My wife is a big star

Chapter 604 Proof

Zhang Ruyi had just returned to the set and was stunned when she saw the news online.

"Is there a shady secret behind Good Voice?"

Her voice was odd.

Isn't this a joke?

If there really was a shady story, Chen Ran would have already asked Yaoyao to go on the show and win the championship. What kind of Zhen Rui are you waiting for?

Zhang Ruyi took a closer look and saw that there were more than 8,000 comments on this news. The popularity was really scary.

"Will it have any impact on the show?"

This thought flashed through Zhang Ruyi's mind, and she couldn't sit still. She took her cell phone and called her sister.

Not only is Chen Ran doing the show, but her sister is also participating. This influence affects two people.

Zhang Fanzhi also frowned at this time. After receiving the call, he said a few words to tell Zhang Ruyi not to worry.

When the phone hung up, her brows did not relax.

Zhang Ruyi was reassured, but she couldn't let go.

She knew that Chen Ran had great expectations for this show, and it felt very uncomfortable to be stabbed from behind at this time.

But she didn't understand what was going on on the show, and she didn't dare to speak out at this time. Any mistake would add fuel to the fire.

Just like what she told Zhang Ruyi just now, the TV station should take care of it.

Zhaonan TV.

Hong Jing felt a little dissatisfied when he saw that Weibo's popularity had been suppressed.

Rainbow TV's response was a little too quick.

Otherwise, even if this kind of news was posted on hot searches for a day, it wouldn’t seem like much. Now that it has been removed, its influence will be much less.

But when I saw the news on the forum and some self-media, I felt comfortable again. Rainbow TV suppressed it on Weibo, but there was nothing that could be done through other channels.

Although he arranged the matter, the speed of development was a bit beyond his imagination.

In fact, Hong Jing felt quite unhappy when he thought about it.

The reason why it fermented so quickly is entirely because the popularity of "The Voice of China" is high enough.

It also proves how popular this show is.

"The more popular you are, the worse you will fall when the time comes."

Hong Jing muttered in his heart.

He thought about what happened to "I Am a Singer" some time ago. They couldn't just let them bear it themselves, but let Rainbow TV also experience it.

Just as I was thinking about it, the call came in.

It's Dulong City.

"How did you arrange it so that the effect is so good? Did you miss any clues?"

Du Longcheng has asked several times.

If you are caught, evidence is found and publicly executed, it will be a big trouble.

Hong Jing quickly explained the matter.

In fact, they just used interview scripts, and then specifically asked a company's self-media to take advantage of the popularity. It took no effort at all. As long as the content was hot, those self-media were like flies that smelled shit and came over on their own.

He was the go-between and the one who fueled the flames. Except for the people he was looking for, no one knew he was behind the whole incident.

No matter how much people investigate, they will only find one media interview.

Du Longcheng was slightly satisfied, "Don't worry about this matter. Just pretend it doesn't matter and focus all your energy on the recording of the program."

No matter what means are used, they are all side effects, and the most important thing is the program's speaking.

As things develop now, Rainbow TV will definitely be affected. It is inevitable that the ratings will plummet, so they must seize this opportunity.

Under the show's Weibo, a recent promotional Weibo post was taken over by netizens, all asking about the shady story.

There must have been similar remarks before, but they were just speculations by netizens. It was normal for them to be upset when their favorite idol was eliminated, and no one took it seriously.

But it's different now. This is the eliminated player personally standing up for exposure, and the meaning is different.

Just as Hong Jing and the others thought, if this continues, there will definitely be problems with the show.

Regardless of the program, word of mouth is very important.

Especially for a PK session, if they had known that the result was predetermined, the audience would naturally feel unhappy and feel that the program team was completely treating them like monkeys.

Also during the blind audition, the audience is concerned about whether those so-called inspirational stories have scripts or not.

The highlight of the show is not just the singing. Each contestant's different experiences in pursuing their dreams are also a highlight of the show.

Now you tell me, these are all fake?

Who can accept it?

After the program team contacted Rainbow TV, they gave a reply in the evening.

As for the shady stories and scripts Zhen Rui mentioned, they are all made up. The original intention of the program team is to create a professional music inspirational program, aiming to discover fresh blood for the development of the Chinese music scene and discover some musicians with dreams and musical talents. People also encourage players to share their dream pursuit process and tell their own stories.

The program team respects each contestant's choice and encourages sharing without forcing it.

As for the shady story, it is even more nonsense. The program is voted on by a public jury composed of many musicians, which eliminates the existence of shady stories.

This response is very official, but obviously it does not satisfy netizens.

Zhen Rui was a contestant who was eliminated from The Voice. She said that the show had shady stories, so its credibility was very high, and the key program team had to provide evidence.

