My wife is a big star

Chapter 586 Exploded Xu Zhi

There are many ways to hype, but Zhaonan Satellite TV is the most extreme.

If the first singer quits the show directly, this approach will definitely cause a sensation.

Needless to say the influence of "I Am a Singer", Xu Zhi is not bad herself, so deliberately creating such an accident would definitely cause an uproar.

Look at it now, the show hasn't even ended yet, the news of Xu Zhi's retirement has already been on the top trending searches, and the ranking is still rising. I'm afraid that by the time the show ends, it will go directly to the top of the trending searches.

Sometimes publicity considers not only the benefits, but also the impact it will have on the show.

The first season of "I Am a Singer" not only has good ratings, but also has a very good reputation. By doing this, are they not afraid of affecting the reputation of the show?

Once word of mouth is damaged, it is very difficult to get it back.

Based on these two points alone, it is not a problem at all to say that Zhaonan TV is brave.

"Retired from the competition?!"

Chen Ran was a little stunned.

This scene is a bit familiar.

When I was on Earth, such a scene also happened.

Chen Ran had been thinking about how Zhaonan Satellite TV was going to hype up this wave. He never thought that history would be repeated and the part of withdrawing from the competition was implemented.

Naturally, Chen Ran didn't know how the withdrawals happened on Earth, but now in the Zhaonan Satellite TV show, there was almost no doubt that it was definitely a hype that had been planned before!

Chen Ran was a little dumbfounded.

Really, he could just move the program here, but who would have thought that Zhaonan TV would even complete this aspect.

He also didn't expect that Zhaonan TV would be so willing to spend money.

This is Xu Zhi.

How many A-list singers are still active today?

Not to mention anything else, this incident alone, no matter how Xu Zhi explains it, will be a heavy blow to her reputation.

Zhaonan Satellite TV must have planned the matter, but if you want a first-line singer to cooperate with such hype, what price will it cost?

"This is too cruel!"

Chen Ran didn't even know what to say.

But this also shows from the side that "The Voice of China" puts too much pressure on them!

Such a big risk has to be taken. From this, we can see how strong Zhaonan Satellite TV wants to hit the record.

"We're in a bit of trouble this issue."

Chen Ran murmured in his heart.

This hype is really one after another.

From the moment the promotional posters were released, the groundwork was already being laid.

Netizens raised the issue, but Zhaonan Satellite TV has not come out with an explanation. I'm afraid the wait is now.

Now is the time when the two sides are competing for the market. If the other side is stronger, they must be weaker. The other side will increase and I will decrease. This has always been the case.

"What is Xu Zhi thinking? She actually quits the competition. This has a huge impact on her!"

Tao Lin couldn't understand either.

For a singer, not only is his ability good, but his reputation is also very important.

This wave of withdrawal is definitely unwise.

Xu Zhi had been active before, striving to reach the top line. Although the hope was slim, he still worked hard for this goal.

The result of her withdrawal is completely foreseeable now. It will be difficult to recover from the hot search. All her popularity will be lost. Unless there is some reversal, her road will basically be over.

Even Tao Lin didn't understand what the other party was thinking.

Not to mention Tao Lin, everyone was still confused and couldn't figure out what Xu Zhi was planning.

The show ended with a bang.

This issue of "The Voice of China" also has an amazing contestant, a female student at school who has been turned around by four mentors.

Both her skills and emotions are impeccable. The instructor said that except for her facial expression management, everything else is perfect, while many netizens praised her and said, "God is a blessing."

As usual, if there is such a highlight player, the discussion will go straight to the sky after the show ends. It will definitely be on the hot search and will attract the attention of most people.

But it was different today. The entire page was covered by the news that Xu Zhi had withdrawn from the competition!

As a phenomenon-level program, such a big melon suddenly appeared, and he still swaggered out of the program, and the TV station even broadcast it. The audience could still sit still and express their opinions.

Also on the hot search list was the host's rescue. After Xu Zhi withdrew from the competition, the host calmly responded and gained a large number of fans.

On the opposite side is Xu Zhi, whose Weibo account was flooded by a large number of fans of the show, who questioned and abused her.

But not long after, comments on Xu Zhi’s Weibo were closed, and the situation calmed down a bit.

