My wife is a big star

Chapter 53 Interesting Program

The program promotion of "I Love Memorizing Lyrics" is very good.

Because the station was relatively optimistic about it, publicity resources were spent on it, and the popularity of the program also increased during this period.

When it comes to publicity, Taili has taken a different approach.

In addition to traditional publicity channels, such as TV stations, radio, KTV posters, etc., we were also inspired by Chen Ran's selection of lead singers and placed targeted advertisements on several singing apps.

As long as a Zhaonan user logs in, there will be advertisements on the screen.

Compared with ordinary advertisements that target all people, the advertisements of this kind of APP are more precise, and they are basically the target audience of the program.

Therefore, in the past few days when the show was fully promoted, its popularity increased rapidly.

A preliminary survey was conducted for the program, and basically all the viewers who were selected expressed that they were looking forward to the program.

Director Liu Xianlong stayed at the TV station today. Not only him, but also Director Yang Qijun did not leave.

In fact, the station's investment in "I Love to Remember Lyrics" is not too large, which is the standard of ordinary programs.

It was said at the beginning that funds should be used freely, but only those funds that should be spent should be put to practical use.

Without inviting celebrities, the expenses were not too high.

Director Yang and Director Liu were both worried because they had high expectations for the show.

Among the programs currently broadcast on the station, the one with the highest ratings is "Saturday Lotto" on Saturday night.

This veteran program did not have the highest ratings in the past, but it is very stable and has beaten many opponents to death, and now it is number one.

"This kind of publicity has a 10% ratings, isn't it excessive?" Director Liu Xianlong thought to himself.

The ratings of "Zhaonan Focus" are now close to 17%. Sometimes it exceeds, sometimes it drops, but it is always the same when it is overall stable.

It was a news program and it was broadcast daily. Liu Xianlong did not dare to compare with this kind of program.

It is also a program planned by Chen Ran. He expects a 10% premiere ratings, which feels reasonable.

eight pm.

The program officially begins.

The broadcast time coincides with "Zhaonan Focus".

It's not intentional, after all, the news has always been at this time, and entertainment programs also start at eight o'clock.

The background is ready and the signal is connected.

The program is officially launched.

“Welcome to Binghua Extremely Cool Beer, “I Love Memorizing Lyrics”!”

The host Zhang Chengyu's slightly exaggerated voice came out. This was not a problem with his hosting skills, but because the director asked him to use this style.

Then he read the advertisement at a fast pace and introduced the program emphatically. The band behind him played music along with his voice. At the end, he finished the introduction and the band played a rock and roll.

The audience below cheered very loudly, and Zhang Chengyu said loudly: "Let's see which lucky viewers will come to the scene today to compete for a prize of 20,000 yuan!"

The beginning of the show is very fast paced.

There are not many things that make people feel bored. The host's speaking speed, fast-paced music, and the cheers of the audience quickly lead to the KTV selection part.

In fact, when it comes to local programs, many people just want to watch them casually. Recently, there are not many interesting programs on entertainment channels.

Especially the last time "Boundless Joy", the poor quality of this program made many people think that this thing can also be called a program?

Although the program "I Love to Remember Lyrics" is well-known, many people have a wait-and-see attitude.

After all, what is more attractive are satellite TV programs.

Friday is the prime time, and many satellite TV stations will not let it go. Each one is more attractive than the last.

If "I Love to Remember Lyrics" is boring, they will naturally switch to satellite TV.

But this opening really piqued their interest.


The atmosphere of the show is very active, and the fast pace brings a very happy feeling.

The camera turned to Diamond KTV, where most of the locals had been.

Diamond KTV has chains in all cities in Zhaonan, and everyone feels familiar when they see it.

The on-location host went in to pick the lucky winner, which was quite interesting for the audience to watch.

A group of strangers suddenly opened the door, and the happy people who were singing were suddenly startled. First they questioned, then they were surprised, and finally they happily participated. This kind of reality show feeling made many people find it interesting.

For local stations, the audience doesn't care too much about whether you have celebrities. The key is to make the program interesting.

After all, I want to watch celebrities. I went to watch satellite TV. Isn’t that better than your place?

As for the interesting aspect, "I Love Memorizing Lyrics" does a good job.

Director Zhang knocked on the door of the Zhang family.

No one opened the door.

After knocking twice more, I heard my wife shout: "Get the key and open it yourself."

Director Zhang thought that she was probably busy and couldn't leave. He took out the key, shook it and opened the door. He saw Zhang Fanzhi and Aunt Yun sitting in front of the TV, staring at it.

The sound coming from the TV was noisy and sounded very happy.

Director Zhang was not in a good mood anymore: "I just went out for a walk, why didn't you even open the door for me?"

He thought to himself that he wasn't around when he was smoking just now, so he shouldn't have been discovered.

Aunt Yun replied indifferently: "I'm watching TV. I just have the key and can open it myself."

Director Zhang originally thought that TV was so attractive, but then he realized, "Hey, has the show started?" He walked over to watch TV, but his wife disliked it: "Sit down, you are blocking me!"

Zhang Fanzhi pretended not to hear his parents' interaction and just watched the TV without blinking.

This show is really interesting.

When she is bored, she listens to music and watches variety shows.

But she feels that this is different from those variety shows on satellite TV that compete for the number of stars. It is fun and interesting.

I remember that Chen Ran told her not to be disappointed after watching the program some time ago, as it might not be comparable to satellite TV.

Now Zhang Fanzhi feels that this program is much better than some satellite TV programs!

Especially when the lead singers came out, Zhang Fanzhi's eyes lit up slightly. As a singer, he can naturally tell the good from the bad.

The contrast between the looks and singing voices of the lead singers is also a highlight.

It can be seen from this that the program is indeed very carefully done.

It is rare for a family of three in the Zhang family to sit together and watch TV. Probably since Zhang Fanzhi entered high school, there have been few such times.

Basically, those who play with mobile phones play with their mobile phones, those who read newspapers read newspapers, and have no interest in TV.

Zhang Fanzhi turned around and looked at his parents, feeling very warm in his heart.

The program ended with laughter.

Aunt Yun didn't know whether the show was good or bad, but she just thought it was interesting. She asked, "Is this show really made by Chen Ran?"

Director Zhang glanced at her: "Chen Ran wrote the plan and showed it to me first. How can this be false?"

The corner of Zhang Fanzhi's mouth curled up, looking a little happy. She turned around and asked, "Dad, you are a programmer. How do you think the results of this program will be?"

Director Zhang pondered for a moment and said hesitantly: "I feel that the ratings will explode..."

He was a little unsure.

Second update arrived.

Thanks to the book friend 20190705120555637, the boss of Wanfengqiu Nian for the reward, thank you for your support.

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