My wife is a big star

Chapter 514 Variety Show Award

Tomorrow is the Variety Show Awards Ceremony.

Although it is the most valuable awards ceremony in the variety show industry, the Variety Show Awards do not receive much publicity.

Participants and guests are all industry insiders.

The award ceremonies for TV and movies are all for celebrities, so naturally there are many fans, but those behind the scenes of the TV station should forget about it.

When viewers watch TV and see the credits pop up, they immediately change the channel. Who cares who produces your program?

Chen Ran originally wanted to go with Zhang Fanzhi, but Sister Zhizhi had to go early as a guest performer.

Because the weather is getting cooler, I have put on more clothes now.

Zhang Fanzhi is wearing a beige windbreaker, with her hair draped over her shoulders, looking quite dashing.

"They invited you to sing, why didn't you go?" Zhang Fanzhi asked Chen Randao.

This was what she heard from Tao Lin who came over today.

Chen Ran said: "With my singing skills, I won't make others laugh."

"It's okay." Zhang Fanzhi pursed his lips and said.

"What's okay?"

"You sing well."

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Others are not as tolerant of me as you are."

Chen Ran himself knew how much it cost.

Zhang Fanzhi glanced at him, where did his usual confidence in doing shows go?

"You go over first, and I'll come tomorrow. Maybe you'll be the one to award the award for me then." Chen Ran said with a toothy smile.

"No, I will only sing this year."

Chen Ran said: "That's quite a pity."

The two of them were walking like this, originally intending to go outside the village, but they didn't go after all.

Since the recording of the program, many viewers have recognized this place and rushed over. Because they are afraid of affecting the filming of the program, everyone has stayed outside the village.

Some time ago, Chen Ran and Zhang Fanzhi occasionally walked around, but now they can't. They will definitely be photographed when they go out.

I'm not afraid of anything. I originally announced my relationship. The main reason is that I feel quite uncomfortable. Thinking about what it would be like to have so many eyes staring at you on a date, the atmosphere is gone.

"How did your concert ticket sales go?" Chen Ran just remembered this.

"Sold out."

"So soon?" Chen Ran was stunned for a moment. In his impression, it seemed that pre-sales had only started in the past few days, so it was over so soon?

"Fans are quite enthusiastic," Zhang Fanzhi said.

Chen Ran still underestimated Zhang Fanzhi's influence.

She is one of those people who suddenly became popular, so even though she is an A-list star now, she has never held a concert.

That is, when we were still in Fanxing, the company once held small fan meetings, but nothing else.

Other second-tier stars will hold some small concerts as long as they have enough works and are famous enough, but this is the first time they are like Zhang Fanzhi.

When fans heard the news, they had already been waiting for Zhang Fanzhi's concert tickets to be released. They originally planned to release them in batches, but the first batch was sold out in less than a minute. The fans' voices are so loud, this The speed was so fast that it seemed like they were engaging in hunger marketing. They had no choice but to release the tickets in different time periods, but they were all gone within seconds.

Because it was their first time to hold a concert, neither Zhang Fanzhi nor Tao Lin expected the enthusiasm of fans, so the concert held this time was only for 50,000 people.

Fifty thousand tickets were sold out in less than a day. The fans were not just enthusiastic, they were fanatical.

Hearing what she said, Chen Ran felt a little uncomfortable. The fans were so enthusiastic and they must have high expectations. When the time came for him to sing and people were dissatisfied, wouldn't that be ruining the show?

He opened his mouth to say something, but Zhang Fanzhi looked at him clearly and swallowed the words as soon as they came to his lips.

At noon, Tao Lin came over and followed Zhang Fanzhi to Huahai first.

Chen was still arranging work when he received a call from China Music officials, who invited him to attend China Music's new song chart-topping concert.

Chen Ran was stunned for a moment before he remembered that all new songs on the charts would receive such invitations. Most singers would not refuse. After all, it was an opportunity for China Music to be officially exposed, which saves a lot of publicity.

But Chen Ran had no choice but to say that he was busy with the show recently and couldn't spare time.

Because I had contact with China Music during the production of "I Am a Singer", they knew his information quite well and didn't say much. I was just a little bit disappointed that he couldn't top the list this time.

You said that if you are so good at writing songs, why don't you know how to become a singer? This person is not serious about joining the music industry, which is really a big loss to the music industry.

On the plane.

Chen Ran was a little stunned when he looked at Tang Ming who was talking nonstop next to him.

Director Tang took a plane from Yuan City to Huacheng and was waiting for them to go from Huacheng to Huahai together.

What kind of spirit is this? How convenient is it to go directly to Huahai?

But Tang Ming said: "It's my first time going to the Variety Show Awards. I'm not familiar with the process. I'll wait for you to feel better."

This is so sad.

If Chen Ran hadn't known that Rainbow TV's hit show also won an award, he would have really believed it.

But he really felt that people valued him, as if he were a treasure, lest he be abducted.

There's no reason Tang Ming isn't worried.