The first singer retired from the competition and the host came to the rescue. These two pieces of news about "I Am a Singer" completely swept the screen.

No one knows how the people at Zhaonan TV are feeling, but Tang Ming from Rainbow TV is a little flustered.

"It's so cruel to use such methods!"

Tang Ming wanted to criticize a few words, but then he shut up.

The talent shows their TV station had done before were even more hyped than this, with contestants singing live to mirror the judges, and scolding battles between two popular contestants. These have all happened, but now I really don’t have the confidence to accuse others.

He felt slightly uneasy.

Originally, this episode wanted to hit the ratings of 4, which was definitely promising, and it could also bring the show closer to "I Am a Singer".

But they will be affected by this hype.

"Can it still break 4?"

He felt a little unsure and very uneasy.

Everyone's attention is on the news of the withdrawal from "I Am a Singer".

The influence of this hype is indeed great.

After I came back to my senses, I suddenly thought that this issue of "The Voice of China" was also a critical period.

In the past, I wanted to break 4. According to the ratings increase of "The Voice of China", it was absolutely easy and I didn't even have to think about it.

But "I Am a Singer" comes out like this, which makes people feel a bit suspenseful.

Although popularity does not mean ratings, "I Am a Singer" is now overwhelmingly popular, so it is inevitable to be affected.

The key is that Xu Zhi retired from the competition and was placed in front, which attracted a large number of spectators.

"These two shows are really interesting. They are sniping at each other like this, which is a big deal."

"What do you think Rainbow TV is doing? Is it just to prevent Zhaonan TV from getting the No. 1 satellite TV spot?"

"This is not a dispute between Rainbow TV and Zhaonan TV. At best, it is a conflict between Chen Ran and Zhaonan TV."

"I always feel like there's something good to watch next, and I don't know what explanation Zhaonan TV will give tomorrow."


At this time in Xu Zhi's villa.

She almost went crazy.

The manager was worried with the person next to him, but there was nothing he could do. He kept trying to comfort him: "Calm down, Sister Zhi, calm down."

"I'm trying to calm down. Why should I be calming down? Ah, it's already this time and you still want me to calm down. Why don't you let the company calm down?"

Xu Zhi's voice was sharp, some saliva came out, her hair was messy, and she was a bit hysterical.

"There must be some misunderstanding. The program team can't be contacted right now. Let's wait for the company's call!" The manager resisted the urge to wipe her face, but still carefully comforted her.

Xu Zhi's chest was rising and falling, and she was almost choked with anger.

It was her intention to retire, and that was true.

But he didn’t quit without reason.

I made the decision after discussing it with the program team before and getting the answer that I could withdraw from the competition.

As netizens told her, she finished fifth last week. Although she would not be too bad this week because she had to ensure her ranking, would it be useful if it continued like this?

This ranking not only did not bring her greater fame, but instead reduced her to a background for others. In addition, she was in a bad mood, so she went to discuss it with the program team.

The program team agreed after a meeting and discussion, and also asked her to say goodbye to the audience during the recording.

Everything was said to be so, but who knew that it would turn out like this after the show was broadcast?

Xu Zhi felt like she was going crazy!

The show had just ended, and the entire Internet was criticizing her. Xu Zhi felt so dizzy that she almost fainted.

The manager kept comforting her, but Xu Zhi couldn't listen.

The program team couldn't be contacted and had to wait for news from the company.

Finally, while waiting anxiously, the company called.

The agent asked quickly, but the result she got stunned her.

"Tell me, what's going on!" Xu Zhi asked loudly.

The manager was confused: "Sister Zhi, the company just said that the program team made a mistake in communicating the news, so there was an own accident."

Xu Zhi said in disbelief: "Mistake? That's it?"

The agent nodded hesitantly.

This reason is really ridiculous. In a singing program, the guests are the most important part of the program. If there is any situation, report it immediately. Such a big thing as withdrawing from the competition will definitely cause shock. Is there a communication error?

Even if it was a mistake, what kind of meeting did you hold in the first place? !

Xu Zhi was so angry that she almost exploded and threw her two-day-old mobile phone to the ground.

The agent was startled by her move and ran away quickly, looking at the phone with a little distress.

