My Wife is a Celestial Dragons

Chapter 225 : Dry Turnover Supernova (5) [Chapter 8]

Every second counts. In this shortest time, all supernovae must be dealt with, lest they unite at that time and things will be unpredictable.

The Flame Tank Pirate Group is another supernova pirate group. Although the captain is only 138 million Baileys, it is nothing in the supernova, but it can do it in front of it.

One of the characteristics of becoming a supernova is that the bounty breaks hundreds of millions in a short period of time, and those who can break the bounty of hundreds of millions in such a short period of time have basically done some mega events, so Ximen Qin feels at ease.

On the noisy street, a Marine was confronted with a group of pirates. It seemed that the scene was very interesting. Suddenly many people stopped and watched.

Capone-Bege drew out his pistol in an instant, and turned his finger on the trigger a few times. The action was quite handsome.

"Who are you? It seems..." The Marine in front of him made him feel familiar, where he should have seen it.

He who came from West Blue is still relatively new to someone who came out of East Blue, even in the first half of the Grand Line.

"Ximen Qin, Naval Headquarters Ximen Qin!"

His voice is indifferent, and quick fights and quick decisions are of the utmost importance. Columbia and others should be close, so~ let's get started!

"80 million volts-Thousands of birds fly!" The partial purple light flew out from the palms of both hands and turned into a purple thunder and lightning bird with a wingspan of one meter in the sky. The people on the street felt depressed and irritable.

The purple birds hovering in the sky swooped down from the sky while everyone's mind was chaotic, and a purple thunder and lightning filled the air.

As the birds approached, Capone Bege was the first to react. The pistols shot directly at these birds, and the other subordinates also took out weapons, mostly firearms.

"Boom boom!"

The bullet hit the bird at the moment the gunshot sounded, but the purple bird was made of thunder and lightning, so how could it be afraid of these physical attacks?

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!" "Help!

The sharp beak penetrates the bodies of some pirates, and the power of 80 million volts travels through their bodies, destroying their physiological functions to the greatest extent.

As a far-sighted captain of the pirate, Bege remembered who this person was when Ximen Qin said his name, and the next attack made him angry. How can he not be angry with so many subordinates being defeated one by one?

Putting the pistol away, he saw a gap suddenly opened in his abdomen, and a wild saber appeared and he held it in his hand.


With a shout of anger, the slashing sword swept the thousand purple birds in the sky, like a thunderstorm, turning the birds into the most primitive electrons and floating in the air.

"Oh? I don't see that he is still a strong swordsman." Ximen Qin was surprised. I didn't expect the other party to have such a method, which is really surprising.

"Ximen Qin, we must let you die today!" Bege roared again and again. This time, more than 20 of his subordinates who followed him had lost most of them in an attack just now. How could he accept it?

Ximen Qin smiled contemptuously, and his expression of contempt was blatant, "Keep the big talk until you win.

As the voice fell, countless tumbling thunderclouds appeared in the sky, but it was the effect of the necklace on the chest, which summoned the thundercloud with extreme ease.

Bege felt dangerous instinctively, and suddenly shouted: "Kill him."

Speaking of the saber-cutting knife, it was chopped down several times in a row, and several dazzling blades were swung out, and the left and right sides of the retreat were completely blocked.

The other pirates also acted upon seeing this, replaced with melee swords and rushed forward.


With a few loud noises, a small hole appeared in the foreheads of the pirates in front of them, and blood gurgled down, and the body shook several times and fell to the ground.

"Our captain's battle is not something you can stop. Let's fight Laozi." Breton laughed, and rushed out a chain weapon from his abdomen. It was covered with barbs and the front part was a sharp diamond. Shape, covered with tiny barbs. This is his weapon, a unique weapon!

…Please ask for flowers………

A few pirates rushed up, while Hina and other women retreated. It seemed that this battle didn't require them to take action.

In the distant Columbia, the sniper was stunned, and the hidden sniper was very terrifying. No one knew his location. The bullets carried by the armed color blessed easily penetrated the pirate's defense and ended their lives.

The appearance of a few sword lights did not make Ximen Qin panic a little, but rather eager to try it.I don't know what it will be like to slash at the sword tyrant?

Having made up his mind, Ximen Qin covered Armament Haki all over his body, and Marine Six Styles Iron Body also made his body swell instantly.

"Iron Body!

One of the slashes hit his body, and the white blade light hit him head-on. Ximen Qin only felt a huge force trying to push his body back, and at the same time, there was a strong sense of tearing from the blade light. Want to cut his skin.

The dazzling blade light finally failed to penetrate his defense, and the energy was exhausted and disappeared.

"It seems that the sword light of the swordsman level has no effect on me." The feeling from the body is very clear, and there is no damage, which means that the opponent's attack does not seem to have any effect on him.

So, are other swordsmen's slashes the same?

"What?" Bege couldn't believe it. How could the person who was hit by the sword light on the front be okay? Is this guy's body made of steel?

Ximen Qin ignored his shock. The thunderclouds in the sky seemed to be summoned to roll at this moment, and the purple arcs continued to condense, and finally a unicorn landed.

"Success to death!"

The roaring unicorn swooped down from the sky and immediately hit Bege's body.


Bege screamed and was thrown down by the unicorn, and a 50 million volt current raged in his body, challenging his endurance limit. superior,

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