My wife is a big star

Chapter 596 Diabetes?

Tao Lin noticed Xiaoqin's expression was wrong and asked, "Girl, what's wrong? I've been feeling something wrong with you for the past two days. Are you feeling uncomfortable somewhere, or has something happened to you?"

Xiaoqin, Tao Lin, and Zhang Fanzhi have always had a good relationship. They came out of Fanxing together and have a deep relationship. Now they also care about her.

"I'm fine, Sister Lin." Xiaoqin shook her head quickly.

Tao Lin saw her looking a little panicked and thought to herself, who are you kidding?

She reached out and touched Xiaoqin's forehead and muttered: "You're not sick at all. How about I take you to the hospital?"

Xiaoqin waved her hands quickly. Based on her imagination just now, she was terrified just thinking about going to the hospital. What if it was really a terminal illness?

She steeled herself and said, "No, no, I'm really not sick, Sister Lin, don't worry about me."

Tao Lin thought for a while and said: "Is it possible that you are too tired? You are responsible for Xiyun's affairs during this period, and you are a bit too busy. Let's take a break for two days, and I will find an assistant for Xiyun. .”

"That won't work. Sister Xiyun will definitely not be used to it without me." Xiaoqin shook her head like a rattle.

"But you're not feeling well. You might as well rest for two days."

"It's okay, I'm really okay." Xiaoqin was rather stubborn.

Tao Lin saw that she was a little anxious and didn't know what to say.

He is not a child anymore. He should know his own health. It is not good to talk too much, so he can only nod.

After Tao Lin left, Xiaoqin felt relieved.

"Do you really want to go to the hospital?"

Xiaoqin has complicated thoughts.

After thinking about it for a long time, I finally gritted my teeth and decided to take out my phone and search online now.

"I feel sleepy easily, my whole body feels weak, and my appetite increases. What is the disease?"

She typed in her symptoms and hit search.

At this sight, everyone was stunned.

The above shows that it is most likely diabetes.

"Dry mouth, this seems to be the case. I usually like to drink water."

"I always want to go to the toilet, and I seem to have..."

"Losing weight? I seem to have lost two pounds recently."

Xiaoqin compared it carefully and thought to herself that she really seemed to have diabetes!

There is another theory below, which is a different result from diabetes, but now Xiaoqin has no intention to read it.

Do you want to tell Lin Fan if this is all on your mind?

What will happen after you say it?

When Tao Lin came out, she saw Xiaoqin's expression of despair, and she even wondered what was going on with this girl. She was really different from usual.

Could it be that you had a fight with your boyfriend?

There was nothing she could do about it.

It seems that I really need to take Xiaoqin off for two days to rest.

Today is the day to record a new episode. Chen Ran and Zhang Fanzhi rushed to the program set together.

Seeing that it was Ren Xiaoxuan who came to pick up Zhang Fanzhi, Chen Ran asked curiously: "Where did Xiaoqin go?"

"She's not feeling well, so let her rest."

"You also have to pay attention to your health and don't work too hard." Chen Ran gave a few instructions.

Xiaoqin often followed Zhang Fanzhi around. She was not feeling well, which made Chen Ran a little worried.

"I'm fine." Zhang Fanzhi didn't care.

She works out regularly. In addition to keeping in shape, she is also in good health and rarely gets sick.

The two of them were chatting quietly in the back, and Ren Xiaoxuan in the front felt a little uncomfortable.

She now felt what it meant to be on pins and needles.

Too uncomfortable.

Xiaoqin had long been accustomed to the interaction between Chen Ran and Zhang Fanzhi. After all, she and Lin Fan had kissed each other over the years, so she felt at ease.

It is more difficult for Ren Xiaoxuan.

She felt that the two men at the back were specialized in torturing dogs. They opened her mouth and stuffed the food in one bite at a time.

She was even thinking in her heart that the reason why Xiaoqin felt uncomfortable was because she had eaten too much, right?

Chen Ran and Chen Ran didn't care what people thought, they just went to work on their own when they got to the show crew.

Ye Yuanhua was giving instructions for work. When he saw Chen Ran coming, he came over and said, "'I Am a Singer' has begun."


"Yes, they still don't give up. The publicity for this issue is a bit powerful." Ye Yuanhua said with a smile: "Zhaonan TV has spent a lot of money this time. The popularity of their hype in the past two days has almost been suppressed, and now it is again With such publicity, it feels like we have to fight against the odds.”

Zhaonan Satellite TV not only suppressed the popularity on Weibo this time, but also began to delete posts and prohibit discussion of topics in many forums.

As long as there are fewer people discussing the topic, things will pass naturally.

"It's not very possible to make a comeback." Chen Ran shook his head and said.

Originally, the opponent could still maintain the Japanese crown for one or two periods, but this wave of operations caused them to decline prematurely.

This issue of "The Voice of China" begins the team PK. This kind of knockout competition will definitely have higher ratings.

Since it has exceeded, how can Zhaonan TV still have a chance?

Rainbow TV's promotion is very low-cost, and the team PK is a turning point in the program, so the promotion is almost full.

Their ratings for this episode have already surpassed them, let alone the next episode.

There were no accidents during the recording of the program and it was completed smoothly.

