My wife is a big star

Chapter 624: Gathered again

Chen Ran was a little surprised.

Director Xie Kun's movies have been very good at the box office for three consecutive years, and the previous "Breakup Ceremony" has a box office of close to 3 billion.

This is three billion, not three hundred thousand. Will anyone invest in his new movie?

When Xie Kun said the reason, Chen Ran exclaimed, "Is there only one person who is optimistic about it?"

Xie Kun shook his head and said: "That's not the case, but there are some people, and I don't want to cooperate with them."

Not only does capital choose the director, Xie Kun also chooses capital.

Some people invest in movies with certain conditions, such as wanting to get a lot of people involved.

Sometimes Xie Kun can compromise, and sometimes he is stubborn. Just like now, he really likes this script and doesn't want to be messed up.

Chen Ran understood what he meant, but he was a little scratched his head. He couldn't help it. The circles were all different, so he couldn't help.

You can't help attract investment, right?

He simply sells a script and doesn't want to go to such trouble.

Of course Xie Kun didn't just call to complain to Chen Ran, but had his own thoughts, "Teacher Chen, I really like this script, but other companies don't like it, and I'm not happy to let others interfere..."

"Then Director Xie, are you planning to..."

"Because the investment in movies is not large, I plan to try it myself."

Xie Kun said frankly.

When Chen Ran heard this, he felt that Xie Kun was a little obsessed with the script.

If others are not optimistic about it, it means there is a risk.

If there is no risk, even if it means losing a small amount of money, many companies are willing to give Xie Kun a favor.

But not being optimistic means that you may lose all your money, and your money will be wasted.

Of course, Xie Kun is not wholly owned by his company, so not to mention the risks, their company cannot afford so much money.

So we have to invest.

Leaving aside the others, the capital was unwilling. He had made some plans with Lin Fengyi. They were old friends. Lin Fengyi trusted his vision and was also quite interested in the script.

But the risk is indeed a bit high, and the other party has just filmed a TV series, and the company has invested in it, so it can't come up with much money.

Xie Kun also knew some people. In fact, after talking about it here and there, he asked a group of friends to read the script, and there was always someone willing to invest.

But he immediately thought of Chen Ran. He didn't know if others had money, but Chen Ran's company definitely did.

Although the company is small, it has only been established for one year, but it has two hits a year, a phenomenon. They have also studied how profitable it is to do variety shows. "The Voice of China" has just ended, and the money has not been divided, but last year's program It's time to settle the accounts. This company has a lot of money on its books.

It was precisely because he thought of this that he slapped his head and called.

Chen Ran heard what Director Xie said and said, "Director Xie, are you asking me to invest in a movie?"

His first reaction was to joke.

Chen Ran knows everything about this industry, but knows nothing about it.

I have never had contact with it before, and I have no intention of getting involved in the future.

Whatever abilities he has, he still has some.

"Mr. Chen, you wrote this script. I won't tell you how it will go. Because of the genre, I can't guarantee that it will definitely be a box office hit, but I believe it will definitely not lose money." Xie Kun is confident.

Although he wanted to shoot, he was not blind. Even though the genre had not exploded before, once the story was told, it was absolutely impossible to lose money.

Chen Ran laughed twice: "Director Xie, this is a bit sudden. As you know, I have been doing shows and occasionally writing songs. I have never thought about getting involved in the film and television industry, and the company has no plans in this regard."

When Xie Kun heard this, he knew that he was not very willing and immediately began to lobby.

Needless to say, Xie Kun is eloquent. If he can attract investment, he must be very eloquent.

Chen Ran was actually a little moved when he heard what he said. When he took out "I'm Not the God of Medicine", he naturally wanted to see it made into a masterpiece, but he just blindly entered an unfamiliar industry, which was not in line with his approach.

After Xie Kun spoke for a long time, Chen Ran paused for a moment and said: "How about this, Director Xie, you continue to find someone first, and I will think about it?"

Xie Kun knew that this was indeed a bit sudden, so he hurriedly said: "Teacher Chen, please think carefully. It would be a pity if this script was wasted!"

Chen Ran murmured in his heart, as much as you like this script, how could it be wasted?

The phone hung up. Chen Ran didn't lie to Xie Kun and was indeed considering it seriously.

Just as Xie Kun thought, he must have the money.

Not to mention the money on the company's books, he also has a lot of money of his own.

Although he and Zhang Fanzhi are an unmarried couple, writing songs is not free because the studio had to pay for it.

The studio is the same as the company. Zhang Fanzhi occupies the absolute majority and is the boss, but there are also parts of Sister Lin and Xiaoqin.

