My wife is a big star

Chapter 580 Our family is rich

The next day.

Friday's ratings are out.

The first one is undoubtedly "I am a Singer".

But the ratings did not break 4 after all, but reached 3.859%.

"It's a pity, it's not much different."

"This is only the third episode, and the ratings are already amazing, okay?"

"It will definitely break 4 in the next period, and it will break 4 in the fourth period. I'm afraid it will break the record!"

When everyone thinks that a new record is about to be born, everyone has different thoughts.

If you really want to set a record, you don’t know when it will be broken.

After everyone watched "I Am a Singer", they focused their attention on the second place.

"The Voice of China" still ranks second.

But everyone's eyes were shocked and they took a deep breath.

"2.861%? Is this a mistake?"

It has risen so much all of a sudden.

This increase is even more terrifying than that of "I Am a Singer".

If this were more powerful, wouldn't it break 3 directly?

But this is just a talent show!

Many people still haven't watched this show and really don't understand where the ratings come from.

The show in the same period already has a singer as a monster, how can the voice be improved so much?

With this surprise, they turned their attention to other programs.

Compared with the previous two programs, other satellite TV programs are quite pitiful.

Whether it's "Monopoly" or "So You Think You Can Dance," they were full of gimmicks before they aired, and the ratings for the first broadcast weren't too bad.

But in this second episode, their ratings didn't make much of a difference.

Their market share has been taken away by the previous two programs, where else can they get viewers?

Being able to maintain such ratings is enough to prove that these two programs are indeed exciting enough!

"Is The Voice of China really that good?"

Doubts arose in many people's minds.

Judging from the current situation, if we really continue to develop like this, maybe we can really compete with "I Am a Singer"!

Some people think about the producers of the real show and have a lot of thoughts in their minds.

Has anyone watched the show before?

not a single one.

It's just a talent show, even if it's hosted by Chen Ran, no one will be optimistic about it.

Not to mention bumping into the monster "I am a singer".

But now the performance is booming, not only is it expected to be a hit, but it can even threaten "I Am a Singer".

Chen Ran was telling them with facts that there is no type that is necessarily bad. This thing depends on the person!

"This Chen Ran..."

To be able to put a talent show to this level, and even in a sluggish market, is really, really impressive.

They said before that this was just a talent show, but now, they are thinking that this is a talent show after all!

This is only the second episode, and the ratings are about to break 3. How scary will it be in the future?

Many people paused for a moment, could it be another phenomenon?

Zhaonan TV.

Ma Wenlong was expressionless.

Not only him, but everyone in the conference room looked unhappy.

Everyone has read the ratings report.

Just looking at the growth rate, "I Am a Singer" is really good.

But they also have "The Voice of China" with an even more terrifying increase!

Now everyone is thinking that if it weren't for the latter's interference, they would have broken 4 by now!

They did promise a relaxed attitude before.

With a phenomenal program like "I Am a Singer" on this schedule, no matter what program comes, it will be overwhelmed.

But now that mentality is gone, replaced by a sense of urgency.

Chen Ran.

This name appeared in everyone's mind again.

"For a talent show, the ratings have almost exceeded 3. They are only the second episode. If it continues like this, it will have a huge impact on us."

Ma Wenlong finally said.

As soon as he said this, everyone looked at each other.

At this time, they were shocked to realize that only the second episode had such an exaggerated increase and ratings. Doesn't it mean that the program has great potential to hit the phenomenon level?

There is no room for two phenomena in the same schedule.

Now that I think of The Voice, what comes to them is not a sense of urgency, but a sense of oppression!

"No matter what method is used, whether it is publicity or hype, we must suppress the good voices and immediately re-formulate the publicity plan..."

"I Am a Singer" is too important to them and must not be missed!

Hong Jing was a little distracted.

"How can this be?"

He couldn't accept it.

Du Longcheng remained silent beside him, his brows knitted tightly together.

If there was a glimmer of hope yesterday, that hope has suddenly died.

A cannon fodder program that he considered to be overestimating its capabilities now directly affects "I Am a Singer".

This feeling is already the second time!

"Chen Ran..."

As Du Longcheng read this name, he felt like he was quarreling with this person!

He really regretted it.

You said he had to do "The Power of Dreams" to compete with "The King of Comedy".

But who knew that Chen Ran was so capable and had such a bad temper?

He didn't know the potential of "The Voice of China" before, but now he knows. Frankly speaking, if it were him and he knew there was a program that could become a phenomenon, he would definitely choose a good schedule and he would never be willing to take it. Come out and compete head-on with "I Am a Singer".