"What to do now, what is the company going to do?!"

Xu Zhi calmed down a little after venting her anger and asked sharply.

The agent said weakly: "The company didn't say anything."

"Now, immediately, hold a press conference for me immediately, I want to make things clear!"

Xu Zhi knew that once this hat was confirmed to her, she would be basically finished.

If you still think about being above the top line, I’m afraid I won’t be able to turn around in the next few years!

The agent nodded quickly and quickly contacted the company and asked the company to contact the media.

But the next result made the agent feel a little uneasy.

The company did not mention the press conference, but instead told them to calm down and not to say anything on Weibo or respond to this matter. They would wait until they go to the company tomorrow.

If we don’t rush to public relations, but have to wait until tomorrow, what is the company going to do?

This night was really noisy.

The comments on the Internet have never stopped. From the end of the show to now, the news about Xu Zhi's retirement has been on the hot search and has not dropped at all.

Needless to say, the spread of the Internet is fast. Last night’s show, the clips of his retirement and the video of the host putting out the fire all spread quickly.

Judging from the effect of the program, except for some who blamed the program team for not releasing it, there was almost one-sided criticism of Xu Zhi.

But despite this situation, there was still no response from Xu Zhi.

Only Zhaonan Satellite TV posted a Weibo message to the effect that although the program team felt sorry for Teacher Xu Zhi’s temporary withdrawal from the competition, they hoped that she could bring better singing to everyone on this perfect stage, but they also Respecting Xu Zhi’s wishes, I finally wished Teacher Xu Zhi a bright future.

This short Weibo post was in response to last night’s episode about Xu Zhi’s retirement.

It seemed to be polite and respectful, but it was interpreted by netizens in many ways, and it turned out that the program team was not satisfied with Xu Zhi, but the program team maintained their face.

Some people also interpreted it as Zhaonan TV was very angry, and the so-called bright future was used to ridicule Xu Zhi.

Anyway, there are various interpretations.

Then, many people felt sorry for the host as usual and felt that it was not easy to save the scene.

The heat, which was about to drop after last night's fermentation, has risen again.

Everyone else who was waiting for the ratings report saw the news.

Xu Zhi hasn't spoken out yet, so it's obvious that she is joining forces with Zhaonan TV to hype up the situation.

What a pity for an A-list star, she probably doesn't have a clear head, which won't do her any good.

Amid all this hubbub, the ratings report came out.

The people on the "I Am a Singer" program team were very nervous and even a little afraid to open the email.

Even Du Longcheng was hesitant and took a long time to open the email.

When he saw the first place, his expression immediately relaxed.

The first place, "I am a singer", 4.516%.

There was no increase in the last period, but with this wave of hype, it suddenly increased!

Du Longcheng looked down again.

"The Voice of China", 4.182%!

Sure enough, it broke 4.

A rare double phenomenon at the same time!

Such high ratings have never happened before in any schedule.

It was expected that "The Voice of China" broke 4. The key is that the increase in ratings has decreased.

And it’s reduced a lot!

He moved up the ratings curve, and after Xu Zhi retired, the ratings began to rise significantly.

The audiences of the two programs overlapped in large areas. When they heard that Xu Zhi had withdrawn from the competition, most of the audience came to watch them. With each increase and decrease, it became what it is now.

The gap between the programs has widened again!

The more Du Longcheng looked at the ratings, the more heartbroken he felt.

Really, if it weren't for "The Voice of China", then these viewers should all be theirs!

But it’s okay now. As long as the popularity can be maintained, the record will definitely be broken in the finals!

Everyone on the "I Am a Singer" program team is very excited. The hype effect this time is far better than imagined.

At this time, Hong Jing suddenly knocked on the door and came in.

"Director, Xu Zhi has been contacting us. How should we deal with this matter?"

Du Longcheng frowned and said, "Didn't we discuss it with her company? Does she have any questions?"

Hong Jing said: "I guess she saw that the impact was a bit big. After the turmoil last night, her evaluation today is very low."

Du Longcheng shook his head and said: "She chose to withdraw from the competition, and we did not force her. We have negotiated other matters with her company. You contact them and let them handle it themselves."

Sorry, I wasn't feeling well last night, so I didn't write it down. I'll have it later.

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