This time the Variety Show Award is more ruthless. In the past, most of the time only the program team went there, but this time I heard that many high-level executives from the TV stations would rush there. Not to mention Tomato TV, there are people from Mango TV and Kyoto TV. These may be correct. If Chen Ran is attracted to him, he starts to pick up the hoe. What if someone else offers good conditions and poaches Chen Ran away?

Come here now and work together to at least cultivate more relationships. Even if the conditions offered by others are really better than theirs, let Chen Ran think more about them and give them some room to react.

Although he didn't believe that there were other TV stations with better operating conditions than theirs, he still had to be wary of anyone jumping over the wall in a hurry.

"Does Teacher Chen know the tradition of the Variety Show Awards?" Tang Ming asked.

Chen Ran shook his head. He hadn't heard of any tradition.

Tang Ming explained: "If the record is broken that year, the program will definitely be an annual program. The TV station that held the previous record needs to send people as award guests to personally award the TV station that broke the record."

"Is there such a thing?" Chen Ran was stunned.

This Variety Show Award is bad enough. Isn’t this just rubbing salt into other people’s wounds?

It's hard enough to have a record broken, but to have to present an award to the other person in person is really heart-wrenching.

"At first, many people felt that this regulation was unkind, but the official explanation was to show friendly competition and joint efforts for the advancement of the industry." Tang Ming said: "In fact, the People's Variety Show Awards are also well-intentioned, and they do have an effect. Effect, if this is done, the person whose record was broken will definitely work hard and want to get the record back."

"But this..." Chen Ran twitched the corner of his mouth, thinking of Mango TV.

Although "I Am a Singer" is a program produced by Chen Ran, it still belongs to Zhaonan Satellite TV. In other words, in this variety show award, Mango TV has to give an award to its opponent?

The key is not the record issue, but the risk that First Satellite TV will be taken away by Southern Satellite TV. This is like putting a crown on the enemy with your own hands, which makes me feel uncomfortable just thinking about it.

Tang Ming said with emotion: "I don't know when we will be awarded an award by a friendly channel."

Programs like "I Am a Singer" are really rare, otherwise it wouldn't have been so many years before Mango TV's record was broken.

Not to mention other people, I'm afraid Chen Ran will never make such a terrifying show again, right?

Only the second season of "I Am a Singer" is known to be able to break the ratings of the first season of "I Am a Singer".

"There is always a chance." Chen Ran said.

Tang Ming shook his head, "I still don't want to."

Chen Ran smiled and said: "Director, are you frustrated now? Dreams always come true accidentally. Now they seem out of reach, but they may come true inadvertently."

Tang Ming looked at Chen Ran, as if he was pondering the meaning of his words. He didn't believe that Chen Ran was just giving him chicken soup.

He thought about it, but he couldn't believe it. He turned to look at Chen Ran and found that Chen Ran was just smiling, as if what he just said was just a joke.

For Chen Ran, big production next year is imperative, and doing this kind of program is aimed at the phenomenon level.

As for whether it can break the record, it depends on how it is done.

This is Chen Ran's second time attending the Variety Show Awards.

Last year, "Talent Show" was the biggest winner, but Chen Ran was just a general planner, and he was just a companion. The one who gained the most was Ye Yuanhua.

This year is different. Not only does "I Am a Singer" serve as a qualification, but also "The King of Comedy" is a hit, so I won't be able to continue running with him.

"Last year, the award I won was not worthy of its name. It felt hot to the touch even when I took it. This year, I finally feel comfortable." Ye Yuanhua said with a smile to the side.

"Director Ye is still so humble. If you don't live up to your name, then who can get it? The organizer's award to you proves that you have this ability. It doesn't feel hot." Chen Ran smiled.

Ye Yuanhua knew that he was deliberately deviating from his words. During the "Talent Show", Chen Ran was not qualified enough, but the work he did in the program team took care of all the work of the producer, which led to him winning the best producer. Still a little guilty.

This year will be good. If Chen Ran can win the award, he will truly be worthy of his name.

The group of them rushed to the hotel. As soon as they entered, Chen Ran felt a gaze falling on him.

He looked over and happened to see a few old acquaintances.

Ma Wenlong and Zhao Peisheng, these two people are actually here.

Think about it, "I Am a Singer" broke the record. This time it was Mango TV who came to present the award, and it must be the director. Out of respect, the person who came to Zhaonan TV to accept the award must be a senior executive.

Seeing Ma Wenlong, Chen Ran thought of the phone call he gave him a few days before the show was broadcast. He didn't know what to say. He wanted to say hello, but Ma Wenlong and Zhao Peisheng were not very nice, so they just nodded to him and went directly. left.

These two people were very upset about Chen Ran's attack on Zhaonan TV, which caused "The Power of Dreams" to fail to become a hit.

The relationship between former colleagues and leadership must have broken down.

Chen Ran was not too sad except for a little emotion in his heart.

When he left Zhaonan Satellite TV, he thought of this day.

After a short rest, they heard the staff coming to inform them that they could enter.

Tang Ming breathed a sigh of relief and said, "I hope we can all return home with a full load today."

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