My wife is a big star

Chapter 502 Men can’t say no

"The Great Time of Us" premiered with a ratings of 1.276%, ranking fourth in the full-day schedule on Friday.

The premiere ratings were even lower than the original "King of Comedy".

Although "The King of Comedy" became a hit in the end, its first-run ratings were not very high.

One thing to note about "The King of Comedy" is that there are no big-name stars in this show.

Jia Teng is the only star that everyone is familiar with.

However, the guest configuration of the show "Our Good Time" completely surpassed "The King of Comedy". In this case, the premiere ratings should be very good.

But now it can't compare to the latter.

"It's such a shame."

Many people feel extremely sad.

If the time period were changed and the show was given enough time to prepare, the premiere ratings would definitely not be so depressed.

"The potential of this show is not as good as The King of Comedy. If it is broadcast step by step, it will definitely be able to break 2. It is a bit difficult now."

"The reputation of the first episode was so good, but the ratings were so low. Rainbow TV really miscalculated."

"It's not a loss, but this program that can obviously make a lot of money has suffered a lot of losses because of the operation of rushing to put it on the shelves. The leadership of Rainbow TV cannot absolve itself of the blame."

"It's a pity that Chen Ran's program is really thoughtful..."

It is a pity that such a well-intentioned program may get results that are inconsistent with it. Many people are gloating about the misfortune, but more people feel that their efforts should not be let down.

Compared with the average performance of "Our Good Times" in the premiere, Zhaonan TV's "The Power of Dreams" was fully promoted last week and the gimmicks were bigger than in previous episodes, so the ratings further improved.

From a score of 2.761, it improved to nearly 2.9.

Everyone saw this scene, and compared with the second-place Mango TV's 2.1 ratings, it came out on top.

"The hit is destined."

"No surprise, the show will definitely become a hit in at most two episodes, and it may even break 3 in the next episode."

"Zhaonan Satellite TV has made a good move. The ratings of "Happy Challenge" are sluggish, and they almost lost the qualification to compete for the No. 1 Satellite TV. They poached Dulongcheng and made another hit. It is almost a certainty. I heard People say that Zhaonan Satellite TV actually doesn’t want to see Chen Ran, and now they want to prove that they can still get the No. 1 Satellite TV without Chen Ran.”

"No matter how they prove it, they can't erase the few programs Chen Ran did. No matter how powerful Dulong City is, can it still break Chen Ran's record?"

"Don't tell me, it's really possible. The person taking the lead on Zhaonan TV now is Du Longcheng. With a phenomenal program like "The King of Comedy", after experiencing "Talent Show", Zhaonan TV naturally doesn't dare to mess with it. Come on, the safest thing is to leave it to Du Longcheng. With the audience's expectations for "I Am a Singer" and Du Longcheng's strength, maybe we can really break Chen Ran's record."

"What kind of skill is it to use a program planned and produced by Chen Ran to break Chen Ran's record?"

"If the record is really broken, then the producer is Du Longcheng, not Chen Ran."


Huang Yu looked at the ratings report and shook his head slightly. As expected, the ratings for the premiere of "Our Good Time" were average.

However, he still has some expectations for this show.

Everyone said that the potential of the show was not as good as "The King of Comedy." But they also forgot one thing. This program was launched in a hurry, with insufficient publicity. In addition, the market share was completely divided by the three satellite TV stations. This resulted in the first broadcast ratings being even lower than "The King of Comedy".

Ever since Chen Ran entered the satellite TV scene, his evaluation of Chen Ran has continued to rise. He always thought that he had raised his expectations. In the end, it turned out that he underestimated Chen Ran. Even in this situation, he still has expectations for Chen Ran in his heart. .

Huang Yu laughed and didn't know what he was expecting. If Chen Ran's show took off, it would not be good news for them.

The market is so big, and the cakes and plates are all laid out. One is increasing and the other is subtracting. If a popular program is released, everyone's ratings will not be good.

He has quite complicated feelings about "The Power of Dreams". This show has become a hit, and it is almost a no-brainer that Mango TV will be pulled from the altar.

But Huang Yu also didn't want to see Du Longcheng, whom he called a "family slave with three surnames," prospering on Zhaonan TV.

Huang Yu sat on the chair and shook, and finally gave a wry smile. After thinking about it, it was useless. After all, it had nothing to do with Tomato TV. No matter what the outcome was, it was not something they could participate in or control.

“The tides are turning, it’s our turn next year, right?”

Huang Yu sincerely hopes to win the No. 1 Satellite TV award.

If Huang Yu is leisurely watching movies at this time, then Mango TV's Guan Guozhong is eager to watch.

Zhaonan Satellite TV's ratings are close to 2.9, and the next episode may be a hit. They have little hope now.

