My Wife is a Celestial Dragons

Chapter 247 :The beautiful cook [Chapter 2]

The dignified supernova, the gluttonous girl Jewelry- Bonney, was scared to cry by so many thunder and lightning. This is surprising. How could this be the case for the pirates who bounty hundreds of millions of dollars?

Suspicious, this guy wouldn't pretend to cry to win sympathy, and then throw himself into the sea?

Controlling the apocalyptic Thor to land slowly, his body sank into the sea, leaving only one head to look at Bonney in front of him.

Oh, this is really not a pretense, crying eyes are red, small mouth is thin, the appearance of pear flower with rain makes people can't help but want to comfort it.

But, tomorrow is not the most appropriate time for comfort.

"Hey, do you want to run away?" The voice was playful, and it felt like a cat teasing a mouse.

Bonney was shocked when he looked at the huge head of "Seven Seven Zero" that appeared in front of him. Tears flowed out like a spring. Women are made of water. This sentence is not fake at all.

Sobbing, Bonney kept shaking his head, "Don't run away, don't run away."

The corner of Ximen Qin's mouth made a smirk. It was a little frightened to see her like this. Now it is estimated that she doesn't even know what she is saying.

"I told you before that it would be nice to be a cook on the young master's warship obediently, but you still want to escape. You know, it's not good to escape. Look, how embarrassing you are now."

"Ming~Ming~ I won't run away, I really won't run away." Bonney kept repeating, with a grievance on his face. Looking at the other party like this, he doesn't seem to be afraid of the sea. What is this? Why can he violate Devil Fruit's iron What about the law?

"That's right, this young master now announces that you have officially become a chef on the warship, beautiful chef, what a great profession, I feel a little excited to think about it."

Ximen Qin's eyes are almost narrowed, this is the best theme.

"Okay, okay." The rude and arrogant Bonney also appeared as a little woman, obediently surrender in front of absolute power, this is also the iron law of this world, no one can refute it.

"Well, let's get rid of this lipstick in the future. It's too ugly. How can a beautiful chef wear such lipstick, at least evenly covering her mouth. It's really ugly.

Now, if you look at Bonney's face carefully, you can finally understand the weirdness of the previous one, and I blame this lipstick. Lipstick can increase the charm of women, but inappropriate lipstick command destroys the beauty, lipstick is also very particular.

"Oh." Like an angry little daughter-in-law, Bonney replied in a low voice aggrieved, which made people unbearable.

"By the way, how many people are there on your warship? No..

Suddenly a key question emerged in Bonney's mind. It seemed that there were a lot of soldiers on the warship. God, she won't have to stay in the kitchen all day, right? No, that's going to be suffocating.

Ximen Qin laughed dumbly, but understood her concerns.

"Don't worry, you don't care about the soldiers' food. You only need to be in charge of a few people. Well, that's how things are decided. It's a pleasant rhythm."

Things are settled, Bonney's positioning is also settled, Ximen Qin is indeed in a good mood.

"Ding! Congratulations to the candidate for defeating the supernova Jewelry- Bonney. The system determines that the reward points are 14,000 points, and the progress of the main task is increased by one."

"Ding! Congratulations to the candidates for completing the main task two. The system judges the difficulty of completion, and rewards the defeated members with 100% points. The reward points are 332,200 points. The remaining points total 619,100 points. ,please check."

The continuous system prompts came, and Ximen Qin was overjoyed. I didn't expect that there would be such a reward after completing the main task. It's cool, so cool.

"System, what can I redeem now?" With so many points, Ximen Qin couldn't hold back all of a sudden, I wish I could redeem something now to use it.

"Candidate, please kindly remind me. In view of the current number of points, the system recommends that you redeem items in the next battle. The items to be redeemed will be prompted by the system according to the actual situation. The next battle will not be so. simple."

The systematic explanation made Ximen Qin stunned. The next battle? After the main missions are finished, what kind of battle is there? Now it should go directly to the holy place Marikia. Is there a strong enemy there?

"What fight? How strong is the enemy?"

It's always good to be cautious, and Pirate World doesn't know how much has changed because of his arrival, so it's better to ask clearly.

"Candidate, have you forgotten to top the war? There were many powerful enemies in that battle, and I hope that the candidate can consider it carefully when the time comes.

On top of the war? Did Ace get caught? Stupid, didn't this young master remind that kid?

Ximen Qin is entangled, and I have reminded it before when I was in Alabasta, is it that the kid still can't listen to it after all?

"Candidate, the top war is like a cloud. Candidates also need to quickly increase their strength. At that time, the system will personally select the best exchange items for you to increase your strength, such as various powerful skills and equipment. Wait."

Skills? Equipment?

These two things aroused Ximen Qin's strong curiosity, but looking at the subsystem like this, I won't talk about it any more, and I won't bother about it.

After retreating from the communication with the system, Ximen Qin took a deep breath. I thought I could take a good rest after the supernova was done. I didn't expect that 3.7 is now the beginning of the war.


The phone worm rang at this time, Ximen Qin pressed the access button, "Hello, this is Ximen Qin.

"I'm Sengoku! Ximen Qin Vice Admiral, Sabaody Archipelago rushed back to the headquarters as soon as the business was completed. The Teach of the original Whitebeard Pirates sent Portcas-D-Ace, the son of One Piece Roger. The World government is preparing for it. The public execution will inevitably lead to a counterattack by the Whitebeard Pirates, and the war will break out in full, so please return immediately after completion


"So that's it, I understand." Ximen Qin said in silence for a while, then put away the phone worm to relieve the state of Thor in the last days, and stayed in Bonney directly to the place of Hina and others.

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