My wife is a big star

Chapter 562 New Singer Chen Ran

"The auditions for Rainbow TV's "The Voice of China" have begun. It seems that we also have a competition area here. I saw the advertisement yesterday. Xiaohuan, don't you like singing very much? You can go and try it!"

"Forget it. This kind of show is about singing, but in the end it only selects pretty people. Do you think I can be selected like this? I may not even pass the audition."

Tang Xiaohuan has a very nice voice, especially her singing voice. Every time she goes to KTV, her friends always make her sing and they even praise her for singing like a celebrity.

But what was inversely proportional to her voice was her body shape. She was very fat, about 1.6 meters tall and weighed 180 pounds.

They had a program here before that held auditions. Tang Xiaohuan rushed over excitedly. He passed the audition, but during the rematch, he was rejected for one reason and was not even on TV. However, the talent shows in recent years have basically The same is true, those who can reach the end are those with good appearance.

This is the society of eyeballs. If the appearance is not good, people will not bother to take a second look. This is the case for ordinary people. If the program must cater to the needs of the public, naturally it can only choose good-looking ones.

Hu Xin also knew about Xiao Huan's experience. When she saw Xiao Huan was a little negative, she quickly said: "This program seems to be different. It talks about creating a professional music program. It says that as long as the singer has a good singing voice, it can be used by anyone regardless of age or gender. , Rainbow TV has had a draft like you mentioned before, you can’t do two of the same thing at the same time, right?”

She recalled the poster she just saw and continued: "It was quite interesting to watch their promotion. After the auditions, there seemed to be professional singers to guide them. Don't you think the name "The Voice of China" is different from the others? , the other ones are about choosing stars, this one is about choosing singers, I feel they should be quite professional, I still recommend you to give it a try, it doesn’t cost money anyway.”

"It's better not to waste time." Tang Xiaohuan still refused.

Hu Xin was a little regretful. They all thought that Tang Xiaohuan sang very well, especially his voice was very magnetic. If you closed your eyes, you would never imagine that a singer with Tang Xiaohuan's body shape would be impossible.

Tang Xiaohuan was also pitiful. She didn't seem to be born obese. She had some disease that caused her to gain weight, and she couldn't lose weight. Otherwise, with her voice and her previous appearance, she wouldn't be eliminated directly.

Although she still wanted to persuade him, it was obvious that Tang Xiaohuan had made up his mind, so Hu Xin could only give up.

Tang Xiaohuan went to work and forgot about this matter.

But when she came home at night, her head was filled with Hu Xin's voice when she was free. She lay on the bed, and the bed became obviously heavy, making it difficult for her to turn over and over.

When I turned over, I accidentally saw the electronic keyboard next to me. I was stunned for a while, then suddenly sat up again, took my mobile phone, found Hu Xin's number and dialed it.

Hu Xin was a little confused over there and asked: "Xiaohuan, what's wrong?"

"Um..." Tang Xiaohuan hesitated, and then asked: "Where did you see the audition for what program you were talking about during the day?"

"The Voice of China?"


Hu Xin suddenly became energetic and asked, "Do you want to participate?"

Tang Xiaohuan said vaguely: "Let's take a look first, and then we'll talk."

"It's too late today. I'll check it out tomorrow and send you the registration method."

"Okay, thank you."

"What are you thankful for..."

After hanging up the phone, Tang Xiaohuan lay on the bed, wondering if this program really only focused on the sound?

Her mind was a little complicated, holding various thoughts, and finally fell asleep.

The next day.

Tang Xiaohuan, who had already made his decision, received the registration form and after confirming the time to attend the audition, he asked for leave in advance.

On the day of the audition, Hu Xin personally went to cheer her up.

"Come on!" Hu Xin patted her shoulder.

Tang Xiaohuan nodded and dragged his fat body into the sea area.

"The voice of China..." she thought to herself, waiting for her number to be called, and then walked in.

There are many other situations similar to Tang Xiaohuan.

After the audition promotion for the show started, everyone around the competition area knew the news.

Not only some students participated, but also many people who had worked for many years. As long as they had the dream of singing in their hearts, they all chose to sign up after several hesitations.

In addition, there is also some news on the Internet.

Some forums dedicated to discussing variety shows noticed this show.

"Do you know "The Voice of China"?"

"What show is this?"

"The well-known program producer Chen Ran and Rainbow Satellite TV have collaborated again on a program. Now we have a competition area here and auditions have begun. I heard people say that they only look at singing, regardless of appearance and age. I don't know if it's true or not."

