My wife is a big star

Chapter 591 Can’t find anyone

Why did Du Longcheng give up staying at Kyoto TV for many years and join Zhaonan TV?

It’s for the record!

Chen Ran left Zhaonan Satellite TV, but "I Am a Singer" stayed. He joined Zhaonan Satellite TV and took over this program just for the record.

After all the hype, he has seen the light.

As long as you continue to persevere, there is a high chance that you can break the record by waiting for the finals.

If by the way he helps Zhaonan Satellite TV win the first satellite TV, then all his dreams since his career will be fulfilled.

Seeing that everything is going great now, who knew that such a news would suddenly break out.

Really, his head was a little fried when he saw the news on trending searches.

"How could, how could this happen?!"

The hype with Xu Zhi is not just wishful thinking of their TV station.

How important is the show's reputation? If others don't know, how can he not know?

This step of publicity was planned after consultation with Tianyin Entertainment, where Xu Zhi works.

The effect of the hype was as good as he imagined, but how much impact would such news have on the show at this time?

At this time, Hong Jing had just received the news. His head was spinning. After making a few phone calls, he hurried over to find Du Longcheng.

Seeing Hong Jing coming in, Du Longcheng just wanted to slap him.

He said angrily: "Didn't you agree with Tianyin? What's going on now?"

The last roar was a bit loud, and Hong Jing didn't dare to look at him.

"I don't know what the situation is. We had negotiated terms with Tianyin before, and they said they had already discussed it with Xu Zhi, saying..."

Du Longcheng slapped his hand on the table, interrupted him directly, and said loudly: "Is this what you call an agreement? How did you guarantee me when Xu Zhi came to you?"

The show is the most important moment. reported that Xu Zhi was going to hold a press conference to respond to his withdrawal. He felt something was wrong. However, Tianyin said that someone was spreading rumors and the matter quickly calmed down. I was immersed in excitement and didn't think much about it. Now it seems that this bomb has been planted before!

Hong Jing was hesitant and speechless at this time. He also didn't expect that Tianyin had repeatedly promised him that it would become like this.

The atmosphere in the office was a bit solemn. After a while, Hong Jing asked: "Director, what should we do now?"

Du Longcheng was full of anger and was about to get angry when he saw him like this, but the phone suddenly rang.

It's Ma Wenlong.

There is no doubt that this is a call for accountability!

When the ratings for the last episode came out, everyone was all smiles. How happy they were at that time, now that there is a sudden problem with the promotion, it will be a huge blow.

No one can help being outraged by this contrast.

After hanging up the phone, Du Longcheng's face was gloomy. Seeing that Hong Jing was still standing, he was about to get angry, but thought of something, took a breath and calmed down, and said, "Go and suppress the news first."

The most important thing now is to solve the problem. If you want to get angry, don't rush it now.

Hong Jing said hurriedly: "When I got the news, I found someone to suppress it. It just takes time."

It takes time.

Although Weibo provides services in this area, it cannot directly remove hot searches. This kind of topic is already very popular. If you suddenly remove hot searches, everyone will know that there is a problem. At that time, Weibo's credibility will be greatly affected. blow.

This kind of thing can only lower the popularity bit by bit and slowly make the hot search list disappear.

But in this period of time, to what extent will things ferment?

Du Longcheng's expression was extremely sad, but what can be done now?

The Weibo of their program team has been occupied by a large number of netizens, all of whom need an explanation.

how to explain?

Admit yourself to hype?

But obviously we can’t sit still and wait for death at this time!

"Go, you contact Tianyin now, I want to see how they explain!"

The cause of the incident is Tianyin Entertainment, so the other party must bear the responsibility!

At this time, the assistant suddenly came in and announced that there was a meeting.

Ma Wenlong already knew about such a big fuss, how could the superiors not know about it?

Ma Wenlong thought about the situation he would face later, and lay down on the chair, his face became even more ugly.

At this time, the top management of Tianyin Entertainment was almost stunned.

"Xu Zhi dared to sue the company. Is she crazy?"

No, that's not the point.

The focus is on the subsequent withdrawal from "I Am a Singer", which is what Tianyin Entertainment is most afraid of seeing.

The heat broke out, and Xu Zhi's lawsuit against them was obviously not without purpose.

They didn't discuss the joint show team's hype with Xu Zhi at all, because it was absolutely impossible for Xu Zhi to agree, but it was difficult for them to refuse the conditions offered by the show team. Xu Zhi was about to withdraw from the competition, but a small The hype will give their artists the opportunity to appear on "I Am a Singer" and other programs next year.

It's true that Xu Zhi is a first-line star, but her achievements are enough. To continue to promote her will cost a lot of financial and material resources, which is not proportional to her income. Naturally, the company also wants to promote new people.

As they told it, the company also had difficulties.

It's just that they underestimated the impact of the incident of withdrawing from the competition. As a result, Xu Zhi could not accept any explanation. They repeatedly prevented the other party from leaking the incident, and now they are going to court!

