My Wife is a Celestial Dragons

Chapter 219 :Promoted Thunder Blade Broken Dragon [Chapter 2]

"Ding! Congratulations to the candidates for using 45,000 points to upgrade Thunder Sword and Dragon Breaker to the highest level of 12 Skills, please check!"

A faint purple light flashed from the thunder knife and broken dragon on the waist, Ximen Qin immediately pulled it out, there was no change in appearance, and the weight did not change, but I could feel the breath of thunder knife and broken dragon more fierce, a violent breath. Like a thunderstorm, they want to choose people and eat them. The purple electric light was faintly visible in the swing of the sword, but it increased the amount of powerful lightning, and

Plus is in line with his abilities.

"Candidate, do you want to inlay the Thunder Knife and Broken Dragon with gemstones?"

The sound of the system is very seductive/deceptive. Inlaid gems can increase the power of the Thunder Knife and the candidate, and reduce the energy consumption, which seems very cost-effective. It's just that the gems are too expensive to be sad.

"Exchange three five-level gems and set them on Thunder Blade Broken Dragon.

Ximen Qin's heart is bleeding, gems are too expensive, a fifth-level gem requires one hundred points for a first-level gem, three fusions into a second-level, and so on, a fifth-level gem requires eight thousand One hundred points basic. Three is 24,300 points, it hurts, it really hurts enough.

"Ding! Congratulations to the candidate for spending 24,300 points to redeem three fifth-level gems. Three fifth-level gems increase the candidate's combat effectiveness by 24% and reduce consumption by 24%."

Twenty-four percent of the combat effectiveness, this is a big improvement. As for Ximen Qin, it is also a moment of excitement. If this is the case, the combat effectiveness will be soaring. If you use the Thunder Knife to break the dragon and the Thunder Ball, you will be able to reach the target. The top level of Admiral can even compete with the Admiral level. As for whether this can be done, we will see later.

"Candidate, is there anything else that needs to be exchanged 々 "?"

The system's voice is still full of seductive/deceptiveness, as if it wants to squeeze someone out.

After careful consideration for a while, Ximen Qin finally gave up. Now it has consumed a lot of points. Let's keep some for later use. Maybe it will be able to unblock some better things.

"Candidate, this time a total of 69,300 points have been consumed, and the remaining points are 167,700. Please check."

The voice of the system came, and Ximen Qin checked it quickly. It was indeed only more than 160,000 points. The points are very precious. Cut flowers and cherish them.

The power of the thunder knife with three gems has increased a lot. There are three purple gems in the position of the blade and the handle, which emit a faint purple light. The gems are diamond-shaped and have a gentle texture. Go in.

"System, are there any instructions for the next step now?"

After redeeming enough things, Ximen Qin asked about the next step. So far, the system has only provided a general direction. The details have not been explained. Maybe now he should point out more.

"Candidate, let's abandon the main line of the original book or something. It is very boring to follow the main line. As long as you participate in some major events, it is enough. According to what Princess Molitiard said before, you should now go to the Holy Land Maricio. Ya. However, the main task of the system has not been completed yet, so finish the main task before heading to the Holy Land Marikioya.

Well, Supernova would be a good choice, open the side, prepare to kill them. "


Ximen Qin is spraying gorgeously, supernova? Kill the supernova? Brother system, can you stop being so pitted, it is not an easy thing to accomplish.

"System, are you sure you are not fooling me?"

"Candidates, this system never fools people. In the eyes of this system, this world is to fight monsters and upgrades, supernovas. Those are just some strange things that make candidates upgrade. So, let's start with peace of mind."

Speechless, Ximen Qin is completely speechless. Perhaps the system is right. In his eyes, this is just a dimensional world. If the world collapses or whatever, he doesn't care.

After thinking for a long time, Ximen Qin finally said: "Okay, then kill the supernova first, um, as long as you have enough main missions.

The heart is really big, Ximen Qin is also not afraid of supernova power. If it is alone, every supernova is not his opponent, but I am a little worried that these goods will unite, and it will be a hard fight at that time.

"System, will you help when the time comes? If they unite, maybe only we will be killed. Isn't that the scene you want to see?"

"., Candidates, please rest assured, as long as the candidate is in a critical situation, this system will appear. At that time, it will give you various auras to temporarily increase your strength, not inferior to the messy auras of the original protagonist."

The sound of the system is full of jokes, but it is very reassuring. In the final analysis, he is boarded in a system of candidates, so naturally he has to consider them for the sake of candidates.

Halo? What a sacred term.

Ximen Qin smiled, as long as the system can give him a guarantee, even if it is dangerous, he will have the strength to turn over a supernova. It’s just that this still needs to be planned, try to avoid major damage, otherwise the situation is very unfavorable.

"I still have a question about the system. Is there anything I need to do in the Holy Land Mariki? Don't tell me that you don't know how to blow."

(Wang Haozhao) The key question is here. Molly Tiard's affairs make him feel itchy, and he is always thinking about it.

"Candidate, it's meaningless to say it now. Don't worry, it's not a bad thing. On the contrary, it will be an opportunity. Take it. Goodbye~"

After talking about the system, the system is directly connected, no matter how someone complains, it won't come out again.

The dialogue with the system is pleasant, the power of Thunder Blade Broken Dragon increased, and his strength also increased. As long as he breaks the dragon with a thunder knife, his strength can be increased by 24%, and his consumption can be reduced by 24%, which is a great help.

The supreme sharp knife has twelve skill levels. In addition to the original twelve in this world, one more has now been added. This is destined to make the world tremble.

"Supernova, wash your neck and wait for Master Ben.

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