My wife is a big star

Chapter 59 Goodbye also needs a sense of ceremony

on Monday.

Entertainment channel meeting.

Director Liu Xianlong routinely finished talking about the ratings of last week's program. This is a summary that must be given every week.

The one that has received the greatest praise is naturally "I Love to Remember Lyrics". It premiered on Zhou Guan, broke the record, and was praised by Director Liu.

The program "Saturday Lotto" also performed well, maintaining an upward trend for two consecutive weeks. The old programs are still stable.

The only thing that made Director Liu frown slightly was Sunday's program.

"Here I want to criticize "Light Lecture Hall" by name. The ratings have dropped for three consecutive episodes. Not only the ratings, but also the reputation has dropped a lot. Some viewers even called to complain that the program instilled some bad values..."

Chen Ran followed everyone and looked over. The director and others in Qingqing Lecture Hall looked a little embarrassed.

He had read the information about this program when he was researching the entertainment channel. Qingqing Lecture Hall was based on the host Fang Qingqing. It was probably an emotional or fashion program. Occasionally, some emotional experts would be invited to interview or During the speech, he will also talk about some special issues on dressing, makeup and fashion.

The audience group is women, and the show has been broadcast for a few years. Although the ratings have fluctuated a bit, they have been stable and belong to the mid-range stage.

But I don’t know what went wrong with the column team. The ratings have dropped for three consecutive episodes, and now it seems to be at the bottom.

In the last issue, a viewer even called to report that Qingqing Lecture Hall spread distorted values, which caused him to break up with his girlfriend. He was criticized once last week.

The ratings of this issue continue to decline, which is probably the cause of the previous issue and the effect of this issue.

With so many programs on one channel, there are naturally some with good results and some with poor results. Chen Ran is not surprised.

When the meeting ended, Director Yang Qijun also came over as soon as he arrived at the column team.

"The ratings of the show are very good, everyone has worked hard."

Director Yang came over not only to praise, but also to give some reminders. Anyway, he just wanted the column team to guard against arrogance and impetuosity, continue to work hard, and strive for new heights.

The happiest thing is the bonus issue mentioned by the director.

The ratings broke the record this time, which gave everyone a boost. The unexpected premiere record made not only Director Yang happy, but also the leaders of the entire entertainment channel. All the creative staff received bonuses according to the highest level.

In addition, the main creator's profit sharing is settled quarterly, which is not included in the bonus.

Naturally, everyone in the column team is happy, and everyone is happy when their hard work pays off.

Director Yang specifically praised Chen Ran by name, and said a little regretfully: "It would be better if you came here earlier. If you work harder, you can win the best planning position in the stage."

Chen Ran seemed a little confused. Considering that he had only entered the TV station this year, Director Yang went out of his way to explain.

Every year when the TV station holds an annual meeting, there will be a summary, in which many awards are set up for people from all channels to compete for.

Including satellite TV.

Chen Ran was moved by what he heard, but it was unrealistic!

Director Yang has high hopes for him, but you have to see where Satellite TV will get his turn with so many plans.

Seemingly sensing Chen Ran's doubts, Director Yang smiled and said: "Although there are many satellite TV programs, the factors for awarding awards are not only the platform, but also a combination of originality, program contribution, and innovation."

After saying this, Chen Ran understood that although satellite TV programs were very popular, many programs were imported from abroad. In addition, every program was discussed by everyone.

Based on the above points, it is really possible for Chen Ran to complete the main planning of "I Love to Remember Lyrics" by himself.

It's a pity that he only made one show on the entertainment channel. If there was another show, the certainty would be greater. This is why Director Yang regrets it.

"Although there is no hope this year, there is still a chance next year, so work hard!" Director Yang encouraged Chen Ran before leaving.

After Director Yang left, Director Wu and others also felt sorry for Chen Ran. This award was not just a mere name. In addition to the bonus, it was also an honor.

Chen Ran was very open-minded. He didn't know anything about this before and had nothing to regret. He smiled and said: "If we make a good show, it will be better than any award!"

Director Wu also nodded: "That's the truth."

After a while, Chen Ran received another unexpected call. It was Manager Yao from Diamond KTV.

"Teacher Chen, congratulations on the show's popularity!"

Manager Yao's bold voice came on the phone.

Teacher Chen?

Chen Ran felt a little uncomfortable with this title.

Mainly I think of the photography masters from previous lives.

Chen Ran said: "Thank you, Manager Yao."

Manager Yao: "No, no, no, I want to say thank you. Teacher Chen, you don't know that your program is very popular, and our Diamond KTV is also very popular. Now every chain's private rooms are fully booked!"

Chen Ran was not surprised, this was expected.

Manager Yao added: "Today, my boss told me that I must invite Teacher Chen out for a meal. Thank you very much!"

Manager Yao said thank you very seriously, and Chen Ran understood what he meant instantly.

Chen Ran said: "Manager Yao, don't say that. I said when we first cooperated that this is a win-win situation. Our program ratings are good and your KTV business is good. This is enough. Everyone is doing their duty. Work, let’s just eat when we have time, nothing else is necessary.”

Although he is young, he still knows a lot about people and the world. When people make this call, they don't say how much they want to thank you, but they have another meaning.

At the time of the sponsorship, the owner of the KTV was a little hesitant, so he only signed the contract for three months. The average program is more than ten episodes, and the effect can be seen in three months.

If the show performs well, they can naturally continue to sign the contract. If not, they won't lose much.

However, when the show first aired, it became an unexpected hit, and the revenue it brought to KTV was far beyond the sponsorship fee, so Manager Yao called to discuss other aspects.

Chen Ran didn't want to be exposed to this and refused without hesitation.

The other party really wants to talk. When the time comes, the column team will find someone to sponsor it. If they want to get it, they will definitely win it, but the money will be much more.

In the end, Manager Yao could only hang up the phone with disappointment.

In the evening, it’s time to get off work.

When Chen Ran received the boiling water, he was stunned for a moment.

The car outside looks a bit like Zhang Fanzhi's.

But after thinking about it, it was probably the same brand. When I sent the WeChat message just now, Zhang Fanzhi’s flight at seven o’clock would not be here no matter what.

Just as Chen Ran turned around, his cell phone rang.

"Come down." It was still Zhang Fanzhi's words.

Chen Ran glanced at the time and went straight downstairs.

I ran to the car and saw Zhang Fanzhi sitting inside. She was not wearing a mask today.

"Why are you here? Didn't you go to take a plane?" Chen Ran gasped slightly.

Zhang Fanzhi looked at him: "You wrote a song for me. It's a bit rude to say goodbye to you on the phone."

Chen Ran said with a smile: "You need to have a sense of ceremony to say goodbye? It's not like you're not going back to Linshi!"

Zhang Fanzhi did not answer, but said to Chen Ran very seriously: "Thank you!"

Thanks to the brave and kneeling boss for the 500-coin reward. Thanks for the support.

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