My wife is a big star

Chapter 77 Very sorry

No one was sure what kind of ratings a program produced in less than a week would get before watching the finished film.

We all hope it won't be too bad. As long as it's not lower than "Light Lecture Hall", then it's a good program.

After all, it is definitely unscientific for you to expect it to suddenly become super powerful when you pull it over to take over.

But after watching the finished film, everyone changed their views on the show a lot.

It seems that the ratings of the show can be expected?

Although the show was rushed, the degree of completion was very high, and there was no sign of shoddy work.

It's not as good as the exquisitely crafted "I Love Memorizing Lyrics", but it's absolutely impossible to say it's worse than "Light Lecture Hall".

Except for the column team, others are not so optimistic. They are all entertainment channels, and they naturally do not want the schedule to be ruined.

While worrying, I also pray that as long as the show doesn't suck and can persist until the next show comes out, its mission will be accomplished.

It’s Sunday night in a blink of an eye.

"Challenge the Microphone" has its premiere.

Although there was an advertisement inserted in "I Love to Remember Lyrics" on Friday, there was too little other promotion.

Only viewers who have watched the entertainment channel know that the sister program of "I Love to Remember Lyrics" starts on Sunday.

And these viewers don’t necessarily watch the show once they know it. It would be great to have one-third of it.

What remains is the original audience group of "Light Lecture Hall" to see if it can be accepted by "Challenge Microphone".

The program is officially launched.

The audience who were originally waiting for "Light Lecture" were stunned when they saw a completely different opening, subconsciously thinking that they had tuned to the wrong channel.

But if you look carefully, you will see that this is Zhaonan Entertainment Channel!

Some people were upset, so they searched it and found out what happened. Some people switched channels, and some planned to continue watching.

After all, I’m used to watching TV, so it’s good to watch new programs.

The quality of these few episodes of Qingqing Lecture Hall was very poor, which made them a little impatient, so they decided to switch to a new program and see how it goes.

And those viewers who came from "I Love to Remember Lyrics" are full of expectations.

The fast-paced opening, the host who is in a hurry, a few lead singers with excellent singing skills, and the exciting rock music are all familiar.

"It tastes like that!" The audience was quite satisfied.

Memorizing lyrics is about memorizing lyrics, while "Challenge the Microphone" is about singing in pitch.

The two shows still have the same people, but because the gameplay is different, they give the audience a strange sense of freshness.

It won't make you feel bored, but it will feel like "I Love to Remember Lyrics" had a special performance.

For example, if your favorite show comes out twice a week, your favorite TV suddenly updates a few more episodes, or the author of your favorite novel vomits blood and breaks out, this is probably how it feels.

Just like the lyrics, the program is very compact. No matter which link it is, there is not much nonsense, quick transitions, and getting to the point.

Familiar KTV candidates, ordinary people, stood on a familiar stage. This time it was not about memorizing lyrics, but a singing competition.

Because pitch lines are generated based on songs, "Challenge Microphone" does not score based on how well you sing, but on pitch scores.

So you will see this situation. You can sing very nicely, but your score is not as high as that of others who sing dryly.

The program is quite effective and gives people a feeling that I can do it even if I am doing it.

Especially at the end, the lead singer actually lost!

This means that this Mai Ba will not only win this issue, but will also participate in the recording of the next issue of "I Love to Remember Lyrics".

The effect of this program is very interesting!

Of course, this also disrupted some of the recording plans for "I Love to Remember Lyrics".

Originally, the next issue was to record a celebrity performance, and the previous inventory was played. Now we have to record two issues a week.

But compared with promoting "Challenge the Microphone", this trouble is nothing.

The program was played successfully.

The first thing Chen Ran did was go to the forum to read reviews.

Because it coincides with the audience of "I Love to Remember Lyrics", some opinions of the audience can also be seen here.

It still gets mostly positive reviews, but it's not as exaggerated as when I first wrote down the lyrics.

