My Wife is a Celestial Dragons

Chapter 204 : Gekko Moria [Outbreak Chapter 6]

A very beloved Princess Mononoke was brought back under the control of Tina's threshold fruit. She was in a comatose state and dressed exactly like her soul, except that her height was slightly shorter.

Seeing his body being controlled, Perona's heart was filled with grief and anger. These Marines were too fierce. How did he know where his body was? Unscientific.

Looking at Ximen Qin, who was already at the same level as the demon in her mind, with fear, she seemed to be unable to make any changes if her body was attacked. What should she do? Should she return to her body?

Paramecia's ghost fruit can make her soul escape from the body, can pass through walls, hide in any corner, and any physical attack will have no effect on her "Five Nine Three". But Logia's attacks still have a great killing effect on her, and if the body is clicked off by someone, she will also die and become a real ghost.

"Hey, go back to your body obediently." Ximen Qin touched his nose, and the black Iron Body was instantly put away by him.

Perona nodded repeatedly, and the Soul God quickly returned to her body, looking at Ximen Qin's pockets, she didn't dare to say a word.

"Oh~ Are you all coming here?" Suddenly Ximen Qin smiled strangely, and the power of the heart network caught a lot of people and was coming here. These people are naturally transformed zombies, and there are a few more powerful ones. In other words, how did they know that they were in this place?

With this kind of doubt, Ximen Qin turned and left the castle. The others naturally followed him. Perona was held by Hina and Robin. The slender legs seemed to be a little unstable.

Outside the castle, a bunch of zombies rushed over here, some in animal form, some in samurai form, and different forms.

Ximen Qin didn't care about the zombies coming from all directions, he cared about another guy, Gekko Moria.

On the last side of these zombies, one is nearly seven meters tall, looks like a demon, has two horns on the forehead, ears and teeth are also pointed, and has cross-shaped stitches similar to stitched wounds from the head to the neck, and wears a bat-shaped collar. The shirt and Gothic art clothing, the upper body is slender, and the lower body is like a ball. The image of the whole person looks like an


Gekko Moria, this is Gekko Moria, the owner of Thriller barque!

Standing proudly outside the old castle, the surrounding zombie soldiers have surrounded them, encircling these people and nations, but they have no intention of attacking.

Gekko Moria in the back laughed with a mouthful of blood and teeth, "Hehehehe, it turns out to be Marine.

The iconic coat of justice outside the castle makes it easy for people to distinguish the identity of the other person. Marine, that can't be wrong.

"If it wasn't for the thunder and lightning just now, I didn't know that Marine was coming." Gekko Moria thought silently, Ximen Qin's unicorn bombed Lola and resounded through the whole three-masted sailing ship. This is what Gekko Moria and others rushed towards here. reason.

Thunderstorm weather in this magic triangle is very, very rare. It is dark here, and I have not seen what thunder and lightning look like for many years.

There is no doubt that the strange thunder and lightning must be someone using the power of Devil Fruit. Logia Demon fruit power comes to Thriller barque, and there is no reason why Gekko Moria, as the host, can not come out to meet.

"Huh? It's a bit familiar." Gekko Moria moved his hands like bat claws, but he was completely puzzled in his heart. The image of this person looked a bit familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere.

The full of doubts made him walk towards the other side, and the zombies around him who were staring at him immediately retreated a path.

The height of nearly seven meters is conspicuous among these zombies. Ximen Qin was the first to discover his existence, carefully observing the opponent's body structure, and finally sighed, there are so many weird shapes in this world. The guy, looking at this completely out-of-proportion body, it's just a crime

Columbia and the others followed Ximen Qin. The large number of zombies that suddenly appeared did not bring them much pressure. The only thing that can clearly feel the pressure is the huge Gekko Moria, although this guy is not what they have seen. The biggest, but a very stressful guy.

"Gekko Moria, this young master came to you and only came out now, it's a bit unreasonable, right?"

Ximen Qin said with a smile, looking at the other party obviously meant that he didn't plan to fight, but just came out to check something, and he naturally relaxed.

Gekko Moria stopped and grinned. "Hehehehe, I didn't expect it to be you, Ximen Qin Vice Admiral."

Recognizing it, Gekko Moria finally remembered the identity of this guy, which was a bit surprised. What did Vice Admiral from Naval Headquarters come here for?

Gekko Moria rarely leaves the Thriller barque, but this does not prevent him from knowing the first half of the Grand Line. The magical creature like the homing pigeon can pass through the harshest waters and properly deliver newspapers and leaflets to some people.

The promotion of Rear Admiral to Vice Admiral that Naval Headquarters preached loudly before, there is no reason why he didn't know such important news.

"Then Ximen Qin Vice Admiral 3.7, what advice would you give me Thriller barque? Also, what are you doing to arrest my subordinates?"

Recognizing the identity of the other party, Gekko Moria was very relaxed, and the zombies under his men gradually lifted their guard when they saw it. Although the opponent was Marine, they would not resist any orders of Gekko Moria who were loyal to Gekko Moria.

Ximen Qin curled his lips, "Moria, it is not convenient to talk here now. I came here naturally because I have something to do with you. Do you think it is appropriate to talk here? Really, don't you know if you can buy me a cup of coffee or tea?"

"Hey hee hee, Ximen Qin Vice Admiral, then follow me.

Gekko Moria was surprised and laughed, pulling people toward his residence.

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