My Wife is a Celestial Dragons

Chapter 229 : Supernova (9) [Chapter 2]

Elementalization is the most basic ability in Logia, and any physical attack will be useless under this ability.

Ximen Qin, who was bathed in purple thunder and lightning, looked like a god of war, and his eyes gradually became indifferent.

"Denkins, how much lightning can you withstand the bombardment?" The cold words came from Ximen Qin's mouth, and at the same time he threw it out, and the strong purple light burst out instantly.

"Captain!" The subordinates exclaimed, but it seemed that it was too late, and they didn't have time to help.

Fankins faced Ximen Qin's attack without any worries. Ximen Qin kicked and threw out a shock wave with hundreds of millions of volts of lightning, hitting Hawkins on the shoulder.


With a loud noise, a nearby house was suddenly hit by a figure. A huge gap appeared in the wall. At the same time, the house fell down, and the smoke and dust instantly covered the direction Hawkins was in.

"It's a real feeling, it's really good." Ximen Qin is still very confident in his close combat 657. In addition to Marine Six Styles and Thunder Blade Broken Dragon, using the power of lightning can also have a strong effect. . Just like the close combat of Kizaru and others, it can maintain elementalization at all times, and quickly switch between elementalization and Marine Six Styles

There was hardly any pause.

Ximen Qin also has high achievements in this area, but it is rarely used. For example, moves such as the Chidori sharp spear are used in close combat. Of course, the use of pure lightning strikes can also cause very powerful damage.

One step down, you can really feel that you have kicked Hawkins' body. However, the situation soon changed.

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, but Hawkins was still in the previous position, but now he stood up, and there was no visible damage on his body.

"E? ​​The ability to curse the fruit?" Ximen Qin's eyes narrowed, and the power of the curse fruit is indeed good. It is not easy to transfer the attack so fast.

Hawkins slowly walked towards Ximen Qin, and suddenly a scarecrow emerged from his arm and fell to the ground. Upon closer inspection, the scarecrow's head had disappeared. This is his ability. Use the scarecrow to transfer the attack. To others.

And at this moment, in another place, a pirate was suddenly hit by a ball of thunder and lightning in his head, and his head exploded in an instant, so that the surrounding pirates were trembling with liver.Why did thunder and lightning appear out of thin air?

The ability to transfer attacks, the target of transfer does not seem to be fixed, and it may be possible to let Hawkins decide whether to transfer to people around him.

"Use the scarecrow to transfer the attack? Hawkins, you magician is a bit weak. If you use poker cards or something, it will look like a magician."

Ximen Qin's voice is full of teasing, and the scarecrow is easily reminiscent of wizards or witches. It has nothing to do with magicians.

Kings did not take his words to heart, but said calmly, "I said, I will not die today, as long as I can live."

If this is the case again, Ximen Qin smiled in his heart. Supernovas basically came to Sabaody Archipelago in order to enter the New World. They would not enter the New World without completing some things. It's just that they are here at the same time with ambitions, and some of the hidden things are thought-provoking.

If one or two appear here, it is quite normal, but with so many people appearing here, cbdh will believe this is normal. Are they going to have any big actions? Or are they gathered together because of other problems?

"There are also mistakes in divination, Hawkins, today is the time when you made mistakes." Ximen Qin said rudely, but aimed at the dozens of pirates.


With two quick and soft sounds, Ximen Qin crossed his hands and opened his fingers, and purple electric light kept condensing between his fingers. Finally, with a wave of both hands forward, ten purple beams of light quickly approached a dozen pirates.


A dozen pirates panicked immediately, Ximen Qin's movements were without warning, leaving them no time to react.

The attack at the speed of light did not always pose like Kizaru, the guy who ate and put fruit, Ximen Qin's attack was very decisive and simple.

Ten beams of light penetrated the bodies of more than a dozen pirates, instantly turning them into ashes, and the remaining power continued to bombard the buildings behind.

"Boom boom boom!"

Ten lightning beams exploded and instantly destroyed a large group of buildings, and the surrounding buildings were directly razed to the ground.

"Okay, amazing. Is this the power of Vice Admiral?" "Vice Admiral is so amazing, what about Admiral?"

Some people who like to die are lying on some of the remaining buildings and watching from a distance. They are also shocked by Ximen Qin's power. This guy's power is too sturdy.

"Run now." A few more eye-catching and decisive ones slipped away, but the little life was joking any longer.

Dianjinsi's subordinates were directly killed by Ximen Qin, which made his anger continue to gather.

"It doesn't meet Vice Admiral's identity to shoot these soldiers." Hawkins' melancholy face also brought anger.

Ximen Qin directly refuted it with a single sentence, "What qualifications do you have to say to the common people? You scum, this young master, this is killing the people and avenging the innocent people who were brutally killed by you. .

Hawkins snorted. He couldn't refute this. How could big pirates like them have not acted on the civilians? Since they have acted, they are not qualified to refute.

"Then it's time to end you now. I don't know how many times you can shift your attack?" Ximen Qin said that the next action has also begun. In the elemental state, he rushed directly to Hawkins and waved his hands forward. Down, I saw countless purple arcs flying out of the palm, directly covering all the retreats of Kings.

But Hawkins' face changed. How could this guy know his secret? How could it be, how could it be?.

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