This needs to be distinguished.

So not to mention the money on the books of Natural Impression, Chen Ran has accumulated a lot of income from song writing in the past two years.

This is not only the money shared with Zhang Fanzhi Studio, but also the copyright fees received every now and then.

Those songs don't become popular all at once. Whether they are covers or used in film and television variety shows, they will contact him through the music association and pay him a copyright fee.

The zeros and zeros always add up, if nothing else, there is still money to be made in investing in movies.

As for the company's money, it goes without saying.

Not to mention the money from the first two programs, the licensing fees received after The Voice alone are more than enough to invest in a movie.

The question now is not whether there is enough money, but whether to invest...


Zhang Fanzhi came out wiping his hair. Seeing that Chen Ran was a little distracted, he came over and asked, "What are you thinking about?"

Chen Ran told Zhang Fanzhi about the matter. She thought about it and said, "It depends on what you plan to do in the future."

"How to say?"

"We'll see if you want to write scripts in the future." Zhang Fanzhi said briefly.

This made Chen Ran pause.

He understood what Zhang Fanzhi meant.

If I want to write a script in the future, I will definitely be in contact with Xie Kun. The intersection with the film and television industry will be deepened. It is obviously beneficial to invest in movies.

But if it was the opposite, then it wouldn't be necessary for him.

"let me see."

Chen Ran thought carefully.

Zhang Fanzhi originally wanted Chen Ran to blow dry her hair, but seeing that he was thinking about it, she didn't bother him and went to do the work by herself.

Whether or not to write scripts in the future should be a no-brainer for Chen Ran.

There are many stories in my head, so I can't help but give them to Zhang Ruyi as an idea and let him write them out. Many stories may become popular once they are written, and then be noticed and made into movies and TV shows.

This is not a matter of one or two. If it is just a copyright output, for him, it will be a bit of a disadvantage no matter how you look at it.

The script here has been proven to be a hit on earth. If it were filmed by a director like Xie Kun, it would be difficult to lose money.

If the company can participate in the production, it will not only maximize the benefits for him, but at least ensure that the quality is not bad.

It's too far-reaching to consider these now, but the current "I'm Not the God of Medicine" can test the waters first.

He is not worried about money. Just like what he said, when he was doing people's livelihood programs, he saw many patients who were like the patients in the story. Their families were broken up because they could not afford the high medical bills due to illness. As long as this phenomenon exists, this will The film has resonance and is more meaningful.

Xie Kun conservatively said that it could not guarantee a big hit, but it could guarantee no loss. But in Chen Ran's view, as long as the investment is made, it is basically guaranteed to make a profit.

Not only trust in the script, but also trust in Xie Kun's ability.

The sound of whirring came, and Chen Ran came back from his thoughts. He had made a decision and felt more relaxed.

He walked to Zhang Fanzhi, but because his voice was a bit loud, Zhang Fanzhi didn't notice Chen Ran coming over, and was startled when he stretched out his hand.

Seeing that she looked interesting, Chen Ran took a hair dryer and gave her a peck on the mouth.

Zhang Fanzhi said angrily: "What are you doing?"

Chen Ran grinned and said, "Help my wife blow dry her hair!"

Zhang Fanzhi wrinkled his nose and sat there obediently, letting him play with it.

Knowing that Xie Kun was a little anxious, Chen Ran didn't delay and went to find Xie Kun the next day.

Xie Kun was very happy when he heard that he agreed.

The copyright fee has been saved, and Chen Ran will make additional investment, and the amount is not small. The film is basically completed.

"Don't worry, Teacher Chen. Even if I risk my life, I will never let you lose money!"

Xie Kun's chest made a loud banging sound.

Chen Ran thought to himself, you should be gentle, you are not young yet, even hearing this makes you feel frightened.

The investment is not in the name of the company, but a film and television investment company re-established by Chen Ran.

Xie Kun was a little surprised when he heard it, not because of how much money Chen Ran had, but because of Chen Ran's behavior in registering a company.

You said before that you have no plans to get involved in this industry. Now, what do you mean by setting up an investment company?

Chen Ran didn't explain to Xie Kun.

Having settled the matter of investing in the movie, he is busy interviewing people.

The company issued a recruitment notice some time ago, and many people consulted, but most of them did not meet the standards. Those who could reach the interview round were all veterans of some TV stations.

Let’s just say that the person in front of Chen Ran now is Chen Ran’s old acquaintance, the director of Zhaonan TV, Hu Jianbin.

"Director Hu, why did you leave Zhaonan TV?"

Chen Ran was indeed a little surprised when he saw Wu Tao.