"Is that the talent show?"

"It's an audition, but it feels different. I know a person who sings very well. He went to participate in the audition and passed the audition, but he has to be selected later. It is said that only after being selected can he participate in a stage called blind audition. And Blind audition means being on TV, I don’t know what it means, but it’s different from other drafts.”

“Don’t blind selection mean blind selection?”

"Chen Ran is the one who does "I Am a Singer"? Then this program should focus on music, right? Speaking of which, the new season of "I Am a Singer" is coming this year. I heard that many big names have been invited, so I am looking forward to it."

"I want to watch this new talent show now. I really like watching singing shows..."

"I hope it won't turn into a beauty pageant in the end. I'm tired of seeing these people all look the same. In the semi-finals of a talent show last time, a group of contestants stood together. The men had different face shapes and the women had different face shapes. Good-looking ones are good-looking, but not I can’t even tell who is who by looking at the number plate…”

"That's right. I hope this show will come up with something new."


It is only in the audition stage, and there is not much publicity. The programs on several TV stations are now very popular, so there are people discussing it, but it has not formed a scale.

On the contrary, more people are speculating on the lineup of "I Am a Singer".

As long as we talk about singing programs, "I Am a Singer" is an insurmountable mountain. Last year's audio-visual feast was unforgettable and everyone is looking forward to the arrival of the new season.

Ye Yuanhua took a break from his busy schedule and occasionally went online to read the news. He had just started preparing for "I Am a Singer". After the news came out, many media had already forwarded it. Seeing this scene, he felt a little emotional. He didn't know if this was his last glory. .

It is really difficult to create a program that surpasses "I Am a Singer".

Chen Ran analyzed the new program for him, and he was also aiming to break the record, but how difficult it was. Chen Ran was optimistic, but he didn't dare to think about it.

At this stage of the blind audition alone, he felt that the show should be a hit, and the ratings would definitely be good. However, the possibility of breaking the record was too small. This does not mean that you just have to work hard to do a good job. Even if you find a subject that suits the audience's appetite, do it. It is also very good, and it has the right time, right place and right people.

Anyway, even if the quality is enough, you still have to be lucky.

Director Ye always felt that he had almost used up all the good things he had accumulated in the first half of his life when he fell in love with Chen Ran. The possibility of another phenomenon was too small.

At this time, the director team reported the progress. Ye Yuanhua felt relaxed and everything went smoothly.

And just like what Chen Ran said, among those who signed up, there were many who sang well.

There are quite a few talent shows, but due to their limited appearance, there are many hidden gems that are now waiting for them to be fished out.

What he was thinking about was that when he was doing the "Talent Show" that year, the short and fat man Deng Pengcheng's ethereal female voice shocked people. What their program wanted to achieve was that every singer could surprise the audience.

If this could be achieved, the show would be great.

The auditions for "The Voice of China" are proceeding step by step.

The annual Chinese Music Annual Inventory is here again.

Zhang Fanzhi has been nominated for many awards, including Best Female Singer, Best Lyricist, Best Album, etc. She has been ranked for almost all awards that veteran singers can win.

Chen Ran was also nominated, and quite a few.

Best New Singer, Best Lyricist, Best Composer, and Best Song of the Year.

He just published a song and received so many nominations. Chen Ran was shocked when he saw it.

Chen Ran already won the award last year, but I didn't expect that this year's nomination would be even more outrageous.

Especially the Best Newcomer Award, which made Chen Ran confused. He called Zhang Fanzhi and asked: "Forget about other awards, what's going on with the Best Newcomer Award? I won it last year?"

Zhang Fanzhi's words were concise and to the point, "You used to be a songwriter, but last year you officially released your first new song, which was a newcomer last year."

"In other words, I debuted as a singer last year?"

"Yes, but there is little hope of winning." Zhang Fanzhi vaccinated him in advance.

Chen Ran didn't care. He just released a song as if to play with tickets, and it was used to advertise the show. It was unexpected that he won the award. If he really won the Best Newcomer Award, other newcomers would be surprised. how to think?

Not to mention winning awards, just being nominated makes many people feel uncomfortable.

There are so many newcomers emerging every year just to grab these nominations, but one of them is snatched away by Chen Ran, who is a cross-industry person. Who can feel balanced?

"Are you going this year?" Zhang Fanzhi asked.

Chen Ran shook his head: "No, I'm too busy. Just accept the award for me when the time comes."

Zhang Fanzhi said "Oh", thinking that you thought well. Even before you start, you already know that you will win the prize.