But Chen Ran did just that.

He waved Hong Jing out, then turned on the computer and sat there for a while.

No matter how great Chen Ranxin's program is, their program has more advantages.

Just like Ma Wenlong said, publicity, gimmicks, hype, no matter what, he wants the record, and he wants the First Satellite TV!

If the first episode of "The Voice of China" was showing signs of becoming a big hit, then after the second episode, the show became really popular.

Whether they are twins, street singers, or girls from ethnic minorities, their videos have gone viral on the Internet.

On several different video websites, video clips of the show quickly skyrocketed, reaching the top ten in the music section.

Not to mention short videos, people who like to watch variety shows and listen to songs will always watch clips of The Voice of China.

This scene surprised many people who had not seen it yet.

"Is this show so popular?"

“It’s just an illusion, because the short videos are pushed based on your preferences, the news you follow will appear frequently, and the people commenting below all have the same preferences as you, which will make you feel that this program is very popular, but in fact it is not. Generally speaking, the most popular song right now is "I Am a Singer."

"But the singers in this show sing really well!"

This is irrefutable.

Judging from these videos alone, this show is indeed more surprising and shocking.

On the other hand, "I Am a Singer" seems more conventional.

Last week, the popularity of "The Voice of China" has been suppressed by "I Am a Singer".

This was true even when this issue just ended, after all, the latter has a larger audience base.

But just one day later, the trend on the entire Internet completely changed.

Judging from the popularity of the entire network, the two programs are basically indistinguishable.

This is a bit scary.

You know, "I Am a Singer" is about to break 4, but "The Voice of China" has not yet broken 3!

At this time, the official people of China Music were a little lucky.

Judging from the backstage sales, the songs of "The Voice of China" have exploded again.

Really, if it weren’t for the timely response last week and the creation of a special program section, I’m afraid the new song chart would have suffered in the past two days.

The key is that Zhang Xiyun's new song will be released on the new song chart this week and enter the best-selling list. Without this song to dominate the show, and then being slaughtered by "The Voice of China", it would be really ugly.

"This show looks like it's going to be a big hit again!"

This kind of program is a great success for Chinese music.

The emergence of the program is very beneficial to both the music market and the entire music scene.

"Hello, Mr. Chen."

There was a more polite voice on the phone.


Chen Ran laughed.

This is the number dialed by the video website.

When the show was first produced, a website came to us and wanted to buy the webcast rights, but the price was too high to be discussed.

After the second episode, the program became popular on various video websites, and these websites couldn't stand still and began to contact me.

It's a pity that the price is still not satisfactory, and one can only drag it from house to house.

A program that is almost destined to become a phenomenon. Chen Ran is not worried at all. What is worrying is these websites. He has the leisure to slowly grind with them.

When Tang Ming came over to meet Chen Ran, when talking about this matter, the money-spreading boy looked regretful, "Actually, our TV station has always planned to build a video website, but unfortunately we don't have any good programs, and we have been unable to do it."

When Chen Ran heard this, he immediately yelled. Director Rentang's ambition was indeed not small. In the case of Rainbow Satellite TV, no one watched the video website.

In fact, the two popular programs are now ready to start preparing for the website. But don’t forget that this program is not their own. Chen Ran Company and Xilin Investment are also involved. If you really want to use it yourself, you will have to Come up with money.

You can definitely make money just by getting money. The key is how many people these programs can convert. You will definitely lose money in the early stage. Rainbow Satellite TV does not have the courage yet.

Chen Ran didn't say much. Friendship is friendship, business is business, and they need to be separated. He had always stressed that he wanted to keep the copyright, wasn't it just for these things.

These video websites were indeed a little anxious. Several started bidding, and finally the deal was completed at a scary price.

The copyright of the program is sold at the price of a phenomenal variety show.

Because it was produced with investment from three parties, the money was divided into three parts.

In the past few days, Zhang Fanzhi was not only busy training students, but also recording new songs. She also had to go to a commercial performance in her spare time. Chen Ran was exhausted for her.

But Zhang Fanzhi just said that he had already picked him up and he had to go.

Chen Ran knew what she was thinking. Now that the company has started, it must find a way to develop. Is it true that this requires money?

In addition, if Chen Ran needs money one day, she can also take out some.

When the webcast rights were sold, Chen Ran told Zhang Fanzhi on WeChat.

"Sister, our family is rich!"

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