My wife is a big star

Chapter 593 Overtaking

Friday night.

A new program begins.

This schedule is still the stage for two phenomenal programs.

But this week, it was different from usual. Too many people were watching these two programs.

It was originally a situation where one was increasing and the other was subtracting. "I Am a Singer" had already taken the advantage, but who knew that their hype suddenly went wrong and things suddenly became interesting.

Everyone knows that this incident has a great impact on "I Am a Singer", and "The Voice of China" also took the opportunity to increase its publicity. How the ratings of this episode will be has become the most concerned thing for everyone in the industry.

Tang Ming was full of expectations.

When he learned that Xu Zhi broke the news and called South TV to maliciously hype it, all he could think about was, 'Is there such a good thing? ’, now they are promoting more, and the reputation of “I Am a Singer” has declined. His requirements are not high. As long as it can return to the previous increase, it will be perfect.

Amid much attention, the two programs officially started.

This issue of "The Voice of China" will usher in the last phase of the blind audition, and the next phase will officially enter the knockout round.

"Let's watch "The Voice of China". We don't want to watch "I Am a Singer" anymore. Even the withdrawal was used for hype. Who knows the result is really unreal."

"Me too, I'm a little disgusted by what happened this time. It's in vain that I have been speaking for "I Am a Singer" a few days ago. Their response is like treating people as fools."

"This is the last blind audition, so be sure to check it out."


People at Zhaonan Satellite TV probably hope that the audience will expose this matter as soon as possible, but what just happened, and the audience is not all Alzheimer's, how can it get over so quickly.

Before the show started, most of the discussion was about "I Am a Singer". Don't get me wrong, this is not a normal discussion of the program content, but a criticism of their hype. After the show started, "The Voice of China" The amount of discussion gradually gained the upper hand.

Because the nature of the two programs is different, this is the first time that "The Voice of China" has the upper hand in terms of popularity during broadcasting.

Even though the stories about the contestants' experiences in "The Voice of China" are very controversial, "I Am a Singer" is a celebrity competition show after all, so it deserves more discussion.

But now everything is reversed.

Tonight is a little special.

Guan Guozhong and Huang Yu usually watch their own shows.

Although I know that the performance of the show is not comparable to the other two, no matter how ugly the baby is, it is still born by myself. If you don't pay attention, how will you know how to educate your children?

But today they ignored their own children and focused on their neighbors' homes.

Seeing that "The Voice of China" has become so popular, both of them knew that Zhaonan TV was in trouble.

Originally it was a bit less popular, but now it has overtaken it. What will happen to the ratings?

Huang Yu smiled a little gloatingly: "I don't know what Zhaonan Satellite TV is thinking now. I found Du Longcheng and originally wanted to refresh the record and remove the traces of Chen Ran left in the station. Who knew that such a thing would happen now? Will your intestines turn green?"

He was talking to himself, and naturally no one answered him, but it didn't stop him from feeling happy.

Zhaonan TV, Mango TV, and Tomato TV are all competitors. In the past, the three of them were able to keep pace with each other and couldn't close the gap. Now that "I Am a Singer" is released, how hard will it take for them to catch up?

Seeing the misfortune of Zhaonan Satellite TV, it would be strange not to be excited.

As for Rainbow TV...

It's not that he looks down on people, even if he has Chen Ran, he is still an Adou who cannot be supported.

From being the last to compete with the first satellite TV, it cannot be changed in one or two programs.

With so many programs in demand, it is difficult for one person to take stock of them. What is needed is ecology.

From variety shows to TV series, does Rainbow TV have this ecosystem?

Every time he thought of Chen Ran, he felt regretful in his heart. Now even if he agreed to give the copyright and wanted to cooperate with Chen Ran's company, it would probably be a bit difficult, unless the conditions offered were better than those of Rainbow TV.

But Rainbow Satellite TV completely wanted to bind Chen Ran, and the conditions it gave were simply too expensive. No other TV station could offer it.

"Chen Ran going to such a place is really a waste of money."

If you come to their Tomato TV station, wouldn’t the First TV station be looking for something?

Colleagues in the industry are also watching the two programs, but they haven’t heard any comments.

“I don’t know what the ratings will be tomorrow.”

“I feel that the growth rate of ‘I Am a Singer’ will not drop too much.”

"Brother, that's an exaggeration. In this situation, if it doesn't get lower, can it still rise?"

"This is not necessarily true. After all, the popularity last week was so high. Regardless of whether it is good or bad, it is the popularity of this show, which has increased a lot of exposure."

Others in the group were silent when they saw him speaking.

Good guy, high popularity can definitely prove that the ratings must be good?

If you look at it normally, it seems to make sense.

But the key is how hot it is!