But what is more surprising is that someone who performed well in the blind draft actually fell apart during the team PK.

Since it is a competition, most of the time it is not only about singing skills, but also about state.

Because it is a knockout round, people are quite nervous and it is inevitable that they will not perform well.

Seeing the boy sighing and leaving the stage, Chen Ran shook his head slightly. There are many, many people with dreams like this, but how many can really go on?

Not to mention this world.

Let’s talk about “The Voice of China” on Earth. How many people have really become popular from this show?

While everyone was packing their things, Chen Ran found Wang Yichen backstage.

After the two came out alone, Wang Yichen asked: "Mr. Chen, what are you..."

Although he is a first-line singer, he is older than Chen Ran in terms of fame and age, but people still respect Chen Ran.

"The song we agreed to write last time has been written in the past few days. I want Teacher Wang to see if it suits me."

Chen Ran said and directly took the music sheet and handed it over.

So fast?

Wang Yichen didn't react.

They knew how busy Chen Ran was during this period. Not only did he have to keep an eye on the show, he also had to worry about the final stage being prepared in the capital.

His expectation is that as long as Chen Ran can remember it, he can wait until the show is over before writing songs.

But he didn't expect Chen Ran to write it so quickly. Could it be that he just picked out a random song to perfunctory it?

Wang Yichen had many thoughts in his mind, but he didn't express them. After a slight pause, he naturally took over the music score.

As a first-line singer, Wang Yichen's musical literacy is undoubted, and singing music can be said to be a basic ability.

After humming the song in his mind, he immediately overturned his previous thoughts.

This song was definitely not something that could be written carelessly. On the contrary, it was a work created by Chen Ran with all his heart.

The title of the song is "Long Time No See".

Just humming the melody, he felt that this song was very different from his previous style.

But with his singing skills, he can definitely control it perfectly.

Wang Yichen hummed both sides carefully, his thoughts gradually became clearer, and his eyes brightened.

The title song of his new album was originally determined, but when I saw this song, I felt that the confirmed song was not that good.

Need to change!

When Chen Ran saw Wang Yichen humming and singing, he was not in a hurry and just watched from the side.

It took a long time before Wang Yichen came back to his senses.

Chen Ran asked: "Teacher Wang, how do you feel?"

"This song is very good. Thank you Mr. Chen for your hard work!"

What Wang Yichen said was not polite, but sincere.

Being so busy and writing such a song in such a short period of time is definitely something I put my heart into.

Wang Yichen felt that this song alone made the decision he made worthwhile.

Not to mention the current popularity of the show, even if the show's ratings are not that high, he feels it's worth it for this song.

Chen Ran laughed and said, "Teacher Wang, as long as you like it."

The song was written together with Sister Zhizhi.

Zhang Fanzhi said that he wanted to give him some music lessons. When the two of them were idle, Chen Ran thought of writing a song for Wang Yichen. After they put it together, Chen Ran and Zhang Fanzhi picked out a song.

The song is definitely a good song. It is one of the classics sung by Eason Chan on earth. It has been on the song list of major KTVs for many years. I dare not say anything else. Anyway, when Chen Ran went to KTV with his friends, someone always requested this song. Song.

Chen Ran wrote a song for Wang Yichen, which was a piece of mind.

Favor is the best thing to return.

Wang Yichen was very satisfied with the song. All that was left was to discuss the contract. Now Chen Ran didn’t have much time, so he had to postpone it.

When Chen Ran left, Wang Yichen was still humming.

The more I hum it, the more I can’t put it down.

This song won’t become a classic, but its performance will definitely not be bad.

Sure enough, it was Chen Ran. None of the songs he sang were simple.

For some reason, Wang Yichen was a little envious of Zhang Xiyun.

Really, he felt quite satisfied when he got a song from Chen Ran, but most of the songs on Zhang Xiyun's album were written by Chen Ran, so he was much happier than him.

He even thought about what would happen if Chen Ran came to create an album for him?

The fire can definitely be ignited, and it is not a small fire.

But it is better to have fewer such dreams.

"Mr. Chen's not joining the music scene is really a big loss to the music scene!"

Wang Yichen was mumbling in his heart.

Why can't such a talented person figure it out? Isn't it easier to write songs than to do a show?

When he was about to get off work in the afternoon, Lin Fan was chatting with Chen Ran, but suddenly his cell phone received a message.

No need to think about it, Xiaoqin sent it.

Lin Fan wondered if it would be possible for him to buy groceries and go home?

But when he took it out and took a look, he was stunned.

After hesitating all night, Xiaoqin decided to tell Lin Fan.

It was hard for her to talk to her face to face, and she didn't have the courage to call her, so she could only send a message via WeChat as she did now.


"This is impossible!"

Lin Fan wondered why he didn't know if it was true.

Moreover, Xiaoqin didn't eat anything sweet at all, how could she have diabetes.

However, Xiaoqin's analysis was very clear, and she even brought a screenshot of the webpage, saying that her symptoms were exactly the same as those on the screenshot.

Lin Fan couldn't sit still anymore, so he quickly told Chen Ran and left work in a hurry.

Chen Ran was slightly startled.

It was rare for Lin Fan to be so flustered.

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