At the meeting, after thinking for a long time, he said: "Next, we will increase publicity. Whether it is news or scandals, we must cover up Zhaonan TV's offensive."

The people below didn't dare to say anything.

The program cannot be compared, even if they promote it how useful it will be?

Zhaonan Satellite TV is really coming with a lot of momentum.

But after thinking about it, there is really no other point that can be stabilized. This is the only thing they can do for the time being.

After determining the propaganda policy, they adjourned the meeting.

Guan Guozhong answered several phone calls in the office, and his face became increasingly ugly.

The people above blamed him, but at this juncture he had no choice but to suffer.

Sometimes all the credit and hard work are fake, and everyone only looks at the present.

If First Satellite TV was taken away by someone under his hands, then he should be scolded, and all the credit in the past will be undeserved.

"The power of dreams..."

Guan Guozhong muttered to himself, then suddenly paused and quickly checked the information.

After a while, he lay back, rubbed his brows, and immediately called his assistant.

"Help me compile some information on "The Power of Dreams". The more detailed the better."

"I understand, Director."


At this time, the "Our Good Time" program team, Chen Ran hung up the phone on Tang Ming.

Seeing everyone looking at him eagerly, he announced: "The show's premiere ratings are 1.276%."

Everyone looked slightly stunned, it was impossible to lose money, but they could not hide the disappointment in their eyes.

You know, their last show "The King of Comedy" was a hit, and it almost continued to be a hit until the end of the show. In comparison, the ratings of "This Is Us" seemed too shabby.

Even Lin Fan sighed. Chen Ran repeatedly emphasized that the program must be aimed at good results. Everyone's goal is to have a hit show, but with everything like this, there is no chance of a hit show.

"Talent Show" is a talent show with great potential.

"The King of Comedy" is a brand new genre and is highly accepted by the audience. It also has the competition format of "I Am a Singer".

These two shows started with low ratings and eventually became hits.

But "Our Good Time" is a slow-paced show, what chance do they have?

Chen Ran saw that everyone was a little downcast, so he immediately clapped his hands and said, "What are you thinking about? Cheer up."

This thing is not something that can restore people's mood by just saying a few words, but Chen Ran, a member of the team, understands that at this time, frustration becomes frustration, but when it comes to a show, he will still devote himself to it.

Chen Ran felt a little lucky. The show was launched too hastily, and the reputation of the previous show was so bad that they were also affected. If Sister Zhizhi hadn't helped with the promotion, the ratings would probably have been only over 1. So I guess. It will be even more miserable.

The ratings are average, but the word-of-mouth and ratings curve are very good, which is enough.

The foundation was laid for the promotion last week. Many people saw the photos and news but did not choose to watch the show. However, the show has always had an impression in their minds. What we have to do now is to get these people to come and watch the show.

Time was too short, and he had been making preparations but was too late. He will continue to promote this week. Due to the reputation of the show, the ratings should be able to increase a lot. The focus is next week.

"The temporary ratings don't mean anything. Everyone, cheer up and do a good job." Ye Yuanhua also knew that this was not the time to be depressed, so he followed Chen Ran to comfort everyone and cheer them up.

After the meeting, Chen Ran said to Ye Yuanhua: "Director Ye, didn't Director Tang say that we are satisfied with everything we want? This week's promotion depends on Rainbow TV. Our program is not bad, but the promotion is not memorable. I have to prepare for next week's promotion for the time being, and I can't make it in time for this week, so I have to ask Rainbow TV to help with it."

Ye Yuanhua saw that Chen Ran was still full of energy and nodded, "I will keep in touch."

Chen Ran smiled and said: "That's good. In fact, this program was originally positioned as a transitional program. Now it is enough not to lose money. If we work hard to promote it, if we can improve it, we will make money. Isn't it true that we signed a contract with the title sponsor? Is it a blockbuster agreement? Let’s work hard towards this agreement.”

Ye Yuanhua felt a little relieved. Teacher Chen was not only good in ability, but also had an outstanding mentality. The King of Comedy didn't even dare to think about becoming a hit, let alone the current show.

But no matter what, you still have to work hard.

And is this ratings bad?

That's hard to say, it can only be said that they set their expectations too high.

Most of the ratings of the talent shows they produced were hovering around 1. This was comparable to the peak ratings of their finals, so there was nothing left to be dissatisfied with.

Chen Ran did a good job as a team and immediately called Fang Yizhou, "Teacher Fang, is the song ready?"

The other person said a little tiredly: "It's done, you can come over at a time."

"Okay, then I'll come over today."

"Today?" Fang Yizhou's voice was full of surprise.

"What, are you too tired, Teacher Fang? If it doesn't work, just ask someone else to record it for me. Don't bother Teacher Fang."

"Okay, why can't I?" Fang Yizhou said immediately.

As a man, how can you say you can't do it?

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