My Wife is a Celestial Dragons

Chapter 252 :Meeting Again [Chapter Seven]

The meeting on this war has reached the most critical moment. The high-end Naval Headquarters have, but only a few.

Sengoku, Garp, Three Admiral, which are recognized by everyone as high-end combat power, as well as those powerful Vice Admiral, such as Mole Vice Admiral, Ghost Spider, Fire Mountain, Dalmesia, etc., these are very famous and powerful Vice Admiral, and now there is a newly promoted Ximen Qin Vice Admiral, a powerful Vice Admiral who killed a supernova at Sabaody Archipelago, and a horror

The three-masted sailboat beat the man from Moria, the one who beat the sand crocodile in Alabasta.

If such high-end combat power is in peacetime, just going out is a shocking existence. But now facing the Whitebeard Pirates, if this kind of combat power fights them, it is a bit "seven-nine-seven" and cannot be used.

"Summon Shichibukai, force the summon to let them come and help." Ximen Qin came out again to surprise everyone, shit, and this matter, I almost forgot.

Sengoku nodded approvingly. This is a very good choice. If they can be summoned by force, they can be summoned. If none of them comes, then wait for the title of Shichibukai to be revoked and face Marine chasing all day long.

"Then force it to convene, spread the news, and let them rush to Naval Headquarters in the shortest time. Ximen Qin, you are stationed in the Gulf like other Vice Admiral! Also, convene elite Marines from all over the world, this battle Can only win but not defeat!

Sengoku is a little bit stunned. As Marine's supreme commander, he does have this ability.

At the end of the meeting, a group of generals left one after another and began to plan their own affairs.

"The Garp, Ace matter" Seeing that there were not many people, Ximen Qin walked directly to Garp and pressed his shoulder.

Garp trembled. Everyone was talking about the Whitebeard Pirates but didn't talk about the ending of Ace. It seemed that Ace's fate had been determined early.

"It's okay, the old man is a Marine hero, hahaha. That kid is disobedient and becomes a pirate, so he should have such consciousness.

With a determined smile on his face, Garp laughed.

Ximen Qin was speechless, and Sengoku walked over and said in a deep voice, "Sengoku, I hope you can make a good choice then."

With colleagues for many years, Sengoku is naturally familiar with this old friend. Garp can be described as a broken-hearted father and grandfather. He originally wanted his son to be a just Marine, but he became a leader of the revolutionary army. He wanted his grandson to be Marine, and even taught them all the time when they were young. As a result, both of them ran to be pirates, which made him

How can his heart bear it.

Today, one of the grandsons is about to be executed. Although he is the son of One Piece Roger, Garp has poured countless emotions into it.

"I know, Sengoku, Simon boy, you must be by my side by then, I'm afraid," Garp finally said so in the face of his friend.

The two nodded at the same time, and how specific things will develop, then it can only be changed at the time.

Leaving the conference room, Ximen Qin led his subordinates to be stationed in Naval Headquarters. There is a house specially reserved for him. The house of Marine Vice Admiral is naturally large enough to accommodate a few people easily. The Marine soldiers returned to their long-lost dormitory.

There are still six days left, and six days later, public executions will be prepared. This time is very short.

"Everyone, strong power is very important in this battle. Now everyone's power is too far apart, so train hard."

Coming to the luxury villa dedicated to him, Ximen Qin started without saying a word.

When I saw this villa, Ximen Qin was deeply moved. Isn't this the villa where Molly Tiard lived before? Sengoku is too good at arranging it...

"Yes, we understand!" Everyone responded loudly, and came to Naval Headquarters to realize how weak his power is. Breton is a little better. After all, his power is already very strong and he has Armament Haki.

The same is true in Colombia. As a sniper, he is more of a long-range shooting aid, and there are still relatively few head-on fights against the enemy. But he is not afraid to fight head-on, because he also has Armament Haki.

The strength of Colonel Hina has approached Commodore's strength, that is, the strength of Robin, Nami, and Bonney is still slightly weak, and their strength cannot be delayed.

It was determined, everyone began to carry out rigorous training, and the soldiers who belonged to Ximen Qin also threw their blood on the training ground, their strength increased, and they would not be delayed in the future.

After a day's rest, Ximen Qin left the villa early in the morning and came to the bay. From the bay, you can see the sea in the distance. The defense here is very strong. There are three justice gates. If you want to break into the Naval Headquarters, you have to Entering from the gate of justice, or through the seabed, the defense here is generally very tight.

It took a morning to reconnaissance the terrain, and finally eliminated all possibilities, and Ximen Qin was about to return.

However, when he was preparing to return, one thing made him stop.

"Uncle Brich?"

A group of horses appeared in front of him, led by Rear Admiral, followed by hundreds of Marines, and dozens of people handcuffed. Among these people, the first one caught his attention.

Brich, who met Brich again in Sabaody Archipelago in 3.7, did not expect to meet him here, but the situation does not look very optimistic.

The faces of Brich and others were haggard, and they seemed to have been cruelly punished. Faced with this situation, Ximen Qin walked directly over.

"Hold on!"

Then Rear Admiral stopped, saluted and said: "Ximen Qin Rear Admiral, what's the matter?"

Rear Admiral's attitude doesn't seem very friendly, Ximen Qin snorted, it is really narrow for the enemy, isn't this one of the people who used to say that they want to send themselves to the seabed prison?

"Simon boy?" The conversation between the two attracted Brich's attention, and a touch of surprise flashed through his godless eyes. .

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