But if you think about it carefully, the two songs "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" and "Mom and Dad" will definitely win awards. There must be one of the best hits of the year, let alone the best lyrics and music.

For a song of this caliber, it is always appropriate to be soft-hearted in winning awards.

Zhang Fanzhi, on the other hand, is nominated for Divas again this year and will probably defend her title.

In fact, when the nominations were announced, a lot of discussion had already taken place online.

"Can Zhang Xiyun defend the title this year?"

"I don't think it's a big problem. Last year, there were several first-line singers who released new singles and new songs, but none of them could match her momentum. And last year, her new album sold nearly 10 million, how can others compare?"

"It's almost tens of millions of sales, which is no different from the first-tier ones."

"The album was released in the middle of last year. This year's album is probably the most prepared. If we can maintain one album every year, I feel that Zhang Xiyun will be on top sooner or later."

"I don't know how many awards she can win this year. It will make others feel uncomfortable."


In the past, everyone's attention was pretty evenly distributed, but in the past few years, Zhang Fanzhi has dominated the crowd. From the moment he was nominated, he suppressed everyone's shine.

For such a star who has been popular all year long, her popularity cannot be too high.

Everyone was happy to see the nomination, but Liu Yaoyao was a little regretful, "What a pity, Yaoyao, you weren't nominated."

The two songs Chen Yao released before were free songs, and sales were not counted, so she did not participate in this kind of award selection. In a sense, she officially debuted when she released "Little Lucky".

Liu Yaoyao had previously imagined that Chen Yao could be nominated, and it would be best if she could win the Best Newcomer Award. That would be a perfect starting point for her.

Chen Yao was originally surprised that her brother was nominated. When she heard Liu Yaoyao's regret, she felt a little dumbfounded. She said: "Sister Yaoyao, you are wrong. How could I be nominated? I released "Little Lucky" It’s already past New Year’s Day, so it’s still this year, and I haven’t released an album yet. If I want to be nominated for just one song, how can ordinary people do it?”

The reason why she said ordinary people can't do it is because Chen Ran was indeed nominated for a song, but in her opinion, Chen Ran is a genius and has nothing to do with ordinary people.

Liu Yaoyao didn't notice this detail, but her eyes lit up when she heard that it was counted this year, "I really didn't pay attention to this. Since it is counted this year, doesn't that mean you still have a chance? "

"I don't want to think about these things. It's too far away. I can just concentrate on singing. It's fine now."

Chen Yao is quite satisfied with the status quo. Although she has just debuted, the sales of her new songs have been so good that she has gathered a group of fans. Now she is quite famous. She is approached by commercial performers from time to time, and occasionally there are some small studios. The variety show sent me a notice, and I was quite satisfied anyway.

Her requirements are not high, but Liu Yaoyao's expectations for her are more than that, "Why is it so far away? Look at how good the sales of "Little Lucky" are. It is still at the top of the best-seller list. "Light Chaser" If the song is so good, it will definitely become popular. As long as we can release an album before the end of the year, there will definitely be a chance. Maybe you will be the second sister Xiyun."

Chen Yao rolled her eyes inwardly. Who wouldn't daydream? There is the second Sister Xiyun. In such a big music scene, there is only one like this now. She is the only one. She, Chen Yao, is from a non-technical background and has just released a song. A newcomer to the song, how can he be so virtuous?

She felt that the pie painted by Liu Yaoyao was a bit big, but Liu Yaoyao was still not satisfied.

If Chen Yao can win the Best Newcomer Award, her fame will definitely skyrocket. If she can have the opportunity to appear on "I Am a Singer", not to mention becoming the second sister Xiyun, she will at least be popular for a while.

Oh, no, Teacher Chen has broken up with Zhaonan TV and has stopped doing "I Am a Singer" for a long time. With Chen Yao's character, she will definitely not participate in this program.

Damn, what a pity.

Liu Yaoyao murmured in her heart that Chen Yao didn't know, otherwise she would have been surprised.

I'm just a newbie with a lot of talent, and you can think of me as a singer.

People draw cakes to satisfy their hunger for others, but it would be better for you to support yourself first.

Unrecommended book, a very nice daily novel, "My Wife Comes from a Thousand Years Ago"

It’s interesting to see the latest in one go.

The author's previous work is "My Wife Please Be in Peace", which is also quite good.

I don’t know the author, but the book is very interesting. There is a portal at the bottom, and the bosses can take it if they like.

By the way, speaking of daily writing, there is an old book "My Time and Space Hotel" that I also like very much. This one is finished.

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