"Quick, quick, contact Xu Zhi quickly, we can't let her continue to make trouble like this!"

The manager was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

But the director shook his head and said: "No, Xu Zhi can't be contacted at all. Her mobile phone is turned off and she can't be found at all."

"Just go to her villa to find her!"

"I sent someone there, but he's not there. I don't know where he went."


The general manager didn't hesitate. He sat down on the chair in a panic. His cell phone rang. When he saw that it was Hong Jing's call, his scalp felt a little numb. He quickly ordered: "Hurry up and contact me. You must think about it." Ways to keep the heat down.”

After driving the person out, he quickly answered the phone, and Hong Jing's angry voice came out.

Tianyin Entertainment is now desperate, and the Xu Zhi they want to find is scrolling through his mobile phone in a hotel in another city.

There was no expression on her face at this time, and she had no pleasure in revenge.

Revenge, revenge for what?

By doing this, her escape route was basically blocked.

It was Zhaonan TV and the company that were offended.

She broke up with the company and even sued her directly. In addition, she broke the news about the hype, and there was basically nothing she could do.

Don't talk about going further in the future, I'm afraid whether she can continue to work depends on whether any company wants her in the future.

But what if this is not the case?

Just like what the company said, United Television will issue a statement after the show ends?

Not to mention whether the TV station will pay attention to her when the time comes, the critical time will come when the news has passed, and I am afraid she will be scolded even worse if she makes a statement. The critical time will come when the company will pay attention to her?

If he really wanted to be interested in her, it wouldn't be such a big deal that he would secretly make a deal with the show crew behind his back.

How much hardship has she endured and how many years has she struggled to achieve the fame she has today?

How can there be pleasure when everything comes to naught at once?

The manager sat next to him with a sad face. He wanted to speak several times but swallowed his words.

Xu Zhi said: "If you have anything to say, just say it."

The manager hesitated for a moment and then said hesitantly: "Sister Zhi, will this cause too much trouble this time?"

She was also frightened.

It topped the list of hot searches on Weibo and was discussed all over the Internet.

News of the "I Am a Singer" joint hype are everywhere, and speculations about the authenticity of the matter are also constantly being made.

"Is it big?" Xu Zhi asked back.

The agent suddenly didn't dare to say anything.

But she knew in her heart that Xu Zhi's future was over.

Not to mention the blockade of the TV station, for what she did, even if the lawsuit with the company is over, which company will want her in the future?

The news about Xu Zhi's retirement has been hot for a week last week, and now it has become hot again after she came out and posted a video.

This news is almost everywhere on the Internet today.

From Weibo, it spread to forums, and even short videos, and then reached the ears of every audience who followed the show.

Public opinion is still divided into two groups. One side believes Xu Zhi's words, and the other thinks she is lying, mainly because she wants to distance herself.

The two sides were in a stalemate, and the battleground was under the Weibo account of Zhaonan Satellite TV's "I Am a Singer" program team.

Many people were looking forward to Zhaonan Satellite TV's response, but there was no movement at all from Zhaonan Satellite TV.

The entire television community was shocked by the news.

Guan Guozhong was even more stunned.

Hype, no matter which TV station’s program hasn’t done it?

We have even seen a lot of hype and overturning.

But this is the first time I've seen someone like Zhaonan Satellite TV, who prostituted an A-list celebrity for free to hype up his career.

"Zhaonan TV, isn't it stupid?!"

It’s a phenomenal show. If you do this kind of thing, who else but a fool can do it?

You see, the popularity is very high now, right? But this kind of popularity is poisonous. No matter which show this kind of thing happens on, it is a disaster.

After the initial shock, Guan Guozhong suddenly started to gloat. After knowing that his program could not compete, their biggest hope was that Zhaonan TV would be unlucky. Who would have thought that this originally funny and weak idea would come true like this!

In the afternoon, the hot search rankings on Weibo began to decline.

Dropped more than a dozen times an hour.

This scene is a bit strange. Both forums and news are obviously very popular, but the hot search ranking on Weibo is constantly weakening.

Many people were surprised, but many people understood that Zhaonan TV was trying to suppress the popularity.

But it's too late to suppress the heat now.

Whether it was the lack of response or the overwhelming popularity on Weibo, Zhaonan Satellite TV's approach has been confirmed. The viewers who were struggling with whether the matter was true or false at the beginning began to have doubts as time went by.

This incident has affected the program "I Am a Singer". Zhaonan TV cannot be so slow. If what Xu Zhi said was false, they should have come out to clarify it long ago.

Not to mention netizens, even Zhaonan TV itself was worried.

They contacted Tianyin Entertainment and knew the whole story. They almost even wanted to kill people.

But now it's useless even to kill people. We have to find a way to suppress the matter first.

But this prerequisite is to find out where Xu Zhi is...

This was last night, there will be two more chapters later

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