My Wife is a Celestial Dragons

Chapter 249 :Return [Chapter 4]

With clear skies and endless sea levels, the dark purple warship braved the wind and waves, swiftly sailing on the established course accompanied by waves and seagulls.

On the third deck, seven beach chairs were neatly arranged, Ximen Qin and others lay on them, enjoying the rare tranquility.

The pace of life is too fast, you need to relax appropriately. Talking freely in a quiet environment, reading a book, thinking about the road ahead, and simply being in a daze are all ways to relieve stress.

Under the tide of the times, how many people are forced into schizophrenia by the stressful life and are at a loss as to what to do. If the pressure is not released in time, it may leave hidden dangers, and the hidden dangers will eventually break out.

The conversation with Kokoro-Brich took more than an hour. After a relaxed conversation, Ximen Qin went straight back to the warship and headed towards the headquarters.

Taking the beverage prepared by Bonney leisurely, Ximen Qin smiled lightly at this beautiful cook who was still uncomfortable.

"Still not adapting to life on a warship?"

Bonney just wants to give him a Byakugan. It's only a few days ago? How to adapt? This lady is a pirate, isn't it the rhythm of going to Naval Headquarters?

As if not aware of her nervousness, Ximen Qin showed a caring look on her face, "Slowly adapt, just like Nami and Robin and others, there will always be familiar times. The identity of the pirate, that is already with you It doesn't matter, your pirate group has been disbanded, so there is no need to worry about their future lives.

Bonney felt grief and anger and forced her to disband the Pirate Group.

It is very difficult for a pirate to adapt to the life of a warship, and it needs to be improved slowly.

"Bonney, let's get some steak tonight, some more vegetarian dishes, fish soup, sweet and sour pork ribs and so on."

Bonney's craftsmanship is very good. It is not wasted that she has eaten so many delicacies. She is almost everywhere where there is delicacy.

"Huh, no." Bonney snorted and twisted his delicate waist and left, without giving Ximen Qin a chance to speak.

The few people around are smiling but not smiling. It seems that the temper of this beautiful cook is not so surrendered, Master Ximen Qin Vice Admiral, what are you going to do?

Noting the gazes of a few people, Ximen Qin touched his nose, "She is still a bit shy, so if you get used to it, just get used to it."

Hearing that everyone laughed, it seemed that Ximen Qin Vice Admiral couldn't help it. It would be unlucky to meet someone with such a hot temper.

Ximen Qin returned, looking at Bonney's departure direction and muttering fiercely: "Hey, hey, one day I will let you serve/wait my young master, and dare to turn against you. Well, I have to start training/teaching right away."

"By the way, if Whitebeard hangs up, isn't Blackbeard Teach going to take the place of Whitebeard Four Emperors?" This thought suddenly appeared in Ximen Qin's mind.

Blackbeard Teach, who has been lurking in the Whitebeard Pirates for more than 20 years, finally got the Devil Fruit he wanted. For this Devil Fruit, he also killed his companion for many years, the captain of the fourth team, committed The greatest crime of the Whitebeard Pirates.

For such a person who has been able to play with his companions who have been with him for many years, Ximen Qin praises him for being a hero, but also deeply despises his character. The heart is definitely dark, everything is centered on himself, as long as it involves a little bit of his own interests, he will not hesitate to raise the butcher knife.

Cannot stay! This person who is strong and good at hiding must never stay!

Ximen Qin secretly calculated that Blackbeard's Dark Fruit and Whitebeard's Shock Fruit are completely heaven-defying. If they can be developed perfectly, they can basically do anything they want to do in this world.

The power of thunder and lightning is very powerful, the 200 million volts of the last days Thor can easily destroy a medium-sized island, and when using thunderball and thunder knife to break the dragon to enhance the power of thunder and lightning, the black thunder and lightning can even shatter space. This kind of power is the most powerful in Ximen Qin's heart.

No one will deny their abilities. Every force is very terrifying when applied to Ultimate. The power to smash the space? Perhaps this is one of the ways to deal with the dark fruits, of course there are other ways, Armament Haki and sea water.

And Whitebeard is a hero in Ximen Qin's heart, an undeniable hero. The personality is very good, and he treats his companions very seriously and sincerely. But there is one thing, Ximen Qin will not worship him. He is strong and has a good personality. None of this has much to do with him.

Moreover, Whitebeard is immortal, how can the structure of this world be disrupted? How to develop your own power in New World?

To say that the person who worries him the most right now may be Garp.

Garp is the first friend he met after entering Marine, and he has also given him a lot of help in various matters. The turn of the year.

*..., I don't know how Garp would think about Ace being executed, how he would feel in his heart, hey.

Although he is not a grandson, he is no different from a grandson. In the face of such family affection, how can Garp not feel sad?

In the original book, Garp chose (Zhao Zhaohao) to maintain the justice of Marine, and after the Battle of the Top, Garp chose to retire to teach recruits. This shows the pain in the heart of this grandpa. Now that I have come to this world to be friends with him, can I watch him sad alone?

"Perhaps, that promise should be fulfilled by them." Ximen Qin thought of the existence of some people, and also thought of the previous conditions. Now it is time for them to fulfill.

"Captain, the latest newspaper."

Nami brought a newspaper over, Ximen Qin took it, and suddenly his eyes stayed in the most eye-catching position.

"Portkas-D-Ace, the son of One Piece Roger, has a serious crime and will be publicly executed at Naval Headquarters a week later.

This news made Ximen Qin's heart sink, so fast? It seems that there is not much time left for me to prepare. Demon.

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