This is actually very confusing.

Zhen Rui just opened her mouth and said it without any evidence. It was all subjective conjecture, full of my own thoughts, but it was very credible in the ears of the audience.

They don't need evidence, they just think that there is indeed something shady about this show.

If the program team can't produce evidence to prove that they have no shady story, then they will naturally not be satisfied.

However, the key point is that there is no shady story in the show, so how can the program team prove that there is no shady story?

Isn't it fucked up to ask them to prove that something that doesn't exist doesn't exist?

Generally speaking, the other party has to provide evidence to prove it, and they can fight back one by one.

But the other party didn't have anything, and it was empty to empty, so it was difficult to respond.

It's like someone on the Internet doubts you. You are a murderer and have been in prison. Not only one person says so, but everyone says so.

But you have never killed anyone, and you have never been in jail, but you and the Internet can't prove it.

You can't go to the government to get a certificate and send it in, right?

Even if it is true, people still think your certificate is fake. How can you prove that your certificate is genuine?

Now Rainbow TV is actually in a bit of this dilemma.

In fact, this kind of thing usually just goes away.

But their program has reached a critical moment, and if it is released at this time, the program will be greatly affected.

what to do?

They started with Zhen Rui.

"Zhen Rui performed really well in the blind audition before, but the reason why she performed abnormally afterwards was that she was not present during the training period. According to the investigation, she took on several commercial performances, ranging from shopping mall activities to bar performances. This led to Her performance on the PK day was not good, she was obviously a level worse than Liang Jing, and she failed in the final PK."

The program team compiled the information, combined with the performance videos sent by Zhen Rui's fans, matched the time, and compiled it all into one message.

"Use the official blog to post?"

"No, just find some self-media."

The program team did not use the official blog to send these messages. This is not a good thing. How could the official blog do it on its own?

Wasn't this incident started by these self-media?

Then just retaliate in kind.

Nowadays, news about Zhen Rui and The Voice are absolutely hot topics.

Someone provided news and guaranteed the authenticity of the news. Naturally, these self-media companies were very happy and quickly posted the news in their hands.

News and videos were released almost at the same time.

"Zhen Rui questioned that The Voice had a shady story because she was eliminated. Is that really the case?"

"Shocked, the truth behind the shady story of The Voice turns out to be because of her!"


Similar titles were instantly posted on major websites, and countless self-media retweeted them like crazy.

The content of the news is much the same.

They are all the time and videos of Zhen Rui going out for running activities during training, as well as the clips of the contestants' preparations released by the program team some time ago, and the videos of Liang Jing, disheveled and disheveled, still practicing singing along.

This comparison, the contrast is here!

One person became famous because he became famous, took the opportunity to make money, and started to go around to make money without singing, while the other person really worked tirelessly to study.

Same game, completely different attitudes indeed!

Many netizens were stunned when they saw these news.

"Is this true? Zhen Rui is a newcomer and not a big star. Has anyone invited her to sing?"

"If you look at the news, her performance was recorded by fans, and the video was posted online. The evidence was all found online. Judging from the time, this was the period when she was training for the show."

"My dear, haven't you become a star yet? You've already started running around to make money."

"She sang so beautifully during the blind audition. Even if she is not well prepared this time, she will not be eliminated."

"I seem to hear you telling a joke. The songs you prepared during the blind audition were carefully prepared, but this time it is obvious that she is the one who drifted. Look at Liang Jing, her attitude is completely different. Isn't there anyone analyzing that today? The video was said to be a video of contestants training, but there was no Zhen Rui in it. He also asked if they wanted to eliminate Zhen Rui in advance. Now it seems that the program team wanted to eliminate her. She didn't even go to training, so how could she record it? "

"This time I am standing with Liang Jing. Her performance that day was indeed better. She also said that if she is a rich second generation, there must be something shady. Look at her hard work. It is unfair that she will be eliminated, right? ?”

Netizens were in an uproar at the time.

Zhen Rui has been very popular since the blind audition and is a popular contestant on the show.

Thinking about it carefully, it doesn't feel right. Zhen Rui is so popular. Logically speaking, if there is something shady, the program team should not eliminate her for the sake of popularity.

And judging from her performance that day, she just wasn't as good at singing as Liang Jing, so being eliminated didn't seem that outrageous.

The key is the attitude, the difference is a bit too big.

Netizens are a little confused now. Zhen Rui is obviously very problematic. So, can she still believe what she says?

Didn't she say that she was eliminated because of the dark side of the show?

But the problem now is that she deserves to be eliminated.

This news spread much slower than previous interviews, but after Rainbow TV bought the hot search, everything changed.

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