Chen Ran clicked on a post.

"The entertainment channel has released another very interesting program. It should be produced by a group of people from "I Love Memorizing Lyrics". The host and lead singer have not changed. The program is very interesting."

"I also watched it. When I saw the advertisement in "I Love to Remember Lyrics" on Friday, I kept waiting. I was not disappointed."

"But don't you think the show is a little unfair? In the show just now, Wang Yifei sang very well, but he was eliminated because he didn't have bangs."

"I don't think it's unfair. The rules of the show are here. It doesn't look at singing skills, only the pitch. That Wang Yifei sings well, but his pitch isn't high enough..."

There were many people discussing it.

The more controversial point is the issue of singing skills and intonation.

Some people sing very nicely, but their pitch scores are really not high, and they will arouse regrets from the audience if they are eliminated.

What everyone is arguing about is the rationality of the program, whether to focus on singing skills or on pitch.

The controversy on this post was ended by one netizen.

"What's the use of discussing this? This is the regulation of the program, and this is the effect. If it is really for singing skills, then why don't I watch the singing talent show on satellite TV? Those professionals who come out don't hang up these KTV contestants and beat them?"

In one sentence from this netizen, the singing party has dispersed.

The fun of the show is this pitch machine. If you don’t see the lead singer, you’ll lose?

There are some controversies in other posts, big and small, but the overall evaluation is quite high.

Chen Ran looked at the amount of discussion and felt a little more relaxed.

In fact, he is not calm and hopes that the show will have good results.

After all, not many people can stay calm when their own show has reached this stage.

Even though Director Wu Jin has been doing the show for so many years and has seen the ups and downs, he was still uneasy when the show started.

Monday morning.

Morning meeting of the program department.

It's just a necessary inventory every week and a summary of the previous program.

Encouragement where encouragement is due, criticism where criticism is due.

Director Liu usually holds the meeting, after all, he manages the program department.

But today is an exception.

Director Liu was sitting aside, and in his usual place stood Yang Qijun, Director Yang!

"A lot of things happened in our channel last week. I feel sorry for the other party's minor incident. It was my negligence in management that caused things to happen and had a great impact on the channel." Yang Qijun sighed. This week was indeed a bit messy. Exhausted.

After a moment, he added: "Here, I would like to thank everyone for helping the channel tide over the difficulties."

Yang Qijun is sincere and sincere.

Director Liu on the side, on the other hand, lowered his head and looked a little unhappy. These things should be blamed on him. Director Yang was afraid of the noise below, so he came over to say a few words.

"Especially the "I Love Memorizing Lyrics" column team, you have worked hard in the past week!"

"To create a show in less than a week is something I would never dare to think about, but you did it!"

"No matter what the ratings of the show are, your efforts will be remembered by the channel!"

Everyone looked at Director Yang talking and had some bad thoughts in their hearts.

Is it possible that the show’s ratings are not good?

Director Wu Jin raised his eyebrows.

After Yang Qijun said something, he began to take stock of the program's ratings.

The others are basically known, but this issue of "Saturday Lotto" has been lowered a bit, and it was pointed out to remind you to pay attention.

"The last one is "Challenge the Microphone"..." Director Yang saw everyone's solemn expressions, as if they were ready to bear the bad news, and then he sighed and said, "It's a pity that the premiere ratings were 9.83%, almost breaking 10%!"

Everyone looked a little bitter when they heard that they were very sorry.

Only 9.83%?

Everyone felt a little gloomy.

But after a moment, I felt something was wrong and quickly raised my head.

9.83%? !

What's the regret?

Thanks to book friend 20180912132912768 for his 500-coin reward, thank you to book friend 20200222042509863 for his 500-coin reward, thank you to Mr. Lucifer of Dawn Star for his 200-coin reward, thank you to Hahada for his 100-coin reward, thank you Also give me a reward of 100 coins from the boss.

Thanks for the support!

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