it is not so laborious at all.

But the effect of the program points is obvious. Just as Chen Ran said, the core of their program is fun. No matter how fast or slow the rhythm is, as long as you can attract the audience by showing interesting points, then the program will be successful.

Judging from the comments from the show's launch to now, the performance is obviously very good.

When it first aired, there were slightly fewer comments. After each rhythm point, the comments increased a lot, and they were all positive discussions about the program.

This proves that the program has a good reputation and has high audience retention.

From the beginning of the show until now, Tang Ming has no intention of watching the show. One reason is that he has watched it before, and the other reason is that he pays more attention to the data of the show, such as the comments on Weibo...

Seeing that the majority of the reviews were positive, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"We don't expect the show to be a big hit, as long as it has a ratings of 1.5, that's definitely enough." Tang Ming didn't dare to expect too much. After all, his expectation for the show from the beginning was around 2, but now due to various factors Isn’t it an exaggeration to have an impact of 1.5?

His goal is not average ratings, but peak ratings.

From now on, there should be some hope for him to achieve this goal.

Lin Fan was also relieved. Judging from the contract signed between their program and their sponsors, such a reputation should not cause the program to lose money, which is great for their company.

Among all the people, Chen Ran is as stable as a rock. Even if it is a program he produced, he has watched it countless times after editing, and he still enjoys watching it.

His goal is not just to avoid losing money.

The guests spent their first day in the small village.

The lens uses time-lapse photography to watch the moon rise and set, and the sky change from dark to numbingly bright.

The part where the guests got up was also quite interesting, but what surprised many people was that Zhang Xiyun was not there. When they found her, they found her hanging next to the field.

The program team's tracking and subtitles are also quite interesting. The naughty subtitles occasionally contain some imaginative content, and the cute sound effects add a lot of interest to the entire program.

By the end of the program, the program team was left in suspense. In the next episode, a friend came from afar, hinting that a guest from the city would appear.

As for what’s coming, it’s time to watch the trailer.

After watching the first episode of the program, the audience was stunned.

"The show is over?"

They didn't feel it at all.

From the beginning of the show, the audience has always found it enjoyable and interesting, with knowing smiles on their faces, and occasionally burst into laughter. Although it is said to be slow-paced, the show is interesting from beginning to end, attracting people to watch involuntarily. Go down.

The program lasted for more than an hour, but they didn't seem to feel the passage of time, as if the program was over in the blink of an eye.

"That's it? That's it? That's it? Isn't this too short? How come it's like when I read the novel, and it suddenly disappeared before I could finish reading it?"

"This show is interesting..."

"It's not only interesting, it's also very fun. What I'm most curious about is where the show was filmed. I've found my future cemetery. If I'm not buried here, I won't die even if the King of Hell comes to arrest me. "

"Is it necessary to say it so penetratingly..."

"The show is really good. The prince fish is so cute."

"If Uncle Fang Bo were a little thinner, he would be my ideal type. If any man has Tang Han's looks and Fang Bo's delicacy at the same time, he would be the most perfect man in the world."

"Upstairs, aren't you just talking about me?"

"This show is really interesting. The style of the show feels completely different from current shows."

"I also feel that I am tired of watching "The Power of Dreams". All the forced sensationalism makes me embarrassed. "Good Times" is slow but full of fun. The show does not have any deliberate routines, just like a variety show. A breath of fresh air.”

The audience praises the show very highly. Judging from the current comments, the reputation is simply explosive. More importantly, the number of people is quite large.

The show started airing in advance and started promoting it without sufficient preparation. It has received such attention, which is beyond the imagination of many people.

Not only the audience, but also many people in the industry looked a little weird after watching the show.

"This show seems a bit interesting..."

ps: (2/3)

Next update will be later.

Guys, let's watch it tomorrow morning.

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