This popularity is entirely earned through word-of-mouth, and the ratings can still increase. Do you think everyone is praising it? !

If there is no "The Voice of China", it may be possible. After all, there is no competing product on the schedule. If the audience wants to watch the show, they can only go to "I Am a Singer".

But the former is not vegetarian. The audience has a choice, so why should they accept you?

But whatever is being said now is all false. When the ratings report comes out tomorrow, everything will be clear.

Both programs ended one after another.

Online discussion reached a peak immediately after the show ended.

"The Voice of China" and "I Am a Singer" both became hot searches almost immediately after they ended, and all kinds of news were flying all over the place.

But the treatment in the comments is completely different.

One is full of praise, the other is full of quarrels.

This sharp decline in reputation has made it difficult for many people at Zhaonan TV to accept it.

Obviously they had such a good reputation in the last episode of the show, but this episode completely collapsed, so much so that many people never came back to their senses.

"With this kind of popularity, the ratings will definitely not be bad!"

"Word of mouth is not important, everything depends on ratings."

"How can a talent show on Rainbow TV catch up with us?"

Sounds like this kept ringing in the group, but then quickly fell silent.

I'm afraid they themselves don't believe this.

Tonight, the people on the "I Am a Singer" program team may not be able to sleep peacefully.

The internet has been buzzing all night.

The emergence of hot-button events and online debates will last for several days before disappearing.

The next day.

Chen Ran got up and put his hand to the side out of habit, but he missed it.

After opening her eyes, she shook her head. Zhang Fanzhi and her team had finished recording. Now, except for the recording of each episode, she was not busy at other times, so she took on a commercial show again and would not be back until noon today.

Some time ago, I got used to sleeping with someone in my arms, but now that I can't touch someone, I always feel empty inside.

It's fine during the day, but especially at night, I feel like I can't find a place to put my legs and feet.

After checking the time, Chen Ran went out for a few runs. When he came back and washed up, he hurried to the program set.

Different from the previous period where there was a slight sigh, today all the staff are full of energy.

At the end of the meeting, everyone’s faces were full of expectations.

Ye Yuanhua gave the instructions and then found Chen Ran. He looked at his watch and said, "Time passes a bit slowly."

Chen Ran knew what he meant and smiled: "There's no rush."

There's no point in being anxious.

Not to mention them, even Chen Ran was thinking about it in his heart.

Even if you have confidence in the program and there will be an explosion starting from PK, who doesn’t want the program to take off now?

Zhaonan TV.

A morning meeting is taking place at this time.

Ma Wenlong's eyes were a little red and bloodshot inside.

There are people in a similar situation to him, and Dulongcheng is even more exaggerated than him.

They haven't slept well for several days since the incident happened.

Liang Yuan sat on it without saying a word, and the atmosphere was very heavy.

Those who should be criticized have already been criticized. Although he suppressed the anger in his heart, he did not vent it.

Ratings are what they care about most now.

Whether it’s rising or falling, now everyone has no bottom.

In a heavy atmosphere, the meeting broke up early.

Du Longcheng returned to the production center office, lay back on the chair and wanted to close his eyes and rest.

But his eyes seemed disobedient at this time, unwilling to close them no matter what.

At this moment, the computer suddenly beeped.

Du Longcheng was shocked and sat upright from his chair.

The ratings report has been sent over. Looking at the pop-up email, he was a little slow.

The hand holding the mouse was shaking a little, and you could see how nervous he was.

After a while, Du Longcheng resolutely clicked on the ratings report.

The moment he saw the first place, Du Longcheng froze and his eyes glazed over.

Rainbow TV's "The Voice of China", 4.542%!

The number one spot is no longer "I Am a Singer".

After more than a month of playback, it has changed hands for the first time!

In second place is "I Am a Singer", with a ratings of 4.378%.

It’s down!

Not only did the increase disappear, but the ratings also dropped by 0.2%. After all this time, the decline was not just that small!

"Impossible, this is impossible..."

Dulongcheng couldn't believe it.

He knew that this incident had a great impact on word-of-mouth, but the current popularity would not suddenly become prominent, and would even drop directly.

The former rose sharply, while they plummeted. The contrast is too stark.

The ratings report was right in front of him, and Du Longcheng couldn't help but not believe it.

Hong Jing stared blankly, staying where he was in a daze.

"We were overtaken?!"

They have been sitting on top of the time slot for so long.

I thought I could sit through the show until the end and even set a new record.

But who knew that just because of this hype, their advantages would be ruined.

Their reputation dropped, and some of their audiences left. The Voice of China immediately fought back when they were suffering and launched a publicity campaign.

The situation just turned.

The entire "I Am a Singer" program team became silent at the moment when the ratings report came out...

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