This person has worked at Zhaonan TV Station for many years, and he also has two popular programs on hand, one is "Celebrity Detective" and the other is "Happy Challenge".

Although the performance of both programs was average last year, they didn't just leave right away?

Regarding Chen Ran's question, Hu Jianbin explained that he likes the atmosphere of Chen Ran's company because the separation of production and broadcasting has brought new vitality to the industry.

Chen Ran didn't believe this, and Hu Jianbin obviously knew it, and he only revealed the reason during the last chat.

It turns out that there were several problems during the production of "Happy Challenge" last year, and he was a little unconvinced after taking the blame. This year's "Celebrity Detective" station did not let him do it, and the chief director was also replaced. This is a bit... It left him disheartened.

After resting for a while, he planned to go to the TV station to work, but it turned out that there was no work schedule for him at all. Hu Jianbin was not a calm person, so he couldn't stand the grievance. When he saw Chen Ran recruiting here, he immediately got the idea.

When Chen Ran heard this, he seemed to understand something.

After Du Longcheng came, he brought a lot of people with him, and these people were all very capable. In addition, Du Longcheng, as the director, would naturally be biased. It was basically a dispute between the old and the new.

It happened that Hu Jianbin of "Happy Challenge" took the blame, so he gave up "Celebrity Detective" this year.

It is estimated that Zhaonan TV did not expect Hu Jianbin to leave.

If it had been left before, Hu Jianbin would indeed not have left.

Even if I change jobs and go to another TV station, I guess the treatment won't be much better.

But now it is different from before. There is an additional separation of production and broadcasting. There are already many companies outside, and Chen Ran is even recruiting here.

Chen Ran must be aware of Hu Jianbin's abilities. When they worked together on "Happy Challenge", they knew him thoroughly.

If such a person joins the company, it will indeed be a great help and can alleviate the embarrassing situation where no one is available in the company.

What made Chen Ran even more excited was the news revealed by Hu Jianbin. Wang Hong also had some opinions on the TV station, and he was willing to switch jobs if the place was suitable.

This is the case for these veteran directors. When they change jobs, they often take their teams with them.

Chen Ran must be very welcoming.

After passing Hu Jianbin's interview, Chen Ran had already thought about how Ma Wenlong's face would change.

But I really don’t blame them this time. They didn’t recruit people, but people took the initiative to change jobs. You Zhaonan TV can’t retain people by yourself, and it has nothing to do with our company.

The news of Hu Jianbin's job change hasn't spread yet, but his resignation report has been handed in for two or three days.

Ma Wenlong read the resignation letter and knew that the old director was angry, but he had been on a business trip for the past two days and planned to talk to someone when he came back.

As for Hu Jianbin's job-hopping, he never thought about it. Such a veteran director has feelings for the station, and he doesn't have much energy when he gets old. It is better to live in the TV station than to live outside.

But after he came back, the conversation was fruitless. He had just approved Hu Jianbin's job, and within a few days he received two more resignation letters. Only then did he feel that something was wrong. He talked to someone overnight and found out that Hu Jianbin had decided to leave.

No matter what conditions he offered, he couldn't keep anyone.

When they were stuck, they were pretty cool. They almost resigned when their contracts expired, and the TV station couldn't keep them.

Even if it’s one person, it’s still three.

"Where can you go after leaving the TV station?"

Ma Wenlong was puzzled.

But as soon as the idea came to him, an idea flashed in his head and he thought of Chen Ran Company.

What a familiar scene.

When Chen Ran was poaching people, wasn't he just poaching a few people?

And this is someone who has worked with Chen Ran, so the motivation is even stronger.

"How long has it been since then, and it's happened again?"

Ma Wenlong was a little impatient and made up his mind not to approve it for the time being. Hu Jianbin left. He had no choice but to keep the other two people for now. The people in the station were a little unstable. If they let people go again, wouldn't it be more disturbing? ?

Even if he really couldn't keep it, Chen Ran would be disgusted.

Chen Ran didn't know what Ma Wenlong was thinking.

At this time, he was on the phone with Lin Fan. Hearing that this guy had just finished taking wedding photos, he asked curiously.

"Don't mention it, my face is frozen with laughter!"

Lin Fan said angrily.

I thought I would have fun traveling for a photo shoot, but I ran into a lot of trouble and even had to retake my wedding photos.

"Don't mention it anymore. You will know when you get married."

Lin Fan said and suddenly smiled.

When he didn't have a girlfriend before, Chen Ran always showed off in front of him. Now he rushes to get married in front of Chen Ran. Can he win over Chen Ran in some way?

Chen Ran curled his lips and looked at him, as if he was not married...

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